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What Are Your Most Wanted Clan/Dojo Features?


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With U19 bringing back Dark Sectors with major changes, I think it's about time clans and dojos got some love. Both aspects of the game have suffered from lack of functionality. At present, clans serve little purpose beyond curtaining off blueprints and providing a dedicated channel for the leader to curate. Alliances feel totally pointless, since there's no incentive for large clans to help small clans. Small clans tend to just get absorbed and forgotten about until they leave or the leader quits without passing on leader status. I'm curious what clan members and leaders want for their clans, especially those of you who have been around for a long time.

As for myself, I have some ideas. My most wanted features and changes are:

Overhauled Menus: The current menus feel clumsy. Any new features would only make them feel clumsier.

  • The vault should be an actual menu instead of an invisible uncaring god.
  • Players can donate materials directly to a clan vault, even if they are not a member of the clan.
  • Treasurers can donate materials from the vault to players in the clan.
  • Better material donation controls for console users.
  • The ability to send rooms and decorations to the vault. This ties into an idea I'll outline under Dojo Construction UI.

Custom Clan Ranks: Currently, there are eight clan ranks, some of which can be renamed. Names are reviewed by moderators. I propose the ability for clan leaders to add ranks, in cases where leaders need a little extra nuance in how privileges are distributed.
(Unrelated WhiningI tried to name my ranks after Egyptian military ranks because I have a hardon for Egyptian mythology, but the changes were denied without explanation. I can understand a little paranoia, what with current events, but c'mon guys...)

Room Placement: Right now, once you place a room, you can't move or rotate it. If you have multiple floors connected by elevators, large portions of your dojo can't be altered without massive long-term demolition and reconstruction projects. I've thought up two possible solutions, and one requires only a bit of code and some new placement rules to introduce.

  • Teleporter Connections: Dojos will be split into cells. A "cell" in this context is defined as a group of rooms that can be walked between wherein at least one room contains a teleporter. Any room can be demolished IF all resulting cells would contain a teleporter in at least one room. A room containing a teleporter cannot be demolished. A teleporter cannot be demolished if there are no other teleporters in the cell it occupies. This would allow a dojo to be broken into multiple clusters of rooms that can't be physically traveled between, but all of which can be reached via teleporter. Architects would have much more freedom to redesign large dojos.
  • Dojo Construction UI: Currently, rooms are constructed by interacting with a connector and selecting the desired room to place there. My proposed UI would change this. Instead, players would begin their dojo with a pre-constructed Clan Hall. Once inside their dojo, an architect can access a room crafting menu identical to the existing one (or a new menu replacing the existing one, since it's a tad ugly), and queue rooms for construction. This queue is visible to all clan members, and those meeting the privileges can donate materials to any queued projects. Once a project meets the material requirement, construction begins automatically. Construction can be canceled to refund materials to the clan vault. In order to place rooms, the architect accesses a separate menu only available to architects, wherein they will see a simplified 3D model of the dojo. A key opens a panel that lists constructed rooms. Once selected, a room can be moved freely around the model, and snapped-to an available connection. Two keys move the camera between floors. Placed rooms can be picked up with the cursor and moved to another available connection, or sent back to the vault. Rooms with valid placement will appear blue. Rooms with invalid placement will appear red. Rooms that cannot be removed (such as Clan Hall, if no other Clan Hall exists; or a Reactor that would put the clan under the energy requirements) will appear green. Research rooms with valid placement will appear yellow. If the energy requirements are met for the model, and it contains no invalid rooms, the architect can confirm the model. The UI will close, all players currently in the dojo will be booted to their ship, and the new dojo layout will be implemented. This new system would allow total freedom in dojo customization.

Decoration Placement: Currently, decorations become static once placed. They can be funded or deleted, but not manipulated. Instead, architects should be able to select a decoration and move/resize/rotate it freely, delete it, or send it to the vault.

Fuzzy Animal Farm: It's a farm not a mill. >.> Even though we sell the puppies. *Ahem* This room would be a home for kubrows and kavats donated by clan members. Any critter donated to the dojo will become unranked, any forma used on the critter will be refunded to the owner, and its polarities will be reset to default. The room contains incubation chambers where critters can be cloned with genetic imprints, just as ones owned by individual players. Critters can be sold to players for plat (or for free, if a treasurer wishes), which will be placed in the vault (this plat can be distributed by treasurers, or used to rush room/deco construction).


