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Mag Rework Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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I can determine from my personal experience that Mag's rework has made her no stronger and no weaker (with the possible exception of having flat damage in a couple places where percent damage was), but she's more involved now. She retains her capacity to lay down crowd control and support the squad, though she now plays less like a mixed caster and more like a combo-oriented control mage. Her strength has been moved off of face values and into combining abilities together with each other and with weapon fire. This makes her really, really energy hungry, so I have to either build into efficiency at the cost of strength or combo her powers for a bit and then use no powers for a while. Or get cozy with a Trinity. I might have to polarize her aura to Naramon for ESiphon. If anyone makes a build that handles her energy costs effectively, please let me know.

Magnetize (formerly Bullet Attractor) now feels more useful, setting a nice door-sized zone that directs and amplifies weapons fire (x2 at max rank, no mods). I find this way nicer than the old Bullet Attractor, since it not only helps wear down bigger enemies but also creates a damaging zone for controlling areas of the map. (If DE makes an augment for Magnetize, I would love if it slowed enemies that entered the zone.) Crush is still Crush, Pull is still Pull. Polarize has a handy visual now to help the squad replenish their shields, makes Mag viable against Grineer and Ancients (Fracturing Crush notwithstanding), and while the shrapnel doesn't have much of an effect it's still a nice aesthetic touch.

All told, I like reworked Mag. There are some changes that need getting used to, but playing her is much more exciting for me now. Thank-you for the Mag love, DE.

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31 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:


I can determine from my personal experience that Mag's rework has made her no stronger and no weaker (with the possible exception of having flat damage in a couple places where percent damage was),


Before: Can deal with any enemies with shields, Polarizes scales with enemy shield values and Mag is viable in Sorites/Endurance runs against shielded enemies.

After: Can't deal with any enemy past level 60 effectively (FYI, it takes 15 Polarize casts at 200%+ Power Strength to strip armor from a level 130 Bombard), falls short on every front and is largely useless, a waste of team space. 

Ergo, either your "experience" is limited to star chart/low level missions or you're delusional. 

Unless DE wants all Mag users to give up on high-level content, reworked Mag is a piece of junk. 

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1 hour ago, Reifnir said:

Struggle? In Sorties (especially the difficult ones) it's a choice between "everybody dies" and "nobody dies unless doing something very stupid", there is no middle ground, and no space to struggle. It's a game of Diablo where difficulty/monster power keeps on increasing and your Toughness is capped at values fit for Hard (at best). When they "fix" frames like they did with Mag without fixing the bigger issue which is enemy power/toughness scaling they're just breaking things further. 

I guess different strokes for different folks.

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16 minutes ago, Reifnir said:

Before: Can deal with any enemies with shields, Polarizes scales with enemy shield values and Mag is viable in Sorites/Endurance runs against shielded enemies.

After: Can't deal with any enemy past level 60 effectively (FYI, it takes 15 Polarize casts at 200%+ Power Strength to strip armor from a level 130 Bombard), falls short on every front and is largely useless, a waste of team space. 

Ergo, either your "experience" is limited to star chart/low level missions or you're delusional. 

Unless DE wants all Mag users to give up on high-level content, reworked Mag is a piece of junk. 

Your input is appreciated, but it isn't that helpful. I'm looking for ways to ease up on Mag's energy consumption, not opinions on her effectiveness in high-level content. If you're curious, I play Mag for support and CC, not for her damage output. There are other frames more suited to damage, so I play them for DPS and use Mag to facilitate extra damage for my squadmates (locking down enemies and creating a damage multiplying zone with Magnetize, etc). Plus I just enjoy playing Mag.

If you play Mag and would like to share build ideas, I'd appreciate that.

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Imo Mag Should be able to pull Shrapnel along with her Vacuum Jump, dealing additional damage to enemies caught in the Path, and shrapnel into Magnetize bubbles. 

also Imo greedy pull should be made a passive of Pull, because that Utility Augment is extra worthless when both her Passive and the 90% of players permanently use Carrier do the same thing wile not costing 25 energy, Nyx Players should agree that there is no problem with making a Passive that is ability based.

