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Xbox Live Problems interfering with limited time Shadow Debt event


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There has been ongoing Xbox live issues that prevent people from communicating together for the purpose of making a squad which makes it hard to gather a group for the Shadow Debt event and play it properly. The event scaling itself is already INSANE for the larger tier clans and it isn't likely that any of them will be able to earn a gold trophy as it is, but with these problems to add on top of it, it may be unlikely that even a single Moon clan gets even a Silver trophy on Xbox 1.

Please either extend the event to a reasonable enough length to give the larger clans a chance at a gold trophy, or rethink your scaling for consoles because it is already widely known that we are merely a fraction of the population of PC, and that means everything when it comes to event scores/trophies for the large tier clans. My Moon clan is 1st place by a large margin in this event, and we are going to struggle to even get a Bronze trophy it seems. Ridiculous.


Edit / PS - Our clan is running an external event with a prize pool exceeding 20,000 platinum as well as multiple vaulted prime warframes such as Frost/Rhino/ect. We do this during events to garner motivation for our clan to participate as well as reward them... and with 1st place squad all recieve 2k platinum as well as a Frost set EACH, as well as the next 3 squads all earning 1k plat per player and we are struggling with the score scaling still lol.

Edited by (XB1)Xodus03
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I did enjoy this event as a whole except for the RNG grind wall for the mods and this weird clan score trophy requirement for the Endurance mission. I am aware of only one Moon on PC to have gotten a gold trophy, which would have made some sense the way trophies used to be handed out, but it shows how truly difficult it is for (large?) clans to even get a trophy, let alone a silver or gold one. I am not even sure how PS4 is faring but a lot of their clans may end up in the same boat as Xb1. 

As Xodus said above, (I am a leader in the same clan) we are the most active Moon on Xb1 by a very decent margin and in 1st place, but at this rate we will only have enough for a Bronze trophy. Add to that Xbox Live has been having issues most of today as far as I am aware, we've essentially lost out on 12-24 hours of time we could have spent trying to get clan members on the event, effectively anyway since some can log in, just not use the chat.

I'd like to ask DE to either extend time for Xbox even just a few hours to compensate for this, or think of scaling back the score required for clans/large clans to earn trophies. I know some Mountain clans and some smaller clans whom feel the same way about the trophies, on Xbox anyway.

I don't expect for you, DE, to actually do anything about any of this, but I at least hope you will learn from this for future events. The mod RNG was atrocious for many many players. I myself managed to get every mod, but I also have 150+ acolyte kills alone. Most players do not have that kind of time. Structuring the event so that players could eventually acquire all of the mods after reaching some sort of preset goals or benchmarks would have been a far more rewarding experience, and much less tiring/time consuming. 

Also, deciding to do the trophies this way for seemingly no reason really has taken me aback, as well as frustrated and angered many others I'm sure. Handing out trophies traditionally (1st place = Gold, 2nd place = Silver, etc...) does not seem like a broken system or one that needs to be improved upon in any way, so why change it?

Update: I finally found myself with more free time and was able to log on during the final hour of the event. I thought it would be great to get one final run in and try to beat my best score, assuming it would still count even if the event ended while I was in mission. However, most of that hour was spent either trying to get into a squad and Xbox Live party with some friends/clan members, or staring at the event timer slowly ticking away. Regardless of whether these were Xbox Live issues (core services issue) this weekend or on DE's end, I feel like something has to be done. I hope you feel the same way DE.

Edited by (XB1)IHasHairyNipzz
Paragraph spacing, update, added suggestions
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I know this probably doesn't belong here but it just came to my attention and I feel like I had to add it. I don't frequent the forums very often so I am getting it all out at once.

One of the clans in my alliance, whom have been around for a long time, (at least since the first couple of months Warframe came to Xb1) they aren't able to participate on the Leaderboards for the event because they dropped down a clan tier within the last 2 months. Their leader wasn't aware that was a limitation and neither was I, otherwise we probably would've advised them to stay where they were, or at least they could've considered their options.

