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How to Nezha



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I got my Nezha a little while back. I think he's my favorite frame. At least as much a favorite as Ash Prime. Here's what I've found...

He's actually quite survivable. He can put up warding halo for 100% staggers and damage, and a safety bubble for your squishiness. Keep moving quick to keep the damage on Warding Halo as low as you can. If you do get low on health, The Flaming Chakram will heal you for killing anything it hits. Flame walker is just...crazy handy. It plays into his speed. You can get a lot of enemies stuck in fire just by evading and air kicking and so on. Then they're open to be killed easy. His ulti is...for me, it's sufficient, just as is. I don't use stretch continuity or anything. Just Intensify and Streamline, and maybe Flow on some setups. The range is good, it does what I want it to do.

He doesn't benefit much from increasing his armor or shields, largely because you'll want Warding Halo up most of the time. At minimum, have Vitality so healing yourself is more potent. Redirection and Fast Deflection are handy if you don't use your powers a lot, or want some more durability. But if you have warding halo up all the time, your shields won't matter so much.

I considered Reflection a lot. If you build a weapon around channeling, Reflection seems great for Nezha because his huge power pool (and probably Energy Siphon for the aura) will let him channel a lot, and send the damage back too. Only, I've found that the potency of it isn't so good. It's generally the mob that will kill you. Not the single enemy you reversed damage back to. Plus, even with Reflex Coil and a lot of energy, a mob will blow through your energy that way, when you could just use your ulti.

Point though. I'm not sure if blocking mitigates the damage on Warding Halo. Using channeling to block doesn't reduce your energy while it's up, and Reflection doesn't work either, so....it would seem that the damage goes straight to Warding Halo and your blocking doesn't help it. If that's true, it really opens you up to get crazy with the attacking. If not, Warding Halo is even more amazing.

Any speed mods will lower the damage on Warding Halo, because enemies will have a harder time hitting you. Plus, if you have Warding Halo up all the time anyway, there's no loss to having speed mods instead of durability mods. :D  And since Nezha is inherently crazy fast, his speed will get insane.

I really recommend a melee weapon you can use without needing to stop moving. Like spears. Mythologically, Nezha's classic weapon is a spear. :) Plus, with speed mods, the spear combos become INSANE. In the case of the spear, you also get more range, so his speed is more manageable in melee.

The one thing about Nezha is, for all his strength, he's vulnerable to getting a lot of damage in a short amount of time. And while he can get out of hot water really quickly, it's great to know when anything is near him, or aiming at him. Getting blindsided as Nezha is BAD. For that reason, I really highly recommend Enemy Sense and Mobilize, to help with the not getting blindsided, and being able to get out of danger fast, as well as have more range control.

Btw, abuse the crap out of range control. :)

I have to address this one thing about Nezha.....

He's not Rhino. His powerset is more similar than other frame comparisons, sure. But Rhino is heavy, and Nezha is the fastest frame in the game. Ultra high durability vs ultra high mobility. Opposites. While Rhino's powers may have higher numbers, Rhino doesn't have Nezha's speed, or fire, or healing ability, or giant power pool. Warding Halo hurts enemies that get near, Iron Skin does not, but defends better. A lot of frames have powersets that are similar in nature. A room clearing ulti, a bread and butter but smaller area 1, a buff, then something highly framed themed like teleporting or healing, etc. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on Rhino. But the whole "this frame's power is just a lesser version of that frame's power" point drives me crazy.

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To play Nezha well, you need to use all his abilities so I would work on a balanced build that has positive duration, efficiency, and strength.  You should also at least throw in a Stretch so his Divine Spear has better crowd control.  All his abilities, including his Warding Halo, depend on strength so I wouldn't tank that to maximize duration, efficiency, or range.  Throw in a Steel Fiber to up the hit points of Warding Halo.  Some people don't like his casting speed, so if you find his casting too slow, throw in a Natural Talent.

As for weapons, I find AoE primaries and secondaries and melee weapons with long reach work well with him because I run around like crazy and it's kind of hard to aim when I'm running around all over the map.  I do use other weapons as well depending on the situation and enemy type, but for fun it's usually Ignis or Synoid Simulor, Atomos, and/or Atterax/Orthos Prime.

For Focus, I see people like to use Zenurik for energy, but I use Naramon instead because the invis on melee crit helps him not getting hit.  Because I prefer crit melee weapons, this means invis will proc quite often.

I always have Warding Halo and Fire Walker on.  Fire Walker is great for crowd control and I can easily cover huge areas with fire just by zipping around.  Fire Walker is even more important when I'm doing radiation condition sorties because the fire cleanses my teammates' status effect while Warding Halo protects me from status effect in the first place.  Blazing Chakram is good for teleporting and stuff, but I tend to use it more for healing my teammates and my companion.  Divine Spear is mostly for crowd control and I cast that if my teammate goes down in a middle of a mob.  To me he's really fun and he brings a lot to a team yet strong enough to solo.  He's under appreciated by most people, but I actually kind of like that because that means people won't be calling for nerfs on Nezha.

