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Allowing low level players to high level content is a good idea.


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9 hours ago, Reitrahc said:

Whether you like the content of his message or not, his point is valid. A group cannot be judged by the actions of an individual in the group.

Ah, not in that manner. Those are political statements -- and in the Twilight Zone at that -- and have zero bearing on this discussion as it's not game related at all.

Next, there will be racist stuff (well, already was done yesterday) as edgy guys want to troll for trolling sake.

Don't like extremes, don't be extreme, too.

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I've played in all the sorties everyday since they started except for the few days that I was not able to for connection issues or real life getting in the way.

A lot of the time I go into these sortie missions with under-ranked gear, but I always make sure I have at last ONE good weapon, or if it's a weapon only mission then I take a good maxed one.  Sorties are a good way to make affinity after all.

I pug alot while doing this too and usually see a lot of other people doing the same thing, and the reason is because in most cases, like me they have put the time into gearing and mods to have a good percentage of their DPS come from that one good weapon or their frame.

Usually I end up doing a lot of the damage or getting alot of the kills when I pug, but it's not always about the stats, also depends alot on frame choice, like frost.  you're there for a specific job, not always to DPS or carry the team.

The more  I play, the more good players of all mr ranks I see, but there are always a few bad people who are obviously trying to get carried beyond their skill lvl, or are just terrible.  That's the same across all multiplayer games I play though.

In the end I just play, and if I end up doing the carrying, I don't have a problem with it.

And yes I'm a MR 21 player with about 1800 hrs of REAL play time, only played Draco a few times to unlock the tile and help some clan mates do the same.

Draco is not the only way to lvl easy, there are some other better ways, just like crafting gear / weapons / frames it all comes with time.



Edited by Landron1979
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On 5/24/2016 at 3:21 PM, Reitrahc said:

Whether you like the content of his message or not, his point is valid. A group cannot be judged by the actions of an individual in the group.

Sorties and Raids should absolutely be MR locked and require level 30 gear only. This is the definitive end game of Warframe. There is no reason anyone should be allowed to bring anything less than their best to those missions in particular. Yes, MR is not a good way of measuring a player's skill and technically neither is weapon level, but it's the best we can do right now until the MR system gets reworked. EVEN THOUGH the missions can be completed with only 1 level 30 weapon or NO level 30 weapons but a good level 30 frame, this is the current end game, no getting around that.

I call bs.  Sorties are not endgame content and arbitary locks won't help the quality of players everyone is complaining of.

And once again, there are plenty of ways to make a point without resorting to examples involving child molestation. That is simply pushing buttons to get a specific, inflammatory response.

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3 hours ago, Noamuth said:

I call bs.  Sorties are not endgame content and arbitary locks won't help the quality of players everyone is complaining of.

And once again, there are plenty of ways to make a point without resorting to examples involving child molestation. That is simply pushing buttons to get a specific, inflammatory response.

Yes, Sorties are designed to be the hardest content in the game alongside Raids, which actually tend to be easier than a lot of Sorties. That is the definition of end game content. Your statement that it is not endgame content is a flat out lie.

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1 hour ago, Reitrahc said:

Yes, Sorties are designed to be the hardest content in the game alongside Raids, which actually tend to be easier than a lot of Sorties. That is the definition of end game content. Your statement that it is not endgame content is a flat out lie.

Not if MR4 players are doing it.

WoW, try even getting into a max raid instance, let alone hitting a boss, and not dying from 100000000001 AoEs even in the world as a lowbie. Even the 'lock's closet won't summon them.

Warframe is much more flexible (weapons hit regardless of level, for example, so they can even participate as lowbies). Level 80 in a level 100 raid is only going to see "MISS" in the world raids they can try to participate in, too.

THAT'S hard gated "end-game". Level and ability required.

