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Mag Rework Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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While I'm not pleased she lost polarize in its god send form, I am glad that I was able to do a 2 hour T4S with her and one other player (a banshee). Can be applied to all factions now with ease. Lose the corpus killer specialization and become everything killer, quite good at such too.

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well shes kinda useless now

her damage scaling was her biggest strength compared to pretty much any other frame removing that made her high level play worthless

her direct damage from her abilities using crush magnetize and shield polarize is not worth the energy investment it seems she got the saryn treatment of having her abilities work in tandem with each other with the major drawback of JOAT modding and large energy consumption

the Armour reduction is a flat value while stripping the armor of a level 125 corrupted butcher in one go at 100% strength a corrupted heavy gunner takes much more (i got bored after nuking a single one for 3 mins my tonkor shot afterward did roughly double damage at base armor)

she has one major ability though her magnetize build is pretty good magnetizing one will nullify the bullets shot in the range which is really good except vaubans vortex is better lasts longer and can have more than 4 out at once and doesnt need to target an enemy putting your self in danger


all in all history repeating itself and with it being worse then the saryn nerf

Edited by klokw3rk
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Polarize would have been so much better if instead it removed a fixed percentage of armor, with strength mods only affecting the shield restore amount.  A cast could remove, for example, 30% of armor/shields, and subsequent casts would remove 30% of what was remaining.

That would let it scale properly, without it being too OP, as players would never be able to reach 100% armor reduction using Polarize alone.  In this form it would reduce the increasing need for 4x CP in higher level content, giving players more choice when it comes to auras, and actually become more useful at higher levels, instead of less useful, like it is now, thanks to very poor scaling (you could even crank up enemy shields at higher levels, on the unarmored targets, and make that shield reduction aura have a use).

Not having strength affect Polarize would also give players a choice between dump stats for different kinds of builds, but would consistently make mag a good shield/armor debuffer.

The ability being utterly useless - short of its shield restore - against unarmored, unshielded enemies, could be excused, if it didn't become even more useless against the remaining enemies as their levels increase, thanks to an increasing need to be spammed to remove increasing amounts of shields/armor.


Now that Polarize is working like Nova's Molecular Prime in one way (its spread), let's have it work like that ability in another, namely it's debuff being a percentage, rather than a fixed value.

Regardless of you being a speed-nova or a slow-nova, molecular prime will always cause affected enemies to take 200% damage.  Why can't mag work the same way, so that regardless of the range of your abilities, their strength, or the level of enemies, you are always going to be an effective debuffer,

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After testing the new Mag out for hours, I'm happy with how magnetize works aside from the friendly fire thing and some issues with hitting targets once you kill the main target of magnetize. Animation is long but with a team, its fine since teamwork and stuff. Or just build for longer duration so you can spam some more before shooting one of the targets.

Crush and Pull are still pretty much the same. I'd prefer if crush can CC enemies down longer when they get affected by it to help Mag survive some more. Seriously she needs a new survivability thing going on for her since she's now a caster with nothing much to survive tons of damage. Maybe increase her shields some more or something if you dont want general CC. I know magnetize can CC but then that's limited to 4 enemies. Others will just go straight for you again while you're busy with doing the animation while casting it some more.

Too bad about polarize though. Fixed reduction debuff worth 75 energy. Its actually awesome that you can build it to reduce 100% armour in about one or two rooms of enemies until you run out of energy. It ain't too bad with zenurik but then does that mean we need this focus for mag now? If they brought back % damage and just toned it down, then this'll make her awesome again. Tbh when you see it as a description it does 3 things. But then on 3 out of 5 missions (based on factions present) it'll be using 2 of those instead. Basically the same as before but now just requires 25 more energy. And the corpus side of it got nerfed.

And all these designed with synergy in mind while still leaving mag's energy pool the same instead of raising it to be on par with other casters. Why was there no energy pool buff? Saryn had an energy buff and her main damage is now a 25 energy ability. Rework was awesome with her. pls dont kill me miasma fans. 

