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On 5/24/2016 at 6:55 AM, Clonmac said:

Why would you not go duration? Literally every single one of his abilities benefit from duration. Looking at your stats, you're focusing on efficiency, which is one of the last things you should focus on.

I play Limbo more than any other warframe and have done extensive testing with just about every build combo I could find. Going efficiency over duration is not the way to go. Going efficiency over duration only means that you'll be casting cheaper abilities, but more frequently. When his abilities all benefit from duration, that is just as good as efficiency. With your build, you'll have a Rift Walk that will last you about 36 seconds, and costs about 6 energy. With a duration build you can get about 63 seconds duration and costs about 10 energy to cast. You get the same amount of energy spent per amount of time in the rift, but you spend less time casting your abilities to keep you there. That means you have more time to do other things, like actually killing. You can spend an entire minute in the rift without needing to worry about recasting. Which means you really then don't even need natural talent because you'll be spending half the amount of time casting as you would without duration. Any time you have an ability that benefits from duration, then duration is usually more beneficial than efficiency for that particular ability. Since all of Limbo abilities are duration based, it just makes sense to go duration over efficiency. Plus with the addition of Constitution in the build, you have less vulnerability to being knocked down when you do pop out of the Rift, which can be a big risk for Limbo.

With the build I use, I get better duration (~212 I think) and better power strength (~200) for Rift Surge (5x multiplier).

Intensify (Max)
Blind Rage (Level 7)
Constitution (Max)
Quick Thinking (Max)
Narrow Minded (Level 5)
Streamline (Max)
Continuity (Max)
Primed Flow (Max)

Plus with Zenurik that I use that gives me another 4 energy regen (6 while in the rift), there is absolutely no need for energy efficiency.

Give the above build a try. I think you'll like it. Just my 2 cents anyway.

I cast his ult...a lot, hence I need more efficiency. A rift walk duration of "only" 36 seconds is fine by me, still quite a while.  

"Which means you really then don't even need natural talent because you'll be spending half the amount of time casting as you would without duration. Any time you have an ability that benefits from duration, then duration is usually more beneficial than efficiency for that particular ability"

- I very much disagree with all of this. Using NT is not about the "amount of time I spend casting" per certain amount of time, it's importance is that the casting you do is quicker. I can recast riftwalk in the middle of enemies no worries, I don't need to retreat a bit to recast. Cataclysm has a long cast time and you are very vulnerable during it. Anywhos, fits my playstyle. 

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On 24/05/2016 at 4:40 PM, Artek94 said:

I highly reccomend having Rage and Life Strike equiped. When close to death - press 2, 3, get your melee out, channel it, banish someone (banishing will knock them down) and then ground finish them to get your health back. After that - back to fire arms.

Otherwise - try to avoid damage all together and keep spaming 2 and 1.

Why would you need Rage? Rift walk plus Zenurik is 6 energy per second, how much do you need?

Edited by Zilchy
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Just now, Zilchy said:

Why would you need Rage? Rift walk plus Zenurik is 6 energy per second, how much do you need?

Unfortunately i'm not Zenurik and not going to be any time soon.

Rage is not for having energy in general, rage + quick thinking if for those extreme moments when enemies almost oneshot you. You can't be in rift all the time, can you? Especially with things like eximus and nulifiers around.

It's a safe-switch, so that when on verge of death you could try to comeback.

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14 minutes ago, Artek94 said:

Unfortunately i'm not Zenurik and not going to be any time soon.

Rage is not for having energy in general, rage + quick thinking if for those extreme moments when enemies almost oneshot you. You can't be in rift all the time, can you? Especially with things like eximus and nulifiers around.

It's a safe-switch, so that when on verge of death you could try to comeback.

Well fair enough but I don't have problems staying in the rift tbh. Quick thinking is great I agree but Rage won't help you survive that much. Natural Talent is a better bet. 

