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Revamping Keysharing System


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You can't "revamp" a "system" that doesn't exist. 

There is no keysharing system. It's entirely a player made creation and in no way enforced by DE. 

What you are asking is for DE to create a keysharing system and enforce it, something they are unlikely to do. There is no system to "rework" or "revamp" because there is no system. Just a loose concept created by players that has caused more harm than good over the years. 


The solution to your problem has always existed. If you want to be sure of getting your "money's worth" with your enforced key agreement (how do you call it sharing when everyone has to give the same amount and no one is being selfless at all? Doesn't sharing imply some kind of kindness or selflessness?) then you can do it with people you know and trust. 

Keysharing is a cancer, and it won't be added officially to the game. DE has been aggressively uninterested in implementing anything like that for a long time now. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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I like the idea, I mean, we already got missions (formorian i thnk) that consume "keys" per player, nobody lost a kidney over it.

And yes, like others mentioned, the host migration needs improved before a keyshare team system takes place.

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I don't think that the keysharing itself is a problem here. I see the issue in the people who are hiding behind multiple fake accounts literally abusing and leeching on the good will of honest players. Lets be real: keyshare is more a thing of reciprocity than kindness. The option to bypass the risk of scams through regulated keyshare would be good thing for everyone, even for DE, since there would be less scammers - meaning more happy players, who would be more willing to invest in their accounts.
Also I don't say all the players must contribute same keys, the pool contributions could be asymetrical - I'd be willing to offer T4 keys or ODA for some particular T3 key - it would be trading the keys and lobby intertwined. Both trade and recruitment chat are a mess, and most traders are interested only in plat, this might make everything easier - talking about keys.

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if you decide to keyshare then you have to face the consequences. If you are so needed to constantly do keyshares do it with clan mates or friends you trust, otherwise you have to count with problems. I dont even know why keysharing is a thing these days, it was rare you saw keysharings a back ago :/

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This was never a feature implemented by DE, which means what you are doing is of your own consequence.

If you don't like it then make a clan/join an alliance with that clan and you will have plenty of people to play with that you can "trust"

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I figure if I am part of a Keyshare and I get 3 keys used out of the 4, I gained something.  I will often add a 5th key if everyone else shares.

"I'll use my key last" usually means i reform the group without that person


Beacon shares, on the other hand, are very unreliable.  Really need to be able to see it, like you do with Dragon Keys if they are equipped

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15 hours ago, makaloff95 said:

if you decide to keyshare then you have to face the consequences. If you are so needed to constantly do keyshares do it with clan mates or friends you trust, otherwise you have to count with problems. I dont even know why keysharing is a thing these days, it was rare you saw keysharings a back ago :/

Strange right? I log in after taking a keybreak and everyone's adding Ks or keysharing after their H recruits


36 minutes ago, adolftinker said:

Yeah, let's make a game even more casual.

How about sharing keys only with peoples you trust? 

You could do that, but, unless i havn't made myself clear, i am also suggesting a system where players can load in a set of keys and play them in rounds i.e player 4 adds 5 t3 sab keys, everyone runs those in a run. 

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4 minutes ago, Teadude said:

Strange right? I log in after taking a keybreak and everyone's adding Ks or keysharing after their H recruits


You could do that, but, unless i havn't made myself clear, i am also suggesting a system where players can load in a set of keys and play them in rounds i.e player 4 adds 5 t3 sab keys, everyone runs those in a run. 


People actually used to share their keys. Adding more implementation for that cancer that is key "Sharing" is the worst idea. What we need is for DE to openly discourage keysharing. It's an awful player created concept that needs to frigging die. 

Hardly anyone actually SHARES their keys, like I said. They want an enforced mutual agreement where everyone gives an equal amount. That is NOT sharing. That is a business contract. And how you set it up makes it even more of a business contract. 

It also takes a casual coop game and makes things way too complicated. People disconnect accidentally and other such issues, and you can't just expect four randoms to simply "get online at a later time and use the banked keys", those randoms may never be on at the same time again... it's just a bad idea all around and helps NOTHING. Trying to make keyshares more institutionalized is not the answer, the answer is the opposite. 

Also, I am so tired of it being called keysharing... sharing implies generosity and there is nothing generous about demanding everyone give equal and getting angry when someone doesn't. That's business, not sharing... this is a coop game and once there was way more spirit of sharing and teamwork. Now people want to get something extra every time they use their key instead of just using that one key they earned. It's a huge problem and it breeds toxicity and ruins the awesome, generous coop atmosphere Warframe once had. 

