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Warframe/Weapon recommendations?



Hello everybody. I started this game three days ago and I'm really enjoying it, the variety of weapons, the freedom of movement, the customisation system. But the excalibur frame I picked at the start isn't really that good, so I was wondering what you guys would recommend for a new player.

Also first post on the forums yay!

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7 hours ago, LorianTheElderPrince said:

Thank you for the clearing that up. Huh, you make enemies attack each-other in this game? That sounds cool. What ability does that?

Hey, first of all, Welcome to Warframe and the forums, then, reading about your playstile I'd recommend you to either check Chroma and Wukong out, and when you're finished with those, give Excalibur a revision, these 3 frames offer great melee capabilities (Both Wukong and Excal mainly because of their 4th abilities) and all 3 of them are really tanky (Ice Chroma with his 2&3 abilities, Wukong with his 2nd ability, Excalibur with the block damage reduction on his 4th) plus Excalibur's 2nd ability, Radial Blind is great for crowd control and offers a lot when it comes to gunplay, easy headshots for days. Onto weapon recomendations: I'd say you should manage picking up either the Galatine, Orthos prime, Fragor prime, Anku or Broken-war when it comes to melee, and once you've reached rank 5, try to pick up the Nikana prime (my favourite melee weapon right now), for primaries I'd say you give the Latron a go, it's a really good weapon, unfortunately it's primed variant has been vaulted, so the only way you can manage to get it right now it's buying in from other players on trade chat, also the Braton prime it's a really good weapon and will get you trough the whole starchart and manages to perform quite well in high lvl (T4 void & Raids), once you've reached rank 6 I'd say either go for the Soma or the Tonkor, however tonkor it's really powerful and will make you lose some of that weapon diversity, since it'll trivalize most weapons in-game even higher mastery rank weapons (Tonkor is mastery rank 5 btw, Soma it's 6), Secondary weapon are kind of a special thing, most of the good ones are either from syndicates or primed ones, if you manage to get either Lex prime, Spira prime or any of the syndicates ones you should have one of the top secondaries in game that'll last you (and perform) forever, from the market I can recommend picking up the Sonicor for it's crowd control capabilities. 

Forgot to mention, if you ever manage to pick up any of the Stalker weapons they're really good, except maybe the Hate.

Moving on to the last question, you can make enemies attack themselves with either Loki's 4th ability (coupled with his augment mod Irradiating disarm), Nyx with her #3 Chaos, one of Vauban's mines I think the concuss one, Oberon's first and fourth ability can do this aswell, and lastly if you have a weapon modded with radiation and you manage to proc the status you put a "death sentence" on that target since the other enemies will target him (keep in mind, they'll target him, not prioritize him, so be wary).

Edited by RazrOutlaw
forgot to mention stalker weapons as viable alternative
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Welcome to Warframe and the forums!  Before I offer any suggestions can you tell us anything about how you prefer to play?  Do you like dealing lots of damage or is support and crowd control your thing?  Do you favor precise weapons or fast ones?

If you can give a bit of a snapshot of how you like to play then I'm sure we can help you find something to your liking.

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First of all, welcome to the game and the forums :D

Second, excalibur is a solid frame and a good first choice.

What to get next I'd recommend getting valkyr off of alad v on themisto jupiter, or rhino from jackal on fossa venus. They are both pretty tanky frames and great for clearing most of the star chart. From there more control or support frames are useful like nova, trinity, and frost are good to have.

Pretty much any frame is viable in some way, though you'll hear complaints about oberon, hydroid, and limbo frequently (and other people defending them).

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I enjoyed destroying you and Lothric you got no power when it comes to my +5 anris,bleed and luck ......

joking aside welcome to warframe and the forums  not knowing your play style makes it a bit harder to give any advice on what you should more or less aim towards. Also excalibur is like all the frames and weapons it'll get stronger the more mods you get and the more you level them up 


Edited by SolaireTheSunWalker
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8 minutes ago, Revenant102 said:

Welcome to Warframe and the forums!  Before I offer any suggestions can you tell us anything about how you prefer to play?  Do you like dealing lots of damage or is support and crowd control your thing?  Do you favor precise weapons or fast ones?

If you can give a bit of a snapshot of how you like to play then I'm sure we can help you find something to your liking.


8 minutes ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

Well, the first question I would ask you is: What kind of playstyle do you think you might be looking for? Melee-oriented? Crowd Control? Healer? Tank? Stuff like that. If you don't really have a general idea, then Excalibur is a good place to start.

Thank you for the welcome guys it's a pleasure to be here. As for my play style I mainly melee orientated games, but I do like gunplay. Some of the games I've played are Dark Souls, Assassin's Creed, Kingdoms of Amalur, Skyrim, COD, Bioshock. A mix of melee and gunplay, but mainly melee.


6 minutes ago, friendofvampires said:

First of all, welcome to the game and the forums :D

Second, excalibur is a solid frame and a good first choice.

