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What's The Best RJ Draco Build?



Hey guys, it's all in the title. I'm just wanting to know what you think the best RJ Draco build is, so if you don't mind, share your builds with me. I was playing Draco not too long ago and a Trinity said he'd been watching how fast my energy drained and asked if I had a Primed Flow on. I told him I did, and he then said that I had a bad build. The other guy in the party commented that my build was fine, and the Trinity wasn't doing his job and it was his build that was messed up. Keep in mind I copied this build and didn't make it myself, so I'm not sure what makes a good RJ build. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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14 answers to this question

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15 minutes ago, TennoSimons said:


No - you DO need Cunning Drift. Also, it IS true that your build will work with a pro EV, but if you generally recruit with pubs, you will defintely want to swap something out for Fleeting Expertise.


One last point: For that extra maxness, make sure you bring arcane Pendragon for extra power stregth, Pm me if you want one... selling for 700 plat. 



I can hit anything on the map(top of the stairs) so no I don't think I do. If you stand right at the corner of the box you will have the range but it is a close thing.

Regarding EV targets, they can stand to the right on the bridge and EV the ones spawning underneath the box Excal is on since RJ cannot target them due to no LOS.

Edited by Zilchy
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Speaking as an EV Trin, I can tell you straight off that the problem is that mobs are fairly tricky to find and target, since they disappear so fast.  It's got nothing to do with the EV Trin's ability to fill an energy bar, that's just an artefact of having the high Power Strength, high Range and short Duration in the Trin build and that's easy enough to attain; rather, it's to do with when it's possible to fill the energy bar.

This means that if you're taking huge chunks out of your energy pool with each RJ (because of dumped Efficiency), there may be gaps where just at that moment the Trin hasn't been able to find a target, precisely because the last RJ melted them.  Whereas if you have more efficiency, there are less massive jumps up and down in energy, and a few gaps in EV don't make much difference.

The variation in EV Trins is probably more down to luck than anything else.  Sometimes it goes really smoothly because you find a target every time and keep the EV flowing, and energy bar of a low Eff RJ goes up and down like a yoyo, but always goes up just in time.  Sometimes you get gaps because you couldn't find a target in front or to either side in time.  And sometimes you get gaps at awkward moments, just as the low Eff RJ's energy bar has completely run out.

EV Trin has the hardest job in Draco I feel - it's actually moderately stressful because you're constantly scanning around for targets and the pressure's on you to find them. 

That said, any gap in EV shouldn't be more than a few seconds - 4 or 5 at most - if the EV is doing their job and being active in scanning for targets, as aforementioned.


Edited by Omnimorph
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7 minutes ago, ashrah said:

that is most effective build u made ^^ cheers


6 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

You don't need Cunning Drift, swap it for Fleeting Expertise max and you're good to go. A decent Trin can EV the ones spawning in the room below you and keep you topped up without Streamline equipped.

Thanks for the response guys, I'll swap out the cunning for the fleeting and hopefully I won't be having as much trouble in Draco when I'm using this build

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12 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

You don't need Cunning Drift, swap it for Fleeting Expertise max and you're good to go. A decent Trin can EV the ones spawning in the room below you and keep you topped up without Streamline equipped.


No - you DO need Cunning Drift. Also, it IS true that your build will work with a pro EV, but if you generally recruit with pubs, you will defintely want to swap something out for Fleeting Expertise.


One last point: For that extra maxness, make sure you bring arcane Pendragon for extra power stregth, Pm me if you want one... selling for 700 plat. 



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Its the eternal dilemma, how does a vampire trinity give energy when a maxed range Excalibur tried to kill everything the vampire Trinity could target. The only possibility is during the Excalibur's energy downtime or if the Excalibur isn't capable of killing the enemies efficiently which makes it a waste for the Trinity to give the Excalibur energy. Always a puzzle to solve.

Edited by Urlan
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The best RJ excalibur for draco isn't a build for excalibur, but rather what squad you can make to go with him.

Try RJ exca with an equinox using the 3day ability + augment and/or  frost/ember/saryn/volt (oberon) built on their first ability + augment, and you'll see what efficient mean.

(and a trinity obviously)

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I would recommend swapping out not Cunning Drift, but Power Drift. 15% more range gives a more noticeable boost compared to 15% damage from Power Drift, especially if you take buffs into an account.

Also, actually EV Trin can't fully support this build, no matter how pro she is. Supporting NT RJ to its limits means allowing Excal to use RJ all the time, which won't be possible, as even max power strength EV Trin won't be able to give you enough energy to cover an RJ cast with the first EV tick, which means you'll have delays in your casts were you to hit zero energy plank, even if Trin will do her best. Take into consideration that not all Trins will have maxed strength too.

In your particular case, replacing Natural Talent with Fleeting will give you a direct overall boost with effectively no downsides.

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I've been messing about with the builds in PUG and recruiting, and you guys were right about it needing Fleeting. A un-optimal Trin can't keep the build going. But, with Fleeting in place of Natural or Cunning, it performs really well. I keep experimenting with it, and I think I can probably get by without the Natural Talent, thanks for all of your help guys, now I have a really reliable Draco build

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