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Why everybody leave a match after one round?


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Ok, so I just started to play PvP and I am curious why people play one round and leave. Is it something I should know? Is this practise help with something? It is hard to find a squad, and even harder to play some time, cause everybody leave the match and you need to find another one (usually with the same guys!). So they leave and play the same again?! What for? Please tell me.

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it's what people do in Multiplayer Games(of all types and colors) usually - they matchmake, and as soon as that session is finished, they go and matchmake again. regardless of the Players they found just before.

for.... no good reason. there's no reason for them to do it 100% of the time, they just do.

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To me it always feels like it's some kind of group-psychology snowball effect. Like, say you've got an 8-player lobby and it's the end of a match...

  • 8th - 6th place: Well that sucked, I'm going to switch lobbies in the hopes I find people who won't completely trash me. (It's always funny when they end up rejoining the same lobby in the next round, assuming another round actually happens)
  • Person 4: Hm I think I'll hop out to change my loadout...
  • Person 5: I have to feed the dog / go to the bathroom / respond to a text / call the fire brigade because I left the stove on for the past hour while I was playing conclave / whatever. gtg!
  • Person 6: Dammit now there's only 3 people left, and the host is probably going to leave too once the next round starts – I don't wanna be stuck in a 1v1 with a migrated host, I'm out!
  • Person 7: --And now there's only me and the host. No way the host is going to be sticking around now. Ciao!
  • Host: Welp.

...Either that, or some players stick around at the end of the match, but then when the countdown for the next round starts the host immediately leaves, and then half the remaining players leave because a host migration probably means more lag than usual. This probably results in more host migration that's annoying enough that everyone else leaves, or they see everyone leaving and decide the lobby's a sinking ship that's not worth going down with.

I have, at some point, been all of these people.

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There's a bug. If there's a host migration, you don't get credit for challenges you complete during that round (though the challenge still disappears); I'd rather not stick around to test if it affects the rounds you've already completed.

Edited by Yezzik
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6 hours ago, Esio_g said:

I leave because the end of mission screen lasts 20 seconds. Then another 20 seconds to start another game. If I quit and look for another game chances are I'll join a match in progress.

Alternatively, you can join a game with 10 seconds left, which is really common.

I will never understand why DE allows people to join with less than 1 min left. Honestly.

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On 4/10/2016 at 10:31 PM, Noalan said:

Ok, so I just started to play PvP and I am curious why people play one round and leave. Is it something I should know? Is this practise help with something? It is hard to find a squad, and even harder to play some time, cause everybody leave the match and you need to find another one (usually with the same guys!). So they leave and play the same again?! What for? Please tell me.

conclave is really to the point where players dont like to play with the same people every round.

its a kind of "rage quit" that is very understandable.

you see, some conclave fanatics like to take a jat kitag for a spin every once in a while. honestly, i would not want to play against these kinds of people either, let alone with them, since they do take all the kills.

players like to find fair matches were they don't get stomped on due to some overpowered weapon. i say good luck finding them.

but that is only one of the reasons, the people above seem to have the rest covered.

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Well, there is also a factor that has affected this to a good extent... Hosts with a horrible amount of lag.

Sometimes the lag is so much... people don't want to stay for another laggy game...

And also, people leaving because of host migration x infinity time is what I believe as the main reason (coupled with challenge not counting after migration) because that is what exactly happens when the host leaves and then then the chosen new host leaves... etc

This can easily be solved by dedicated servers which is by far the best solution, but apparently DE doesn't want to invest their money on servers.....

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9 hours ago, (PS4)L-B-H-100 said:

conclave is really to the point where players dont like to play with the same people every round.

its a kind of "rage quit" that is very understandable.

you see, some conclave fanatics like to take a jat kitag for a spin every once in a while. honestly, i would not want to play against these kinds of people either, let alone with them, since they do take all the kills.

players like to find fair matches were they don't get stomped on due to some overpowered weapon. i say good luck finding them.

but that is only one of the reasons, the people above seem to have the rest covered.

conclave is not at the point where people play with the same people every round (i believe that is what you are trying to say). At least on pc its easy to find matches with a variety of people, but to be honest i normally join a match of a person i know and in that sense id rather play matches with the same people over and over.

