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Does Mag Worth A Reactor?


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No to both questions. Crush is good "early" on, but it quickly loses its effectiveness in later waves/T3 against ancients and grineer. The only thing she really has "late game" is pull, which can be used to save a downed teammate, or pull a toxic away from the pod before it dies and leaves the cloud behind. Though, I used a potato on mine because, imo, Crush is one of the coolest ults, you should try it yourself to decide.

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She has only got 1 main offense ability (I have Mag btw) the rest are support or defense, Shield attractor is my most used power though since it will stop the opponent from firing or they damage themselves, but overall pull isn't very good since they will simply be in meele range... Therefore they will slap you up when ythey get up unless you kill them in 0.0083278263472385899 seconds while their down.
Shield Polarize is completely useless to be honest, no player will stand still for you to use it, plus it does next to nother considering it will give/take 50 odd shield and by then you will have been vunerable for attack for the 2 seconds you spend casting, and it only sometimes stuns the enemy most of the time they will keep shooting you and recharge their shields in 2 more seconds.

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if you're bill gates bawlin ovah there. do it. if not, there are better frames. 

but then again her shields are pretty decent, she's not to slow and her energy needs max flow... and focus if you want crush to be effective.

Edited by aerokiss
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   Simple answer is yes. I use her almost all the time now and she rarely get outstripped by other frames for use and ability. I was like most of the forums about Crush being her only real power till this past week...I believe I was wrong in that thinking, very wrong. Right now I have Pull for killing Heavy/Ancient targets, Polarize to actually save cryopods from heavy attack, and MAX STRECH, Coil Helmet Crush to do a James Earl Jones on enemies. Bullet attractor is still iffy for me, but I am seeing some good uses for it, but still have to test out some of the ideas on it.


   To get back to you quesiton, I Potatoed her the SECOND I realized she was exactly tailored to my playstyle and how I want to affect the field. I say use her for a while and test out configurations and see if she works out for you. Cause as my friend found out, he is NOT a Mag player at all, but found another Frame that suited him just fine and is killing stuff nicely.

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I played Mag, Banshee, Trinity, Saryn. There are other more interesting frames out there, but honestly if you really like Mag, just go ahead.


What she can do, other frames do it better. And there are lots of useful things other frame can do, that she can't.

Which are the good frames, you can easily see in multiplayer. Honestly you will be jealous on what they can do after awhile.


Yes Crush is really cool and very powerful (all matches, I use only Crush.) But it is not a team support ability. Its a nuke. I find it very hard to give teammate any unique support like Loki/Saryn, Vauban, Frost, Nyx, etc.


I give my Mag the reactor is because I play a lot more guns than abilities. But honestly I will give it to Saryn if Saryn has arrived earlier.

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Mag is a EXCELLENT frame considering her low cost to purchase.  Also, farming WAR isnt hard at all with a Excalibur or Loki which you will have if you didn't pick her to begin with.


I didnt put a reactor in her, i bought her, she is the ONLY warframe i paid plat for. For 75 plat I got Mag, a warframe slot...and supercharge.  If i had farmed her I may have been more reluctant to buy the Reactor.



  +Helmet Increased Range

  +Range Mod maxed

  +Streamline maxed

  +Flow maxed

  +Focus Maxed

  =Nuke the whole map over and over until nothing remains  (and be called a troll on anything but Xini)


Also, 1000+ damage and a stun to every enemy on the map on xini casted 3-4 times straight is nothing to sneeze at.  Just keep mag off the ground and out of the fight with a long range weapon because she will be squishy with those mods.


The only other thing I use is Pull to get my friends out of poison clouds.

Edited by mogamu
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thx for ur feedbacks :)

maybe i'll lvl her to 30 and than decide


Beside maxing Crush do other skills really need to be maxed out? (maybe just shield polarize i guess) ?

I have mag potatoed. Yes Crush has a problem later on.. but as for farming goes.. such as mobile defenses and even defense missions.. she is a freaking beast.

Coil mag helm + Maxed Crushed + Maxed Stretch = Genocide

I run my Mag with Redirection - Flow (1 lvl from maxed) Sprint (1 lvl from maxed) Streamline (maxed) 

Crush max level, Shield polarize max level. Pull lvl 2 bullet attractor lvl 2

Her only real weakness is very high lvl mobs & infested.

I'd say she is worth potating she is very reliable and crush great when ur in "oh sh*t situations"


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pull gets more range per level, but if your using mag as poor mans saryn "1 a button aoe-bot" I assume you already have max Stretch which could make up for the range. pull only really has 1 use pulling downed teammates that don't crawl out of toxin... range may not be an issue if your this close.


More points in shield polarize adds more shields (wikia says 150-300-??-??), Guess you should max this if you intend on failing defense missions so badly that you need to use it on the pod since 150 shields is not really going to do anything.



bullet attractor can be left at 0 since increasing it only increases the range you can use it.... the bubble on the boss/mob you use it on remains the same, and the duration 15 seconds remains the same



As for Xini 25+ and T3 voids 1000 damage reduced by armor is going to drop to 10% of there total hp, and work mainly as a 3 second cc.

There is no reason you can't do t3 voids with decent gear, and the Huge shields will let you bolt for cover.

sorry... really not a Mag fan, I think its been said, she does nothing that other frames don't do alot better.