Also, tested some weaps on simulacrum before and people really wanna show off the bugged combination that requires a specific gun. So gotta build for a specific setup? You guys are no better than the ash players who only build for bladestorm if that's how you see mag. When I checked that thread, so far it has been confirmed by others to affect miter, penta and lanka so those damage numbers aren't really numbers you'll see when using the majority of guns against the same target.


feedback tl;dr crush would be great with some more CC, magnetize is AWESOME, polarize needs moar tweaks and pls gib mag moar bling energy

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  • Abilities now synergies very well. (Pull-Polarize-Magnetize(or crush) combo FTW!)
  • Polarize now affects armored enemies, repeated use of this can destroy 100% of said armor (goes well with crush augment).
  • Magnetize attracts nearby enemies, one Lanka shot will annihilate everything inside. Also it can be recasted.
  •  Overall more CC.


  • Magnetize sometimes fail to attract projectiles... Assuming it's a bug. 
  • Mag's energy pool is too low.
  • Squishy as always. 

Proposed changes/solutions

Pull: Since mag is very fragile in high levels (even with 2k shields) an augmentation mod that pushes mobs when holding 1(not holding is normal pull), would increase mag's chances to survive. I'm aware of the existence of Greedy Pull, but I'm also aware that since she has a passive that cost zero energy and does the same as said mod, it does not have a reason to exist anymore. Also, if pull could also pull the shreds made by Polarize that would be neat. 

Magnetize: The design of this ability is perfect. However, you may want to check why sometimes the bullets do not hit the target correctly. In the test I did yesterday my Lanka shots would circle around the unit, without hitting it in some occasions. Also, Magnetize should keep the Glaive -and alike-  weapons circling around and damaging enemies. 

Polarize: With changes made to polarize, Mag can't kill shielded units like before, and even if it affects armored units now, still feels lackluster. I understand that killing a whole room instantly with one button was not good design, speed travel and base damage is a good change. However giving the nuke's speed travel an utility could be an amazing addition to this.

My proposed addition to the nuke-like wave would be: knock down units, as well as slowing them down by a fixed, relatively slow but significant 20%( 15% if too high) until they stand again. This would increased mag's CC and chances to survive significantly.

Crush: slowing down knocked units by a fixed 25% for a short duration could be an amazing addition to this ability -kind of makes sense that someone who got his bones crushed wouldn't be able to move that fast anymore. 

Mag's energy pool: Mag's power base is 100. Increasing this to 125 at base an 175 - 200 at rank 30 would be fair, considering she needs a lot of energy to synergize her abilities. 


All this changes could make Mag the queen of CC while still being fair and fun to use.

Please note that I've tested mag for a while, and this is a constructive criticism to the rework, do hope its considered. 


Edited by Lokime
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7 hours ago, Gilmaesh said:

you died in the corpus reactor alert mission which had hyenas in it, that's not your usual 15-20 corpus. Still, to be honest i don't how you managed to die.

I don't either, there was nothing around. Was by the wall opposite side of the reactor, popped a health pad because nothing was around, first 100 health went off and DEAD.

Trinity had the hyenas -- 3 of them -- in 8 waves. Mag died to the usual Corpus and just got to the 5th wave and died on that health pad.

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Great work DE!

It was my 5th least favourite frame, now it is my 1st least favourite frame!

Well,to make it useful, strength, range, duration and efficiency are both essential 

Mag is no longer effective in killing corpus now, it deals less damage and needs more energy

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26 minutes ago, xShun said:

And all these designed with synergy in mind while still leaving mag's energy pool the same instead of raising it to be on par with other casters. Why was there no energy pool buff? 

DE did what other MMORPGs did back in 2010: put a hard limit on AoE spam by eliminating it (very high energy costs; long cool downs; or simply removing AoE burst abilities).

When I saw they had an AoE burst spam frame, I jumped on getting Mag (as it's gone in MMORPGs). Now it's on par with them, and just as boring.