Please DE let people know about that when they decide to drop down a clan tier if you don't already, it seems very unfriendly they had to first learn about this DURING the event. If you really wanted to keep clans from cheating a score, maybe keep tabs on clans that drop a tier DURING the event.

Update: Found out today that even though they won't have their score on the Leaderboards, the game will still keep track of their score and award them a trophy. Relieving news, but still pretty worrying to hear the news of a limitation as you're trying to motivate clan members to compete in an event.

Edited by (XB1)IHasHairyNipzz
Typos, update
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This was such horrible timing with Xbox problems today, as it was my only day to run the Endurance part. I also 100% agree that the expectations for a Moon clan to get gold are completely unreasonable and that sucks for those of us putting up so much for rewards for an event that has a goal that cannot be achieved...

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I concur with Xodus03. I really hope this event is extended a reasonable amount of time. Xbox live issues affecting squad connection and party chat in the middle of two days of this event during peak hours really hurt scores. Heck if it wasn't for the issues my clan could have taken 3rd place in that last 30 minutes. I had two guys lined up to take on a run that had not run it yet but could not due to squad connection issues.

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Yeah the Xbox live problems alone were really tough to deal with and are a big reason why scores look so pathetic in the larger tiers. Having all communications down during not only peak hours but almost an entire day, as well as the last hours of the event was bad enough alone but combined with the score scaling, it was very difficult. Not like we are short of committed members either... the event is currently over but I have people sitting in the event tileset solo waiting for Xbox live to come back up so they can try to invite a squad and give it a run lol.

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My clan barely managed to scrape together for the 300 waves, and that was only as the sive members who could manage to manage with the lag could come on. And even over the course of this event it was near impossible to farm for mods, although i'm glad i managed to get the ones i wanted except bladed rounds and the reload/fire rate mods. The amount of people on xbox is lower as well, and the difficulty of talking made it near impossible. I spent practically two days of this week just trying to join parties or hear people, not to mention my chat not loading. Not like getting the gold trophy was difficult enough without connection issues..

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i completely agree. This was just bad timing in general. During pax, during ongoing "fixes" to chat n stability in game. Coinsiding with the release of highly anticipated games that have online features WILL affect servers, every time. I recall the quote of two weeks ago is "so its coming out with DS3, what are they thinking?"

we haven't had a single good event (by good I mean not eyes of blight lol) that wasn't effected by at least a day of Xbox server problems. These things should definitely be accounted for, time extended when these things happen, something.

I should also add that 3 days of that unique challenge is not enough, especially when half of that time is disrupted. Not to mention these challenges are the most fun experience to some people, gameplay wise, not just reward wise, and they are gone in an instant that was riddled with server issues. My clan looked forward to this thing for 3 months to get to play endurance for about a day n a half. Especially if u pride yourself on event n leaderboards, this kills our desire to wait for the next one.

I just think its sad that of my 5 long runs, 3 ended in disconnection issues. My 2nd run we chose to leave at 100 to rethink strategy (<thing I live for) to kill misery quicker n we never got to use that rethought strategy without disconnection. I can only imagine how frustrated players that weren't prepping to the teeth, organized ahead of time n ready to go felt trying to farm mods or get runs in.

completely a side note but xodus, seeing as ur prize pool is external, did my squad win something? Just wondering, as that would be awesome. Also I hope at least some of ur guys got those last minute runs in, I was at wave 74 again today when we got booted n the event had just ended so hopefully they did not get booted out as well.

Edited by (XB1)ashes of suvius
removed a bunch of ranting, clarified point.
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Ashes, our squad was coming for your 100 wave record (and we heard you planned on going wayyyy past that :P ) and on wave 82 we got DC'd.. 


At least I have a 83 wave'r to show, but 1 squad guys profile shows only 50 waves... Major disappointment!

I don't know if it was an Xbox thing or DE thing, but at wave 40 and beyond, I could not 'roll' or even use my melee. 


Hope we get some clarity :)

Edited by (XB1)MerlensMagic
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48 minutes ago, (XB1)MerlensMagic said:

Ashes, our squad was coming for your 100 wave record (and we heard you planned on going wayyyy past that :P ) and on wave 82 we got DC'd.. 


