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Your favorite/least favorite faction to fight and why?


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What is your favorite faction to fight, what is your least favorite, and why?

For me, my favorite has to be infested. I love fighting the Infested for all the reasons a lot of people (on the forum at least) seem to hate them. I love the knockdowns, the sludge, the crazy buffs multiple ancients provide, and the general cluster-F*** that is Infested survival. This is where I see a lot of people disagreeing with me, but they seem to be a well balanced faction that is fun to fight. Sure it can get frustrating when you're caught in sludge, those bug things are swarming you, and you can't move due to a stream on knockdowns, but all of this is predicable and avoidable. I can't count how many times I've died, by the hands of Grineer or Corpus, and had no idea as to what killed me. With Infested, 9 deaths out of 10 I know what killed me and what to do next time to avoid it. I love the lore as well.

My least favorite to fight, hands down, has always been the Corpus. I detest everything about Nullifiers and I'm not a fan of Bursas, but it boils down to how easy that faction is to fight. One Mag in the group and the mission plays itself. Even without Mag the faction just seems far too easy. When fighting Infested, chances are everyone's using either Corrosive Heat or Corrosive Blast. The void, Corrosive Cold. You'll see some slight variations, like less cold/corrosive for 120% more puncture on voids (or 4 CPs and viral), but chances are if you're in a high level survival lobby and someone says they're modded for anything other than mainly corrosive (Void/Infested) or mainly radiation (Grineer) you'll kindly ask them to change because they're not going to be doing much damage otherwise. This is not the case with Corpus. I've heard people swear by Magnetic Toxin, all Toxin, all Viral, Corrosive Cold, Electric Gas, Radiation Viral, etc. because it doesn't really matter. They're gonna die regardless. Not nearly as many cheap feeling deaths as fighting the Grineer, but at least they pose a challenge. I could go on and on, but I'm more interested in your opinion.

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Most liked: Grineer.

Why?: They are the only faction were you can go stealth without requiring invisibility.

Least liked: Corpus

Why?: Nullies, Drover Bursas (cause they run away if I try to melee them like the arsehols they are) and Sappin/Mine Ospreys.

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Infested. I can do a 1 hr survival with grineer/corpus just fine.

Infested have an insane amount of particle effects (all settings low too, and this is a decent computer)

which causes my frame rate to DROP an INSANE amount. To the point I can't even move at 3FPS. Have to ask my team to leave at 20 minutes. They understood and said their FPS is crap too, and we left. </3


if we're talkin non-tech issues then corpus. cause bursas.

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)B0XMAN517 said:

What is your favorite faction to fight, what is your least favorite, and why?


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For me, my favorite has to be infested. I love fighting the Infested for all the reasons a lot of people (on the forum at least) seem to hate them. I love the knockdowns, the sludge, the crazy buffs multiple ancients provide, and the general cluster-F*** that is Infested survival. This is where I see a lot of people disagreeing with me, but they seem to be a well balanced faction that is fun to fight. Sure it can get frustrating when you're caught in sludge, those bug things are swarming you, and you can't move due to a stream on knockdowns, but all of this is predicable and avoidable. I can't count how many times I've died, by the hands of Grineer or Corpus, and had no idea as to what killed me. With Infested, 9 deaths out of 10 I know what killed me and what to do next time to avoid it. I love the lore as well.

My least favorite to fight, hands down, has always been the Corpus. I detest everything about Nullifiers and I'm not a fan of Bursas, but it boils down to how easy that faction is to fight. One Mag in the group and the mission plays itself. Even without Mag the faction just seems far too easy. When fighting Infested, chances are everyone's using either Corrosive Heat or Corrosive Blast. The void, Corrosive Cold. You'll see some slight variations, like less cold/corrosive for 120% more puncture on voids (or 4 CPs and viral), but chances are if you're in a high level survival lobby and someone says they're modded for anything other than mainly corrosive (Void/Infested) or mainly radiation (Grineer) you'll kindly ask them to change because they're not going to be doing much damage otherwise. This is not the case with Corpus. I've heard people swear by Magnetic Toxin, all Toxin, all Viral, Corrosive Cold, Electric Gas, Radiation Viral, etc. because it doesn't really matter. They're gonna die regardless. Not nearly as many cheap feeling deaths as fighting the Grineer, but at least they pose a challenge. I could go on and on, but I'm more interested in your opinion.