I feel Mag is now Stronger against Grineer than Corpus. Corpus enemies effected by Polarize dont give the synergistic shrapnel she gets with Grineer. imo the Polarize augment should also be made part of the ability, the effect should be overall weakened and made a team buff, this way while you may not be getting shrapnel you can give your team overshields for cleaning your enemies shields, heck wasn't shield Polarize supposed to be about sapping your enemies shields to restore your teams? just make overshields part of the ability.

as for Crush its still a too weak ability and have a Fix idea in another thread: 


Edited by GOLANX
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45 minutes ago, Reifnir said:

Ergo, either your "experience" is limited to star chart/low level missions or you're delusional. 

Unless DE wants all Mag users to give up on high-level content, reworked Mag is a piece of junk. 

I have no idea how do you play, but anything in this game except raids is doable with any squad as long as it involves Trinity, 4xCP, enough pizzas and nonzero thought put into it. Assuming no cheesing. It might not be too efficient or easy, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone did 3x max range & efficiency Mags spamming Crush and Magnetize. Because for how long you can go Loki/Trinity/Nova/something setup? Gets dull fast enough.

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Mag. Mag Mag, Mag Mag. The one trick pony tries to becomo a jack of all trades and becomes master of none. Overall I like how abilities work but I dislike the numbers on them I guess?

Pull: Nothing new nothing to say

Magnetize: Loving the change. Ability looks nice the magnetised remains look cool. The only change that needs to be made is that it should collapse as soon as magnetized traget dies. Duration kinda works counter-productive on this ability.

Polarize: The functionality seems good on the ability but dear god the numbers have gone down a lot and I mean a LOT. Event at 250% power strength it takes about 5-6 casts to remove full armor from 75 lvl bombard and gunner. On corpus is seems to remove shields just fine but it deals almost no damage. And the shrapnell seems kinda useless. Even when sucked by magnetize it barely adds any damage.

Crush: Well it deals bunus damage to magnetized targets. Okay. Kinda nice but you are forcing me to spam magnetize a lot before using crush? Change it so if at least once enemi in range is magnetized the damage is increased for all affected enemies.

Passive: Nothing to say besides that the sound was annoying as hell. Please do not add it back.

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4 hours ago, Reifnir said:

Struggle? In Sorties (especially the difficult ones) it's a choice between "everybody dies" and "nobody dies unless doing something very stupid", there is no middle ground, and no space to struggle.

People play Sorties and expect trouble.

They expect a cakewalk or be carried in other content. That 90% of THE content in the game.

Rare to find anyone going above 1600 in Hieracon, because min-maxers put up everywhere that's the perfect time to leave -- just when they can face any real danger, too.

The fun for some is duking it out to the max, pushing themselves against great odds. But if groups simply leave when people start to die, there's no challenge for them.

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41 minutes ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

People play Sorties and expect trouble.

They expect a cakewalk or be carried in other content. That 90% of THE content in the game.

Rare to find anyone going above 1600 in Hieracon, because min-maxers put up everywhere that's the perfect time to leave -- just when they can face any real danger, too.

The fun for some is duking it out to the max, pushing themselves against great odds. But if groups simply leave when people start to die, there's no challenge for them.

By the time one finds "challenge" in warframe, the game just stacks on enemies with horrible mechanics (nullifiers, commanders, bombard's rocket that you can't even dodge, ect) and you get 1 hit by the scaling. And that's not even mentioning that excavators never scale with enemies, by the time you reach 1600 cryotics as you said, enemies destroy the excavator pretty much in few hits that you can't react them. And by that time, most squishy frames like Mag just go down by 1 bullet. It's not a challenge honestly since there's no way to deal with that challenge.

If the current "end-game" is level 80-100 sorties, then Mag so far can't deal with it in my opinion. And that's not even mentioning the Level 150 interception alert we had around last year.