RIFT had a similar caster with channel abilities (like a Shadow Priest) and that was one fun toon on their alerts.

Now she's like the current Holy Paladin in WoW, some weird mix that satisfy the devs, but is a shadow of it's former self (even took Consecration away as it's an AoE).

DE could be different and have something other MMOs don't have, but did the exact same "rework", and it feels like over processed hair. -_-

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I thought DE said they wanted to bring mag and volt up to excals level. Even with excals nerf he is way beyond what mag can ever hope to be. DE changed her from being good at low to mid with all her abilities to sub par at low mid and high levels with polarize and at higher levels none of her abilities will be able to do anything. This wouldn't be nearly as bad if it wasn't for insane enemy scaling. Frames are barely able to keep up now and DE just keeps adding more stones to their ankles as they try to swim in a sea of enemies. They want us to use whatever we enjoy but with all the changes they do they are encouraging everyone to start using the same frames that are able to deal with high leveled enemies such as excal with his EB and blind or wukong with his defy and PF. They made so many missions as endurance but discourage us from trying to endure for long. What's the point?

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I will start with saying, I personally like the concept behind the changes done to Mag but the execution is a little lacking. I've redone my modding (and sitting around base duration is working fine with me) and tested her on each of the factions in a few missions as well as completing the corpus and grineer sorties since the update. She is still very good at dealing with corpus but now she has some tools to deal with the other factions. However with the changes from scalable damage to flat damage has taken a lot from her overall effectiveness as enemies continue to scale.

Now to the feedback:


Not many things were changed with this and works decent in some mild CC as it always has.  The extra damage with Magnetize is a nice bonus. 

  • I would like some clarification as to if the bonus drop rate increase to energy orbs means they need to be killed with Pull or just hit with it within a window? If Pull needs to kill the target then the usefulness of it is really just limited to low level missions where the low damage Pull actually does can kill things reliably but energy is already plentiful.  But high level missions where energy would normal start dwindling will have a harder time killing with Pull to make use of it.
  • Pull's bonus damage should probably also affect all enemies that are within Magetize's Field as this would help its killing power to grab more bonus energy.


The power performs wonderfully on all factions (when the nasty self damage doesn't happen). The draw in and DoT effect makes it useful to plug into a choke point to reduce incoming fire from directions as well as the DoT killing trash or softening the target for you.  The bonus damage from incoming fire to the target is the greatest benefit. No enemy has lasted long (bursa, sentients, heavy grineer, etc) to even Lv100 (granted I haven't actually tried it on unique reworked bosses). Everyone should keep in mind you can hit Banshee sonar spots and body part modifers (albeit with some effort) by shooting where you think a straight line from the perimeter of the field will guide it. It works decently as some cover fire for protections (when the self damage issue doesn't occur).  With some testing the draw in radius is larger than the field so enemies can be pulled into the actual ability effect. However all the notable benefits of Magnetize are solely limited to the initial target it was casted on sometimes making it a hindrance as it persists longer that the enemy that it was casted on.

  • Magnetize sits at the center of her synergy combos but unfortunately Magnetize is only limited to 4 targets and as such the bonus damage from the Combos with Pull and Crush are only limited to the initial targets. Enemies that are drawn into Magnetize's field of influence should be considered Magnetized as well even if not rooted. This will allow Pull and Crush to have a larger influence within the combo. Ideally the damage multiplier on weapon fire should also affect enemies that are drawn into the field's influence.
  • Magnetize's Draw in effect should scale with Power Strength.  As such more power strength should make it harder for enemies to escape the pull to the center.  This will also allow for a more reliable CC to melee targets that can just run through it to get to you.
  • Clarification if the self-damage is intended as well as a number of attacks that sometimes ignore the field (eg sentient rockets).


This was bound to be the large topic of debate when switching from scalable damage to flat damage. That fact alone destroyed the appeal of the ability. The ability can still be fairly lethal and a large group and now can be used on grineer for some similar effects which is great.  The armor removal bonus that can then be used to increase magnetize's damage is also nice. With a couple of tweaks I think Polarize will be in a good place.

