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Stance combos should work THIS way:


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OK, trying to answer some of issues you brought up:

Would remove skill ...

Coming from a guy that loved and was good in Dark Souls 2 MP (and dragon's dogma, and throngs of other skill based combat games) - this is wrong type of skill you speak of. Making "UI" of combat system convoluted you contribute nothing to gameplay. It is like using lousy weapon because it requires "more skill" argument. If you want to make combat system demanding - you do it with other parameters, not by making it difficult to use in a first place, even when nobody's around.

Further more, it makes even less sense when you realize that WF is not true melee combat game. There is no timing or blocking involved of any kind. We're space ninjas, moving like hamsters on meth. Requiring precise timing combos in game of this type is ludicrous.  

Would make clickfest even worse. 

We are already having that, but it's even more bland and less usable system.

Would make all weapons the same.

Differences would still be present, it would make basics of weapon usage the same, especially if they are similar type, and more consistency in combat system, which is good. 

Combos are not hard at all.

Ok this is just selfish attitude. I assure you, if you would pull out the statistics of how weapons can be used and how they are used by average warframe player, you would see that vast percentage does not even bother, and even when they try, they often fail. More streamlined system would benefit everyone. 

Would have various other problems ...

1st - system is not refined yet and not finalized. This is just a rough outline. Secondly, we do have same problems now as well. But this time we would have better system. 

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I think the Ninja Gaiden series did its combat pretty damn well.

Light Attacks and Strong Attacks. X and Y (or whatever you do on playstation). Press each one in different patterns to pull off different moves. There are some combos involving pausing and/or movement, not to mention really really long ones (the flipping Vigoorian Flail in NG2 rngesus christ the inazuma drop combo oh my days wow it's like x x x x x y forward x x x x y forward y y y y forward x y something but it's absolutely mental im telling you seriously and the charge attack flipping heck) but it did it all pretty well (like many other games I've heard others mention).

I would also like to see the Channelling system removed or revamped.


Oh and can Berserker affect finisher animations? Yeah? Thanks.

Edited by Keybopsef
More info about Vigoorian Flail
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ATM we have whole 2 stances that don't contain pause or hold combos, namely: crimson dervish and stalking fan. Not even exalted weapons stances.


I don't really see reason to revamp whole system, which isn't really broken. It's just plain annoying tbh, personally i need to have either very high att.speed and hope for luck or low att.speed to properly execute those combos. And it's like this because pause combos are in almost every single stance.

Just looking at animations of stances, they could incorporate jump or crouch buttons in their combos (harbinger comes to mind).

No combo uses right or left strafe buttons.

There is also alt-fire button that could be used.

So, mby let's not drop all pause combos, which really make sense in lots of cases (tempo royal and cleaving whirlwind come to mind), but how about making step forward and making more happy-mashing friendly combos?

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I think there should be no hold forward/block while pressing the attack button, but instead pressing forward/block should trigger a move (ex. something that is now e, e, e+w, e should be e, e, w, e so you can't really hold forward while spamming, but you also don't need to time the w press with the attack; A game that does this really well is vindictus, there most combos are made up of lmb and rmb, it's just the order you press them in that matters, with no holding while spamming)

Edited by iquaniqua
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