Edited by Kevyne_Kicklighter
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10 hours ago, Reitrahc said:

Yes, Sorties are designed to be the hardest content in the game alongside Raids, which actually tend to be easier than a lot of Sorties. That is the definition of end game content. Your statement that it is not endgame content is a flat out lie.

Is it?  

How are Sorties endgame content when MR4 players can participate? And I don't mean showing up as a Loki and staying invis the entire time, but actively participate by getting kills, reviving, completing objectives.

How is it endgame content when I can take R20 equipment in and still top the damage or kills chart?

Your example of our raids being endgame content is laughable as well.  I talked a group of MR5-10 through  a LoR run.  Not participate or run it for them, I sat in the kitchen and yelled directions while they played in the livingroom.

Get real.

Edited by Noamuth
This phone is dead to me.
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Unfortunately I don't agree with this at all, letting new players into high level area's only causes them to bring the team down because of their lack of ability/gear,  and usually ends up with them having a poor experience when another player proceeds to tell them how useless they are or that they are dragging down the squad because of their excessive need to be babysat in the match.  And thats not just draco, there are many nodes that new players should not have access to, even adding some kind of MR lock would help this, at least then they would have the experience thats needed to do higher level content and not just hide/leech or drag down their squad during matches.  and to the people that say its elitist or blah blah blah, look at it this way, if draco had a MR lock on it then things with the game would definitely be different, there wouldn't be as many lazy players as they are now, but I suppose that would take away the "casual" aspect of Warframe, cause I don't know about you but rezzing the same person 6 times in the first wave of Draco is "amazingly" fun and NOT annoying at all.  But there will always be people against MR locks on anything cause they drive wedges between the community, not like MMO's have had them for years and years, and my god look how empty they are....no sacrasm on my part at all.

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16 hours ago, MR_CATRA said:

MR4 here 


Thats great, now do the same with greneer and corpus. Thankfully you are in luck cause todays sortie is greneer. even better there is bow only def and eximus exca. Meaning no easy way to do them (melee), you need formaed gear and r8 or higher serration, sortie 3 r10 cause its eximus today. Short clips of them would be nice. oh and taking 1 hour is not very beneficial but its ok. Oh and if your bow can damage the enemies that would mean you have atleast serration r8 and at Mr4 almost no one hast it unless they bought it or were given one. good luck :)

Now I personally don't have a problem with low mr, if they try to stay alive and be useful in someway I'm okay with them. if they are asleep, well then F*** them. But having low MR players with sortie ready gear is almost impossible. Few days ago there was sortie 3 Jackal condition pistol, I did 3 runs to see how much people had difficulty with him, cause it took me about 20min and 20 ammo pizzas to do him solo. And what I saw was quite bad, lot high Mr players couldn't damage him so I had to carry them with frost and aksomati.

Some sort of requirements are needed for sorties but not MR. for example MR_Catra here might have bought or were given the mods to do the sorties. so not giving him a choice would be unfair.

Edited by (PS4)bonateIIo
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On 5/22/2016 at 4:29 PM, Letter13 said:

I disagree... to an extent.

If low level/mastery players want to play high level content, let them... but don't force high level players to get matched with them. Instead, give players the option to allow/disallow matchmaking with others based on mastery rank (or gear level). Let high lobby hosts set the permissible level range of who they want to get matched with. 

Forcing high level players to carry low level players when they do not want to is bad; there is nothing good about it. That's like saying "It's a good idea to let this level 1 priest into our raid group for this level 90 raid dungeon."

This is honestly where the thread should have ended. It's a great idea that allows people to still use public matching to find the matches they want to be in, and it allows people to bring their lower level friends to higher tiered missions. 

My clanmates and I are all very experienced in the game. We still occasionally bring lower level players on missions to help them out. I'd rather not have to inconvenience people, but that's unfortunately (for others) not going to stop me from bringing a newbie to one of these missions. That's generally because I can handle them myself, but it's still a pain for randoms.


