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Building Themed Warframes


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Okay, so I was looking at the Warframes after I (finally) collected every frame that hasn't been vaulted or founder-exclusive. I was wondering what to do next when I thought, "Hey, why don't we make builds for themed warframes." The builds are BY NO MEANS best for these warframes, do some sort of bonus damage, or do anything other than look kinda cool in the loadout. To explain what I mean, here is an example.

Frame: Mesa Theme: Gunslinger/Cowgirl

Primary: Sybaris Reason: Lever Action Old-timey rifle

Secondary :Akvasto Reason : Dual Revolvers, looks awesome.

Melee: Karyst/Heat dagger (possible blade+whip?) Reason: Fits the American Western theme, looks a bit like a Bowie or a buckknife.

Also, there will not be separate builds for prime/nonprime frames. The frame name will be there, and that's it. It is because to make a frame's theme into its primed version, you... make everything in the build that you can prime. That's it. Also, I will try to avoid Event weapons (including sortie), Baro-exclusive weapons, and vaulted weapons.

The reason this is here is to receive other input into: A. If I have mistaken what a warframe's "theme" is, or B. If there is a better weapon than the one suggested.

 Frames A-F


Frame : Ash Theme : Ninja

Primary: Cernos Reason :Silent, Ornate

Secondary: Spira, Despair, Kunai, or Hikou Reason: Silent, Thrown Knives/Shuriken

Melee: Ninkondi Reason: Well, they're nunchuks...

Frame: Atlas Theme: Brawler/Lord of Stone

Primary: Ogris Reason: Avalanche of 'splosions

Secondary: Akbronco Reason: ?

Melee: Tekko Reason:It says they're his signature weapon right in the description.

Frame: Banshee Theme: Sound

Primary: ? Reason: ?

Secondary: Sonicor Reason: Blasts with sonic energy

Melee: Fragor Reason: Make the ground shake with thunderous blasts!

Frame: Chroma Theme: Dragon/Elements

Primary: Phage/Ignis Reason: Continous beam of energy/fire

Secondary: Atomos Reason: Burn baby burn

Melee: Scindo/Galatine Reason: What better to lop off dragon heads with? Gotta get that alt helm somehow...

Frame: Ember Theme:Fire/Volcanic

Primary: Ignis Reason: Fire

Secondary: Atomos Reason: Fire

Melee: Dual Heat Swords Reason: Duuuuuh

Frame: Equinox Theme: Duality (Light/Dark, Good/Evil)

Primary: Sancti Tigris Reason: Healing pulse, two shots per trigger pull

Secondary: Sancti Castanas Reason: Healing pulse, dual usage

Melee: Silva and Aegis Reason: Offense/Defense balance

Frame: Excalibur Theme: Medieval Swordsman

Primary: Attica/Daikyu Reason: Crossbow/Longbow

Secondary:Akbolto/Ballistica  Reason: Flintlock pistols, pocket crossbow

Melee:Galatine Reason: Can't have Excalibur itself, but this should work fine.

Frame: Frost Theme: Ice

Primary:Glaxion Reason: To tell you the truth, I'd rather go bowling.

Secondary:White energy Atomos Reason: Cuz I didn't have anything better, and it looks like a freeze ray.

Melee:Sibear Reason: Duuuuuuuuuhh

Frames H-M


Frame: Hydroid Theme: Water/Sea Monster/Swashbuckler

Primary:? Reason: ?

Secondary: Pyrana Reason: Mostly the name...

Melee: Nami Solo Reason: Evokes the oceans of earth...

Frame: Inaros Theme:Egypt/Mummy

Primary: Phage Reason: Suck the life out of your enemies!

Secondary: ? Reason: ?

Melee: Tipedo/Tonbo/Lesion Reason: Looks like an Ancient Egyptian sorta thing.

Frame: Ivara Theme: Huntress

Primary: Paris Reason: Silent hunting weapon

Secondary: Acrid: Reason:Silent, deadly killing darts

Melee: Fang Reason: They look like something a hunter would have

Frame: Limbo Theme: Gentleman or Pimp

Primary: Rubico or Opticor Reason: Cuz one looks classy and the other looks flashy.

