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DE please fix sorties for the love of god


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Im ok with the scaling on damage and health. Im ok with having to cheat to beat these 9/10 times. I am ok with only being able to get a reward once.

I am not ok with not being able to get ANY rewards other than 25 cores because I dont cheat enough to solo sorties and you made the drop table count everyone on the team for picking drops. How am I supposed to get anything but cores if people join my team or I join a team of people who collectively have all the items im trying to get?

Please implement a token system so we can choose our reward. It is just agonizingly insane to keep doing these nonsense missions to try and get things that are blocked off because other people were lucky enough to get them earlier.

Edited by Letter13
Removed profanity
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Running solo doesn't guarantee a new drop every time. You could just as easily get cores on a solo sortie as you could on a group sortie.

Unfortunately, you were just unlucky when it came to the RNG roll. Being in a group doesn't increase or decrease your chances for a specific item, whether it's already dropped for you or not (however, one-off items such as Nezha components can only be obtained once; once you obtain a specific one-off component it gets replaced with cores in the drop table; meaning that the more one-off items you get, the higher the chance you'll get cores becomes).

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)gamerpie12 said:

it only gives you cores if it rolls something you personally have already gotten as far as I understand it.


You cant cheat (but you can use cheese), solo changes nothing. You get a roll and if you already have it then you get a roll on 25 or 50 cores.

Cores are good :)

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17 minutes ago, Cosmicblues said:

 am not ok with not being able to get ANY rewards other than 25 cores because I dont cheat enough to solo sorties and you made the drop table count everyone on the team for picking drops. How am I supposed to get anything but cores if people join my team or I join a team of people who collectively have all the items im trying to get?

Idk who told you this but that's not how it works. Say you're needing nezha systems, but your squad already got it and it rolls a nezha systems. You get the part you wanted while the squad gets the 25 cores. The squad doesn't screw you over. You can tell when its the actual 25 core reward or an item you got already if you look at the reward and the repeatable 25 core pack isn't highlighted.

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12 minutes ago, Letter13 said:

Running solo doesn't guarantee a new drop every time. You could just as easily get cores on a solo sortie as you could on a group sortie.

Unfortunately, you were just unlucky when it came to the RNG roll. Being in a group doesn't increase or decrease your chances for a specific item, whether it's already dropped for you or not (however, one-off items such as Nezha components can only be obtained once; once you obtain a specific one-off component it gets replaced with cores in the drop table; meaning that the more one-off items you get, the higher the chance you'll get cores becomes).

Is the first reward in a season garanteed to be a non repeatable reward? It's something I've been wondering.

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So far we got 7 Times 50 Cores already only 2 snipetron parts lenses and the awesome  Nezha parts .

I started sortie from the beggining never got  Legendary core  reaktor catalyst or exilus , i heard someone got 2 legendary from rng .

The Whole game needs a scaling update so ppl who wants to fight Stronger enemies , get better rewards  or just getting Bored .




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19 minutes ago, (PS4)PillarOfWar said:

I keep getting the 25 cores now as well.  I liked it better before the update. 

I didn't. It was tiresome getting rewards I had no use for and ones most people already had and were trying to get rid of. 

Cores to most may not be a useful reward in the short term but generally are in the long.

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Just did Shax and it was hard but we got it done , then the really sad part was the 25 cores after all that. Now I am not saying just give things away but for missions with high difficulty I expect a better reward . I can run Appollodorus for an hour and get cores so not quite doin it for me. Never gotten Legendary , couple of frame parts but lots of cores so please try and come up with a better system. On a side note some people need to cool off a bit when playing , we had a fairly new guy in random and the heckling was so childish .Needless to say that when the hecklers went down I made a point of standing over them and watch the time expire so please be kind to others and not be one of the loudmouth pro's who thinks they know it all.

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42 minutes ago, rawr1254 said:

RNG maybe be annoying but it rewards the patient few.

Guess what also rewards the patient few? Not the token system, because it rewards the patient many.

I still don't understand why people prefer a possible "never get what you want" over a guaranteed "get what you want after x". Is it because the first one's gambling and human's secretly love that stuff even when they say they hate it?

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11 minutes ago, Nitresco said:

Guess what also rewards the patient few? Not the token system, because it rewards the patient many.

I still don't understand why people prefer a possible "never get what you want" over a guaranteed "get what you want after x". Is it because the first one's gambling and human's secretly love that stuff even when they say they hate it?

Because it equates to a 'Guaranteed Grind' versus a 'Possible Grind.'

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1 minute ago, direcyphre said:

Because it equates to a 'Guaranteed Grind' versus a 'Possible Grind.'

No, it equates to what can be numerically represented as "5" vs. "1-10".

When choosing a road to success, the wise man takes the most consistent one.

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Seriously the rewards on sorties are generally bad, nobody can't deny that.

Yesterday we had Interception/Defence/survival, now imagine getting a lens from that sortie. Would that be worth the time you played?
I suggested to remove lenses and shift them to Baro as guaranteed drop in his shop list.

As for event weapons, once you got them all? will it be worth to do the same exact sorties with the same event weapons you already got? Playing them to just mark the rewards you already got for the "rewards" you want.

Getting Reactor and Catalyst as a blueprint drop, after the huge amount of time and effort you now need to wait to craft them and claim them after they are crafted. 

The only reward that I actually seek for is the Legendary cores. I participated in all seasons and so far none. And I'm quite disappointed so far.

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  1. Token system
  2. Guarantee non-repeatable rewards until all have been given; then RNG the repeatable rewards.
  3. Allow players to choose between a non-repeatable reward (of their choice) or a repeatable reward after Sortie completion.


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38 minutes ago, Husla said:

Patient, yeah right. Most players go full season without completing their drop table.

Sounds like a them problem. I look at the positive: it helps stimulate the plat economy. Certain casuals play just enough to get all but x part for their x Vandal which is where I make x plat selling the part to them. Or someone doesnt wanna wait through RNG for Nezha parts and buys a set from me instead of using tokens<---this is why tokens would be bad.

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It's really not that bad. Sorties are not really THAT hard. Just put a good squad together and make sure you have the right frames, and it should go smoothly. It's okay if you aren't the best at every single one, just make sure you're going with people that know what they're doing.

Sorties aren't meant to be a cash grab to get all the rewards you want instantly. It's a challenge to keep higher ranked players engaged regularly, and is absolutely a farming grind. It requires patience. Just make sure you're going every day. I've gotten nothing but cores this week. Is it frustrating? Yes. Do I think it's unfair? No. I want to feel rewarded when I finally get what I want. We're only 1/4 into the season, you have PLENTY of time.

Also, it's not confirmed to my knowledge, but I was told from a friend that it MAY boost your likelihood of getting better drops if you go with people who already have the same rewards you've already gotten.

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Just now, Siraphine said:

Also, it's not confirmed to my knowledge, but I was told from a friend that it MAY boost your likelihood of getting better drops if you go with people who already have the same rewards you've already gotten.

How the rewards system works now is that one reward is randomly selected for all players in the squad. The reward is given to those who have not yet receive that reward. Players who have already received the reward would roll again for a non-repeatable reward.

So your chances will not improve by going with players who have the same rewards as you or even going solo.

25x cores is a terrible reward, considering the amount of time spent in the Sorties. Sorties may take up to 45 minutes or longer with Excavation missions. 50x/100x cores would be much closer to reality.

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