On 5/23/2016 at 8:57 PM, Crowsworth said:

A man once molested a child, ergo, all men molest children.....

You're a risk taker. I like that. While the example is a bit profound, the point stands. A lot of people in the thread are generalizing a lot, and it's happening on the forums more and more. People running around and saying that all high MR players are AFK leechers that sit around in Draco all day because a small group of high MR players are. I don't mean to discount others' experiences, but I hardly actually see people acting like idiots and screwing up missions, low MR or High, so I'm really not sure where all of this hate is coming from.


On 5/23/2016 at 9:02 PM, Noamuth said:

That's excessive.

The goal was to drive the point home. It was excessive, but that was kinda of the point.


On 5/23/2016 at 9:21 PM, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

Because so many high MR players simply are AFK in groups, it's noticeable. When granny has to do double duty because MR 18 is AFK, yeah, it's not just ONE bad apple in the whole bunch.

Oh, they want to be in your group for the free key, but sit there like bots, in return. Yeah, people will say something about it. Especially when they rub their MR ratings in your face.

Now, it's equating AFKers and leeches as pedophile rights?

Go straight from thread to cesspit in one post to make a point. -_-

"Because so many high MR players simply are AFK in groups, it's noticeable. When granny has to do double duty because MR 18 is AFK, yeah, it's not just ONE bad apple in the whole bunch."

Again, don't mean to discount the experiences of others, but you sound really bitter on this topic. I've personally experienced people AFK leeching maybe 5 times in my 1.1k hours of playing, and I've hosted hundreds of matches for ODDs and the like myself. 


"Oh, they want to be in your group for the free key, but sit there like bots, in return. Yeah, people will say something about it."

I think you're finding ill intent where it isn't. Someone doing something you don't like isn't really an insult to you. Maybe they had to go help with groceries, or maybe their kid is crying, or maybe their dog is ripping something up. People can't guarantee they're going to 100% be able to be there for an entire mission. Sure, it would be better of them to say something, but some situations are more urgent than a video game. Have some sympathy and realize that it's a whole lot more important to make sure you don't piss off your family than it is to make sure your squad ingame doesn't fail a mission.

Now, if someone actually goes in chat and goes "Hey, thanks for the help, I gotta brb for 20 minutes" and comes back at the end of the mission and doesn't give a reason for their afk, they're probably leeching. You have a right to be upset in that situation, but don't start linking that to unrelated factors.


"Especially when they rub their MR ratings in your face."

I can understand the frustration in this. Just rank up some more and you won't have to deal with this. Either way, it's not worth it to start going off about high MRs because some people are rude. Now, I'm not saying it's your fault or something. I'm just saying it's a lot easier, and would benefit you in the end, for you to rank up a bit than it is to make people change their views and opinions.


"Now, it's equating AFKers and leeches as pedophile rights?"

I think you may have forgotten the part in English classes where they explained Comparing and Contrasting. Someone comparing two situations isn't them saying the situations are equal. He's explaining an extreme leap in logic in that some people make the jump that because one person of a certain category does something, all persons of a category do the same something. Him making an incredibly profound point doesn't make it any less valid, though. It's like saying that because one man was a jerk, all men are pigs, or that because one fat person thinks being fat is healthy, means all fat people think being fat is healthy, or that because one black person stole something, all black people steal things. It's called a generalization. It's a leap in logic that makes assumptions. It's like thinking people are math equations. Adding 2 and 2 will always equal 4. A person having a conscience+being black doesn't mean they're going to steal. There's more to people and their tendencies than just A+B=C. Basic Psychology is realizing that it isn't an exact science. In actions and reactions, there is an infinite amount of conclusions.


"Go straight from thread to cesspit in one post to make a point. -_-"

Not really. Discussing a dark topic doesn't make you a bad person or make the discussion any less valid. It just means more people are going have more adverse reactions, as made apparent by the reactions.

Honestly, if we're going to just going to shut down a discussion because it makes people uncomfortable, how would we solve those issues?