What to get next I'd recommend getting valkyr off of alad v on themisto jupiter, or rhino from jackal on fossa venus. They are both pretty tanky frames and great for clearing most of the star chart. From there more control or support frames are useful like nova, trinity, and frost are good to have.

Pretty much any frame is viable in some way, though you'll hear complaints about oberon, hydroid, and limbo frequently (and other people defending them).

Ah okay. I'm probably using exclaibur wrong then because my abilities don't do much damage. Is valkyr a good frame for just jumping into crowds?

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Just now, LorianTheElderPrince said:



Based on what you have said, I would recommend the following Warframes: Excalibur, Valkyr, Chroma, and Wukong. They're largely focused on melee, but are versatile enough to branch out into gunplay and even some dedicated power use. Excalibur and Valkyr can be earned from bosses (Pluto and Jupiter are the respective planets). Chroma can be earned from a quest (The New Strange), and Wukong can be built from a Clan Dojo.

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11 minutes ago, SolaireTheSunWalker said:

I enjoyed destroying you and Lothric you got no power when it comes to my +5 anris,bleed and luck ......

joking aside welcome to warframe and the forums  not knowing your play style makes it a bit harder to give any advice on what you should more or less aim towards. Also excalibur is like all the frames and weapons it'll get stronger the more mods you get and the more you level them up 


How dare you attack my younger brother! xD

Thank you for the welcome. My playstyle is more melee focused than guns, but I do like blasting crowds with shotguns.

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Just now, LorianTheElderPrince said:


Thank you for the welcome guys it's a pleasure to be here. As for my play style I mainly melee orientated games, but I do like gunplay. Some of the games I've played are Dark Souls, Assassin's Creed, Kingdoms of Amalur, Skyrim, COD, Bioshock. A mix of melee and gunplay, but mainly melee.


Ah okay. I'm probably using exclaibur wrong then because my abilities don't do much damage. Is valkyr a good frame for just jumping into crowds?

That's possible, though it's likely you just don't have the mods yet. If you're on around 8-10 EDT I'd be happy to give you some of my spares (assuming you're MR 2, you can't trade till then) and help you in some missions

Valkyr is PERFECT for jumping into crowds. her theme is "berserker melee" and her abilities are 1) mobility, 2) cone stun 3) buff melee attack speed 4) become invincible and get some murder claws

If you need more info about anything in game http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/ is your friend

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2 minutes ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

Based on what you have said, I would recommend the following Warframes: Excalibur, Valkyr, Chroma, and Wukong. They're largely focused on melee, but are versatile enough to branch out into gunplay and even some dedicated power use. Excalibur and Valkyr can be earned from bosses (Pluto and Jupiter are the respective planets). Chroma can be earned from a quest (The New Strange), and Wukong can be built from a Clan Dojo.

Definitely seems like I'm using excalibur the wrong way. Thank you for those recommendations its a big help. I get insta-killed most of the time.

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Just now, LorianTheElderPrince said:

Definitely seems like I'm using excalibur the wrong way. Thank you for those recommendations its a big help. I get insta-killed most of the time.

When it comes to using melee with Excalibur, I always use him hyper-aggressively. Basically, get in the enemy's face and take the fight to them. Make the most of channeling/Life Strike and the most out of your mobility. Also, don't be afraid to use Slash Dash (and its augment) to close the distance with enemies and increase your combo counter. Radial Blind is also a life saver, since it stuns all enemies in the line of sight as well as opens them up for finisher attacks.

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2 minutes ago, LorianTheElderPrince said:

Also what do you guys mean by crowd control?

"crowd control" is a class of abilities and very few weapons designed to prevent enemies from advancing on or attacking you. Things that cause infighting, create walls, and slow them down are all classified as crowd controll

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1 minute ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

When it comes to using melee with Excalibur, I always use him hyper-aggressively. Basically, get in the enemy's face and take the fight to them. Make the most of channeling/Life Strike and the most out of your mobility. Also, don't be afraid to use Slash Dash (and its augment) to close the distance with enemies and increase your combo counter. Radial Blind is also a life saver, since it stuns all enemies in the line of sight as well as opens them up for finisher attacks.

I've got more questions now lol

What is Life Strike and augment? Sorry to be a bother.

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Just now, LorianTheElderPrince said:

I've got more questions now lol

What is Life Strike and augment? Sorry to be a bother.

Life Strike is a rare melee mod. When you channel your weapon, any time you hit an enemy it will convert some of the damage dealt into health at the cost of energy.

Augments are Ability-specific mods for Warframes that either expand or change what an ability does. The Slash Dash augment is Surging Dash, which basically increases your combo counter with every enemy hit.

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1 minute ago, friendofvampires said:

"crowd control" is a class of abilities and very few weapons designed to prevent enemies from advancing on or attacking you. Things that cause infighting, create walls, and slow them down are all classified as crowd controll

Thank you for the clearing that up. Huh, you make enemies attack each-other in this game? That sounds cool. What ability does that?