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Mag was my first frame and I always enjoyed playing with her. I was really pumped for the rework because I thought bullet attractor was very useless. Even the previews that we saw were pretty cool, but once I tried it, I was a little disappointed. That however has changed a little after using her the whole weekend. It was like relearning how to use her again. Now I really enjoy using Mag again, however it is very obvious that her usefulness stops with any enemies above the 70's.

For me, the biggest problem is the flat damage that she does with her Shield Polarize. If it was possible to make it scale again according to shields or armor, Mag would become useful for high level missions. Right now even with a full strength build you need more than 8 casts of shield polarize to actually strip off Armor or shields of high level.

So, what I learned from this weekend:

  • Pull: Works wonders and is the main killer for any faction partnered with Magnetize and Greedy Pull to get the very needed energy orbs.
  • Magnetize: While it is amazing, IT IS VERY BUGGY  You can kill yourself by shooting inside of your bubble without even having a radiation proc. It doesn't happen every time, but I have been able to kill myself and my carrier several times by a single shot of my Vaykor Hek.
  • Shield P: Needs to have scaled damage again to be useful for high level missions.
  • Crush: Very Good specially combined with Magnetize.

A very fun frame to play that now relies more in combos and ragdolling enemies, but that sadly becomes useless for endgame.

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Having spent a lot of time with mag these past 3 days, my opinions on her rework are very positive.

Pull is pull. I can't seem to notice that enemies killed with it spawning energy as the description says anymore than killing by regular means. No harm here tho. If anything, I wish there was an option to REPEL enemies (so we could push em into the Magniteze bubbles) Maybe a power wheel like quiver that lets you choose between pulling and repelling?

Magnetize is such an amazing skill. Love it how it behaves, creating zones to corral enemies, block incoming fire AND deal damage. I wish I could set it down without the need of a living target, however. Could be a nifty augment.

Polarize has changed a lot. It deals damage to mid level range enemies quite nicely, but it feels weaker against corpus, specially with the loss of the AoE effect (or probably that's the main reason) But it also deals nicely with armored enemies. I'm not going into details about damage, because I think enough feed back has been provided on that. I do think, however, it could use attention elsewhere.

-The cost is too high for its function. Getting shrapnel is nice, stripping armor and shield is also a plus, but the increased energy cost makes the use prohibitive to cover its former performance. If it is to stay as it is, consider an energy cost reduction please.

-The augment was left behind in the single faction mentality. Maybe allow shield transference to work with armored targets as well?

Crush is as crush was, a nuke that roots you while performing a decent amount of damage and locks all enemies within the initial cast radius for the duration. Like Pull, Crush remains as it was, if not a slightly improved with the synergy.


She feels very power hungry. It's not uncommon to be out of energy to do anything before focus kicks in. If anything, because her combos are elaborate and she isn't particularly resilient to last till energy is surplus.


Here is a crazy suggestion. Change her passive to be able to collect shrapnel and create an extra layer of damage protection, or restore shields, or energy, or anything really. the shrapnels are a cool addition and would be nice to see even more interactions with it.

Anyways, thank you for the rework~! A really nice breath of fresh air to Mag! :)

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1 hour ago, HeroPwn said:

By the time one finds "challenge" in warframe, the game just stacks on enemies with horrible mechanics (nullifiers, commanders, bombard's rocket that you can't even dodge, ect) and you get 1 hit by the scaling. And that's not even mentioning that excavators never scale with enemies, by the time you reach 1600 cryotics as you said, enemies destroy the excavator pretty much in few hits that you can't react them. And by that time, most squishy frames like Mag just go down by 1 bullet. It's not a challenge honestly since there's no way to deal with that challenge.

If the current "end-game" is level 80-100 sorties, then Mag so far can't deal with it in my opinion. And that's not even mentioning the Level 150 interception alert we had around last year.

It's not only Hieracon it's when any difficulty arises, players scram. Like they're scared of death. Dying 2x is a sin so great, that they'll rather D/C even. Same mentality across the games with K/D counts. They will do anything to avoid having deaths as they're conditioned that death = bad.

Deaths happen in games. They especially happen in higher level encounters. They're going for riskier rewards that require being more than being AFK.