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Just now, Zilchy said:

Well fair enough but I don't have problems staying in the rift tbh. Quick thinking is great I agree but Rage won't help you survive that much. Natural Talent is a better bet. 

Well like i said in my original post - i went full caster with Limbo. Flow, Streamline, Natural Talent... Those are the only power-related mods i use, everything else ia for trying to keep myself alive when under enemy fire.

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On 23/5/2016 at 7:33 PM, Lobotomy said:

As has had to be said many times by now, you're not using him right. Limbo is one of the strongest frames in the game, but he also has a very high skill ceiling. You need to be THINKING while using Limbo, using strategy, tactics, etc; you know, things that don't involve just pressing 4.

Limbo is a synergy warframe. Your build choices, your weapon choices, which powers you use and when and under what circumstances all matter when playing Limbo. Think carefully about all these things and practice and you will be able to find out what those of us who are skilled with Limbo already know.

But, if that's too hard for you, feel free to give up and go play Valkyr or something. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Lol, elitism level over 9000. 

Limbo is outclassed in anything he does by other frames.

Do you want immortality? I take trin which also let me pick up drops and damage enemies.

Do you want to rush mission being unharmed ? I would take a Loki

Do you want to cc an enemy? You have plenty of better options

Do you want to defend an objective? Snow globe is hundreds times better.

The only possible way in which limbo gains some merit is in rescue mission, by banishing the rescue target for avoid risks... but even there, a loki is much faster, since he teleport from room to room if you are fast enough.

You can say what you want about "How skillfull you must be to play him" , but to me that is just a kid-talk who tries to tell me how strong a pistol is, when I have an assault rifle.

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On 23/05/2016 at 9:25 PM, Demlier said:

Meh tanks :d im looking for beast like/nuke warframes only for now there's no much of them :/ chroma and rhino :d

He was only one no like this warframe im wanted to love but meh ...not anymore

It is simple then, delete him and move on.

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14 hours ago, Vuli said:

I cast his ult...a lot, hence I need more efficiency. A rift walk duration of "only" 36 seconds is fine by me, still quite a while.  

"Which means you really then don't even need natural talent because you'll be spending half the amount of time casting as you would without duration. Any time you have an ability that benefits from duration, then duration is usually more beneficial than efficiency for that particular ability"

- I very much disagree with all of this. Using NT is not about the "amount of time I spend casting" per certain amount of time, it's importance is that the casting you do is quicker. I can recast riftwalk in the middle of enemies no worries, I don't need to retreat a bit to recast. Cataclysm has a long cast time and you are very vulnerable during it. Anywhos, fits my playstyle. 

You're not vulnerable casting Cataclysm since you should really be the only one in the Rift at the time of casting it. Deactivating it is instantaneous. I understand the point of having a quick Rift Walk casting time to prevent yourself from being exposed, but by being exposed half as frequently, that means you have a better opportunity of ensuring that you aren't FORCED to expose yourself at in opportune moments. If my Rift Walk last for over a minute, then at some point during that minute I won't even need to worry about needing to recast Rift Walk when there are enemies around me. I'm pretty sure even with Natural Talent, at higher levels, you can't "recast riftwalk in the middle of enemies no worries". At higher levels enemies can one-shot you. So enemies are actively attacking you while you're invulnerable in the rift, as soon as you exit you'll be dropped.

Certainly you can play whatever fits your playstyle. But with 6 energy regen per second and long durations on all his abilities, even if I am recasting Cataclysm frequently, when trying to decide between efficiency or duration (since you can only mod for one or the other) duration wins hands down.

Edited by Clonmac
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7 hours ago, LordCloud00 said:

Lol, elitism level over 9000. 

Limbo is outclassed in anything he does by other frames.

Do you want immortality? I take trin which also let me pick up drops and damage enemies.

Do you want to rush mission being unharmed ? I would take a Loki

Do you want to cc an enemy? You have plenty of better options

Do you want to defend an objective? Snow globe is hundreds times better.