I've had other ideas, but they escape me. This post has already melted my brain. So let's hear your ideas, clanmates!

Edited by (PS4)BlitzKeir
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I seriously want more decoration in dojo. So my comment is going to be purely about them.

More potted white orokin "plant." Or even potted flower version. More bench, as right now, we only have 1 bench(wooden bench on a pile of stone.) The "Foo Dog" is currently incomplete. For bronze statue, we have turtle and dragon, how about a phoenix(I prefer the term: Vermilion Bird) and a tiger. Modern looking fountain. Modern looking fence and gate type, which would be cool to allow us create a pathway look in a rather bland room, like any hall that's lower than Grand. Shinto Gate and Wall of Statue or makeshift wall constructed by a pile of random stuff should not be the only options we have. Even object from tile-set. A plant that doesn't magically grow out of dojo's floor. 

Room styling, mainly for Hall and Hallway. Maybe Corpus or Grineer style(the room is still Tenno's dojo like in Steel and Perrin room). A garden style hall and hallway because I want a water gym. I mean water dojo. Where the floor of hall and hallway are water like in the water garden and have a wooden/stone pathway. Also now that we have landing craft, I want a docking bay.

I also want this

16 hours ago, (PS4)BlitzKeir said:

be able to select a decoration and move/resize/rotate it freely, delete it, or send it to the vault.

We already built it. Why do I have to smash it to bit and rebuild it if I want to move the 3 inches to the left.

And PLEASE. Editing mode where I can manage my decoration without having to open up a menu for every single object I have.

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I want Dojo arsenal to place weapons in and let others try them out in real missions to find out if they like them and fully modded the way the person put them in as. PLEASE DO NOT LIMIT MY MODS IF I PUT ONE IN!!!!! There are many weapons i wish to try out but there are many im not sure i would like. So a rent system created by your fellow clan mates would be wonderful. I want to see the mods on the builds and be able to show my builds to others so they can then mod it as well or give me tips on what i should add or remove. Limit the usage but only letting someone use it for 2 hours then it gets placed back and have a rent menu to show what can be used and place a i want to use that option then the next time the timer runs out AFTER THAT PERSONS RUN gets sent to the next in waiting.

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2 minutes ago, ZHeart said:

I want Dojo arsenal to place weapons in and let others try them out in real missions to find out if they like them and fully modded the way the person put them in as. PLEASE DO NOT LIMIT MY MODS IF I PUT ONE IN!!!!! There are many weapons i wish to try out but there are many im not sure i would like. So a rent system created by your fellow clan mates would be wonderful. I want to see the mods on the builds and be able to show my builds to others so they can then mod it as well or give me tips on what i should add or remove. Limit the usage but only letting someone use it for 2 hours then it gets placed back and have a rent menu to show what can be used and place a i want to use that option then the next time the timer runs out AFTER THAT PERSONS RUN gets sent to the next in waiting.

I agree, but I will condense your answer into 2 words... Danger Room.

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A dojo builletin board for leaders and clan members to post messages in separate sections.  One section that leaders could modify and one for clan members.

Have clan leaderboards for kills and missions displayable in a room on a wall or ceiling.

Allow people in the dojo to view their own inventory without having to use a trading post.

Link to Simulacrum.

Add mastery rank practice to the dojo with possible observer entry.

Allow a whole squad to travel to a dojo together.  

Get rid of the hosted dojo instance.  Getting host migrations in a dojo is annoying, time consuming and breaks the immersion factor.

Allow travel directly from the dojo without forcing players to return to their ship.

Add clan only missions.

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I agree with a lot of the previous ideas and some of my own may be restating those.

A dedicated page on the communication clan tab where we can list more info about the clan (mission statement, current projects, upcoming events, clan rules, etc.) the MOTD is way to short to tell everyone everything they need to know.

• Ability to view inventory while in dojo and also possibly accessing the arsenal in the dojo (for dueling matches) if coding permits.