On 5/25/2016 at 3:20 AM, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

Ah, not in that manner. Those are political statements -- and in the Twilight Zone at that -- and have zero bearing on this discussion as it's not game related at all.

Next, there will be racist stuff (well, already was done yesterday) as edgy guys want to troll for trolling sake.

Don't like extremes, don't be extreme, too.

"have zero bearing on this discussion as it's not game related at all."

Wait, what? Anything can be relevant as long as a connection can be made. The relevance is that people have assumed that people that are high MR like to afk and leech because SOME people that are high MR have done it. The topic is Generalization. People who assume that all men are child molesters because some men have done so are Generalizing men. It's a SIMILAR situation in the sense of the topic. People generalized other people in both situations, one that is in relation to the Warframe community.

Honestly, you did the exact same thing the other day when the nitain stuff was going on and people were complaining about it, so you responded with relating those people to people that were voting for Bernie because they wanted everything immediately, and then linked it to the extreme situation of Lenin's socialist Soviet Union. Is this sort of extreme comparison suddenly not relevant because it inconveniences you?


"Next, there will be racist stuff (well, already was done yesterday) as edgy guys want to troll for trolling sake."

If a link can be made, sure. The focus is wrong, though, if people are discussing the racism itself rather than the similarity. If anything, you folks have made the comparison less relevant by focusing on the molestation stuff rather than discussing how the sort of generalization is unhealthy for the game, as Crowsworth was trying to get across.


17 hours ago, Noamuth said:

And once again, there are plenty of ways to make a point without resorting to examples involving child molestation. That is simply pushing buttons to get a specific, inflammatory response.

That's definitely true. However, would he have gotten as many responses and as much attention if he said "Some Frisbees are purple, so all frisbees must be purple"? Now, it's definitely a dark topic, but the point isn't any less valid because of it. 


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1 minute ago, OverlordMcGeek said:

Friggin hell people. Going to request a lock since you guys still don't understand that MR is useless.

It's not necessarily useless. It just holds little to no indicator of how well a player will perform. Your bet is safer in checking how much affinity they've gained with the given weapon/frame in their Profile on the Equipment tab.

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Corrh; trying to quote you nearly broke my phone.

That metaphor is excessive and does not validate nor support the point that person was trying to make.  Because it was so inflammatory, the response to the comment were off topic and had nothing to do with the discussion and they had to come back and clarify what they were trying to say.

That makes it pretty worthless as a metaphor.

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24 minutes ago, OverlordMcGeek said:

Friggin hell people. Going to request a lock since you guys still don't understand that MR is useless.

You know you claim MR doesn't mean everything, and we agree. But then you say MR means nothing, which is wrong. You complain about my extreme example, but its clearly not extreme enough for it to get it into your head.

Low MR players often don't have decent ranked mods, if decent mods at all. I was just in a sortie with a guy playing loki, MR5, MK Paris (not the bow sortie, the last one, the excavation, he CHOOSE that weapon). Why is he in their you ask "get rewards", so I ask him does he care that its causing the mission to be harder and longer (lol) for the rest of us, his answer perfectly describes the problem "i dont care, $&*#^%". If people are unable to think for themselves to the detriment of others, then systems should be put in place to stop them.

Its all well you saying that you have seen some high MR players that have been bad for one reason or another (rubbish, or just afking, or trolling), but that doesnt happen often. It does happen you are right, but its much less likely than a MR 5 player having decent mods or even a decent weapon or an understanding of how the game works. 

Again, even though my comment was extreme (have you lived in this world, that isnt extreme, thats a nice cake my friend), its still not getting through to you, you still think its ok to equate your personal experience of some random high MR player being bad as almost all high MR players being bad.

