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Why DE were right to nerf Prism, and why other mapwide disabling powers must be next


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18 minutes ago, ograzzt said:

if you nerf it - nerf it right

If something is gamebreaking, fix it instantly.

18 minutes ago, ograzzt said:

Sad part is you both didn't even played as Mirage enough to judge

You only need to play in a single endgame mission where there is no challenge whatsoever to know that she needed nerfing asap.  If she's too weak now, honestly that's pretty irrelevant in the scheme of things.  So are ~15 other frames and there's no crying over that.

What's important is that we don't get our Sorties ruined by a stupidly OP power.  End of.

Edited by Fifield
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On 5/28/2016 at 8:57 AM, Fifield said:

A lot of people think enemy scaling is a big problem.  They're wrong.

You want to know why high damage/EHP enemies are in the game?  Players demanded it because the game was too goddamn easy.  It still is.
Level 100 enemies aren't hard if you can stop them ever firing at you.  They're not even bullet sponges at that level.

An excerpt from my Gimpframe diary:

DE have only just begun fixing the core gameplay.  More nerfs are inevitable.  Get used to it.

Edit:  It's been 3 days now.  This amount of complaining about not being able to P4TW really isn't healthy.  Time to stop being so accommodating.

Except you are doing sorties.

Sorties sometimes are just an un modded skanna and let Djinn or carrier weapons get all the kills when I get bored but I am a low skilled but bored player.

Folks are upset at RAIDS being  harder to do.

Running an un modded skanna and depending on sentinel kills does not work (it never works for me) on a raid.




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22 minutes ago, Fifield said:

If she's too weak now, honestly that's pretty irrelevant in the scheme of things.  So are ~15 other frames and there's no crying over that.

Well, your actions will definetly help them to become better. Keep it up.

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1 hour ago, ograzzt said:

You said it yourself, "I used it for the crazy disco ball damage", you also said that "LoS works just fine for me". Now you basically saying you don't playing her and "personal experience has little to no effect". Without "personal experience" you can't judge how LoS on her abilities works. 

I don't like Mirage. I prefer to be able to take a hit. That's what I used it for. It was fun, AND it got the job done. Mostly. And LoS works like LoS always works, it isn't different depending on the frame. Excalibur has the same LoS as mirage does, with no damage. It will function the same. 

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21 hours ago, Fifield said:

Of course, but that's just adding to the already obvious case that DE need to eliminate all cheese.  Force people to have fun if that's what it takes.

Yea, you can totally "force" somebody to have fun. (hint: you cant) Fun is subjective, what you might think is fun, others hate.

21 hours ago, Littleman88 said:

And I disagree about your opinion on powers, as my usage of baseline powers isn't underwhelming, but neither overwhelming, except perhaps in the field of damage versus even level 30 targets.  I know that DE can only really balance around the base functionality of a power, not under the assumptions of however many hundreds of possible mod combinations. 

Your usage of powers is underwhelming or overwhelming based on what exactly? Whos to say that theres a right or wrong way to use your powers? If they didnt want powers to be as strong as they are, or have as much potential as they do, they would nerf things. But come on, you mean to tell me that you think a 10m bastille that holds up to 12 enemies that lasts 15s is a good enough CC? A Snow globe with a 10m range and 5k base health is a good globe? (10m BARELY covers a defense target and in t2 or higher the globe would be decimated instantly) 25m Chaos that lasts for 25s and cant be recast while active?


You tell me a good unmodded CC and ill tell you why you are wrong.

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15 hours ago, Fifield said:

If she's too weak now, honestly that's pretty irrelevant in the scheme of things.  So are ~15 other frames and there's no crying over that.

What's important is that we don't get our Sorties ruined by a stupidly OP power.  End of.



So what? Just because "~15 other frames" are "too weak" we should make the frames that are actually useful "too weak" too? I mean what kind of logic is that? If THATS the case, why not change the other frames to be not "too weak"? Why would anyone want to play any frame if they all get nerfed into "too weak"? 

Im not even disputing that blind mirage needed a nerf (its been expected since the radial blind changes) but this is just a strange thing to even suggest at this point.

Edited by D20
Removed baits.
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17 hours ago, Fifield said:


There's not mapwide permaCC in any other game than Warframe.  The concept is beyond stupid.

warframe wouldn't be fun if i get one shot when I can't even see the enemy

should we all be force to play a tank frame to soak up damage and kill with our guns?

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7 hours ago, Fifield said:

I don't use her but any power that trivialises endgame content is bad for the game.  Nyx needs a rework anyway.

yo, the only change nyx needs is for her to drop the psychic bolts. otherwise, she's pretty damn balanced. chaos doesn't stop enemies from hurting anyone, absorb scales energy cost, mind control is incredibly useful in a tactical sense, so for a CC-oriented frame, she works perfectly.

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11 hours ago, Fifield said:

Since staying in missions and fighting enemies beyond level 120 isn't supported by DE,  these mapwide disabling abilities have to go.