The only possible way in which limbo gains some merit is in rescue mission, by banishing the rescue target for avoid risks... but even there, a loki is much faster, since he teleport from room to room if you are fast enough.

You can say what you want about "How skillfull you must be to play him" , but to me that is just a kid-talk who tries to tell me how strong a pistol is, when I have an assault rifle.

I like how whenever someone attempts to say that Limbo sucks that they try to discredit his abilities by naming all these other warframes.

FYI, you can't discredit a warframe's effectiveness by naming 10 other warframes for different abilities they provide...when Limbo provides all those things all on his own. You can't play Trinity, Loki, Frost, Nyx, Banshee, etc all at the same time. But, I can play Limbo. I'm not saying Limbo is a replacement for all those warframes. I'm simply saying that looking at each warframe instead as single/individual abilities is a flawed reductionist approach to assessing whether or not a warframe is good or not.

Does Limbo produce the most damage amplification? No, but he is absolutely top tier when it comes to damage multipliers.

Does he provide the best method of invincibility/damage mitigation? No, but he is absolutely top tier when it comes to staying alive.

Does he provide the best way to defend objectives? No, but he is absolutely top tier when it comes to defending an objective (not to mention he is THE best in sorties).

Is he absolutely number one when it comes to rushing missions unharmed? No, but he is absolutely top tier when it comes to doing so.


Hopefully you get my point here. I don't know how any one can say that Limbo is not a good warframe when he literally brings so many top tier abilities to the mission all on his own. Rarely do I ever play Limbo without me being one of the top contributors of any mission. You can claim anything is kid-talk all you want, but the reality is that a lot of people don't put in the effort to learning how to play Limbo effectively. It took me a lot of time to learn what mod configurations would give me the best multipliers with Rift Surge in the simulacrum. If you haven't done that yourself, then you're probably not seeing the damage numbers you should be which could explain some of the bias against him.

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1 hour ago, Clonmac said:

Does Limbo produce the most damage amplification? No, but he is absolutely top tier when it comes to damage multipliers.

Not even in the slightest. Max power str aka +199% more power str made my 2025 akstiletto prime crit turn into a 5810 crit. Rift surge telling me a 6.98x damage multiplier. 2025 x 6.98 = 5810? Fake damage ability. Sorry, but the 3 is completely garbage.

1 hour ago, Clonmac said:

Does he provide the best method of invincibility/damage mitigation? No, but he is absolutely top tier when it comes to staying alive.

Same could be said about hydroid and puddle. Then again, i can't consider going into "spectator mode" useful. I like to be good in survival while also participating.

1 hour ago, Clonmac said:

Does he provide the best way to defend objectives? No, but he is absolutely top tier when it comes to defending an objective (not to mention he is THE best in sorties).

Putting an AoE spectator mode around the pod is just a poopy version of a snow globe that doesn't even allow you to shoot enemies outside. Can't argue with the sortie def though. He got his use there. Subjective opinion incoming, staying in rift aka spectator mode while keeping the guy in rift too is not much fun.

1 hour ago, Clonmac said:

FYI, you can't discredit a warframe's effectiveness by naming 10 other warframes for different abilities they provide...when Limbo provides all those things all on his own.

That's true. I'm not saying inaros sucks because mirage is plain better in blending enemies. But the reason why inaros doesn't suck is, he can be USEFUL at least. Stunning enemies, doing oneshot finishers, high hp + innate sustain and CC. He's not the best in CC nor in the tank part, but he got a mixture of useful things. What does limbo offer? Spectator mode, fake dmg buff and aoe spectator mode. And why should i have limbo when he is more or less just a waste of a squad spot aside from cheesing sortie def? He's a hinderance and definitely not in a good spot. And all that not being able to collect loot or carry datamasses or batteries with you just makes limbo even worse unnecessarily.