This is the fundamental problem with forums of all types. Since my comment i have provided solid reasoning why low MR players should not be allowed into higher end content, providing the reasons of poor gear, poor mods, lack of game understanding. All you have come back with is retorts that lead nowhere other than you have personally seen a bad higher level player, thats it. You cannot accept the validity of the opposing argument, and rather than accept we are right, you are going to dig in further and further because you are unable to see your own error. Its why people arguing about God on the internet never solved a single thing, people are unwilling to accept they could be wrong, and instead dig a trench for themselves to sit in out of shame or stupidity. 

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Just now, Noamuth said:

Corrh; trying to quote you nearly broke my phone.

That metaphor is excessive and does not validate nor support the point that person was trying to make.  Because it was so inflammatory, the response to the comment were off topic and had nothing to do with the discussion and they had to come back and clarify what they were trying to say.

That makes it pretty worthless as a metaphor.

"Corrh; trying to quote you nearly broke my phone."

Sorry ;(


"That metaphor is excessive and does not validate nor support the point that person was trying to make.  Because it was so inflammatory, the response to the comment were off topic and had nothing to do with the discussion and they had to come back and clarify what they were trying to say."

I understand what you're saying. Due to how inflammatory it ended up being, it destroyed the point. However, wouldn't that be more the fault of those responding than the poster themself? When he did come back and attempt to explain, he was chastised because people still weren't over the profoundness of the comment. Granted, a less inflammatory example may have served him better. However, the point isn't any less valid. It just made the point impossible to talk about because of course people would respond in the way they did.


"That makes it pretty worthless as a metaphor."

Yep. It more-or-less does. He should have had the foresight to see that people wouldn't act rationally when presented with a dark topic. The people reacting also could have tried to keep it together, though.


Either way, this is more of a discussion about psychology and ethics than anything. I'd like to not have it continue.

Thank you for responding in a rational way that doesn't insult my mother or something and actually gives an opposing point. I appreciate it. It's a bit of a rare quality.

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21 minutes ago, CoRRh said:

I think you may have forgotten the part in English classes where they explained Comparing and Contrasting.

There's also the part about propaganda and telling the difference (which was one of my highest scores in testing especially inferences, as I can compare and contrast so well that propaganda doesn't even escape ... even so veiled here where folks walk on eggshells to not offend others).

There's a GG undercurrent of topics and comments that no matter how it's worded it's seen, and when it's so extreme and left field like this, it's called out.

GGers are trying to condition people to think 51% of the population is what's extreme, not that a minority that is very loud and has very extreme views and behaviors that is extreme.

The mainstream doesn't hold those views and never will, because it is extreme.

The statement was called out because it came out of nowhere, not game related, and shows hate. It shows an extreme political view to hide a larger problem, because a certain segment actually believes 51% of the population is evil (not that they have their own problems when history keeps repeating for them, showing they have relationship problems -- i.e., Men's Rights topics with their, It's not some women who are the problem, it's ALL women).

So that tactic of comparing and contrasting, falls flat on the face, because it's not what you're doing, you're espousing propaganda because of women, and comparing all women as evil, especially bringing up that issue seen in family courts (why, it's sooooo noticed, especially coming out of nowhere with a particular brand of message!).

It's noticed as propaganda (why Milo was quickly canned at Twitter, as the mainstream can differentiate a troll from a propagandist, too).

Now, let's get back to gaming. Unless GG was really never about gaming...................

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8 minutes ago, CoRRh said:


Thank you for responding in a rational way that doesn't insult my mother or something and actually gives an opposing point. I appreciate it. It's a bit of a rare quality.

Yay it didn't break the phone!

And I try my best (everyone has off days) I find it helps promote positive discussion and I figure that's what we're all here for.

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10 minutes ago, Crowsworth said:

You know you claim MR doesn't mean everything, and we agree. But then you say MR means nothing, which is wrong. You complain about my extreme example, but its clearly not extreme enough for it to get it into your head.

