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Remember when Fight Corpus were fun? no? you must be new.


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I miss pre-Nullifier Corpus.

As it stands now I simply don't run Corpus missions unless I am absolutely forced to do so to complete a sortie or something.  When I am forced to run them, it's something I suffer through, not something I enjoy.

Scrambus units should have replaced Nullifiers entirely, imo.

Edited by (PS4)horridhal
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9 minutes ago, (PS4)horridhal said:

I miss pre-Nullifier Corpus.

As it stands now I simply don't run Corpus missions unless I am absolutely forced to do so to complete a sortie or something.  When I am forced to run them, it's something I suffer through, not something I enjoy.

Scrambus units should have replaced Nullifiers entirely, imo.

Naah, I seen Corpus even without a Fusion MOA and NOW they're really make a challenge, have a bunch of dangerous honks and whistles, not just that pew-pew guns and lore where they "so strong corporation with tough guys who annihilate opponents in ash heaps". They got some love from DE - in the past they was a garbage.

Edited by KorpusKrewman
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Sapping Ospreys annoy me more than anything these days on the Corpus. Other than that, I don't mind them too much.

Grineer I think have a problem of being too vulnerable to AoE CC. Bring something like a Mirage and they'll no longer be putting up a fair fight, or doing much of anything at all really because they'll all be permanently blinded. Thanks to stuff like Trinity, Zenurik, or even Energy Restores you wont be running out of energy any time soon either. Energy can easily be turned into a non factor in this game.

I get that we enjoy using our powers on a regular basis and I don't want to suggest they take that away, but if DE is going to let us turn energy into a non factor then the enemy has to be able to do something to counter power spam so that they can actually do something against AoE CC frames. Either that, or AoE CC spam needs to be addressed directly.

Even Scrambus units don't really counter it that well since they have a rather short range on the aura and aren't actually immune to the CC. They're easy to lock down from a distance as long as you're speccing for range.

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Personally I think the Corpus are great fun. Grineer are quite literally just bullet sponges, Corpus force you to change your tactics, you simply cannot face tank the Corpus. Currently they provide the most challenge in the game but even so all their units can be countered. I always like seeing the complaint about Combas, Scrambus etc nullifying powers. One shot to the head(damage doesn't matter) and they lose their nullifying ability. If you want an enemy that's difficult and requires some specialisation plus skill to kill then do tell me: how often do you choose to attract a level 100 Juggernaut?

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29 minutes ago, (PS4)skullblits69 said:

Grineer put up a fair fight

by draining Shields faster, draining Health on RNG, and being unable to dodge/avoid their attacks other than praying to the Accuracy diceroll?
Corpus play much fairer, as Skill can be applied much more relevantly to fighting them.

i guess my idea of a good game isn't turning on some form of Invulnerability and standing there holding down the trigger until everything in front of you is dead or the game says Mission Complete.
and prefer being able to avoid attacks rather than having to rely on Abilities to carry all Players - and having something to do while i'm playing the game, so that i'm playing the game.

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35 minutes ago, x_xUnknownx_x said:

Another thread about corpus?  They're mostly fine..... Nullifiers were nerfed, bursas also.

Want to kill a nullfiier? Go inside bubble shot him or quick melee

Nullifiers has a lot of mobs inside bubble? Have a ranged weapon ,shoot bubble, kill nullifiers, quick spam powers....OR...Shoot bubble use powers, try to keep off the bubble, slowly kill nullifier.

The only problem we still have are the sapping ospreys

Nullifiers were nerfed?

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Corpus annoy me because of the shield drones. If you don't deal with them, they start piling up until you have four shield drones all shielding each other. It's a pain, because they fly around and can sometimes be hard to hit, so it's tempting just to let it be when you kill the guy it was shielding and it runs off. Little do you realise that he ran off to get his extended family and papa eximus to drain you of ammo and patience. Nullifiers are easy, they tend to be fairly weak once you get in their bubble. 

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30 years ago, x_xUnknownx_x said:

Have a ranged weapon

Have a machine gun. Try killing a Nullifier at range with a bow (or even a sniper), and you'll see what I mean.

28 years ago, (PS4)horridhal said:

Scrambus units should have replaced Nullifiers entirely, imo.