On 23.5.2016 at 7:33 PM, Lobotomy said:

But, if that's too hard for you, feel free to give up and go play Valkyr or something. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


On 23.5.2016 at 8:49 PM, Lobotomy said:

Sorry, what? I was too busy carrying today's sortie defense mission as Limbo to hear what you said.

Said the guy who advocates valkyr to lazy players but instead plays sortie def on the laziest way possible. You're hilarious man.

8 hours ago, LordCloud00 said:

You can say what you want about "How skillfull you must be to play him" , but to me that is just a kid-talk who tries to tell me how strong a pistol is, when I have an assault rifle.


@Demlier The reason why you can't see any big use out of limbo is simply because there ain't many. He's extremely lackluster, unless you like to play a sortie def on boring mode. He is actually great there and ONLY there. His theme just doesn't work well in warframe.



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3 hours ago, Clonmac said:

You're not vulnerable casting Cataclysm since you should really be the only one in the Rift at the time of casting it. Deactivating it is instantaneous. I understand the point of having a quick Rift Walk casting time to prevent yourself from being exposed, but by being exposed half as frequently, that means you have a better opportunity of ensuring that you aren't FORCED to expose yourself at in opportune moments. If my Rift Walk last for over a minute, then at some point during that minute I won't even need to worry about needing to recast Rift Walk when there are enemies around me. I'm pretty sure even with Natural Talent, at higher levels, you can't "recast riftwalk in the middle of enemies no worries". At higher levels enemies can one-shot you. So enemies are actively attacking you while you're invulnerable in the rift, as soon as you exit you'll be dropped.

Certainly you can play whatever fits your playstyle. But with 6 energy regen per second and long durations on all his abilities, even if I am recasting Cataclysm frequently, when trying to decide between efficiency or duration (since you can only mod for one or the other) duration wins hands down.

I feel like you are just repeating yourself, to which I have already responded that I feel differently. Stop telling me I can play how I want....and then telling me how wrong I am, geez lol...

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1 hour ago, IceColdHawk said:

Not even in the slightest. Max power str aka +199% more power str made my 2025 akstiletto prime crit turn into a 5810 crit. Rift surge telling me a 6.98x damage multiplier. 2025 x 6.98 = 5810? Fake damage ability. Sorry, but the 3 is completely garbage.

It is clear then you've never taken Limbo into the simulacrum to do enough testing with him and you are clearly not using the right mods. There are some unique interactions with Rift Surge and the most commonly used mods (Serration, Hornet Strike, etc), that don't give you the full benefit of Rift Surge (likely a bug). This was discussed by others and me in this thread here:

You can easily reach the full multiplier on Rift Surge by modding just slightly differently and leaving off those mods and going with different ones instead. You can easily get damage numbers closer to 14,000 (your full 6.98x multiplier) with your same akstilleto by modding it differently slightly differently. Without doing this, you're just gimping yourself, which is clearly why you think his Rift Surge sucks (trust me, it doesn't). This is the reason why people believe Limbo's damage output sucks, when in really it is way better than what they imagine it to be. You could be doing 3 times the amount of damage with Rift Surge that you're doing now if you changed up the mods you're using. Rift Surge is NOT a fake damage multiplier ability and you can receive your full multiplier. For example, with my build, I have just over 200 power strength which gives me a 5.040x multiplier on Rift Surge. I receive that full 5x multiplier and I've done the testing to prove it. However, I did need to change up how I modded my weapons slightly to get those multipliers.

Sorry, getting 5x-6x multipliers on Rift Surge makes Limbo a top tier damage amplifying warframe. Don't say something is garbage if you haven't done the testing to prove it. Limbo can put out some serious damage numbers and he is absolutely a top tier damage amplification frame and up there with the likes of some of the best.

1 hour ago, IceColdHawk said:

Same could be said about hydroid and puddle. Then again, i can't consider going into "spectator mode" useful. I like to be good in survival while also participating.

