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We need a new status mechanic (over 100%)


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my ideas:

Slash would actively wound enemies, causing them to bleed faster and start limping/clutching their arm or chest. enemies clutching wounds would be forced to use their weapon one handed, reducing their accuracy.

Puncture would have +1 punch-through on a >100% proc.

Impact would cause a concussion effect that disorients enemies, reducing movement speed and accuracy. this would occur after a Stagger.

Fire would spread to nearby enemies

Toxin would slow an enemy down

Electricity would conduct from the afflicted target to nearby enemies (Volt's rework features this)

cold would freeze a target in place, like Frost does.

Gas would choke enemies, stunning them for a short period.

Viral would cause enemies to vomit and choke, keeping them stunned.

Corrosive would melt enemy armour and flesh, reducing their overall damage resistance.

Magnetic would Crush enemies with their own armour, causing massive impact trauma.

Radiation would cause tumours to grow on the enemy. hitting them deals extra damage, essentially it would work like Saryn's Spore.

Blast would blow off enemy limbs and rip chunks out of their bodies, causing the Bleed effect that slash has.

of course each of these would only occur on weapons with over 100% status chance, with these stronger Procs having a chance based on how much over 100% the chance is.

e.g. at 132% status chance, you get a guaranteed regular proc, plus a 32% chance for a stronger effect like the ones listed.


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I think it would be a lot easier to just let the existing procs scale, instead of creating an entirely new list of effects for every element. In the end crit over 100% is just...higher damage, not a brand new superior effect. I'm not saying I'm opposed to a brand new set of super procs, but it'll take them longer to get to and it'll really make some weapons that were relatively close to each other start to pull further away as one of them can achieve super status effects and the other can't.

Adding seconds duration is the easiest effect, however for Slash, Heat, Gas/Toxin, it would be inverse to decrease the period of time it takes to deliver the full damage.

For Impact, the stagger time would just be extended.

For Puncture, the time it lasts and the effect of damage reduction would increase. IMO, puncture procs would become a must have for high level content. Which is a good thing.

Cold procs, would chill most intensely for a longer period of time.

Electric procs would keep the enemy jiggling for even longer.

Corrosive would be an extremely minor amount of additional armor stripping. Something like 1%/20% over 100% status. Corrosive is strong enough as is.

Viral would start to cut HP by more than half at a slow progression up to 200% status where the enemies health is cut by 75%.

Radiation confusion would last significantly longer.

Magnetic and blast, I'll admit I have nothing.

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9 hours ago, ChronoEclipse said:

It already does this. Or do you mean that they would continue chaining to other enemies for the full duration of the proc

Enemy afflicted with this proc will act as lightning rod for full duration of the proc (even after death) - think about mobile arc trap

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I think a simple and yet powerful addition would be to make the percentage above 100% become a chance for the proc to turn into an AoE proc, affecting all enemies around the one which receives a "red proc". So say, if I have over 100% status chance on a weapon with heat damage, I have a chance to "red proc" making all enemies in an area around the point of impact receive the heat proc. Would be very useful with Corrosive, Magnetic and Radiation, I wager.

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18 hours ago, PsiWarp said:

Critical Status Effects? I like the sound of that. Gonna leave this reference chart for anyone with ideas.

My ideas are bolded. They would occur when a 100%+ hit occured

18 hours ago, PsiWarp said:


  • Slash - Bleed - 2x damage for 2x as long
  • Puncture - Weaken - jams weapons in small area around target
  • Impact - Stagger - knockdowns

Basic Elemental

  • Heat - Burn -  hyekka likr firebomb
  • Electric - Electrify -make target into a single tesla coil like volt rework?
  • Toxin - Poison -airborne gas like the toxic ospreys
  • Cold - Frostbite -complete slowdown of target. 

Combined Elemental

  • Blast - Area Knockdown - idk...
  • Corrosive - Armor Reduction - greater % reduction?
  • Gas - Area Poisoning -idk
  • Magnetic - Shield/Energy Drain - cause a portion of targets shields to explode (like mags shield pol)
  • Radiation - Confusion - idk
  • Viral - Sicken -reduce hp by 75% instead of the normal 50%


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Yeah we need status stacking, like really x)


Examples :

+100% proc of fire will burn the ennemy and make him like a torch, he will burn nearby ennemies too

+100% thunder proc same with thunder, but with some energy gain ?

+100% poison = better drain


etc etc etc


I was talking about that on a random topic the other day (yeah again ^^ ) I'm happy to find someone with the same idea

Edited by Xgomme
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Well, I feel that the math needs to be re-displayed to players so that red crits occur at 100% maths, with normal at say 50%. then Status effects should be more consistent as procs and damage over time effects, in light of Damage 3.0 being on the horizon.

This way instantly applied damage remains with Impact, Puncture and Slash at least, then Heat, Toxin, Electric, Viral, Corrosive, Gas, Cold, and Radiation are Damage overtime effects and procs.

Blast and Magnetic I'm on the fence about with making them instant damage, or be over time, with thoughts leaning towards instant application. Gas is another that can be argued to be able to bypass certain defenses with a mix leaning towards being a duration type damage.

The reasoning is with considering how such sources of damage affect something in real-life (a la MythBusters testing). Impact, Puncture, Slash and Blast have clear examples of applying damage to a target practically instantaneously.

The other types need to work through various materials over time to cause damage. Heat can eventually melt things at different temps, Toxins affect flesh at different rates, Electric damage needs to be applied for a period of time, Viral similar to Toxin needs time to weaken a target, Corrosive takes time to melt/burn through materials, Gas can be set to bypass certain defenses, Cold can penetrate certain materials, and Radiation can also penetrate certain materials.

So if the devs are up to new status chances on different effects and how we apply damage, I'd be all for new manners of having these mechanics applied to defeat our various enemies.

At the very least, I hope that Damage 3.0 can bring a solid foundation that can then better rebalance frames and weapons against how enemies scale with their levels and with how open modding frames and weapons remains.

In other words, what we have with how we can rank up mods and use forma creates combos that were likely not even factored when the devs were adding to the current system, such as the influence of corrupt mods and so on.

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Interesting topic.

Note for those worry about "red status" being too OP.

Consider that red crits are already OP, why can't "red status" be OP as well?

At least it could work out for "end game" players. Since beside crits and stealth, there is no much matching scaling dmg from player side (or so they say).

Edited by Souldend78
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Some ideas i saw around for red status :

Impact : A proc over 100% would open an enemy for a stealth finisher

Puncture : Since a normal proc reduces the enemy dmg output, why not have the 100%+ proc cause the enemy to take 20% more dmg

Slash : The proc stacks instead of refreshing (basically the proc would last longer and deal more dmg)


Heat : The proc above 100%, would have a chance to disarm enemies (if i was on fire holding my gun would be the last priority)

Electric : A 100%+ electric proc causes the enemy to take 50% more melee dmg

Toxin : Other elemental procs last let's say 25% more, after the 100%+ toxin proc

Cold : Freezing a target solid like frost's "1" seems the way to go


Blast : A proc over 100% can cause a small radial blind (it should not open for finisher) (flashbangs for everyone)

Corosive : I HAVE NO IDEEA !!!

Gas : When you get a red status proc the enemies are ministuned 

Magnetic : Any buff a enemy provides for his allies is disabled. EX: Ancient healer aura, Fire/shock eximus aura gets disabled. (leave nullifiers alone)

Viral : A red status proc would make the enemy unable to regenerate the health loss from viral (50%) (permanent but only works once for the red proc)

Raditation : Amplifies other elemental procs by 25 %, either dmg or the effect

Edited by VHSMelody
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