• Ability to rotate rooms/move objects after they're built if coding permits. Maybe even a clipboard where you can save items already built to be placed later.

• 3rd person aerial view (no frame) while placing objects or at least a full edit mode.

• More decorations: I think the decorations we have are awesome, but they get repetitive and with a huge dojo with 1000+ overall capacity you basically have to re-use the same items all around the dojo which gets old quickly.

• More color options (they're so many new enemies and yet no pigments have been added since I started playing: at least a year ago if ever

• Possibly get rid of the cost to re-polychrome a room. Everything else in the dojo is refundable. It'd be nice to color the dojo for holidays without having to spend hundreds of thousands of plastids. Possibly even a mechanic to polychrome the entire dojo at once.

• It'd be cool if they switched elevators to the tractor beam like things in the relays. I think this would help with traffic within the dojo. I know that we have teleporters, but for some reason people just love to sit and wait for the elevators ;) *On a side note I noticed they took away the blue pulsing aura that the teleporters had. I was rather disappointed that this was the one thing they decided to change in the dojo, but it was probably due to lighting.

- Ability to change the colors of the lights in the bio and chem labs. It'd be awesome if energy effected the colors. No matter what color you polychrome them they're always the same ugly red and yellow and some clan colors really don't clash well with them (mine).

• New UI for clan vault (possibly allow members to donate resources directly to the vault and allow treasurers to allocate resources to members of clan). Even possibly add a tax or ratio system where people can withdraw, but have to put equally rare resources in to get what they need.

- Redo the obstacle course, you can basically glide over 90% of it ever since parkour 2.0 came out.

• New mini games inside of dojo? I don't personally have any ideas, what about you guys?

• More capacity for decorations in certain rooms (there isn't enough capacity in the trophy hall to place trophies/statues in half the spots)

- Ability of leaders to kick players from the dojo. Rarely is this needed, but occasionally I'll invite someone to trade and afterward they'll just dance around me while I'm trying to place objects (as if it isn't hard enough).

- As far as chat goes I think it'd be cool if those with chat moderator privileges had purple chat. I got really excited when I saw it in the patch notes months back only to realize it only applied to those with chat moderator privileges in the public chats.

- An inactivity timer that would allow for an amount of days to be set and if anyone goes past the maximum they are removed from the clan and receive a custom message. Possibly with warning notifications if they have the app.

- On a side note I think DE did a wonderful job with the dojo creation process, I've had a lot of fun with it. However, clans/alliances/dojos have not seen a single ounce of love when it comes to updates compared to, well everything else in the game and they've slowly been dying out. It's outdated and lacks features compared to the awesome complexity of everything else in the game. It's hard to run a clan when there are no more objectives to unite your clan mates (except for the extremely rare trophies) and very few benefits you can share with your clan mates. Hopefully solar rails will give us something to do when they're reinserted, but until then I guess people will just join clans to trade and mooch research.

- Also, if you're on Xbox One and looking for a friendly, active clan with experienced members hit me up. We try to get raid groups up and create clan/alliance competitions.


Baked (Warlord of Phoenix Ascending Storm Clan)


Edited by (XB1)Perfectly Baked
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1. Viewable inventory in the dojo

2. More dojo rooms new and old

3. Clan leader/officer rooms

4. Message Boards

5. Access to parts of dojo determinable by clan rank

6. Decoration hotkeys

7. Decoration full edit mode

8. Kubrow pen that will allow new members to loan kubrows (timer to work like a booster)

9. Trading post trading history

10. Donate all types of resources to the clan vault

11. Colour whole dojo in one go

12. Ability to change four door room designs with other similar sized four door room designs

13. Ability to use mobility powers in the dojo

14. Ability to loan weapons from the dojo (an armoury room)

15. Simulacrum for the dojo

16. Map icons for teleporters and labs


I will stop there

Edited by viperveteran
Added one more
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10 hours ago, viperveteran said:

1. Viewable inventory in the dojo

2. More dojo rooms new and old

3. Clan leader/officer rooms

4. Message Boards

5. Access to parts of dojo determinable by clan rank

6. Decoration hotkeys

7. Decoration full edit mode

8. Kubrow pen that will allow new members to loan kubrows (timer to work like a booster)

9. Trading post trading history

10. Donate all types of resources to the clan vault

11. Colour whole dojo in one go

12. Ability to change four door room designs with other similar sized four door room designs

13. Ability to use mobility powers in the dojo

14. Ability to loan weapons from the dojo (an armoury room)

15. Simulacrum for the dojo


I will stop there

 would also like to see the ability to make limited access rooms, where only certain ranks can enter and hear chat in those specific rooms or only clan members or alliance members can enter.. iunno i always feel dirty when someone from trade chat runs around the dojo i spent days building.. "mostly alone" stars park ouring and exploring my dojo without asking.