Also jat kitag is easily countered, if you are getting stomped on it is more likely due to skill/experience differences and not just simply the weapon is op. Which means better matchmaking would help but we cant have better matchmaking with out more people, and we wont get more people without dedicated servers, so dedicated servers pls :(

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3 hours ago, Lordricker said:

conclave is not at the point where people play with the same people every round (i believe that is what you are trying to say). At least on pc its easy to find matches with a variety of people, but to be honest i normally join a match of a person i know and in that sense id rather play matches with the same people over and over.

Also jat kitag is easily countered, if you are getting stomped on it is more likely due to skill/experience differences and not just simply the weapon is op. Which means better matchmaking would help but we cant have better matchmaking with out more people, and we wont get more people without dedicated servers, so dedicated servers pls :(

nope, didn't mean that.

not the same people but the same kind of people.

most players whom have played conclave for a while always result to using a heavy weapon, machine gun, semi auto, etc. then, they go on multiple killing streaks that would be unfair to some players, thus they understandably rage quit.

id rather wait for these weapons to be balanced than to be completely annihilated or outclassed every round just because one enemy or ally brings one of these weapons.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)L-B-H-100 said:

nope, didn't mean that.

not the same people but the same kind of people.

most players whom have played conclave for a while always result to using a heavy weapon, machine gun, semi auto, etc. then, they go on multiple killing streaks that would be unfair to some players, thus they understandably rage quit.

id rather wait for these weapons to be balanced than to be completely annihilated or outclassed every round just because one enemy or ally brings one of these weapons.

ok thanks for clarifying.

The people that are really good on pc normally use snipers or similar to sniper weapons, although i do agree with pub stomping being a problem and some weapons are better at killing noobs faster than others, but you can still pub stomp with any decent weapon like somedays i just feel like running around with duel zorren

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3 hours ago, (XB1)CFE CALiPRIME said:

Changing load out well i got 8 load for pvp u earn 5 1 per load out after every time u reach a level.

And i see ppl leave because rhey dont want to mess up there KD

also true.

people think that k/d matters but its really just saying that you get kills and get killed. its always been an overrated subject in gaming.

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Leaving after a match is honestly not a problem which is the topic of this discussion. Players are not obligated to stay more than one round. At MOST the only thing you can expect a player to do is not quit MID-MATCH. But after the game is over no one is obligated to stay. Even in competitive PVP games such as H5 where there is an actual ban system, the ban system DOES NOT include leaving after a match is already done. The system only includes, quitting mid-match, AFK, suicides and betrayals. No system will ever include leaving AFTER a match is already done because you simply cannot expect a player to have to stay for more than one match. If a guy plays against me and leaves after the match I have ZERO problems with it. My only hope is that nobody quits in the middle of the match as that could throw me back to my liset if I'm not hosting. So once again, like I said before it's a PVP shooter, people will leave after a match for a million reasons. This should not be a strange concept for anyone.

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On 4/10/2016 at 1:34 AM, taiiat said:

it's what people do in Multiplayer Games(of all types and colors) usually - they matchmake, and as soon as that session is finished, they go and matchmake again. regardless of the Players they found just before.

for.... no good reason. there's no reason for them to do it 100% of the time, they just do.

No people will stay in the same lobby if its a lobby they can win in. At least me.

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I usually leave matches out of habit. There were a series of bugs that happened if you were to stay in the same lobby. For example, for a while, the host was able to leave the lobby right after the match ended, in which slapped people into a Host Migration process. That does not happen no more unless host alt+F4 after match end. Still, I couldn't shake off the habit of leaving the lobby before the host does. 

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