Based on your previous comments regarding high level enemies and the incorrect assertion that just because DE scales enemies based on the Solar Map then no abilities should be scaled to that level it is painfully obvious that you don't really undertand this game from the get go or how it has been played from the start. With that being said some things do need to be corrected or nerfed while others need to be buffed. Enemy scaling needs to be fixed if DE plans to continue changing and nerfing frames, abilites, and weapons. I don't undertand why in your mind it has to be an either /or solution. If they fix both the scaling of enemies and continue to allow for high end/late game customization through mods then why can't we have both. If DE didn't want players to play  against lvl 120 or 135 enemies then they could have easily  made changes to correct this from occuring. Instead they have made events and alerts that make it obvious that players want a challenge but also to be able to customize and play these frames/weapons how they see fit obviously within the confines of the modding system already in place. The more options the better in the short and long run. The issue comes up when abilities are nerfed or screwed with just because they make things a little easier late game but that is because we have the freedom to mod these abilties to be as strong as we can given the mods currently available. So what's the issue really? It doesn't hurt you in any way if others play things a little easier given the abilties and mods. Again I'm not saying that nerfs or corrections shouldn't be made but they should be only used sparingly. This is obivious given the change to Mag's polaize ability being changed and made crappy for no reason. If I can mod it to make it powerfull then what reason do you have to complain how I or anyone for that matter play the game. It doesn't effect you in any way what so ever. Just because you don't like that style of play doesn't make it wrong. People like differnt things and we're free to chose what we like. Obviously in your mind it is your way only based soley on It's boring when the enemies don't shoot back. Which again is a poor argument since all blinding abilites have been changed for good or bad. If you don't like don't play the game and just move on and let those that do like it to play it how we want to play. Also your whole comment about forcing people to have fun is just absurd to say the least and shows your mentality as well as ignorance to how others might want to play the game.

Just because you prefer to not have those abilities be effective at high levels doesn't mean that you are right especially given the back and forth stance DE has taken over the years. If you don't like it then play by yourself since that is the quickest and simplest solution to your issue. As I previously stated some things should be corrected but to only take half measures is ridiculous and really goes against the whole point of being able to mod your frame or weapon to be as strong/powerful as you can get it to be given the mods available. It kinda defeats the purpose of configuring your loadouts with differnt mods to get the best performance of your frame's abilities if you never plan on using those abilities in the first place.

As a whole there are a large majority of veteran players still active on both PC and console versions. Just because your clan left and you don't like something doesn't mean that this is the correct direction for DE to take going forward. Plenty of players leave and new players replace them. Plenty of players come back after a period of time since they know the general update schedule and it allow them to take advantage of the plethera of new content. 

Just for the record I've been active for well over 3 years and plenty of changes have occured that I don't necessrily agree with and some I do. Generally things get evened out but it takes forever and pisses plenty of players off to see stupid changes occur especially when the minority is the one asking for these changes or nerfs to occur. If you don't like the game or think it's to easy then don't play. Don't try to change things when it's obvious you don't play it enough either currently or ever to really understand the point of using one's abilities in conjunction with your weapons. Just get over it and move on to a differnt game instead of trying to screw this one up with stupid changes that really only please the minority. Also just for confirmation I'm not saying this game is perfect since I do think some things need an overhaul or fixes to make it better in the long run but your attitude is poor at best and shows a clear lack of understanding about this game. That's in addtion to how you view others given your superiority complex as shown in the multiple previous comments you have made in this thread alone. Obviouslly this game isn't for you and you clearlly spend more time on the forum then in the game so why don't you find a game that suits you better instead of trying to make this one into something you might like for two minutes (given your personality). 


I'm done saying and repeating what numerous others have already stated but what you clearly can't seem to comprehend. Hopefully you'll understand and find something different somewhere else that suits you. 

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On 30/05/2016 at 10:27 AM, Fifield said:

 Most players prefer killing targets that move and fight back.

Another follow up.

After more than a day my evidence proves much stronger than yours or whatever evidence you have.



So again where exactly do you get your facts and statements?


It may not represent the entire WF community but if you are going to disregard over 800 votes from 800 players than I see nothing but ignorance.

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12 hours ago, OneMember said:

Why not solo if people (pugs) aren't something you want in the game.

The whole point of online games is playing with other people...

@(PS4)FrellMeDead nice wall of text.  Try punctuation and spacing and then I might read it.  Also painfully obvious you're desperate to keep P4TW.

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29 minutes ago, Xen_Ashwood said:

Like a lot of players are.

I'd be ashamed to admit it.

30 minutes ago, Xen_Ashwood said:

as in, the majority.

Yeah right.

Can't find a single one the Reddit forum.  Suspecting multiple account-ers on this forum.

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45 minutes ago, Fifield said:

I'd be ashamed to admit it.

Yeah right.

Can't find a single one the Reddit forum.  Suspecting multiple account-ers on this forum.

Reddit ain't the main forums, it's much smaller, and much more populated by people like you. check the polls on the wiki about the nerfs, if you want a representitive sample. Also, the multiple account thing sounds BS and paranoid and we both know that.

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1 minute ago, Xen_Ashwood said:

Reddit ain't the main forums

Reddit's the only forum where you don't get banned for ridiculing stupid positions like keeping P4TW.  As such it is more representative.

4 minutes ago, Xen_Ashwood said:

more populated by people like you

See how quickly you dismiss the MASSIVE counterevidence to your claim about there being a majority.  Is your deluded belief that impenetrable that you can ignore the fact that no-one on Reddit seems to give a damn?

I'm not even on Reddit.

The only poll I can see on the Wikia is the PAX one, and these are easily manipulable anyway.

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2 hours ago, Fifield said:

Reddit's the only forum where you don't get banned for ridiculing stupid positions like keeping P4TW.  As such it is more representative.

See how quickly you dismiss the MASSIVE counterevidence to your claim about there being a majority.  Is your deluded belief that impenetrable that you can ignore the fact that no-one on Reddit seems to give a damn?

I'm not even on Reddit.

The only poll I can see on the Wikia is the PAX one, and these are easily manipulable anyway.

no one has ever gotten banned for ridiculing P4TW, esp. considering that DEs official stance is against it.  and look for the blog polls. there are a few for the nerfs

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Just now, Xen_Ashwood said:

cite me some examples then. 

Not sure I could find them if I could and I think I'd get banned for talking about this too much but I was banned for ridiculing stupid positions like keeping P4TW.


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