Putting an AoE spectator mode around the pod is just a poopy version of a snow globe that doesn't even allow you to shoot enemies outside. Can't argue with the sortie def though. He got his use there. Subjective opinion incoming, staying in rift aka spectator mode while keeping the guy in rift too is not much fun.


If you're considering being in the Rift, "spectator mode", then there is clearly something wrong with the way you are using Limbo. There is never a point in time while using Limbo that I am ever not contributing or would I ever call myself a "spectator". Like I said, rarely am I ever not one of the top contributors to any mission I am playing Limbo as. Comparing the survivability of Limbo's Rift mechanic to Hydroid's puddle is just a laughable comparison. Being able to fight any enemy unit on your own terms while ignoring any enemy unit you'd like is an extremely strong characteristic of Limbo and calling it "spectator mode" simply highlights either a bias you have against him or a lack of understanding how to utilize him best. Which is it?

Saying that Cataclysm is a crappy version of Snow Globe makes it clear that you can get your mind past comparing it to Snow Globe. While it has many similarities between it (they're both round), they're two very different abilities and should be used differently. But, don't make the mistake of thinking that different means inferior. Cataclysm is still one of the best point defense abilities in the game. Therefore Limbo is still a top tier warframe for use on defense missions (of any type). Don't forget that a Limbo can shoot inside the Cataclysm while outside it which gives you a lot of flexibility as well as survivability. This allows you to protect the objective in ways that a Snow Globe simply won't allow.

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12 minutes ago, Vuli said:

I feel like you are just repeating yourself, to which I have already responded that I feel differently. Stop telling me I can play how I want....and then telling me how wrong I am, geez lol...

That's totally fine and I already said that you disagreeing with me is fine as well. You're free to play the way you want just as I am. But, why do you feel you're entitled to disagree with me and yet somehow I am not entitled to disagree with you? If you don't want people sharing their disagreements with you, then why are you sharing your builds on a forum and participating in these discussions? It isn't like I was acting disrespectful to you in any way shape or form.

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45 minutes ago, Clonmac said:

You can easily reach the full multiplier on Rift Surge by modding just slightly differently and leaving off those mods and going with different ones instead. You can easily get damage numbers closer to 14,000 (your full 6.98x multiplier) with your same akstilleto by modding it differently slightly differently.

Oh yeah? Mind showing me how?

You're only telling me oh, you can do triple the damage you're doing now by changing your mod loadout. I'm pretty sure it's not possible. Tested against bodyhit against corrupted ancient. You're saying i should remove hornet strike, the most important mod in the build, only for rift surge to work properly (BUG!!!)? But you are right, i get the complete 6.98x dmg multiplier on my dmg when hornet strike is not in. I get 633 crits without hornet strike and rift surge and 4418 crit with rift surge on.

Still less than with hornet strike... So are you advocating me i should nerf my weapons into oblivion only so the dmg multiplier doesn't look "bugged" anymore? Sorry but my point still stands, the 3 is a fake damage multiplier. Or severely bugged. I don't know nor care. Now look at chroma's vex armor, this is a DAMAGE MULTIPLIER that actually works how it should work! At least i can be glad that DE is trying to replace 3 with something completely new. Hopefully limbo will see the light of the day some time...

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46 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

Oh yeah? Mind showing me how?

You're only telling me oh, you can do triple the damage you're doing now by changing your mod loadout. I'm pretty sure it's not possible. Tested against bodyhit against corrupted ancient. You're saying i should remove hornet strike, the most important mod in the build, only for rift surge to work properly (BUG!!!)? But you are right, i get the complete 6.98x dmg multiplier on my dmg when hornet strike is not in. I get 633 crits without hornet strike and rift surge and 4418 crit with rift surge on.

Still less than with hornet strike... So are you advocating me i should nerf my weapons into oblivion only so the dmg multiplier doesn't look "bugged" anymore? Sorry but my point still stands, the 3 is a fake damage multiplier. Or severely bugged. I don't know nor care. Now look at chroma's vex armor, this is a DAMAGE MULTIPLIER that actually works how it should work! At least i can be glad that DE is trying to replace 3 with something completely new. Hopefully limbo will see the light of the day some time...