At least I have a 83 wave'r to show, but 1 squad guys profile shows only 50 waves... Major disappointment!

I don't know if it was an Xbox thing or DE thing, but at wave 40 and beyondor, I could not 'roll' or even use my melee. 


Hope we get some clarity :)

were u with oiseau? Ive done some trials with him, good dude. yeah, we had some melee issues as well. Did u get the 'not receiving energy from zenurik or plates even though you're moving and active' bug? That was fun...

we had an actual failure at 73, a 100 wave run where we decided to leave n tweak build cuz misery was taking 20+ minutes to kill, then a dc at 83, one 74, then we were back at 74/5 today when we all just straight up got booted. With the adjusted build even at wave 70 we killed him in under a minute. It would have been nice to see if we still could at 200 n actually give PC a run for their money. But, same with mutalist incursions, the time we could have run our improved builds was spent pissed off at connection issues and downed services.

I completely understand that most of this is on Xbox not DE. however, as ive said before, better planning could have fixed alot of this. I dont expect them to do anything about this, but I do expect for them to learn from this. Dont make your meat of the event that shortly time limited. Expect server issues from Microsoft n be prepared to extend the length of the event by the length of time gaming services are disturbed. Dont reduce difficulty level, but do make sure to reward players for making it through, those gold mods need to be rare so people want to buy plat in order to obtain them, I get that, but when those of us that farmed it alot still dont have many extras I dont know where u expect that concept to work. Give one of the gold mods every 20. Most people had a challenge getting that far but could with effort n strategy. Reward it.

and just cuz we are on the topic of events, please dear god dont throw a lunaro event at us to push that game mode on us before its refined. If u want gameplay data, make gold cores a participation reward, 3x for losing team, 5x for winning team, people will play the hek out of it.

edit, ^ i only say this cuz the panel talked about getting back into events and played the lunaro video at pax a lil too close together for my liking.

edit 2 I really don't mean to beat a dead horse but if they had waited to package our previous update including the destreza 2 weeks they could have packaged the event, we would've had substance to an update between major ones, would've had this event 2 months ago, n they wouldn't be gone to pax then off for the weekend when this is all happening. This is just another example of poor planning n ending up looking like they think of us as an afterthought, which I dont believe is true. I do however get frustrated n want to see these problems worked out.

Edited by (XB1)ashes of suvius
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10 hours ago, (XB1)ashes of suvius said:

completely a side note but xodus, seeing as ur prize pool is external, did my squad win something? Just wondering, as that would be awesome. Also I hope at least some of ur guys got those last minute runs in, I was at wave 74 again today when we got booted n the event had just ended so hopefully they did not get booted out as well.

We ran a contest separate (external?) from the event, but it was only for our clan members. Nice try though, doesn't hurt to ask lol

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8 hours ago, (XB1)ashes of suvius said:

were u with oiseau? 

Yeah.. Really nice, but talks too much. We can never get him to shut up (have you even heard him speak yet? I haven't :) 


We had some strange things happen and not being able to communicate because of XBL surely added  to the challenge.  1 of the runs said we were about to attempt 'Gate Crash'!?!

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2 hours ago, (XB1)MerlensMagic said:

Yeah.. Really nice, but talks too much. We can never get him to shut up (have you even heard him speak yet? I haven't :) 


We had some strange things happen and not being able to communicate because of XBL surely added  to the challenge.  1 of the runs said we were about to attempt 'Gate Crash'!?!

I think we heard him talk back in the day, but I could be wrong.

n I saw cryotic front and gate crash a few times

4 hours ago, (XB1)IHasHairyNipzz said:

We ran a contest separate (external?) from the event, but it was only for our clan members. Nice try though, doesn't hurt to ask lol

the word external gave me the impression it meant not limited to within the clan, perhaps next time use the exact opposite word, internal. regardless, it was indeed worth asking. Thank you for responding.

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22 hours ago, (XB1)Warlord Wolfy said:

Yeah.  A quick check of the xbox site says core services and social and gaming are limited.  So again XBL is having issues cause the event to be messed up.