  • Some amount of scalability would be nice.  There are a number of options of exactly how to frame it.  I personally like a combination of scale damage with an additive flat damage. For example, 20% shield/armor shred (not affected by power strength) + some amount of flat damage (which will scale with power strength).  This way it wont take more than 5 casts to remove everything and less depending on how much damage is done.  They could be tailored to be different for both if that is what is warranted. Perhaps even a combo with Magnetize where it doubles the scale would be a nice addition.
  • Polarize needs some buff to Mag's survivability when used against armor and not shields. Polarize gives additive shields when used against shields (and allows overshields with the augment) so perhaps it should give armor when used against armor. Maybe the augment could be updated to allow teammates to pick up the shrapnel to increase armor as well.


Crush also wasn't changed much like Pull.  It provides decent damage to the corpus and decent CC to most factions.  The bonus damage is a nice addition with the combo.

  • As stated in Magetize, should probably be extended to include enemies within it's field to increase the cost benefit and the more engaging use overall.
  • Perhaps it should also synergize with Polarizes armor striping shrapnel to increase its effectiveness against grineer.

Now that's my current experience.  Some have brought up here base energy which might be a candidate to look at with all the extra synergy that was added.  The sortie with Grineer showed me how much a survivability buff from Polarize is needed against armor.

It's difficult for me to exactly gauge how far tweaks should go without understanding the exact extent you [DE] have planned for enemy rebalancing in the future but this is my thoughts as far as things go currently. I do believe that she was hit a bit too hard.

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14 minutes ago, (PS4)Primordial3 said:

They want us to use whatever we enjoy

Not with this change for Mag. 3 years as an AoE burst spammer, completely reworked to be a duration build nothing what Mag players LIKED to play as a main.

They looked at the numbers and how Mag was used, but not why players would even play Mag ... if no Corpus existed even.

AoE anything in MMORPGs was eliminate or severely curbed since around 2008-2010. Those who remember that fun beeline to toons like that. That's their fun, especially against 100000000000000000001 Infested like mobs.

So DE "rework" by absolute numbers. It reworked how the players who like AoE burst damage as abilities, and now the frame is boring and isn't a joy to play.

Those who use Mag situationally for Corpus runs wouldn't care, but not those who specialize in a particular play style of burst/crit game play.

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Flat damage is making Mag locked to low level missions, at mid level it is not even enough already and at 80+ levels its actually useless.

So just put back scaling strength and Mag will shine. If you won't put strength - Mag will not be used much as other frames can do it better.

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42 minutes ago, Death_Master_ said:

Flat damage is making Mag locked to low level missions, at mid level it is not even enough already and at 80+ levels its actually useless.

So just put back scaling strength and Mag will shine. If you won't put strength - Mag will not be used much as other frames can do it better.

The sortie I ran today says otherwise. Lvl 100 Grineer interception, I had top damage and kills. I took Dex Sybaris, Dual Toxocyst, and Redeemer. So no Tonkor, Vaykor Hek, or Lex Prime.


Now, to be fair, I also had top damage taken and deaths. Mag has no way to survive anything. Shield Transference needs a serious rework to go along with the new Polarize.

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39 minutes ago, Misgenesis said:

Magnetize appears to be bugged. It doesnt seem to always blow up, tested in simulcram.

The mods don't support both Power Strength AND duration. Need high Power Strength to set off the end explosion, something that's hard to do with existing mods (just putting on 2 duration mods, my Power Strength went down 1/3 -- that's a HUGE drop).

Her base DPS Power Strength will have to be increased, or it's the mess of completely revamping the mods to support one frame's change (if they'll plant themselves to defend this "rework" as a "like it or don't play the frame" deal).

Edited by Kevyne_Kicklighter
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There seem to be something wrong with Mag's Magnetize,
I don't think this is intentional so...
Mag and other teammates can seem to kill themselves when standing close to the center of the Bubble and try to shoot out of it.
The bullets are attracted to the center of the Field meaning the bullets are going through the Warframe and killing it.