Edited by iscofield
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Our Clan has 4-5 Architects, many of us who work together frequently to create new decoration assortments ect.

We've noticed again and again that it would be really practical to be able to see what other players are planing to place, instead of just the person actually doing it, especially when wanting to place something in a precise location, with multiple people seeing the object this could be done much faster with higher precision.

I hope that at least somehow makes sense.

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As someone who likes to decorate rooms and such, I recommend the following.

Increase decoration limit (especially for small gardens). Honestly 15 is not enough when the majority of items uses up 3 (with exception of the grass and bush and floor panel B). 30 is my recommendation for these small gardens and potentially push the big gardens into maybe 50 decoration space?

-- Alternatively, we can have all decoration use up only 1 space, that would be a nice idea in general.

Increase variety of decoration. Yeah, we have a lot of decorations now, but after a while, designs for room tend to look similar because there is a lack of different types of decoration. Having tons of different floor medallion isn't really that interesting. 


And, as for clan dojo feature, I hope we can 1, check our inventory... quite useful when the dojo's main purpose now is just for trading and 2, have access to arsenal, because who doesn't want to have fashionframe with other clanmates?

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 1.  Pueda Se Ver el inventario en el dojo

2. Descripción de la habitación Más dojo y Habitaciones antiguas traídas de nuevo

3. Descripción de la habitación del clan Líder / oficial

4. Tableros de Mensajes

5. El Acceso a contradictorio del dojo determinable SEGÚN El Clan del Rango

6. Decoración Teclas de Acceso Rápido

7. Sala párrafo Reunión de Alianza

8. Que Kubrow pluma permitira una Los Nuevos Miembros Prestar un kubrows (Temporizador funcione Como refuerzo de la ONU)

9. Galería de practica de tiro

10. Investigaciones de Kubrow en Dojo

11. Que exista la antiguedad en el clan y que se muestre

12. Mas Laboratorios

13. Mas Decoraciones




Edited by Shaka87
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Some id like to see (in a vague priority):

0. Ability to use weapons and frames as decorations in the dojo.  Essentially having a player donate (ie removed from their inventory) the item to the dojo as a decoration (maybe with the architect putting up spots for them to be placed) with the ability to have a hover over popup with a short comment and the name of the person donating it to the clan (something like; "Strun Wraith served me well, rest here friend" - Loswaith)

1. Less restrictive clipping than the current box border placement; especially for trees  (We still cant place a simple maple tree on the hill in the leto garden that is basically begging for one to be put there, but we can make tanks and many other things with the decorations).

2. Free Flowing placement (even if it is just mini archwing, and given the fairy frame shrinks this would be useful mechanic)

3. More Decorations and Tiles (especially interactive ones), and more decoration capacity for rooms (15 is fine for hallways, but rooms should have 100 minimum)

4. The credit vault able to take resources donations as well as credits (even letting friends/alliance members donate to your vault).

5. Free Reign Kneel emotes (ie players can kneel anywhere and finally remove those kneel pads, this would be useful for relays as well).

6. Ability to use non-attack powers (things like speed, bounce, wormhole, Zip line Arrows, Rip-line, Rumblers, invisibility, and so forth.  Scrambus/Comba can disable some of these so having that mechanic in the dojo blocking attack powers would be possible).

Edited by Loswaith
Added option 0 :)
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I like all suggestions above but what bugs me the most is the requirement of having one hall to build another.

We would very much like to make our dojo in the form of circle with something like the grandest hall in the middle but can't cause we can find a place for grand hall (2nd floor) but have no idea where to put 2 glorified hallways and a storehouse required to build 2 halls we need

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