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What if I told you... Exalibur's 4 makes him the most OP thing in the game...

Moving on from that. If you're looking for something to keep you alive Rhino is a good first choice- just don't confuse being a little bit tanky with being unkillable, and make sure you still learn to keep on the move and react to targets quickly and prioritize.

If you're looking for something to help you murderize- I suggestion Ember for passive damage over time on everything around you, saryn for making enemies easier kills and helping you to finish them off, or Banshee for straight up "I am going to kill this guy" bonuses if you're a decent aim. The first two are more towards the middle of the starchart so you might need to grab a taxi from another player- and Banshee is clan tech so you'd need to find a clan that has her researched and will take you in- at least to let you pick it up.

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1 minute ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

Life Strike is a rare melee mod. When you channel your weapon, any time you hit an enemy it will convert some of the damage dealt into health at the cost of energy.

Augments are Ability-specific mods for Warframes that either expand or change what an ability does. The Slash Dash augment is Surging Dash, which basically increases your combo counter with every enemy hit.

Oh okay. Is there a place where I can search up all of the mods of the game to see what they do?

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4 minutes ago, LorianTheElderPrince said:

Thank you for the clearing that up. Huh, you make enemies attack each-other in this game? That sounds cool. What ability does that?

Loki's Disarm with Irradiating Disarm Augment can do that. So can Nyx's Mind Control and Chaos abilities.


2 minutes ago, LorianTheElderPrince said:

Oh okay. Is there a place where I can search up all of the mods of the game to see what they do?

You can use the Warframe Wiki. If you end up being unlucky with getting any of these, you can also use the Trade Chat to buy them from other players, If you are fortunate, you may even find people that will give you free extras they have.

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Just now, LorianTheElderPrince said:

Thank you for the clearing that up. Huh, you make enemies attack each-other in this game? That sounds cool. What ability does that?

Nyx is the primary one, her ability "chaos" causes all enemies in range to see each other as enemies and be able to damage themselves. Loki has an augment (a mod that alters an ability) for his disarm that inflicts radiation on all the enemies, a similar effect to chaos. Also any weapon that proc's radiation onto an enemy lets them be attacked by their former friends (the first gun that comes to mind for this is the nukor)

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1 minute ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

Loki's Disarm with Irradiating Disarm Augment can do that. So can Nyx's Mind Control and Chaos abilities.


1 minute ago, friendofvampires said:

Nyx is the primary one, her ability "chaos" causes all enemies in range to see each other as enemies and be able to damage themselves. Loki has an augment (a mod that alters an ability) for his disarm that inflicts radiation on all the enemies, a similar effect to chaos. Also any weapon that proc's radiation onto an enemy lets them be attacked by their former friends (the first gun that comes to mind for this is the nukor)

Seems like nyx and loki are pretty good choices as well then. Thanks guys. This community rocks!

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Just now, LorianTheElderPrince said:


Seems like nyx and loki are pretty good choices as well then. Thanks guys. This community rocks!

A fair warning with using Nyx and Loki is that they don't have a very big armor rating, so if you are planning to do extensive melee with them you'll need to do a bit more work so they will be able to either take more hits or avoid taking damage. Luckily, Loki in particular has a timed invisibility ability, which should help.

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19 minutes ago, LorianTheElderPrince said:


Thank you for the welcome guys it's a pleasure to be here. As for my play style I mainly melee orientated games, but I do like gunplay. Some of the games I've played are Dark Souls, Assassin's Creed, Kingdoms of Amalur, Skyrim, COD, Bioshock. A mix of melee and gunplay, but mainly melee.


Ah okay. I'm probably using exclaibur wrong then because my abilities don't do much damage. Is valkyr a good frame for just jumping into crowds?

I agree with the recommendations so far.  It's important to remember that any frame gets better with the right mods, but I think you would enjoy Valkyr in particular.  She's relatively accessible to newer players, being on Jupiter, and if you use recruitment chat I'm sure you can find a team farming Alad V for resources to help you get her parts.

Good hunting Tenno.

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You might also enjoy Inaros; he can be earned from a quest, the key to which is made available on the relay stations every two weeks.

He's got the biggest health pool of them all, viable armor, as well as lots of crowd control and ways to regain health. His first ability even opens up enemies to melee finishers. The downside is that he's got no shields at all, but he hardly needs it.

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use excal's 2 instead of relying on his 4<< his 4 will get you killed in the long run. if you are decently good with his 2 then even the hardest of content is somewhat easy with no mods on excal. preventing enemies from firing while you attack them is the very reason why this frame is only obtainable from the last boss if you didn't get him from the intro.

 regardless of how powerfull a build on your primaries and secondaries are  in the long run you WILL be using your melee weapon to carry you onwards where his 2 buffs all melee .

Edited by ranks21
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