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Speed Dating [Open RP, IC, Probably +18] Revived~


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"One of everything then, please!" Scrubby said to the Osprey. The Osprey beeped in confusion and headed away.

Soon after a man, dressed in a waiter's outfit, but otherwise looking almost exactly like Scrubby, walked up to them and gave them 2 drinks - a Mojito for Lana and a glass of water covered with the Temperance Arcana for Scrubby. The man smiled at Lana and walked away silently.

Scrubby had been busy looking around and didn't notice the man.

Edited by Psychotoxin
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10 minutes ago, Psychotoxin said:

"One of everything then, please!" Scrubby said to the Osprey. The Osprey beeped in confusion and headed away.

Soon after a man, dressed in a waiter's outfit, but otherwise looking almost exactly like Scrubby, walked up to them and gave them 2 drinks - a Mojito for Lana and a glass of water covered with the Temperance Arcana for Scrubby. The man smiled at Lana and walked away silently.

Scrubby had been busy looking around and didn't notice the man.

Lana: "Temperance...? huh. well, i have no idea what this is, but i trust it will taste good."

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5 minutes ago, Psychotoxin said:

Scrubby turned to his drink and started complaining: "Hey, this isn't... What... Oh damn..."

He noticed the card on top of the glass.

"He was here, right?" he asked, sounding like a guilt-ridden kid.

Lana: "He? oh, that guy that looked like you? yeah. he was. why?"

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9 hours ago, MrEvilMexican said:

Lily unloads the rest of her bully's on Richard, breaking every cup on his head. She then fires another shot and the glass Richard tossed exploded midair. 

Lily: aaaaa... Too easy... I would prefer Boxhead plushies but I suppose cups will hafta do...

"Cups can only move so far."  Their drinks arrived.  Richard picked up his glass, and handed Lily's to her.  He raised his glass in a mock toast.  "To excellent marksmanship, and the cost in ammunition it saves."

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On 13.04.2016 at 1:49 AM, Denny2669 said:

"No need to prove anything, I believe you. I told you something about me, you told me something about you. It's only fair" Bird replied, trying to think of some way to continue the conversation. She took a sip from her martiny and thought.


Just before the man could tell a cynic joke about stereotypical dates who have nothing to say to each other, his personal message interface activated once again.
Vitor: Hey T, can I buy soma prime schematics from you for 30 plat, if you have them? Oh, me and Demco have also took a contract for spy works in Ceres sector. Soo... can you come with us?
The Rhino operator's face curved to express something like the state of rather expectable annoyance
Teloch: I will give you the primed soma only after you learn how to use the standart version efficiently and prove that to me. As for your latest contract - I will come by only to scrape away your remnants from the grineer shipyards in case if you prove stupid enough to try to perform a job that is far beyond your current level of experience. I'm not your babysitter, damnit! Pay the fee, take another task, and proceed to a mission that doesn't need my or any other officer's involvement. Either you learn to calculate and rely on your strenghts, or you may start looking for funreal services in advance.
Teloch closed the interface right away after sending his reply, not waiting for the other person to answer. He sighed and massaged his brows.

"Never spoil youngsters with excessive help. Otherwise, they will simply adopt and think that you are obliged to wipe up their arses 24/7," he said with a fair share of irony in his voice, "And what about you? Since you run a group as well, there is a chance we face the same issues on a daily basis. So, how do your cadets behave? Do they consider you as a tyrant, a parent or a hoity-toity snob?" He smiled slightly warmer in hopes that it would motivate his collocutor to be more frank "Sometimes I feel like a single father with a flock of variously aged kids on his shoulders, and so I am very interested in listening to other officers personnel managing experience"

Edited by Teloch
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On 14/04/2016 at 5:03 PM, KuraioNokami said:

Lana: "He? oh, that guy that looked like you? yeah. he was. why?"

"Usually if he appears in person, I am forced to relocate soon after. But it would've happened by now..." Scrubby stated, looking extra confused.

Edited by Psychotoxin
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1 hour ago, Psychotoxin said:

"Usually if he appears in person, I am forced to relocate soon after. But it would've happened by now..." Scrubby stated, looking extra confused.

Lana: "Maybe our Creators made a deal or something? hah, i could totaly see mine doing that, too... like, he did a Tarot reading and got a good one, so he begged yours to let you stay or something..."

((I didn't beg, i conversed!))

Lana: "I know, I know! dammit Creator, shut your trap already!"

((...why did i ever make you this rude...?))

Edited by KuraioNokami
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1 hour ago, KuraioNokami said:

Lana: "Maybe our Creators made a deal or something? hah, i could totaly see mine doing that, too... like, he did a Tarot reading and got a good one, so he begged yours to let you stay or something..."

((I didn't beg, i conversed!))

Lana: "I know, I know! dammit Creator, shut your trap already!"