Low MR players often don't have decent ranked mods, if decent mods at all. I was just in a sortie with a guy playing loki, MR5, MK Paris (not the bow sortie, the last one, the excavation, he CHOOSE that weapon). Why is he in their you ask "get rewards", so I ask him does he care that its causing the mission to be harder and longer (lol) for the rest of us, his answer perfectly describes the problem "i dont care, $&*#^%". If people are unable to think for themselves to the detriment of others, then systems should be put in place to stop them.

Its all well you saying that you have seen some high MR players that have been bad for one reason or another (rubbish, or just afking, or trolling), but that doesnt happen often. It does happen you are right, but its much less likely than a MR 5 player having decent mods or even a decent weapon or an understanding of how the game works. 

Again, even though my comment was extreme (have you lived in this world, that isnt extreme, thats a nice cake my friend), its still not getting through to you, you still think its ok to equate your personal experience of some random high MR player being bad as almost all high MR players being bad.

This is the fundamental problem with forums of all types. Since my comment i have provided solid reasoning why low MR players should not be allowed into higher end content, providing the reasons of poor gear, poor mods, lack of game understanding. All you have come back with is retorts that lead nowhere other than you have personally seen a bad higher level player, thats it. You cannot accept the validity of the opposing argument, and rather than accept we are right, you are going to dig in further and further because you are unable to see your own error. Its why people arguing about God on the internet never solved a single thing, people are unwilling to accept they could be wrong, and instead dig a trench for themselves to sit in out of shame or stupidity. 

I am sure you misquoted here.

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6 hours ago, Noamuth said:

Is it?  

How are Sorties endgame content when MR4 players can participate? And I don't mean showing up as a Loki and staying invis the entire time, but actively participate by getting kills, reviving, completing objectives.

How is it endgame content when I can take R20 equipment in and still top the damage or kills chart?

Your example of our raids being endgame content is laughable as well.  I talked a group of MR5-10 through  a LoR run.  Not participate or run it for them, I sat in the kitchen and yelled directions while they played in the livingroom.

Get real.

I'm not saying these missions are extremely hard. I'm saying these are the hardest missions in the game. When compared to the ENTIRE rest of the game, this is the ONLY content in the game that can be considered "end game" content currently. You're missing that MASSIVE point here with your stupid little anecdotes. This is the only content that exists in the entire game that when compared to the rest of the content in the game can be even remotely considered "end game" content. As such, yes it should be played with restrictions assuming it is end game content, since that IS what DE is intending with Sorties and Raids, REGARDLESS of whether those intentions match what you think of as end game content.

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8 minutes ago, Reitrahc said:

I'm not saying these missions are extremely hard. I'm saying these are the hardest missions in the game. When compared to the ENTIRE rest of the game, this is the ONLY content in the game that can be considered "end game" content currently. You're missing that MASSIVE point here with your stupid little anecdotes. This is the only content that exists in the entire game that when compared to the rest of the content in the game can be even remotely considered "end game" content. As such, yes it should be played with restrictions assuming it is end game content, since that IS what DE is intending with Sorties and Raids, REGARDLESS of whether those intentions match what you think of as end game content.


It's not intended to be limiting unless there's a hard lock on it (meaning the instance requires a certain rating and/or abilities to enter a zone).

When it has those hard locks, yes, it's truly limited to a specific group of players.

Sorties don't have that limit (and the reason is you can't bring your lowbie buddy with you to play with, with those hard locks).

Warframe isn't there yet for raid level content for "end-gamers", as it's still tweaking existing content. WF is still "live beta" at this stage.

Edited by Kevyne_Kicklighter
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1 minute ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:


It's not intended to be limiting unless there's a hard lock on it (meaning the instance requires a certain rating and/or abilities to enter a zone).

When it has those hard locks, yes, it's truly limited to a specific group of players.

Sorties don't have that limit (and the reason is you can't bring your lowbie buddy with you to play with, with those hard locks).

Warframe isn't there yet for raid level content for "end-gamers", as it's still tweaking existing content.

