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Toxic Players


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So, I just ran Sortie 1 and proceeded to cap my point, right? Well, the enemies start spawning in, and I'm playing as a Blessing Trinity. I figure, why not keep my team with a constant 99% Blessing so they won't go down, and they can stay on the points to defend them? Especially since there was a new looking player on the team, and he didn't seem to have that great of gear, so I thought this would be a good idea.

Well, an MR18 which was play as NYX proceeds to come over to my point and Chaos the enemies in my spawn, and I needed the energy, so I sapped it from the group, and proceeded to kill them. He gets all upset, and calls me a noob and tells me to stop. I tell him to go back to his own point and protect it, and to get out of my spawn, that I needed the energy, and I was going to keep the team Blessed so nobody would die. He tells me that's what energy packs were for, and I told him if I wanted to use an energy pack, I wouldn't have brought Trinity. After the first round ends, I activate Zenurik and I tell him that I don't need to sap enemies anymore, so he doesn't have to worry about me killing his goons, and then he retorts by laughing and saying literally everyone has Zenurik, and calls me a noob, in which I reply that I never said nobody else had it, I was just saying mine was active.

But wait! I finally get downed and he proceeds to come over to me.... and tea bag me, while laughing and calling me a noob. Luckily I was revived by my other team member who was actually helpful, and stayed silent the entire match while actually playing the objective, instead of throwing out insults. Granted, I might have started the whole thing by killing his Chaos group , but he was on my point and should have been protecting his own in the first place anyways, and all I wanted to do was make sure nobody got downed. He ended up being the first person I ever put on my ignore list.

Edited: Guys, I know that not all high MR players are like this. I've met a lot more helpful ones than I have bad ones, and at the end of the day it all comes down to the player and personality rather than the MR. I'm not meaning to generalize, and if I did, that certainly wasn't my intention. I'm not pointing fingers. This is me, explaining only one of the several bad experiences, I've pesonally had, and that is all. And as I've said, I know that not all high MR players are like that, maybe a fraction of them at best.

What I really mean to say, what this entire post is about: Guys, be cool to one another regardless of play style, MR rank, or skill, that's all it really comes down too, and it doesn't get any more simple than that.

Edited by DuskLegendary
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Send screenshots to support. Being a general D*ckhead like he was is report able. Also, you need to get into the mindset that High MR =/= skilled/veteran/helpful. Toxic comes in all shapes and sizes. there are toxic newbies and toxic.....whatever that thing is.

Edited by LordOfScrugging
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Are all new players clueless and obnoxious?

Obviously no. Please don't make generalizations based on circumstantial anecdotes.

Also, how did you kill something that was Mind Controlled? MC'ed enemies are immune to Tenno damage AFAIK.

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Oh man I saw in the chat like 3-4 high MR people jumping on one new player for calling out someone that had an MR requirement for T3 Survival. They all went on calling him a noob and a loser and stuff like that just because to them MR means complete and absolute dominance.

Then you check their profiles and they have a ton of weapons with 0 kills. A bunch of Draco Wash outs thinking they're good for having a high, meaningless number =p.

Of course not all high MR are the same, clearly. Generalizing is bad but people as a whole tend to show their true colors when they get any crumbs of power or position... and yeah most people are jerks if given the chance so there you have it.

Edited by Heatnix.
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I'd not generalize either. Even as someone who avoids public-matchmaking, I've met some helpful and friendly guys out there. I was in fact, surprised that this community at large, is mostly friendly, whenever I lurk the chat-rooms... compared to other game I've played for years, geezus, that's a world of difference.

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I'm what.. MR 17/18? (I don't even remember at this point.)

We're just.. players.

We work as a team because it's a team game, and that's what lets us succeed.

The OPs encounter is just a douchebag.

He'll have been a douchebag at MR1, he'll be a douchebag at MR30, he'll be a douchebag in probably any other game.

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2 minutes ago, Heatnix. said:

Oh man I saw in the chat like 3-4 high MR people jumping on one new player for calling out someone that had an MR requirement for T3 Survival. They all went on calling him a noob and a loser and stuff like that just because to them MR means complete and absolute dominance.

That's when i proceed to whip out my excal prime and lato/braton vandal and call them noobs. Ah, the foolish young.

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Well, true. Maybe the generalization was a bit much, and I've met my share of extremely helpful people in this community. I've even had people give me weapon sets for free, so there are indeed many many kind people. It's just that the toxic players usually stand out a lot more, because they... "shout the loudest" it seems. Not going out of my way to attack the higher MR players here, by any means. It's just that I've had some bad experiences with them, that's all. But I do realize it's the player and no the MR per say.