I will happily show you how, but in order to do so, you'll have to show me the build you're using with your weapon. Did you read the thread the I link to that goes into more testing than you're clearly willing to go into yourself? You can't just remove a mod without substituting in other mods and expect it to perform better, bug or not. Obviously Hornet Strike (and mods like it) are the most efficient damage increase mods in the game. But, that isn't the case with Limbo and there is clearly a bug in how they operate. That being said, without Hornet Strike you can achieve damage numbers way greater than you can with it when using Rift Surge.

For example, in the thread I linked to, using Telos Akboltos, modded with Hornet Strike I would get 403 without Rift Surge and 985 with Rift Surge. That is only a 2.44x damage multiplier. But, when I modded my weapon without ncluding Hornet Strike, I would get 346 damage without Rift Surge and 1744 damage with Rift Surge. That not only gave me my full 5x damage multiplier but also gave me actual damage numbers almost twice that of which I would get from using Hornet Strike. Those were only base damage numbers, my crits were way higher as well. The only time that using Hornet Strike would be better when using Limbo is when using your weapons outside the rift (403 damage versus 346), which Limbo should almost never do.

So no, I am not saying you should gimp your weapons in order to make use of Rift Surge. What I am saying is that you need to experiment a little more in your mod choices when using Limbo, which is clearly something a majority of users aren't willing to do. The numbers you're seeing are lower than what Limbo is actually capable of and not enough people realize this.

I'll happily help you determine how you can mod your weapon so that you can well surpass the damage numbers you're seeing, but you'll need to share the build you're using first.

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On 5/23/2016 at 10:28 AM, Demlier said:

And what if i mean not only solo? Maybe defense with legions of enemies? 

Then what? ^^

As said, Limbo is an exceptional solo frame due to his invincibility and 1 on 1 potential.

In a group, Limbo takes on the role of a support frame, using Cataclysm combined with Rift Surge with the Rift Torrent augment to turn your entire an area into an energy regeneration area for your allies and a slaughterfest for any enemy that enters. Keep in mind that Rift Surge does not apply only to Limbo, it increases ALL damage dealt to enemies in the Rift, including damage dealt by your allies, and everything inside Cataclysm is inside the Rift.

Also, Limbo can revive downed allies while he is still in the Rift, meaning he can safely revive anyone without ever being in danger. He can't interact with the environment, but he can revive.

ALSO, Limbo can banish troublesome enemies, completely taking them out of a fight. Got a Bombard firing rockets are your teammates downing them constantly? A quick trip to the Rift and that Bombard can't do anything. AT ALL.

ALSO ALSO, most Warframe abilities will damage enemies across the Rift plane. This means you can Banish your allied Ember Prime and she can run around with World on Fire active, completely immune to damage while destroying any enemy that gets near her. She will also regenerate mana while in the rift and WoF is off.

ALSO ALSO ALSO, Limbo and his allies are immune to environmental hazards, like lazer doors or lazers themselves, while in the Rift. This means you can pass through those lazer doors in Grineer missions without losing all your energy, and you can pass through lazers in Sabotage/Spy missions without locking down the core/setting off alarms.

I can go on and on about how Limbo is by far one of the most useful frames in the game, but I hope you get the point.

For Defense, just put down Cataclysm so enemies can't hit the defense objective from outside, and banish the guy if the defense target is a NPC.

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5 minutes ago, Reitrahc said:

Keep in mind that Rift Surge does not apply only to Limbo, it increases ALL damage dealt to enemies in the Rift, including damage dealt by your allies, and everything inside Cataclysm is inside the Rift.

That's not true.

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1 minute ago, Reitrahc said:

Are you sure? The description says it increases damage to enemies in the rift. Not that it increases Limbo's damage in the rift.

Yes he is sure (i hope). And i'm sure too.