Secondary.: Akbolto or Akbronco Prime Reason: Classy and flashy

Melee: Destreza or War/Lecta Reason: Classy and flashy

Frame: Loki Theme: Trickster/fire God (so we gotta be a bit FABULOUS)

Primary: Daikyu Reason: Skinny, deadly, fancy

Secondary: Kunai Reason: Fast and furious

Melee: Bo prime/fang prime Reason: Silent, flashy, deadly

Frame: Mag Theme: Magnetism/AoE damage

Primary: Synoid/Simulor Reason: Mag damage, AoE damage,

Secondary: ? Reason:?

Melee:? Reason:? 

Frame: Mesa Theme: Gunslinger/Cowgirl

Primary: Sybaris Reason: Lever Action Old-timey rifle

Secondary :Akvasto Reason : Dual Revolvers, looks awesome.

Melee: Karyst/Heat dagger (possible blade+whip?) Reason: Fits the American Western theme, looks a bit like a Bowie or a buckknife.

Frame: Mirage Theme: Trickster, showy

Primary: Phage/opticor  Reason Distract your opponents with a light show! Before murdering them!

Secondary: Sonicor Reason: Oh-so-shiny projectiles

Melee: ?Reason ?


Frames N-S


Frame: Nekros Theme:Black mage

Primary: Harpak Reason: No escaping from the reaper

Secondary: Tysis/Kulstar Reason: Corrode from within/ you and everybody near you should be in itty-bitty pieces

Melee: Hate/Ether Reaper Reason: Grim reaper

Frame: Nezha Theme: Chinese, power and playfulness

Primary: Dread Reason: Impale/behead your enemies

Secondary: ? Reason: ?

Melee: Glaive Reason: He was so used to throwing his chakram, this felt natural.

Frame: Nova Theme: Antimatter and Explosions

Primary: Tonkor Reason: Lots of colorful explosions

Secondary: Kulstar Reason: MORE 'splosions

Melee:? Reason: ?

Frame: Nyx Theme: Psychic, Manipulator

Primary:? Reason: ?

Secondary:Brakk Reason: High status chance, once the enemies are fighting, ragdoll them all the way to Hell

Melee:? Reason: ?

Frame: Oberon Theme: White mage, forest

Primary: Cernos Reason: Elegant design

Secondary: ? Reason: ?

Melee: Ack and Brunt Reason: Feyarch.

Frame: Rhino Theme: Devastator/Tank

Primary: Tonkor Reason: Ragdolls from reasonably close

Secondary: Bronco/Akbronco Reason: MOAR crowd controlling power

Melee: Scindo Reason: Rhino reminds me of a Viking. That's it.

Frame: Saryn Theme:Poison

Primary: Torid Reason: Poison globs from afar

Secondary: LATO  Acrid/Embolist/Dual Toxocyst Reason: duuuuuuuh

Melee: Mire Reason: Fight poison with... poison. Like a proverb.

Frames T-Z


Frame: Trinity Theme: Support/Healer

Primary: Phage Reason: Uses the enemy to heal yourself

Secondary: Synoid Gammacor Reason: Energy regen, fancy schmancy

Melee: ? Reason: ?

Frame: Valkyr Theme: Berserker

Primary: Drakgoon Reason: Lots of little blades

Secondary: Akjagara Reason: Slashy slashy

Melee: Ripkas/Venka Reason: Slashy slashy part 2

Frame: Vauban Theme: Engineer

Primary: Flux Rifle Reason: Looks like a welding torch

Secondary: Castanas Reason: Leave these little devils behind to shock your enemies

Melee: ? Reason: ?

Frame: Volt theme: Electricity

Primary: Amprex Reason: duh

Secondary: Castanas/Cestra Reason: Eelektrik

Melee: Prova/Lecta Reason: Cuz I was born.... in the middle of the night...

Frame: Wukong Theme: Chinese, acrobat

Primary: ? Reason: ?

Secondary: ? Reason: ?

Melee: Bo Reason: Wukong's staff

Frame: Zephyr Theme: Air/wind

Primary:? Reason:?

Secondary: ? Reason: ?

Melee: Nami Skyla Reason: duh


Edited by CrimsonDalekanium
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Mind if I take a crack at a Prime?

Frame: Ash Prime Theme: Ninja, but prime

Primary: Paris Prime - Reason: Silent, ninjas use bows, is a primed bow, is gorgeous.

Secondary: Spira Prime - Reason: His first ability basically uses Hikou Prime, ninjas use throwing knives, looks GREAT on him.

Melee: Nikana Prime/Dual Kamas Prime - Reason: (Nikana) There currently isn't a Katana Wakizashi combo, Ninjas did use katanas, looks goregous                                                                    and pairs with Spira Prime already.