I agree with you I l hate corpus with a passion especially bursa i face a few In my opinion od hard to kill probably because idk where to hit them 

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I'll fight grineer all day. They have interesting units including ones that really scale hard into the later game. They are always a challenge but aside from scorpions pulling you around on a string you don't have any G-D D-AMNIT! moments with them

I hate corpus. The osperys would be bad enough on alot of missions...but no...now here come bursas while your still trying to clear the ospreys...and wait...lets walk in a couple nullifiers so you can do it all with no warframe abilites....aside from the low level planets, a full mission or sortie of corpus are probably responsible for several alcoholic tenno....

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Love Grineer and Infested

Hate Corpus. I like them from a design perspective but god damn do i hate when you got like 3 bursa's, 4 nullifies, and 2 scramblers each getting boosted by shield drones while you miss step into a sapping osprey ring and insta die while getting surrounded by 50 other crewman  

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I love the corpus, they actually provide a challenge and removes the un-skilled players out of the way and teaches them the following, actually dodge and care or die. 


So many people complain about nullifiers, the enemy that forces you to take out the threat. But the other factions lack this tremendously for the majority of their enemies...

Grineer is optional, Infested is optional. Void is optional, Corpus isn't.

Corpus is the only challenging unit there is, the rest is just scaled power with the same rhythm or technique. Infested, just fly in the air, Grineer, just dodge the slow firing enemies, Void, just ignore them out right. Corpus, dodge their bullets, and look for a tactical advantage.

Corpus actually have a impact, while the tenno just put more and more unreasonable nerf posts for the most intrusive unit in the game. That actually makes you think for once.

All the enemies in the corpus are worth killing, unlike any other faction's enemies.



I hate the grineer: They are simply pathetic at everything they do, they try to make heyyka's a powerful unit, only to see it nerfed. What are they? A health tank, they provide nothing interesting, all they have is simple predictable movements, that scale with higher range and damage over time.


They have NO sort of counteraction.No damage reduction(Infested), No Ability nullification(Corpus).  Dhark masters barely work, that doesn't count. Hyekka masters also barely work, because parkour. And last but not least, their stuns, are just there for no reason other to slow you down. Powerfist loses traction, Scoprions reset your position, flameblades autospawn next to you so you'll have to kill them, Commanders switch teleport you and stun you. 

People use CP all the time in order to counteract their ability to fight back, which should not be happening, if they were actually fun.

The Grineer are a joke, they are pathetic in every single way. They shed damage, they have a tank-like health. That's all they are, every thing else, is stun and damage.

Maniacs rarely ever spawn, the ballif and the artifcers are not even out yet.

The grineer has no impact, except for the formorian, I don't see them as challenging or fun. I see them as grind wall in draco.


--I just hope spoilers work for once--


Edited by Magnulast
Fixing Complete.
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Favorite: Corpus. Despite the ungodly amount of AOE effects the faction has I still like fighting them as they by far have the most challenging enemies. Things can get really hectic on third sortie missions for example and unless you have a proper team, equipment and mods you will get you &amp;#&#33; kicked.


Least favorite: Grineer. mechanically I find the Grineer to be very boring. Each unit is basicly just one with more and more damage. Elite Lancers beat Butchers, Heavy Gunners beat Elite Lancers, Crazy Cat Lady beats Heavy Gunner. The only targeting priority they have is that you should kill enemies that does the most damage to you. Its not like the Corpus or Infested who have powerful support units.

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Favorite faction: Grineer

As much as I despise Slash procs, getting one-shotted by Bombards/Napalms, and infinite armor scaling, they're still the easiest to deal with.

Least favorite: Corpus

Bursas, Corpus Techs, Sapping Ospreys, and Nullifiers are all digitized cancer. On top of that, nearly every Corpus weapon can potentially one-shot you.


Infested are 50/50. They're the easiest to kill individually, but damn annoying to deal with when heavy units get into the mix, especially Healers and bloody Swarm Moas. Special "fk you" goes out to Disruptors for still being able to drain all of our energy by giving an aura to friendlies or by simply attacking once.

Edited by Ailith
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