First happened to me in a T3 Defense where I was playing as Volt using my Vaykor Marelok with Viral dmg, We had a Mag in the Squad I was able to hit myself and see the Viral proc or even one shot myself but I didn't realize it was me dealing self damage. I was so confused, rolf.

Now I picked up Mag for the Proxy Retribution - Mobile Defense mission and I was able to kill myself by shooting my Vaykor Hek outside of the Field too, I did this 3 times to test it out and indeed, I one shot myself 3 times.

Edit: Jumped in a T1 Capture to see if this is actually true and not be been dumb and managed to kill myself 3 more times xD
My Atomos does no damage to me whatsoever, So I assume this is a bug and it is not intentional.
Enjoying Mag and Volt Reworks so far, Mag's kind of confusing but good overall!

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So after some playing around, I've reached a few conclusions and have a few suggestions for Mag's rework. It's not as bad as the people screaming like headless chickens make it out to be. At the same time, it's not perfect either.


  1. It was good already, the synergies with the rest of her kit is a nice touch. The extra chance to drop energy orbs on kill isn't going to mean much in higher levels, but a bonus is a bonus! :)


  1. This has pretty much become Mag's bread and butter skill on high levels. It can block enemy fire, spread weapon damage out to an entire group, and can be charged up with damage to deal a huge-a** explosion afterwards. I've managed to perform the most damage and kills on today's Grineer Sorties 3, which I was honestly surprised about. A few things I'd like to change about this would be to reduce the cast time, allow us to cast this on the move (or even make this a single-handed action of they're feeling generous) and increase the range slightly.
  2. I've been using this skill more than any other, and that slow-a** cast animation literally halts you in place and makes you a sitting duck. Also, the range isn't all that impressive without Overextended, which kinda nukes the power strength. A little more range would be nice. Lastly, it's be pretty cool if enemies caught in Magnetize are unable to escape the bubble. This combined with Pull would give Mag a new niche of controlling/restricting enemy movement.
  3. It'd also be great if we could detonate it manually in combination with other abilities, kinda like Frost's Snowglobe explosion. Those bubbles sometimes overstay their welcome and block our own bullets from their intended target. I'm highly against using Pull to make this happen however, since I like to drag enemies into range of its explosion.


  1. Polarize suffered greatly for its loss in scaling. It's powerful on the starmap and lower levels, I'll give you that. But even then, the damage is rather unreliable and half the enemies lay dead at level 20 while the rest are still gunning at my face. Plus, it does neglegible shield damage at higher levels, which probably pissed off a lot of people. Welp.
  2. We'll have to rethink this ability's role. As an enemy debuffer, it's underwhelming. Currently, Polarize can strip armor completely at level 50, but armor isn't exactly a problem at this level. At level 115 however, it takes like 10 casts to strip armor completely, which is a ridiculously long time. DE will have to figure out a way to make this "debuffing ability" scale.
  3. Currently, like all damaging abilities, Polarize drops off quickly at higher levels. I'm somewhat against making Polarize's damage scale since we're all moving away from the "Press Button to Win" idea. Make Polarize focus on debuffing. 
  4. Mag's current "quick CC" is Pull, which is incredibly risky sometimes since you're literally throwing level 100 Bombards into your own face. Maybe we could give Polarize the ability to Impact stun enemies that it affects? It won't be too OP since it's just a quick Impact proc and Polarize spreads out so slowly, but at least it can give Mag some breathing room to reorient herself in the battlefield without stopping in place to use Crush. Plus, her survivability is difficult at higher levels atm, so this will be a welcomed change.


  1. Aaaaaaand Crush is the same old Crush. Its range is 18 meters. Why? Even Volt's new ultimate is 20m. C'mon DE, increase Crush to the same range. Right now you're like that teacher that won't round up our grade from an 89.9% to a 90%.
  2. Shrapnel. Make enemies effected by Crush drop shrapnel. Or at least make surrounding shrapnel boost Crush's damage??
  3. By the way, Shrapnel is kinda useless damage-wise. Maybe give it some utility? Like make it a pick-up that temporarily buffs Mag's armor. Shields aren't that great at higher levels.