((...why did i ever make you this rude...?))

"I... Doubt that's the case..." Scrubby was lost I thought.

((Don't presume to know me, boy...))

"I'm not... It's just... Are you feeling alright? This is awfully out of usual procedure." Scrubby addressed the Creator.

((Oh, look who wants to end the cycle prematurely...))

Scrubby instantly paled and closed his mouth.

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17 minutes ago, Psychotoxin said:

"I... Doubt that's the case..." Scrubby was lost I thought.

((Don't presume to know me, boy...))

"I'm not... It's just... Are you feeling alright? This is awfully out of usual procedure." Scrubby addressed the Creator.

((Oh, look who wants to end the cycle prematurely...))

Scrubby instantly paled and closed his mouth.

Lana: "hmmmm... Sounds like those two made a deal, all right. I wonder why...?"

((Hey, Psycho. Whatever you do, do NOT mention the double Lovers... DAMMIT!))

Lana: "eeeeh... Wha...? Creator? You okay there?"

((Yeah... I'm fine... Or not. NOT YOUR BUISNESS, LANA! Ehem. Now then, continue. I'll just be over here...))

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34 minutes ago, crimsonspartan1 said:

"Well here goes no...nothing..."

"I'm Ma...Mayya...I...I'm...six...sixteen....an....and...."

"Oh I can't do this..."

Esaka: Just don't think what will happen, don't think the negative outcome. And you're sixteen? You're younger than I thought.

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42 minutes ago, crimsonspartan1 said:

"Well here goes no...nothing..."

"I'm Ma...Mayya...I...I'm...six...sixteen....an....and...."

"Oh I can't do this..."

Lana: "hoooold on..." *Shoots a bullet high up before causing it to explode with a remote trigger, the shrapnel landing on Mayya's table and spelling out "have courage, you'll do fine"* "there. Some encouragement. She seemed like she needed it."

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31 minutes ago, KuraioNokami said:

Lana: "hmmmm... Sounds like those two made a deal, all right. I wonder why...?"

((Hey, Psycho. Whatever you do, do NOT mention the double Lovers... DAMMIT!))

Lana: "eeeeh... Wha...? Creator? You okay there?"

((Yeah... I'm fine... Or not. NOT YOUR BUISNESS, LANA! Ehem. Now then, continue. I'll just be over here...))

"Double Lovers...?" Scrubby looked at Lana questioningly.

((I wonder, who should execute the Exterminata Protocol this time...))

"NEVERMINDIAMNOTINTERESTED!" Scrubby declared in a panicked voice.

((Works every time...))

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23 minutes ago, Psychotoxin said:

"Double Lovers...?" Scrubby looked at Lana questioningly.

((I wonder, who should execute the Exterminata Protocol this time...))

"NEVERMINDIAMNOTINTERESTED!" Scrubby declared in a panicked voice.

((Works every time...))

Lana: "...!" *suddenly seems pleasantly suprised* "Double Lovers..."


Lana: "geez, all right, spoilsport! Let's just say it means something good. Anyway, what's this drink? It's good!" *slightly blushing*

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54 minutes ago, KuraioNokami said:

Lana: "...!" *suddenly seems pleasantly suprised* "Double Lovers..."


Lana: "geez, all right, spoilsport! Let's just say it means something good. Anyway, what's this drink? It's good!" *slightly blushing*

"By the looks of it, I'd say it's a mojito. White rum with crushed ice, mint and lime. Among other things..." Scrubby cheerfully explained, happy to change the topic to something normal and mundane.

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1 minute ago, Psychotoxin said:

"By the looks of it, I'd say it's a mojito. White rum with crushed ice, mint and lime. Among other things..." Scrubby cheerfully explained, happy to change the topic to something normal and mundane.

Lana: "Rum? Isn't that alcohol? O-oh... So that's why i feel strange... Urk..." *leans over a bit, looking like she's going to be sick*

((Aaaand that's Lana's low alcohol tolerance kicking in... Well then...))

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"Ohmygod... Really? You barely drank a glass of it..." Scrubby was surprised, and facepalmed.

"Well I guess that's what you get, when all you drink is water..." Scrubby mumbled and then turned to Lana:"You'll probably need these..." he handed her a couple pills.

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Just now, Psychotoxin said:

"Ohmygod... Really? You barely drank a glass of it..." Scrubby was surprised, and facepalmed.

"Well I guess that's what you get, when all you drink is water..." Scrubby mumbled and then turned to Lana:"You'll probably need these..." he handed her a couple pills.

Lana: "s-sorry... But i'm afraid those will make it worse. I'm not drunk, just really sick. My body is trained to expel any harmful chemicals... I'll have to manage." *drinks the rest of her Mojito in one go* "there. For poison, that tasted great. May i have some other drinks? I would like to try some..."

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