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ok....I was watching an interview with rebecca and steve, and he mentioned something about where your inspiration comes from and answered "the community" and as they were talking, i have been trying to come up with something that would be a new concept maybe??? dude, a friggin frame that turns into a kavaat, or a kubro, and maybe some other related powers, perhaps similar to equinox, depending on whether you choose to kavaat or kubro, the additional powers take on new meaning, say for example: 1) a power that causes ur currently transformed form to lunge and grab ur opponent called "pounce or bite" , the first being for kavaat form, and the 2nd being if ur a kubro, 2) the second being a tracking power, where if ur a cavaat, you can see weak spots, and if ur a dog, ur "hearing" is increased and you can see enemies through all barriers within a specified range, BOTH powers show enemies on ur radar on the minimap while active also, within that same range, 3) another power would be a power where either form would either howl or "meow" really loud...that sounds funny but cats call out too...=) and then a small pack or group of the corresponding animal type are summoned and whatever enemy u mark is attacked relentlessly, ok, then the final one, 4) in kavaat form you will go invisible, and then in kubro form you gain additional attack strength, and yes, while you have a kubro equipped they also interact with the pack mentality, AND based on the breed you have equipped, the summoned "pack" kubros or kavaats display the same behavior, and are boosted based on the mods ON ur equipped kubro, or in the future, kavaat.....THE TRANSFORMATION SHOULD BE COOL LOOKIN...youve all seen werewolf in london, and the howling...everyone knows the drill....I think the powers i came up with are parallel to some of the current newer frames you came out with, you know the duality thing, but hey, you guys are creative as hell, and change them up as you see fit, as far as looks go, picture like maybe a sort of wolfs head or animals head helmet, with claws on the hands and feet, but very animal like, similar to valkyr, and DEFINITELY have a tale on the frame...maybe the tail glows a different color or has different shape depending on which transformation u have activated, the way equinox changes shape...AND ITS A WERFRAME...pun intended... peace yall <3 -ntegr8 

Edited by (XB1)ntegr8
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I didn't even read any of this. (Trust me, I tried) Could you please flesh this out a bit more, but more importantly, organize this. It's painful having to read a giant body of text with no space to gives our eyes a rest.

Edited by Popstupid
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no problem, this was just an initial burst of ideas, i wanted to get them down...but moreover i wanted to get everthing down so i could remember for later...ill retype it in word, but i promise its all there..i have some ideas about an accompanying quest as well...hopefully the devs will see this too...=) i may try to come up with some concept pics as well..if i have time..-ntegr8

Edited by (XB1)ntegr8
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Bullet points can give the eye something a lot more pleasing than a massive run-on sentence.

As for the actual concept, it seems like everyone these days wants some sort of werewolf or transforming warframe, so I can't honestly say there's anything particularly new here; the powers actually sound a bit worse (with the exception of the 3rd, which seems to work fine) than one would expect from a new frame.

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could i mention that everyone that read this only had negative things to say?? whether it was my format, or concept, everyone "dogged" the concept, even though this is ONE of MANY concepts along the same line...it took me like 3 minutes to come up with this...it was only an idea...i even said i was working on a revised idea with some art included....wow. the reason my idea stands out is that you are given 2 different paths for the 4 powers...instead of just slinging mud at my ideas, how about saying what you would have done...or is it just easier to be aimlessly negative.?

Edited by (XB1)ntegr8
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6 minutes ago, (XB1)ntegr8 said:

could i mention that everyone that read this only had negative things to say?? whether it was my format, or concept, everyone "dogged" the concept, even though this is ONE of MANY concepts along the same line...it took me like 3 minutes to come up with this...it was only an idea...i even said i was working on a revised idea with some art included....wow. the reason my idea stands out is that you are given 2 different paths for the 4 powers...instead of just slinging mud at my ideas, how about saying what you would have done...or is it just easier to be aimlessly negative.?


First, all of the good concepts shape from negative feedback, if there was only positive feedback about how good it is, it wouldn't be able to improve. Just organize this, it's not that hard, not everyone can read huge body of texts with no spaces. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

no, no, i dont mean i think there should be no negative feedback, i understand the concept of weeding through ideas, what i meant was, if a person ONLY has negative things to say, maybe thats ALL they have to say...ie, if i make a neg statement, i usually have a followup, of what would be an improvement on that particular idea....some people just troll texts bc they really have nothing better to do, and even though my idea has been proposed before, i heard nothing but jabs at it...the ideas, the powers, hell even my PARAGRAPH STRUCTURE!!...i can read it just fine, and im only throwing out an idea that popped in my head, how is a sculpture finished, if people are only taking chunks from the clay, and not helping shape it???...ive taken criticism ALOT in my life...but i often recognize the difference between creativity and just plain ol sour lemons...lol...what i mean is, sure, have an idea, friggin SAY IT..its how this community thrives...Its easy to hate, much more difficult to CREATE...

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