The problem is that you can’t see the edge of a Scrambus’s nulling range. With the Corpus nullifier units, you either can’t see anything or can’t see an important part of the battlefield. Eximus auras have the same issue.

The best-designed nullifier unit in the game at this point is the Grineer drones. They fly drunkenly and unpredictably, but they can’t do anything on their own and can be killed reasonably at range.
Next up is the Isolator Bursa, and it really pains me to say that because of how cheap everything else about them is.

8 years ago, Zilchy said:

One shot to the head(damage doesn’t matter) and they lose their nullifying ability.

Nope, you have to get rid of their shields.

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Remember when infested were fun to fight because all their tilesets were darkly lit and the enemies were actually scary and charged/roared at you? Exactly. Corpus gained annoying enemies, and Infested lost any far they once had. They might as well add a rare chance for squidward to spawn. Wouldn't change a thing. 

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50 minutes ago, KorpusKrewman said:

Hey, by the way, there is a another same-author's video about Grineer Commander, imagine if they're appear more frequently.



Reminds me of when I got swapped into a Rampart and instantly died, thanks Grineer Commander.

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Corpus is the only "fun" faction to play because of the changing tactics needed to deal with them. Grineer are the boring faction in that all you need to do is avoid missles and napalm and just shoot them all in the face.

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2 hours ago, Magneu said:

Quiette Shy is a girl, she's made videos showing herself, except her face is...you'd have to see the video to understand. It's fantastic. Second result for "Quiette Shy" on google is what you're looking for1.

While she doesn't do comprehensive reviews like other Youtubers, her sarcasm, wit, vulgarity, and accurate observations2 make her a favorite.

Plus she's Banshee/Sybaris master race, which is always awesome.

1Oh my...

2Im going to have to look into this more... vulgarity and wit are my favorite things to mix...

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I find infested more annoying if I did not specc correctly.
Eximus Sorties with infested pretty much leaves everyone without energy, poisoned thanks to endless toxic procs and knock downs thank to fire.
Not only that the ancients reduce your CC durations and any AOE damage heals them.

Compared to the corpus, the Nullifier is a light slap on the wrist.
Mines are dangerous in Sortie 3 and higher but they have enough start up time to warn you.
With a long range melee, you can smack them even. Otherwise bullet jump.

In the end though Nullifiers are okay to me. Just that they over nerf bows and sniper rifles.
Which can be fixed by adding a single code for Snipers bullets and arrows ignore the dome.
That's it. 

And also Grineer nullifier drones are coming soon™
So get ready for the tears people :)



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2 hours ago, ChronoEclipse said:

The problem is that you can’t see the edge of a Scrambus’s nulling range. With the Corpus nullifier units, you either can’t see anything or can’t see an important part of the battlefield. Eximus auras have the same issue.

The problem with the nullifier bubble is it penalizes players for using any load-out that doesn't include a bullet hose.  Scrambus units only negate a few powers at a time and can be, fairly, shut down by removing their helmets, still allowing them to DPS.  That's a fair enemy.

Compared with the walking Fortress that is a Nullifier bubble, each coming pre-stocked with its own set of fodder units designed solely to mess up any attempt you make at the man projecting the aura, and we can start seeing how unfair they become.  Especially when they start stacking up, like they do in every single high tier run.  It really isn't fun to have to wade through 6 nullies and the heavies hidden in their bubble during every spawn cycle.

But, then, I also don't have a real big issue with Eximus energy leeches aside from feeling their drain needs to be toned down some.

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5 hours ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

Actually, the only time I can think of in recent times I had fun fighting corpus was on a Sniper only level 80-100 sortie survival a few weeks back. Rooms were basically filled with nullifier bubbles and you had to jump in, bullet jump for the AoE KD, then take out the nulli and then take care of the rest.
I'd take a Nullifier over a Napalm any day of the week.

This was a glorious time for me because 2 of our allies left...
Me as a Wukong and an ash survived 12 minutes on our own....
sadly we only got 25 cores for that glorious moment...

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2 hours ago, fatpig84 said:

In the end though Nullifiers are okay to me. Just that they over nerf bows and sniper rifles.
Which can be fixed by adding a single code for Snipers bullets and arrows ignore the dome.
That's it. 


I reckon that's the original intention of the nullifiers.... they're only supposed to nullify our powers not our ammo...

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