I always SHARE my keys, like for real. I offer them with no conditions. Sometimes if the group is having a great time someone else will freely offer to share their keys, which is what true SHARING is. 

But "keysharing"? I won't take part in it. I join matches people host without condition, and far more often than that, I host matches with no condition and practice what I preach. 

What we all need to do is actually share our keys, and as a community bring an end to this awful practice once and for all. You want to "share" your keys the way you are talking about? Do it with your clan or friends... don't pollute recruit chat with that nonsense please. 

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I really do hope for something like this to be implemented. Twice today someone flashed their keys in a key share, so all was seemingly good to go... until both of them left before it was their turn, and that made me furious. Is sharing a single key really all that bad? You get 4 runs, for the price of 1 key, so I really can't stand people who do this.

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15 minutes ago, DuskLegendary said:

I really do hope for something like this to be implemented. Twice today someone flashed their keys in a key share, so all was seemingly good to go... until both of them left before it was their turn, and that made me furious. Is sharing a single key really all that bad? You get 4 runs, for the price of 1 key, so I really can't stand people who do this.


I would ask the same question of people who insist on "keysharing" on every.single.key. 

Used to be you would only see it for a few special missions, now you see it on everything. 

Is it really that bad to share a single key with randoms? To actually just offer your key and share it? It takes a lot less time than setting up a keyshare, and if we all did it that way the game would be less toxic, and we would all still get plenty of runs. 

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Originally keysharing was most likely created for the mesa farming, as mutualist alad v being locked behind a seriously aggravating keywall. At the time i thought KS was a great idea since the community was decent and everyone was cool with it.

But then people started Keysharing EVERYTHING. All levels of void key sharing, even to the point of keysharing an ODA key.

I get that Mesa farming it was a necessary evil but come on, this has gotten way out of hand.


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1 hour ago, Tesseract7777 said:


I would ask the same question of people who insist on "keysharing" on every.single.key. 

Used to be you would only see it for a few special missions, now you see it on everything. 

Is it really that bad to share a single key with randoms? To actually just offer your key and share it? It takes a lot less time than setting up a keyshare, and if we all did it that way the game would be less toxic, and we would all still get plenty of runs. 

But, we only insist on key sharing every single key because that means more runs, and more Prime parts with us only being out a single key if all goes well. More Prime parts means more Ducats, and quite possibly, complete Prime sets, which equals more Platinum. No, it's not that it's bad, but some keys are a little hard to come by. Farmed all day long today, and RNG screwed me over so badly I only got 2 Sabotage keys, so without sharing, that equals only 2 runs, and that's nothing. 

But as we speak, there is a kind player taking me on multiple runs, so I second that. If only there were more people like this. If I had tons of keys to share, I would gladly go into recruting and let whoever join whenever, but I want to get the most out of what I have, which sadly is only 2 Sabo keys in my case, and that's my mission of choice for now.

Edited by DuskLegendary
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8 hours ago, DuskLegendary said:

But, we only insist on key sharing every single key because that means more runs, and more Prime parts with us only being out a single key if all goes well. More Prime parts means more Ducats, and quite possibly, complete Prime sets, which equals more Platinum. No, it's not that it's bad, but some keys are a little hard to come by. Farmed all day long today, and RNG screwed me over so badly I only got 2 Sabotage keys, so without sharing, that equals only 2 runs, and that's nothing. 

But as we speak, there is a kind player taking me on multiple runs, so I second that. If only there were more people like this. If I had tons of keys to share, I would gladly go into recruting and let whoever join whenever, but I want to get the most out of what I have, which sadly is only 2 Sabo keys in my case, and that's my mission of choice for now.

Don't get me wrong I don't think you are doing anything personally bad/wrong necessarily by keysharing, even though I think keysharing itself is bad/wrong. I understand why you do what you do, I am simply saying that if we all try to actually share our keys more, and "keyshare" less, then perhaps as an entire collective, we can force the genie back into the bottle somewhat. It started with Mesa but it has reached a point of absurdity where people are asking for keyshares on keys they can make any time, like Derelict keys... it's just silly. Or survival to 40 mins keyshares... who has the time for that even if they want to share their key? 

And while if anyone is interested I could elaborate even more on why, I believe that if people all shared their keys, instead of key sharing, we would all get about a similar amount of runs or more, with less time wasted setting up keyshare groups, and way less drama over people who leech. 

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11 hours ago, matto said:

I just want to be able to run void missions with random players. Launching a key, people seeing a void session is available so they can join me.

I hate having to recruit people, so usually I just play solo.

I'd like if Void Missions had Matchmaking. 

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