Good things about mag


She has a bucket load of shields (450 putting her with Rhino and frost shields) so you can put heavy shield mods in and she is pretty tough, also Pretty Nimble it "feels" like she moves faster than the wikia's 100% listed value. 


she has 2x Tactic polarity's Rush, Flow Stretch and Streamline fit nicely into these, so you may get away without the Potato.


her head adds range


She is small.. so better frames can shoot over her to save her pathetic &#!.... sorry...


Potato it!!

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If the enemy isn't a toxic and you want to knock them on the ground pull is great for it. Just hope your melee weapon is modded pretty well so you can pretty much instant kill the target.


Shield Polarize though useless to try using on enemies with shields. (Heavy Grineer, Moas, Bosses) It is great when using it on a group of Corpus with a Shield Osprey. Target one of the targets shielded by the Osprey and watch that Shield Osprey turn into a decent bomb. Also if you play defense remember to recharge the Cryo Pod.


Avoid Bullet Attractor unless the Excalibur you're playing with knows the Radial Javelin trick. It's better to just ignore the skill.


Crush. Everyone says this skill is great! I personally don't use it as much. I don't set myself up with Focus in my setup.

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I have mag potatoed. Yes Crush has a problem later on.. but as for farming goes.. such as mobile defenses and even defense missions.. she is a freaking beast.

Coil mag helm + Maxed Crushed + Maxed Stretch = Genocide

I run my Mag with Redirection - Flow (1 lvl from maxed) Sprint (1 lvl from maxed) Streamline (maxed) 

Crush max level, Shield polarize max level. Pull lvl 2 bullet attractor lvl 2

Her only real weakness is very high lvl mobs & infested.

I'd say she is worth potating she is very reliable and crush great when ur in "oh sh*t situations"



Agree with Kaeron.

Max Crush + CoilHelm + Stretch = clears medium room in a flash.

Streamline maxed reduce EN cost to 67. With a maxed out Mag (150en) you can spam Crush twice in a row.

With a room full of enemies (5 or more), if they drop 2-3 energy orb, you are ready to use crush again. Energy orb from crates give 50en. In youtube, there is a suggestion of pairing with Trinity EnergyVampire, but its very difficult to execute in actual game.

With easy availability of Energy Orb, I rarely attach Flow.

To make crush useful in more higher level missions, attach Focus to boost Crush's damage. Or simply use Crush twice. (Sadly, Crush is weakened by enemies armour, do take that into consideration. But luckily Crush do work well on common infested which happens to be the ones that love to comes in huge numbers)


Clear the room of minor enemies, then use Pull to toy with surviving minibosses. (No energy for pull? Do a careful jump melee to knock down instead. But note that you are not invincible while executing jump melees.)


Even though currently Mag is no longer invincible while casting crush. But the vast reach means unlikely there will be an enemy that can come within attack range most of the time. Also, the new ShieldPolarize allow one-click-kill on super pesky ShieldOspreys. You will seriously love it.


Hopefully is clears out my previous message. Mag is far from useless, I find her bag of tricks more limited and less interesting when compared to all other frames. If you like Mag, just give her the reactor.

Edited by jonnyguy
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Bullet Attractor


Use it repeatedly on the same target.

Each time, it stacks radius and adds bubble layers.

You can potentially seal all guns in a large room, redirecting them toward a boss.


Try it with everything, it's really fun.

It also applies to Excalibur's Radial Javelin, which fires projectiles.

Use Javelin from inside a bubble, every spear can hit the target.

15 projectiles at 1000 damage each, 15,000 base damage, 19500 with max Focus.

(is that right?)




Edited by Denninja
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Bullet Attractor


Use it repeatedly on the same target.

Each time, it stacks radius and adds bubble layers.

You can potentially seal all guns in a large room, redirecting them toward a boss.


Try it with everything, it's really fun.

It also applies to Excalibur's Radial Javelin, which fires projectiles.

Use Javelin from inside a bubble, every spear can hit the target.

15 projectiles at 1000 damage each, 15,000 base damage, 19500 with max Focus.

(is that right?)






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Bullet Attractor


Use it repeatedly on the same target.

Each time, it stacks radius and adds bubble layers.

You can potentially seal all guns in a large room, redirecting them toward a boss.


Try it with everything, it's really fun.

It also applies to Excalibur's Radial Javelin, which fires projectiles.

Use Javelin from inside a bubble, every spear can hit the target.

15 projectiles at 1000 damage each, 15,000 base damage, 19500 with max Focus.

(is that right?)





WARFRAME WIKI has officially something to add....

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Mag is good at the beginning.

But i think it was around level 15 where you can start to waste her.

if you reach level 30+ enemys...dont even try it.

Crush does not deal any damage to them. 1000dmg base, 200dmg against grineer (unmodded). i can deal more damage with a single shot.

so, her uber is not worth it, you can have something better.


Pull is...nah

Shield Polarize...never used it

Bullet Attractor...good in combination with Excal, but annoys every other gunner, because the shots wont hit weakpoints anymore. and grineer armor is pretty heavy. if you use an Armor Ignore Bolt weapon then it is ok.

Crush...as i said, because it is affected by armor, you cant use it on higher levels.

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