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On 4/24/2016 at 4:37 PM, GothKazu-EN- said:

Builds? Play style (weapons, arcanes, etc)?

Seriously idk what I'm doing. Please help me.

Haha, this made my day. This is exactly how I felt about Nezha when I started playing him.

I still don't know all the ins and outs of the frame, but the best way I've found to play Nezha so far is by doing everything at once, all the time, forever. If you can have an ability going and can afford the energy drain, it's usually a good idea to do it. Since there's so much variety in his kit (CC, status inflict, status cleanse, speed, teleport, AoE damage both near and far, a heal, a tank and yet more CC), I always play Nezha in squads to fill out whatever the rest of the Tenno aren't doing. If we have lots of damage, I focus heals and CC. If we have tanks, mobility and damage. If we have lighter units, I tank. You get the idea. Overall, I see Nezha's distinct advantage in enemy upset, in basically trolling the hell out of whoever you're fighting.

One thing I didn't know for the longest time about Nezha is that if you have Firewalker active, teleporting to your chakram will turn off Firewalker and cause a massive explosion where you land. Also, in addition to the damage wall, Warding Halo constantly staggers nearby enemies and deals Slash damage. He's full of surprises. Check out http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Nezha/Abilities in detail if you haven't done so already.

I haven't really settled on weapons for him yet, but your picks can be versatile. I usually take Carrier to keep his energy up, and I often take an automatic secondary weapon like the Dex Furis since he does a lot of sliding into enemies. I've only ever taken quick melee weapons, but I could see Warding Halo synergizing well with a heavy weapon. Hmmm. I'll test this today.

In terms of mods, I like to build for Strength and Duration, though I don't tend to lean too hard into any one stat. ES for aura is a must and hugely benefits his high energy pool. If you have the space for it, I highly recommend investing in some Knockdown Recovery. Nezha has great disengage but low base shields and health, so getting caught out can potentially end your fun right quick.

That's my two cents. I don't profess to be any kind of expert on the frame, but this is what I've found so far. Best of luck out there with this trickster.

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Nezha has damage, status protection, damage mitigation, teleport/mobility, and crowd control. While he doesn't particularly lead the pack at anything, he's fairly balanced in all things.

Mod him balanced between Strength/Efficiency/Range/Duration, or just mod however you like depending on what you need him to do.

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1 hour ago, Magnulast said:

Well, you can make a slide build....using the drift mod...

Essentially he's almost exactly modded like rhino, except in this case, you would prefer too keep duration high for his other abilties.

I'm not a rhino fan, and I'm also not a fan of nezha....soo yeah.

He's basically Rhino.

If you're not a fan, why'd you answer?


1 hour ago, Rachnera said:

step1: build nezha
step2: level nezha on draco
step3: sell nezha

Wow thank you for being SOOO helpful.

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1 hour ago, Magnulast said:

Well, you can make a slide build....using the drift mod...

Essentially he's almost exactly modded like rhino, except in this case, you would prefer too keep duration high for his other abilties.

I'm not a rhino fan, and I'm also not a fan of nezha....soo yeah.

He's basically Rhino.

If you're not a fan, why'd you answer?


1 hour ago, Rachnera said:

step1: build nezha
step2: level nezha on draco
step3: sell nezha

Wow thank you for being SOOO helpful.

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nehza is super quick if you equip both rush and armored agility, and combined with his teleport ring and guarding ward, he's tanky enough to run headlong through those cap missions without taking any damage. 

I build him like rhino for iron skin, as was mentioned above.  

I use him when I want to be really fast and fun... one thing, get rid of the standard nezha animation sets, which are a bit silly

Edited by DeadlyPeanutt
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1 minute ago, Druidx said:

He doesn't benefit much from increasing his armor or shields, largely because you'll want Warding Halo up most of the time. At minimum, have Vitality so healing yourself is more potent. Redirection and Fast Deflection are handy if you don't use your powers a lot, or want some more durability. But if you have warding halo up all the time, your shields won't matter so much.

His Warding Halo depends on power strength and armor so you do want to throw in a Steel Fiber to up the halo's health.  I agree that Shield is pretty much useless for him.  You should use Vitality on him because his natural health pool is so low and he would go down so quickly if his Warding Halo wore off in the middle of high level enemies, but Vitality wouldn't have any effect on Burning Chakram's healing ability (am I reading this correctly when you say healing yourself you're talking about Burning Chakram?), which is affected by power strength.

I don't use Enemy Sense because I want that mod slot for something else but I do put Animal Instinct on my companion. :)

Other than that, I pretty much agree more or less with everything else you said especially the Nezha not being Rhino.