  1. Mag is squishier than a squid and relies heavily on her abilities for survival. I'd suggest increasing her energy pool to around 175 at max rank? 
  2. Mag is THE shield frame. Whyyyyy does Frost Prime have more shields than her??????? Buff pls ;3;
  3. Give her a Magneto helmet.


People may keep spewing salt from their eyeballs at you DE, but I've got some faith in you. Make us proud! qwq/

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10 minutes ago, shirokoi said:

Guys, it'd be nice you actually experiment with the new setup and give some productive feedback. Just screaming "NERRRFFFF" at DE isn't going to help them make any positive changes. qwq/

Spent 6 hrs on different setups/locations today. Not in sim, just REAL game. Mag is a no-go for higher missions. 70-80+ and you just feel as you are throwing paper clips at everything with skills. Sure, magnetise is great - only if you don't kill other melee frame or yourself by it. And also, bugs like hell - dissapears with bodies, "stays" and does not work, explosion does 0 damage, etc.

BTW: To the guy who screams she is lovely after change-of-heart. Draco? Really? You call Interception with Grineer a challenge? This are the "training" grounds now... Even 0 lvl frames manage to go there and win few waves... I know she can manage 30-40 lvls just fine, but that is not the point in reworks, to make Mag even more mediocre, and not excel at anything like she used to. Peace.

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Mmk so here's the rundown of what I got out of her from playing almost nothing but her since the rework:


No problems, in fact even better now with the energy chance and extra dmg if magnetized


1. This feels like her endgame skill more than her polarize and crush. You can reach crazy numbers on the explosion and on enemies inside the bubble.

2. A problem I run into is that the bullets fly around in the epicenter of he ability and never deal dmg to enemies on the edges of the ability. I think that the bullets if theyre gonna fly around should be more erratic so they dmg everything in the ability.

3. This ability can wipe the entire squad, self dmg from enemy bullets needs to go.

4. As said in #3 self dmg. This ability feels like it should be more of a tactical ability, ie magnetize on an enemy and use it as cover but you cant do that if you die from bufed enemy bullets.


So initially thought it was pretty darn good but after a while it just doesnt take off enough armor per cast. Suggest making it a % removed each cast. Thisd let it act similar to corrosive dmg and help it scale better.

As for her augment it should now work for both factions. ie shields from shields, temporary flat armor(similar to iron skin but not iron skin)


Needs more range. Needs to pick up enemies better. Needs to use shrapnel for more dmg w/o the need of magnetize.


Mag needs a higher energy pool(same  size as a nyx/banshee/etc)

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This rework (and Volts as well) would've been better if the enemy scaling wasn't so bad. I won't talk about Volts since this is Mags rework forum.

Since Polarize lost so much damage against shields it should've been made to do what it does against armor do the same to shields, a permanent Loss to shields is a huge utility and balances it out pretty well. Pull is still a great crowd control ability in my mind and can give a lot of breathing room for a cheap cost. Magnetize feels like a great ability but simply doesn't last long enough. Magnetize also should've keep the tracking that Bullet Attractor had. I've only found it to really pull through when used on doors or small hallways. Crush is still bland and honestly I barely use it even after this rework.

All in all this rework feels like a more healthier Mag however the game isn't ready for the need for such high energy dependent frame when we don't even get a passive energy restore without an Aura (which we really should) or through an item (which makes you stand still keeping in mind most high energy usage frames have very low health and Mag's base Aura slot polarity doesn't match Energy Siphon) and enemies scale far too quickly.

Finally I think they should've buffed her health because far too many enemies cause Slash and Toxin procs which against lower health frames kill them outright and Mag is wierd in that she needs to be in the fray but doesn't have the survivability to be where she needs to be unless She carries health restores (and it shouldn't be required to carry 50+ health restores). It certainly doesn't help that Mag's powers are all over the place with Mod requirement, you can't sacrifice anything because she needs all of it.

