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Sortie Rewards.


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So as of sortie season 6 rolling out and saw the snipetron vandal parts roll out, I figured i would try my hand at getting a set to sell, however returning to sorties made me remember of why I stopped doing these sortie runs. You finally beat the missions and what are you rewarded with? 25x Fusion cores... not to bad. But it is bad when I have gotten 25x fusion cores for THREE days in a row now, and from I see in clan chat and other people talking on the forums, it seems I'm not the only one with the core curse, Is there any others that keep getting repeated rewards or am I just that S*** lucky? Because it seems this is a continuous issue with the player base. 

Edited by Kyleization
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Fusion cores have a higher drop rate than the other items for sorties. Since people pleaded DE to make weapon and Warframe parts not repeat on that season, the more parts you have, the higher the chance of getting cores you have.

My drops for the last 3 days were 50 Rare Cores, 25 and 25. Yes, im getting many cores too but thats because i already have the BP and 2 parts of the Snipertron Vandal.

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I'd love to get cores since I already have the Snipetron Vandal and can rarely be bothered trying to sell stuff.  So far I have got from this season 2 lenses, 2 sets of cores, 2 Nezha parts and a complete Snipetron Vandal set.  Four of those rewards I was happy with and six no so much (although I would have prefered the Naramon lens my teammate got instead of one of those core packs but sadly I already had Naramon and can't get another).

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1 minute ago, ariivanasan said:

welcome to P2W game lol

Except money spent on the game has no effect on this scenario.

On topic, I'd prefer this to the method of getting the same pieces of the same gun over and over.  I had several Karak Wraith and Dera Vandal sets before I got sick of seeing them as rewards and stopped running sorties.  Now I, at least, get something moderately useful for my time.

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They need to take out 25xR5 and 50xR5 rewards. Leave only catalyst bp, reactor bp, legendary core and exilus adapter. 

Sorties is supposed to be some kind of "end-game" rewarding the playerbase with useful stuff for their effort should be a priority.

I'm pretty sure DE is aware that at least most of us DO NOT like getting R5 cores, even if they're 25 or 50. The only reason they exist is to dilute the table drop, which is not ok. Why add 2 of the same rewards in different quantities? when there is already a better reward called legendary core in the same table drop?

I've done so many sorties, and at least 75% of the rewards where 25 or 50 R5 cores.... it just discourages me and a lot of other Tenno to play sortie. The only reason at least for me to keep playing sorties is when a weapon I don't have comes out, like the current snipetron vandal, but when there is nothing new? I don't even try. There's no reason to go through the 3 stages only to be rewarded with R5 cores.

Edited by Lokime
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So far I've been able to get full sets of all the weapons released in Sorties. This season looks bleak though cause all I got so far is the blueprint. Makes a little angry because its the one weapon I actually needed. Could always turn around though.

If not, I could probably try trading previous weapon sets for a snipetron set.

In the end though, the free cores are nice, definitely helps with all those primed mods.

Edited by Cyborger1
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1 hour ago, (PS4)horridhal said:

Except money spent on the game has no effect on this scenario.

On topic, I'd prefer this to the method of getting the same pieces of the same gun over and over.  I had several Karak Wraith and Dera Vandal sets before I got sick of seeing them as rewards and stopped running sorties.  Now I, at least, get something moderately useful for my time.

it has, it provokes people to buy with plat the vandal parts etc. from people which get them

normal ways in warframe, also called RNG

just as a sweet sidenote, now we could ask, who creates RNG ? ^^)

the reward center in my brain has more fun when i get stuff by playing for, but thats just my feeling

and for making the problem a bit "smaller", the sortie 6 season have just started, wait in 4 weeks or a bit longer when the same threads appear ^^)

finally its a game we are playing, right ? =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

26 minutes ago, Lokime said:

They need to take out 25xR5 and 50xR5 rewards. Leave only catalyst bp, reactor bp, legendary core and exilus adapter. 


no ... lots of people want and need them and they are more then useful


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5 minutes ago, Robm said:

Honestly. DE needs to remove the 25 R5 fusion cores as a rewards. It becomes unbearable and I have no desire to play the game after spending an hour in the game for a garbage of a reward.

there seems to be a high weighting on the 25 cores, true.  if players go to the trouble of completing all three missions, they should get a more substantial reward. 

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3 minutes ago, Cyborger1 said:

So far I've been able to get full sets of all the weapons released in Sorties. This season looks bleak though cause all I got so far is the blueprint. Makes a little angry because its the one weapon I actually needed. Could always turn around though.

If not, I could probably try trading previous weapon sets for a snipetron set.

In the end though, the free cores are nice, definitely helps with all those primed mods.

Its nice but after you get them so many times in a row it proceeds to be a nuisance

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29 minutes ago, Lokime said:

They need to take out 25xR5 and 50xR5 rewards. Leave only catalyst bp, reactor bp, legendary core and exilus adapter. 

Sorties is supposed to be some kind of "end-game" rewarding the playerbase with useful stuff for their effort should be a priority.

I'm pretty sure DE is aware that at least most of us DO NOT like getting R5 cores, even if they're 25 or 50. The only reason they exist is to dilute the table drop, which is not ok. Why add 2 of the same rewards in different quantities? when there is already a better reward called legendary core in the same table drop?

I've done so many sorties, and at least 75% of the rewards where 25 or 50 R5 cores.... it just discourages me and a lot of other Tenno to play sortie. The only reason at least for me to keep playing sorties is when a weapon I don't have comes out, like the current snipetron vandal, but when there is nothing new? I don't even try. There's no reason to go through the 3 stages only to be rewarded with R5 cores.

I agree. If it is a weapon I already have, I don't even bother doing the Sorties.