Blizzard is going to have the exact problems DE is having (as the next expansion Blizzard is adding auto-scaling mobs. The #1 Oblivion mod at the time was to remove auto-scaling of mobs. But despite that history, and gaming population appeal [even in single-player God mode], devs are doing exactly what players wanted to remove. It's easy cheese for devs to add, but cheese, again, players dislike).

DE has to rethink caps, not only for populations preferences, but so players can get used to dying and taking chances. No failure gamers don't learn from mistakes, either. An Aimbot isn't going to teach a gamer how to play better. The only way they can, is by trying and not look at deaths in games as so bad they'll d/c to prevent it getting on their record.

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On 27/5/2016 at 7:32 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

Just adding my practical experiences into the equation since the couple of hours we deployed.

Did Sortie 1 with a random group on Public matchmaking:


Group composition was Atlas, Volt, Excal, and me as Mag Prime with a Strength/Range build.

More playing to follow, but she still holds her own and then some in this mission example.

I'm in love with the changes so far!
I just did a solo 40min survival on Earth - Tycho, Without a single issue.
Killing Sentients like a Baus!


Died only once, when trying to shoot my Vaykor Hek out of the Magnetize bubble I one shot myself, Rolf.
By the way, Is this intentional?
When playing with others it worries me to use Magnetize, Teammates could kill themselves too.


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1 hour ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

It's not only Hieracon it's when any difficulty arises, players scram. Like they're scared of death. Dying 2x is a sin so great, that they'll rather D/C even. Same mentality across the games with K/D counts. They will do anything to avoid having deaths as they're conditioned that death = bad.

Deaths happen in games. They especially happen in higher level encounters. They're going for riskier rewards that require being more than being AFK.

Blizzard is going to have the exact problems DE is having (as the next expansion Blizzard is adding auto-scaling mobs. The #1 Oblivion mod at the time was to remove auto-scaling of mobs. But despite that history, and gaming population appeal [even in single-player God mode], devs are doing exactly what players wanted to remove. It's easy cheese for devs to add, but cheese, again, players dislike).

DE has to rethink caps, not only for populations preferences, but so players can get used to dying and taking chances. No failure gamers don't learn from mistakes, either. An Aimbot isn't going to teach a gamer how to play better. The only way they can, is by trying and not look at deaths in games as so bad they'll d/c to prevent it getting on their record.

Agreed, sadly so far, going for more riskier missions in warframe is not that rewarding currently, excavations like hierracon give you 5000 credits at rotation A, mods that can be dropped in the early game like Mercury on Rotation B and C when you're fighting level 80 infested.

 With the new revive system, players don't have to fear dying that much (as it was just 4+2 arcane revives per day before) and can make risky moves from what I've seen.

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I lost my fun with Mag sadly i have ot say, yes she was OP against Coprus, but ONLY Corpus and for taht evne then at like 60+ you couldn't nuke them taht much anymore and also we had the nullifier for that right and she was kidna of useful maybe a few moments in the Void if enough Corrupted Corpus were around, but still i feel she is useless now with her powers.


Pull, idea is nice but it is no kill move to drop any noticeable energy orbs, more damge on magenticed enemys just that her powers not do that on its own not even the Magentize even that it is called that,.only pulls enemys together and redirects bullets, but basicly in short i should be forced to put magentizing damge on my weapons? In my eyes Warframes stil lsohuld be able to hold her gorudn withotu certain weapons.Same for Crush aswell, i mean Saryn has Virus as element on her powers, why can't Mag have magnetism.

Magnetize, is nice i like it now except the bugs, killing oyurself or even shielding enemys outside it as i mentioned in this Thread already, not to mention not all Weapon shots get redirected at all which renders it useless wtih certain weapons.

Polarize, liking the idea swell and how it moves around the field like novas ability, but why is it paared with duration? Why does it vanish if teh duration is short, Nova not does that with her power, it only affects how long enemys are affected by the debuff from it, with this change paared with how much energy it costs now it is uselss to use msotly due as most mentioned it not scales. Why as a magnetic expert sitll not atleast let her remvoes shields fully again, those do regenerate on enemys, the armor one it does stack which is nice but in high lvl barely noticable still. Also even if tehy sitll cause a explosion i fidn it now barely ntoicable and even the range seems very lwo now even with range mod.