                                                                   Reason: (Kamas) We don't have a Kusirigama, reminds me of Hanzo Hattori from Samurai Warriors



Edited by (PS4)Shade0217
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I hadn't been going to do primed warframes as separate from normal warframes, because of all of the vaulting things and that the only difference would be "(Frame), but SHINIER/better". However, I don't want to give the impression that me and only me can come up with ideas.

For some reason, I thought Glaxion was an archwing weapon. Oh well, live and learn.

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You got some nice combinations there, these are some of my personal choices:


Primary:Hind- because for me the 5 round burst is symbolic of the 5 chromatic dragons from dnd.

Melee: Scindo/Prime- because I see Chroma more as a Dragon slayer theme than a Dragon theme frame, giant axe for a giant dragon.



Melee: Prisma dual cleaver- because of the firey motive on warm colors.



Primary: Tiberon- because it sounds like "tiburón" which means "shark", and the rifle has fins/blades.



Melee: for  her I go with whips for a circus tamer kind of vibe

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If I could get a legitimate WHIP, none of these whip/blade things, I would do that for mesa and mirage. The Tiberon thing sounds like a bit of a stretch. If it had a more fish or sharklike appearance, then maybe. I'm trying to avoid using Weapons that you absolutely must spend plat on to obtain, such as past Baro weapons or vaulted primes.


Never played D+D, and I don't think anybody else who hasn't played it will understand. I see where you are going with the dragon slayer vibe, but would a giant axe or a giant sword be more appropriate?

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For Atlas, I suggest Ogris. It's the closest thing we have to an avalanche :)

Banshee is tricky'. Id go with Latron Wraith, because it's silent, even though it's not, and it's long and elegant like herself. Alternatively Vectis (or any other sniper rifle) with hush. Since, there are no real sound-based melee weapons, I'd go with an elegant blade weapon like Skana (in which you could put the New Loka mod for Purity, which is kind of a sound attack. At least it makes "poof" and everyone around you dies.)

Equinox as a primary: Sancti Tigris. Same reason as for the Sancti Castanas, plus it's a dual-barrel shotgun ;)


Loki: theme Stealth/Trickster (but also: being squishy)

Primary: I'd go for Daikyu. It's silent, waaay to thin and if you miss, you die due to its terrible fire rate.

Secondary: Kunai. Reason: Ever seen Loki with his Kunai playing behind his back, so someone in frond of him can't see it? Also, with a few mods, you end up with a VERY fast weapon.

Melee: Bo. Reason: It's a very simple weapon with surprisingly much rag-dolling, but not so much damage. Basically it's the melee weapon for trolling.

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I actually play Ash as a Ninja using Bows and Hikous but since mine is Prime he uses Paris Prime, Explosive Hikou Prime for mass murder (or as i liked to call em, the American Ninja) Nikana Prime to complete the Japanese theme.

As for Excalibur he uses the Dex weapons for being The First, Lotus's favorite. 

Frost Prime is a Royal Knight/Guard here so I gave him Lex Prime and Burston Prime for the stylishness and Orthos Prime for the unique holster. 

Atlas is Star Platinum from JoJo's bizarre adventures themed so of course he'd have his Gaia's Tragedy, Sonicor and a Sniper (Vectis Prime) because he can't extend his fingers in Warframe without offending a Loki somehow, so its Star Sniper instead of STAR FINGA!

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Updated with Nekros through Saryn. 

Do people read through  the frames they are suggesting for? Destreza was there for limbo, tekko was there for atlas prior to people suggesting them. I understand if the warframe wasn't up yet, but could people please please please read at least the section for the warframe they are suggesting.

Edited by CrimsonDalekanium
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wukong & bo p/tipedo - cuz reasons

excal & broken war - cuz stalker vs excal charging against each other looks awesome

valkyr & venka - cuz cat lady needs dem claws...

chroma & silva-aegis - cuz ur dragon knight..

limbo & destreza - cuz classy af


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Wukong - Chinese theme.

Primary - Sybaris, reflecting Chinese pioneering in the use of gunpowder with that burst, old fashioned rifle.

Secondary - Pyrana, same reason as the primary. Matches well with the Sybaris.

Melee - Tonbo. When painted right, it will look like the most Chinese thing ever.

Will edit a screenshot of this loadout into this soon.

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