@Clonmac Build for akstiletto prime was a test build against infested...Hornet, Barrel, Lethal, 2 Primed Crit mods, Convulsion, Pathogen and Seeker

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1 minute ago, IceColdHawk said:

Yes he is sure (i hope). And i'm sure too.

@Clonmac Build for akstiletto prime was a test build against infested...Hornet, Barrel, Lethal, 2 Primed Crit mods, Convulsion, Pathogen and Seeker

"Surge the void energy through the rift plane, increasing the damage inflicted on enemies who have been banished there."

The in game description. Is this a faulty description by DE then?

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Just now, Reitrahc said:

The in game description. Is this a faulty description by DE then?

Does that surprise you that you shouldn't rely on in-game descriptions alone but instead look at the wiki and/or test for yourself? It also says it multiplies my damage. But it doesn't say how it doesn't take mods like hornet strike into account...

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7 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

Yes he is sure (i hope). And i'm sure too.

@Clonmac Build for akstiletto prime was a test build against infested...Hornet, Barrel, Lethal, 2 Primed Crit mods, Convulsion, Pathogen and Seeker

What did you substitute in for Hornet Strike when you did your testing? All the other mods in your build should work just fine with Rift Surge from what I've seen and tested. Contrary to what the Wiki states about Rift Surge, it doesn't just apply the multiplier to base weapon damage. That means that elemental mods get multiplied as well. I'm curious as to what your damage numbers are with Hornet Strike substituted out for say Heated Charge or Expel Infested. The build I was testing when using Telos Akboltos was just a straight damage build since it doesn't have good crit stats (Deep Freeze, Pathogen, No Return, Convulsion, Barrel, Lethal, Expel Grineer, and Heated Charge). Just substituting in Expel Grineer for Hornet Strike is what gave me the results I mentioned in my previous post. I've tested similar builds using other weapons as well and all came out with the same results. Without using Hornet Strike, I always exceed the damage it could've given me and still gives me my full multiplier.

I don't have Akstilleto Prime specifically to do any testing with it, but I don't see any reason why that particular weapon would be any different from any of the other numerous weapons that I have tested.

If any other Warframe that doesn't have damage multipliers would get 403 damage using Telos Akboltos with a Hornet Strike build outside the Rift, but Limbo can get me 1744 damage with Rift Surge without Hornet Strike, then it is obvious that Limbo can put up some very strong damage numbers if played accordingly. There aren't many frames that can do that.

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16 hours ago, Lobotomy said:

A claim of "elitism" from someone who literally named himself "Lord"?


Not even gonna read the rest of your tripe. Jog on, m8.

Now I understand your nickname. It's just perfect for you.

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Me and my Mate were doing sorties and came across Sortie 3 Defense with Radiation.

Tested Some Frames like Trin etc but meh. So i had an Idea: I use Limbo and you use some Killframe.

I put the Target into Rift, put myself into the Rift, activated Rift Surge.

*Thinks a bit ... Rift Surge is Amplifier right?*

So i began taking Enemies into Rift and making Ground Finishers which hit so damn hard i wouldve not dreamed of.

800k and above? Check. Why? Because Hammer and the following build:


218% Duration, 75% Efficiency, 40% Range, 284% Strength

I had to eat some Pizzas from time to time but holy was i having fun. Limbo seems like a niche-frame but could work very well if you gonna put time into it.

Put Cataclysm around a Defensepod and have an EV and an Excal going wild while nothing can hit anyone of you? Woah

Or Walk out of Cataclysm and shoot approaching Enemies from afar with the Opticor while being in the Rift so they can do nothing to you?

Seems far from bad for me tbh

(An Idea dropped in): EV/Saryn/Limbo/Banshee, Limbo as Defender and Amplifier with something which procs gas hard(Due to 6.68x Amp with Surge). Shoot Spores around the Map, Sonar the Bananas and watch Level 2500 Melt - I HAVE to test that

-Going out to test now

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