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That's a pretty sweeping statement to make.

People like that are not worthy of your emotions. They're like a clump of dirt by a ditch. And, because they are as remarkable as a clump of dirt by a ditch, they tend to delude themselves. They think they're sitting on some ivory tower, high above everyone else. Only problem is, their tower is not made out of ivory but of cheap and toxic plastic.

Edited by Currilicious
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3 minutes ago, Heatnix. said:

Then you check their profiles and they have a ton of weapons with 0 kills.

This doesn't necessarily mean anything >.>  e.g. I never leveled my Paris.  Paris Prime is my most used weapon.  Took the regular version to Draco for 20 minutes, done.  Also, once you have Simulacrum access and have made a bunch of other similar weapons, you don't necessarily need even so much as 100 kills with it to determine if it's worth your time.

@OP:  He's just a jerk.  Kinda surprising it was a Nyx though - the few I've met are some of the smartest and best players I've seen.  (That's assuming they're not the other kind of Nyx, which gets killed 10 times in a Draco round, which is unfortunately all too commonplace).  Oh, and our brains are literally wired to remember bad stuff over good stuff.  Remembering that thing that screwed you and avoiding it was more, um, evolutionarily selective.

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3 minutes ago, Pyus said:

They really should just ban everyone over MR20 or lower the max mastery rank level to 7. Problem solved.

............Really? Even in sarcasm that's not even remotely funny to some players.

(I'm defiantly oversensitive to sarcasm.)

Edited by Magnulast
Added more info.
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13 minutes ago, Magneu said:

Are all new players clueless and obnoxious?

Obviously no. Please don't make generalizations based on circumstantial anecdotes.

Also, how did you kill something that was Mind Controlled? MC'ed enemies are immune to Tenno damage AFAIK.

I think he probably means the chaos ones? Either that or he was pumping bullets and the undoing the mind controlling killed the target.


1 minute ago, (PS4)IIIDevoidIII said:

I'd like to think I'm not, though I am certain many will claim otherwise. :/

You're cool in my books :smile:

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Nyx's ability is like Loki's 4, except they don't drop their weapons. I don't think any Lokis will complain if you kill their stick-wielding goons. If he was truly a "pro", he would be very used to people killing his goons, because so many frames CC abilities just kill them indiscriminately. If she wanted to use her goons to kill each other, she should have picked a secluded spawn point, nowhere near the interception point.

Either way, you meet all sorts of toxic players. Players that scam keys, players that scam plats, players that scam trades, players that extract last minute, etc. I suppose you have to reach a certain MR to develop toxic technique, which is why you'll never see anyone below MR3 pulling that sort of stuff.

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12 minutes ago, Magneu said:

Are all new players clueless and obnoxious?

Obviously no. Please don't make generalizations based on circumstantial anecdotes.

Also, how did you kill something that was Mind Controlled? MC'ed enemies are immune to Tenno damage AFAIK.

He likely means chaos, as he refers to multiple enemies being under its effect. It's an easy mistake to make to those that don't know her abilities, as it's rarely worth it to use mind control unless you have a mind freak build, so most people just see chaos everywhere.

On topic: I'm MR15, so I guess I'm technically high MR (High enough for syndicate weps). My experiences with high MR players is usually pretty good, but anyone can be a jerk, MR doesn't change anything about that.


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As an mr 17 3 year veteran player I can sadly say this isn't new It has been around as long as I have just the subject changed. It went from all high players don't want to help to some higher players bashing lower players and lower players assuming all high players are rude.

I myself try to help newer players whenever I can whether it be with a quest or just a hard boss fight, heck for the last month I have been helping a newer player farm for trinity prime.

But in the end of it all mr is just a number you can have bad new players and good new players or bad vets or good vets it all comes down to how they want to work with others.

Although I will say there have been a couple of times at which I got fed up with a newer player but that only happens when I they go out of their way to spite me or just ignore my advice even when they asked for it.

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I can't exactly say/represent for all high MR players because that would be generalizationahem (hint hint), but no. We're not out there to be toxic or intentionally ruin lower MR players' gaming experience. No, we don't have a sense of entitlement just because we got double digits on our Mastery Rank. And yes, we do try to help other players, not just lower MR's. What I personally think is that you just happened to meet a few bad high ranking apples in the bunch and suddenly, you think that's how all high ranking apples are. Well, for the most part, we're not. No prejudice please. 

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