TL;DR enemy scaling is the real problem and Mag powers are all very situational and she simply can't survive long enough to use them properly. 


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Holy poop with how angry people are getting you'd think DE just ruled Obamacare constitutional. Sheesh!

Overall, I like the new Mag. I see where they're going with it and think the direction in question is a good one. The passive is fine. Considering how powerful she can be, she doesn't need a major buff on top of her skills. As for the skills, they make her more versatile and tactical, and are not, themselves, really the problem. They just have some anachronisms left over from the last iteration that interact clumsily with their new role.

Not saying any of my suggestions are new, but I think the following list combines an appropriate level of synergy.

  • Mag is moving in the direction of a sort of Vauban/Saryn, but still has a minimum-sized energy pool. Please bump that energy pool up, maybe just to 225 or so.
  • All dependence on magnetic procs should be removed. Magnetic procs are extremely limited in practical application and counteract Mag's cross-faction versatility.
  • Polarize- Polarize is kind of a mess, trying to do the chaining aoe damage of the old skill while serving in its new function as shield and armor stripper
    • It doesn't need damage at all, and it costs too much and is too situational now to be a reliable over/shield heal (given that shields are basically butter), so why not just drop those things? It's a debuff now, and giving it any damage and healing capability has clearly confused people.
    • To compensate for that, it really should have %-based scaling effectiveness so that it is more viable at higher levels as many people have said.
    • It should also have a higher base duration, or otherwise the "wave" should expand more quickly.
    • Augment: with shield healing gone, how about a chance for "Polarized" enemies to drop energy orbs when killed?
    • Which brings us to the limited-duration "polarize" after-effect (affected by duration% mods). Polarized enemies would not be more vulnerable to flat damage, but would acquire a scaling multiplier interact with Mag's skills differently. This would encourage more thoughtful set-up, a la Saryn. See below:
  • Pull- Pull is fine, but Pulling "Polarized" enemies should have additional utility
    • "Polarized" enemies should take more damage and fully replenish shields when pulled (as opposed to non-Polarized enemies, who are merely pulled like before 18.13)
    • Enemies stop, suspended, inside the Magnetize bubble when pulled, after being polarized
    • As others have suggested, armor shards stripped by Polarize should get pulled into Magnetize, too, stopping in the same way
  • Magnetize- Is really pretty great as it is, just some minor issues hold it back
    • The explosion damage at the end is counter-intuitive. It encourages you to mod for negative duration for the explosion to be directly useful, which minimizes loadout opportunities, and undermines the rest of the kit. Just get rid of it, and replace it with a stagger or knockdown in the explosion's AOE (modified by power strength).
    • With the explosion/damage now irrelevant, enemies killed by allies/previous DoT while casting magnetize on them should spawn a magnetize bubble on death, similar to EV. In team play, it can be really annoying right now when someone nukes your Magnetize target mid-cast, making you waste time and energy.
    • Otherwise, Magnetize could act just as it already does on normal enemies, but "Polarized" enemies should experience a scaling centralized pull effect and damage depending on their initial polarization multiplier
    • An augment that increases the range/damage of the magnetize bubble for each enemy entering/pulled into it would be cool too
  • Crush- Two simple ideas, which could make it a more useful OS button prohibited by its cost
    • Remove the damage. It's either too much or not enough
    • Make it a one-handed cast. Being able to move and fire/reload while using crush would be amazing
    • If "Polarized" enemies enemies have any shields/armor left, Crush should strip the remainder of shields/armor, scaling off Mag's power strength %
    • Augment: give it Shield Transference's overshield, distributed among allies, buffing shields and/or armor, scaling off of the enemies crushed and Mag's power strength %

With all that said, I really look forward to bringing Mag up against Grineer and into the Void more often, and look forward to future iterations of her kit.

Edited by GreenVajene
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