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1 hour ago, xiaodenden said:

His Warding Halo depends on power strength and armor so you do want to throw in a Steel Fiber to up the halo's health.  I agree that Shield is pretty much useless for him.  You should use Vitality on him because his natural health pool is so low and he would go down so quickly if his Warding Halo wore off in the middle of high level enemies, but Vitality wouldn't have any effect on Burning Chakram's healing ability (am I reading this correctly when you say healing yourself you're talking about Burning Chakram?), which is affected by power strength.

I don't use Enemy Sense because I want that mod slot for something else but I do put Animal Instinct on my companion. :)

Other than that, I pretty much agree more or less with everything else you said especially the Nezha not being Rhino.

Warding Halo is affected by your armor?

I have to try that. Armored Agility sounds like THE MOD for Nezha if that's the case.

I use other stuff besides Enemy Sense when I bring a companion too. :)  I usually don't though. I've been trying to rank up a lot of new weapons lately, trying to max their gained affinity.

Burning Chakram heals you. :D   The damage itself doesn't heal you, but when you kill the things you hit with it, you get a heal from it. For me, 2 of those kills will fully restore my health with Not Quite Maxed Vitality. And, the idea of having more health to make healing more effective is that...well, if you can heal yourself, but don't have a lot of health to heal, the power just isn't as handy. You'll die before you have the chance to heal, or be able to heal a lot more than your max health. Armor makes healing more effective to in that sense. Makes it more...power efficient. Harder to hurt you = need to heal less health, less often. If you're solo, having more armor/health or higher healing ability give you almost the same benefit, only health and armor are already..there. It's hard to explain. Am I making any kind of sense? x)

Also something I forgot to mention. Nezha is an awesome melee frame, because of his insane mobility, Warding Halo, and huge energy pool for channeling. You have to watch what you approach and not stick in one spot for too long, but he'll rip through mobs like a violent wind. Admittedly, adopting a dodgey melee playstyle might be hard if you aren't used to it.

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5 minutes ago, Druidx said:

Warding Halo is affected by your armor?

I have to try that. Armored Agility sounds like THE MOD for Nezha if that's the case.

I use other stuff besides Enemy Sense when I bring a companion too. :)  I usually don't though. I've been trying to rank up a lot of new weapons lately, trying to max their gained affinity.

Yes, Warding Halo does depend on your armor, and Armored Agility works great on Nezha.  :D  In one of my builds I have maxed Steel Fiber and Armored Agility.  I think it's a bit of a overkill, but I don't die often so it works? XD

Companions gain xp independent of your frame and weapons so you can bring your companions and not worry about them stealing your xp from the stuff you're leveling.  You don't get xp from the enemies your companion kill, but if you still want to use its powers and don't want it to kill things, you can always take off their attack mods.

I get what you're saying with Burning Chakram's heal.  I like to use Burning Chakram for its healing ability more than teleportation.  :)

I also agree with you that he's an awesome melee frame.  I like to recommend him along with other usual frames like Valkyr and melee build Volt if people are looking for a more melee friendly frame.

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Nezha for me feels more like oberon, jack-of-all-trades, master-of-nones, except mobility, that makes him a good solo or conclave frame, but he does not bring much to the team, and he enables a "run-around-like-an-idiot" attitude that makes him much less useful in a team environment … i don't count the number of missions where the ennemies were dispersed all around the map trying to follow a nezha, the affinity gain was so low on those missions it was ridiculous.

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Nezhas awesome and one of a few frames that can do mostly everything so it depends on your play style ..


crowd wed controll and debuffing ? Max out his duration ,range and efficiency

damage mobile tank build is my favorite - just max power strength and armor (steel fiber even armored agility with all the power strength mods and primed flow) 

there's other styles but honestly the best thing to do is go for maxing either as a Crowd Controller who can do minor tanking or a damage type who can survive and revive others etc but isn't as good at cc (divine spears don't last over 10seconds and Fire walkers probably going to cost a lot ).


theres speed builds which I get but I don't at the same time lol .


for me you should want a good warding halo , level and mod properly and high ranked enemies will get sort of stunned coming near you so no melee problems and infested struggle while you do 315 damage per second(dps) plus have damage absorption over 5k  and even though divine spears time is only 9.9 seconds you still get 1,512 impale and 1512 slam damage .


btw my numbers aren't even based on a fully maxed our blind rage, transient fortitude or primed flow .



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Nezha is fun little frame with several very nice usages.

For one he will teach you how to slide and do "buttskirts" properly - y'know when you just touch slide button for milisecond, youtube guide - parkour 2.0

Secondly he is very fast and good for speed running missions, to break monotony from volt. 

Use it with either maglev or cunning drift. You will become olympic ice skater. It's insane. Using primed reach +long weapon, maiming strike and slide attacks will increase AoE of your slides to insane level. 

Avoid using it vs corrupted.Their ancients will protect enemies around them from your ult - which can be dangerous inconsistency.


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Well, you can make a slide build....using the drift mod...

Essentially he's almost exactly modded like rhino, except in this case, you would prefer too keep duration high for his other abilties.

I'm not a rhino fan, and I'm also not a fan of nezha....soo yeah.

He's basically Rhino.

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