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18 minutes ago, aoguro_ said:

no ... lots of people want and need them and they are more then useful


What is more useful for you, 25 R5 cores, 50 R5 cores, or a legendary core? ... See what I mean? "lots of people" will still get what they want. Cores to max out a mod, but in a more effective way. 

Edited by Lokime
o_O erased a duplicated word...
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53 minutes ago, Katinka said:

Or you trade it for something you get for free.  I have given away enough parts to make three complete Nezha and all I wanted in exchange was lenses.  I like lenses.  I use them to make Greater lenses and put them on things allowing me to still gain Focus with different gear.  Sadly I can only get one of each per season so taking into account long seasons and soem missed chances I'll be lucky to get 2 of each Greater lens in the space of a year.  Unless I trade the spare Nezha/weapon parts to peopel who didn't want the lenses they got.

this is what annoys me most about the recent change. I actually appreciated getting duplicate items. I either sold them, or trade lens to make a greater lens. Of course, people cried about the reward system and instead we get cores now- which we can get ANYWHERE on the map. Congratulations people. DE didnt increase the drop rate of rare items, instead they took away the potential to sell what extra we did get, The whiny player base does FAR more harm to this game than anything.

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32 minutes ago, aoguro_ said:

no ... lots of people want and need them and they are more then useful

Sorties is not a place to farm cores, if you want to farm cores you go to Hieracon. It dilutes the loot table and hinders many players from not getting a chance at the item they are actually doing the mission for.

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55 minutes ago, aoguro_ said:

it has, it provokes people to buy with plat the vandal parts etc. from people which get them

normal ways in warframe, also called RNG

just as a sweet sidenote, now we could ask, who creates RNG ? ^^)

the reward center in my brain has more fun when i get stuff by playing for, but thats just my feeling

and for making the problem a bit "smaller", the sortie 6 season have just started, wait in 4 weeks or a bit longer when the same threads appear ^^)

finally its a game we are playing, right ? =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

no ... lots of people want and need them and they are more then useful


You can get cores from multiple other locations in the Star Chart - sometimes faster than running 3 Sortie missions - but you can't get Nezha or the event weapons anywhere else.  Just because some people are happy with them being in the Sortie drop table doesn't mean that's a) a good place for them, especially with that drop rate, or b) the sole reason to keep them there.

I'd like to see split reward tables that players choose at the start of the Sorties, to cute down on items they don't want. Remove the universal team reward and go with individual rewards.  


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Imo, the decision to make some rewards non repeatable(lenses) was made because it was lucrative.. Incentivating players to buy them from the market or trade for it, since if you want to gain a decent amount of focus with this new convergence system you need greater lenses.
But moving to the topic. 25 cores as a reward.
Altough cores are nice, the amount its just to low for the time the sorties take to complete.
Because theres alternatives more rewarding then sorties. And you need to do it anyway to get keys, again more rewarding then the sorties even if you dont get 25 cores in 40 min or 1 hr.
2nd if they stop releasing old weapons ppl wont be doing sorties anymore,because no one will do it just to farm cores or get their 5th nezha set.
Lenses should be repeatable rewards, otherwise you are almost forced to buy them if you want a greater lens, in a decent amount of time. otherwise it can take months getting it by yourself at a rate of 1 lens per sortie season,and theres no alternative to get them.
Exilus adapters are also much more easy to get at symaris compared to rate they drop at sorties.(never got one myself)
My point is, sorties are going in bad direction and will eventually become useless pretty soon, and they already are for some older players because they have those ''exclusive'' guns already.
Lenses should be reapeatable rewards... and maybe some new reward like 3 forma pack or a rare stance, 50 cores im ok with them , 25 no,its to bad.. exilus adapters should be simaris only otherwise you'll stop doing simaris targets too.. not because of the ones you get at sorties, because they are super rare, but it dilutes the drop table anyway, and its a bad reward for a sortie imo,as bad as 25 cores bc i can get it at simaris more easily and gives me a porpuse to do it.

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8 minutes ago, BBOTAA said:

Imo, the decision to make some rewards non repeatable(lenses) was made because it was lucrative.. Incentivating players to buy them from the market or trade for it, since if you want to gain a decent amount of focus with this new convergence system you need greater lenses.
But moving to the topic. 25 cores as a reward.
Altough cores are nice, the amount its just to low for the time the sorties take to complete.
Because theres alternatives more rewarding then sorties. And you need to do it anyway to get keys, again more rewarding then the sorties even if you dont get 25 cores in 40 min or 1 hr.
2nd if they stop releasing old weapons ppl wont be doing sorties anymore,because no one will do it just to farm cores or get their 5th nezha set.
Lenses should be repeatable rewards, otherwise you are almost forced to buy them if you want a greater lens, in a decent amount of time. otherwise it can take months getting it by yourself at a rate of 1 lens per sortie season,and theres no alternative to get them.
Exilus adapters are also much more easy to get at symaris compared to rate they drop at sorties.(never got one myself)
My point is, sorties are going in bad direction and will eventually become useless pretty soon, and they already are for some older players because they have those ''exclusive'' guns already.
Lenses should be reapeatable rewards... and maybe some new reward like 3 forma pack or a rare stance, 50 cores im ok with them , 25 no,its to bad.. exilus adapters should be simaris only otherwise you'll stop doing simaris targets too.. not because of the ones you get at sorties, because they are super rare, but it dilutes the drop table anyway, and its a bad reward for a sortie imo,as bad as 25 cores bc i can get it at simaris more easily and gives me a porpuse to do it.

Personally, I think lenses should be removed from the Sortie drop table entirely and placed solely on the Moon tilesets as random breakable rewards/enemy drops.

From a lore stand point; this makes far more sense because that's where the Tenno were learning to use their abilities, with the lenses, so logically that's where you'd find them.  

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