Crush sitll the same but fells not good agaisnt any enemy still like other Ults you do notice definitly more for sure.

Passive: Why not make that a standard for all frames with a smaller radius, whould make people not use carrier all the time, about her passvie maybe let enemys touch her get magnetized or create a small area of effect with her abilitys.


Overall most changes are nice but comapred to other frames now she feels uselss and not worth taking with, i not feel like i assist my Team or even i am able to keep myself really alive, the Shield Augment Mod for Polarize also seems useless now msotly against Armor Enemys now, but still seem to gain as mcuh shield anymore or none at all evne if it hits alot of shields. Energy costs seem way to high now compared to how she was changed and not worth using at times, Power Strength Mods seem barely noticeable at all on any Power, range seems not to work aswell and now oyu have to focus on duration aswell, sicne Polarize for example eather grows alrger but vansih with shrot duration it seems or not grows to much without range but sitll not so noticable, even that the powers still states range and duration beeign affected by mods.Polarize and Crush are not worth using if you even try to boost your powers with strength, range and duration but can only use them 2 times if i only use base energy even with efficiency and Crush is sitll to weak to maeka difference while Polarize i get the feeling it does the explosion fomr it at random now not workign even always, regardless faction since its range jsut sitll seems to low even with range mods, mostly its blast range now.


And my tohughts on the rework overall, i get the feeling tehy weakened a abilty that was overused into the ground, this is no balcne and hurted the game in my eyes, it only makes people use another ability more often and overuse taht one which i guess is Magnetize on Mag now. Sry DE i Love your game and ideas but this changes ruined alot for me. And if you wanted it ot go hand in hand with the later enemy scaling that is supposed to come, why not relased the Warframe changes WITH it. Instead we got this now partly.


And for god sake the passives i have to say, did you smoke something? You not Want OP Frames or powers but give Ash a passive that only boosts his powers while others only work in certain areas or situations? I was able to kill 20 lvl 600 juggernaut behemoths in the simularium, it spawwend them at lvl 600 + the adds it spawns and killed them all with one single Bladestrom and this is usefull against every faction and boosted by his passive, while Mag only was suefull agaisnt Corpus and this gets nerfed and people complain about "press button to nuke"? I mena srsly, as said lvl liek 60+ she barely nuekd especially with Nullifiers around, while Ash still can kill such enemys like nothing and got a boost with his passive even if you rework him sitll which i know you will since it is announced, i don't get behind your logic here you put in with those reworks.


Nyx's passive can sort of backfire making her powers turn agasint what tehy are suppsoed to do, Oberon only works on earth, phobos, derelict and onyl oen faciton basiclym Vauban sicne  when was he the teams Tank? Why are the passivse not like a Aura aswell to provide the Team, like giving Vauban, i don't know shield regen to the Team, extra hacking time, chance of hacking into turrets. Banshees passive, not works on a companion aswell so i am forced to out a mute mod on its weapon so it not breaks her passive stealth. This whoel rework as i understand and like msot ideas jsut seems for me a real waste of time and by now, from what i readed on the forums now, pushed alot of palyers away from Warframe already.

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Pretty sure most of the things stated below will have been said at one point or another in this thread, but after playing her for the last few days, here goes :

Pull : No complaints, works the same as before now with bonus chance to get Energy orbs. 
Magnetize : While the 'Vortex' effect is pretty nice, enemies running / walking can often escape the bubble, making it pretty ineffective in dishing out damage. Also there is a bug(?) where your own projectiles can kill yourself if you're inside the bubble. Other than that, the damage amp and distributed damage works very nicely.
Polarize : While the expanding wave works very very well with Shield Transference (since you now gain shields continuously instead of just one, making it a very effective restore, even when taking damage constantly.) The damage is somewhat lackluster, and the armor removal is not sufficient in higher levels. But with the upcoming enemy scaling changes, this might be less of a problem. So I'll save my comments for later for now. 
[Possible suggestion : Reduce the armor damage, but change it to damage the base armor instead (linear removal) with levels]
Crush : While the damage bonus combined with Magnetize is somewhat nice, it still feels the same as before, without the Fracturing Crush augment, it still feels pretty weak compared to other ults. The immobilization effect should be innate to the skill, rather than requiring the augment to have. 
Passive : Pretty neat, while it isn't anything too special, its alright. Nothing much to add here. 