I'm not saying it's intended to be limiting. That's the PROBLEM. I'm saying it is intended to be the hardest content in the game. Since it is intended to be the hardest content in the game, it SHOULD be limited, especially since it also gives (arguably) some of the best rewards in the game.

The missions may not be difficult when you know what you're doing and you're properly geared, but no one wants to spend the entire mission reviving MR5 LittleTimmy who only has his Excalibur no proper mods on it and has barely stopped using his MK1 weapons and doesn't know how to mod weapons for different factions.

And let's be real here, there ARE those occassional Radiation/Eximus Stronghold Mobile Defense/Excavation missions or Assassination missions that just end up being REALLY tough. This is only going to get even worse when players queue up for it thinking they can bring their whatever rank 0 Lato because they think they'll get carried and will easily be able to level it up, then they end up in a group of all players planning on levelling their gear and there's 1 usable weapon in the whole cell.

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On 5/23/2016 at 1:06 AM, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

Low MRs are still trying to prove themselves and will still try, as they know they'll be judged.

Pray tell, what exactly can a typical low MR player prove to let's say, today's Sortie 3 enemies?

It was an Eximus Stronghold Excavation on Phobos, by the way. So we're talking Grineer lvl 95 and upwards, most of them some sort of Eximus, with enough HP and armor to eat a shot from Sancti Tigris and live through that. What exactly is the role of your typical MR4 player here, who maybe has a Rhino, oftentimes with no reactor installed and what, a Hek with a couple of mods? Cast his basic Roar (because considering how bad Warframe is at tutorials a MR4 is unlikely to know that Nightmare/Corrupted mods even exist) and get killed by literally every bullet? Or waste his entire ammo supply on a single Leech Eximus taking maybe 5% off him? 

I'm not saying MR is a definite way of saying how good anyone is (it's not, Draco spawns clueless high-MR players on a regular basis) but at least a high MR player is much, much more likely to know what he's doing during a sortie. Low MR players, unfortunate as it is, happen to play the "deadweight" role in Sorties more often than not. 

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4 hours ago, (PS4)bonateIIo said:

Thats great, now do the same with greneer and corpus. Thankfully you are in luck cause todays sortie is greneer. even better there is bow only def and eximus exca. Meaning no easy way to do them (melee), you need formaed gear and r8 or higher serration, sortie 3 r10 cause its eximus today. Short clips of them would be nice. oh and taking 1 hour is not very beneficial but its ok. Oh and if your bow can damage the enemies that would mean you have atleast serration r8 and at Mr4 almost no one hast it unless they bought it or were given one. good luck :)

Now I personally don't have a problem with low mr, if they try to stay alive and be useful in someway I'm okay with them. if they are asleep, well then F*** them. But having low MR players with sortie ready gear is almost impossible. Few days ago there was sortie 3 Jackal condition pistol, I did 3 runs to see how much people had difficulty with him, cause it took me about 20min and 20 ammo pizzas to do him solo. And what I saw was quite bad, lot high Mr players couldn't damage him so I had to carry them with frost and aksomati.

Some sort of requirements are needed for sorties but not MR. for example MR_Catra here might have bought or were given the mods to do the sorties. so not giving him a choice would be unfair.

well i can handle any kind of sortie



if i dont have enough firepower i will try to support the team for sure :) 

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16 minutes ago, Reifnir said:

Pray tell, what exactly can a typical low MR player prove to let's say, today's Sortie 3 enemies?

That Warframe doesn't penalize the player, and their 6 Forma weapon can actually HIT the target. So he's QUALIFIED to play.

Think you can do the same in WoW??? lololol

So, if MR4s and level 20 weapons can shoot the target, and there's no gate at the door ... it's designed for anyone to enter that door to play.

Play the game as it's intended. Not try to carve a niche where the niche DOESN'T exist.

If DE wants it hard and with gates, they'll do just that.

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