Yup, I believe that there has been an XBL service alert up for pretty much the entire last part of the event.


While I understand that this is not DE's fault, it would be great if they could help us out with some breathing room on the event.


5 hours ago, (XB1)IHasHairyNipzz said:

We ran a contest separate (external?) from the event, but it was only for our clan members. Nice try though, doesn't hurt to ask lol


Hahaa, gib us all ur plats!

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And here we thought we were going to have to make this thread! This is true! It's unfair and unrealistic. Either score in rank not points, or give us more time! Please! We lost two of the three days, during main times of activity! We want GOLD not Bronze! And we were the ONLY mountain clan to place! Don't you WANT people to have a shot at enjoying all the hard work you put into this event? I sure do! Please DE! Hear us!


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@Ashes - Sorry man, but this event was just for the clan this time.... got tired of always paying your squad out! haha jk. Nice job on the LB's regardless of the problems we had also btw. Those problems you described in the 70's and 80's... our squad was having almost every time we played right off the start of the runs and it happened so often that we actually just gave up and tried to run with it anwyay. No energy while moving(afk mode while not afk), being insta-killed with a 99% damage reduction on, falling through the map, and more.... good times lol.


@Nipz - He said "external" cuz that is the word I used to describe it... but I think he was just poking fun cuz his squad has received a pretty decent amount of plat from our events in the past haha.

Edited by (XB1)Xodus03
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30 minutes ago, (XB1)Xodus03 said:

@Ashes - Sorry man, but this event was just for the clan this time.... got tired of always paying your squad out! haha jk. Nice job on the LB's regardless of the problems we had also btw. Those problems you described in the 70's and 80's... our squad was having almost every time we played right off the start of the runs and it happened so often that we actually just gave up and tried to run with it anwyay. No energy while moving(afk mode while not afk), being insta-killed with a 99% damage reduction on, falling through the map, and more.... good times lol.

dont think we had any falls through the map, n at that high of a lvl, we usually just assume instakills were a single stray bullet. The energy glitch out was rough. But none of the in game glitches compare to losing your 4th to connection issues while trying to face a lvl 300+ misery, that now has armor back. N if a host migration happens, by the time u can move ur character, mission is failed.

Which reminds me, can we get a fix to host migrations? Pause the match until 5 seconds after the new host is loaded in or something. There's nothing worse than seeing you're ship at loading screen n hearing enemies, gunfire, etc destroying everything I the match while you're unable to do a thing n knowing that you're loading into a fail.

now that the events over on all 3 platforms, can we be told exactly how much health misery had n how it scaled? His scaling was crazy. I'd easily guess that at lvl 1370 or whatever he was at wave 100, he had more health than enemies 5 thousand lvls higher. Might tweet this question to Scott or something cuz I'm really curious

Edited by (XB1)ashes of suvius
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1 hour ago, (XB1)Xodus03 said:

@Nipz - He said "external" cuz that is the word I used to describe it... but I think he was just poking fun cuz his squad has received a pretty decent amount of plat from our events in the past haha.

just to clarify, I actually dont think I ever have received rewards from you, but I'm sure mike vex n other people i run with have. I honestly dont usually hear about the plat challenges, at least not in a long time, which is why i was asking. I wasn't poking fun, was genuinely interested. By the way xodus i sent u a message about possibly holding some of these challenges together n spreading word further, hit me back when u have time

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I honestly have to agree with the points made in this forum, But I also want to add a little information.  I did not actually read every post in here, but just in case it has not been said, I, and many others in my clan, had a hard time getting to game to even play Saturday night and all of Sunday.  Even when we finally got a squad together we had to literally reset our Warframe just to get the game to un-stick and move on to a new wave. By Sunday afternoon we could not enjoy our party chats, and the game glitched even harder to the point of it actually stopped working and my screen froze trying to load a regular mission.  I reset my Warframe numerous times and finally quite trying just before the event stopped.  Im not asking for more additional time added, but to at least a have  24 hour extention this weekend to actually try to go higher than 20 waves in Shadow Debt.

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