Energy pool : Mag could use an energy pool boost to 225 at max level, among the caster frames, she has quite a small energy pool. With the rework, she now requires slightly more 'aggressive' casting to be effective at killing things at higher levels, so a energy pool increase would be much appreciated. 

Edited by Neah
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1. Pull is ok, but the bonus damage from magnetized targets is barely noticeable.

2. Magnetize is extremely powerful, more powerful than her Crush. Its also bugged because you can kill yourself inside it and the Lanka+gas insta-kills them.

3. Polarize is crap. It doesn't drop enough shreds for Crush and Magnetize to be effective. The armor strip is too low to even try and build towards it, and the way shields explode now is no different than before, other that they take no health damage from shield explosion.

4. Crush. Tickle damage. More shreds, higher damage. Plain and simple, also bonus damage is crap too.

And a Vacuum for a passive? Magnets have nothing to do with Vacuums, it should involve something with Magnets and polarization.

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If the armor strip would apply to BASE armor (smaller strip value aswell ofc) - it would help with the enemy scaling.

Shield explosion needs a short delay - to ensure first explosion wont strip shields from other enemies before it reaches them (overloads shields so they explode few moments later).
Remove range requirement - let duration dictate how far it goes.
Fragments give way too little dmg bonus to bother with them.
Increase base energy (she is a pretty costly caster now).
Magnetize needs a way to "cancel/explode" when enemy is dead. 


For passive:  

A: Magnetizes enemies when they melee her (like frost) - pulling in any metal fragments on ground and dealing damage to them.
B: Adds fixed magnetic proc chance to weapons (synergy with crush).

C: Magnetize nearby enemy when health drops below 50 (no energy cost, not limited by the cap of 4).

Edited by Ketec
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Magnetize plus the Ignis is ridiculous.

If you ever wanted to make a wall of murder, that's your ticket.



That's less than half of an Ignis mag pumped into the bubble before those healers ran in. I spawned 8 + 1 eximus to give myself a chance to build up some DOT with the Eximus in a different spawn zone, so I could get a screenshot of purely the over-time damage.

Not shown: Explosion of tons of damage after the duration ends.


Fun in the main corridor of Void Defense!



"What does building straight into strength do to that?" I wondered.








3.3 million


Edited by EDYinnit
299% strength mode
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1. Pull is almost the same as before

2. Magnetize is ok but some weapons still get out of the bubble (never happened with Bullet Attractor)

3. Polarize is Terrible, Doesn't scale for shields or armor (DE what were you thinking!)

4. Crush. Same horrible ability as before.

Mag's Passive is a joke !

I really didn't think you could make Mag worse but you found a way.


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Honestly I'm okay with Mag's rework, aside from Polarize no longer being a percentage. If they wanted to nerf it that bad they could've just lowered the percentage to like 45%-50% base, which wouldn't be terrible really with either shields or armor, and then she would be able to hold up in end game again. But the game is always changing so it's not impossible for DE to change their minds from what we have currently.

But anyway, now that "Magnetize" has been revived, there's possibilities of a new augment considering that there are now frames that have augments for all 4 abilities. Personally, my idea was "Magnetite Armor" in which you could cast Magnetize on an ally and they absorb bullets for the duration and have them converted into an over-armor similar to Iron Skin. Sounds a bit OP, but not when you consider that other over-armor abilities have a large base amount and then add to that during an invulnerability phase from direct hits, whereas this would have to accumulate from 0 and would receive only a bit more hit-points from the field. Could possibly use a hold mechanic to apply to self, since she's already pretty squishy on her own.

Any feedback is welcome.

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