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Proxy Retribution: just not possible?


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Ok OP I took your premise and ran with it. 


I took the most turtle build I could imagine (Redirect/Vit/Vigor, P.Flow, Q.Thinking, Energy siphon) with a frame that had no drop enhancer (Nekros and Hydroid) or DPS abilities (Most) and proceeded to Melee half the mobs and fired whenever I needed energy. I didn't bother to use focus. Spammed Decoy. Popped one beacon at 90 % to simulate 'that guy'. Didn't die but I can add that screenshot if necessary, these screens are untouched (above).

I expect anyone taking this mission seriously to absolutely crush it. I completed it on Nekros with a pub on my PS4 before I saw your topic so, it's not harder in groups sorry to say. No screenies there - didn't expect anyone to have trouble with it at all.

Do you think it's possible you're just not going about it the right way?

I just simulated a randomer using Naramon Shadow Step and it was by far the easiest of the three events this weekend in my opinion. It most definitely is possible, with plenty of leeway for mistakes and sub optimal gear.



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well honestly, bring a naramon nekros, wait for naramon to be useful and spam stealthed desecrate,  did it 2 man shadow step, me on nekros despoiling desecrate, and a naramon inaros, ls didnt even go under 90 % lol, if u need ls just desecrate, unalerted bursas were onehitko´s for my nikana br bc redcrits  :P

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Pulled it off with playing Chroma specced for durationa and strength. was teamed up with a Saryn and Frost. Didn't have any trouble really, I facetanked and killed the troublesome hyenas and bursas while Frost provided snowglobes and Saryn cleaned up the minor enemies. Finished with about 50% life support.

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A lot of good advice, but seriously, treat survival like a mobile defense. Move from life support to next if needed, don't be running all over the map...When you got 4 players soloing on multiplayer, enemies will overwhelm you, and since you are running through every room, the spawns move farther away from everyone (less personal life support drops).

Its an old strategy, we just forget to pass it on to new players.

Edited by Souldend78
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used banshee (soprana) with dex sybaris and sonicor (and destreza but that was never used)

joined a random pub with a valkyr, excal and I think a loki (don't remember the 4th frame)


the only external tools I used was a mantis health station to heal my carrier from 100hp to 1200 hp and also zenurik energy (which was kinda pointless, silence wasn't really doing much, and I could oneshot everything without sonar)

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I find it strange that so far on XB1 I have not been able to get a PUB match for these....even though it says there are 75-150 OPEN SQUADS every time I attempt them.

I ran out of time doing the 1st solo as I DETEST Def. I love MOBILE and crushed that one. Then I walked into this one and insta-died before I could get out of the room I set the SURVIVAL off at. 

Now, after reading all these people saying it was easy....I gotta say OF COURSE IT WAS EASY FOR YOU. You went in with your 7 Forma Warframes and your 6 Forma weapons each. Try going in with a no Catalyst/Reactor no Forma Weapons and Warframe and see how easy it is then.

Just cuz you made your stuff multi-formacapped does not mean others have done the same. Hek, I sold my first Warframe I Forma'd since it made the game too easy. I like a challenge. And this is a challenge since I did not even know what killed me on 2 of the 3. I prefer to see how my skill led to my downing instead of just getting one-shotted without knowing what did it. 

I enjoy this Tac Alert and most of the others....but solo This one since no PUB has shown me the grind side of Warframe that I had not seen until I went and did CONCLAVE at the beginning of this month. 

I am still waiting for a rematch with the Night Watch. They were fun. 


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Took me two attempts with PUGs on computer.  And the only reason it took that much is because I brought a support frame to a group that was completely unwilling to work together.

The first attempt, I brought Trinity Prime.  Which, with the other people there, was a mistake.  The rest of the group scattered as soon as the match started.  I occasionally managed to get two of them in range to provide healing or energy for a split second before their efforts to avoid the horrible cooties they apparently all felt that other warframes carried put one, or both, of them out of range again.  Trying to chase after them, I ran into several problem areas where they'd left clusters of enemies in their wake.  Eventually, this overcame my overshields, shields, health, and energy and I went down.  If anyone even tried to help, I didn't see it.  I revived, and noticed one of the other players had dropped.  I managed to get to them and get them back up (losing most of my health in the process), and as I went down to the latest burst of fire, they ran off without so much as a look back.  I died again.  Glancing over the other players showed one of them going through storage containers and the other using an energy restore.  After a 3rd death under similar circumstances, I aborted while hoping they'd all die in a fire.

Second time through, I went with Ivara.  This time, there was only one other person in the group, and they brought an Inaros.  Between the two of us, while the match occasionally got a bit rough (having 2 Isolator Bursa, and a Hyena in the same room is not an easy fight, just in case anyone was unclear on that, and adding assorted MOAs and Ospreys to the mix doesn't make it easier), life support was never an issue.  I think we might have activated one or two of the big life supports during the 20 minutes there, but for most of it, LS stayed above 90%.

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Completed it on first try, didn't notice anything like you described, cannisters dropped normally. 4 people, we split from time to time too. Maybe you just didn't kill them fast enough? 

It's not that hard, main challenge is to not oneshot your teammates when you're irradiated by hyena. You can dodge their stuff, but it's a bit iffy.

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I didnt bother with the cat alerts this weekend. I tried once, we had frost, trin and other frames (I was nezha). 10 min in bursa comes and insta destroys target. So stupid. Scale the health of the pod as wel....


I pubbed the twin viper alert and it was surprisingly easy. I was ember with knock down syndicate mod. We had trin as well. My mod basically did everything. Whenever versa came, I used 2 and we finished them up in seconds. All of us went down from time to time but there were always 2 men up to help us get up. Overall the hardness was perfect as we were busy and not just running around to get enemies nor were we falling down and struggling. I think ember was the key here.

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Joined a pub with Frost and we were raped. After reviving the fifth guy in a row it was pretty clear we were not going to get anywhere.

Second try, me with Frost again and a Rhino. We got swarmed right from the start, didn't compenetrate well at all and basically screwed up.

Third try, I switched to Rhino. It was too easy this time. We stuck together in a fairly large room at first (one with a long central catwalk branching to smaller ones to the sides, which forced enemies to come in a row) and a Nyx kept the mobs entertained with Chaos... it eventually got even a bit boring, people began to spread out and I think one guy even went afk near the end.

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This mission isn't that hard, but you have to know how to deal with high level corpus and you have to bring your A-game.

Where to start...

OK. I went in on this one about two minutes after it went up in random PuGland. I had a sneaking suspicion this might not end well, but...can only try. Had been playing SarynP up until this time and briefly thought about switching to Valkyr, but figured heck with it, I'll just run what's already there. Had a brief second thought about primary and switched to a mag/gas Ignis (was a mistake) and hit the queue.

I'm still not sure who I was originally squadded with since two of the three rage-quit in the first couple of minutes. The tile we got on entrance was a bad one, but you have to work with what you get--or not, in which case you rage and quit. PSA: don't stand in the bad. Don't stand your ground against anti- or shock MOAs. Don't stand your ground against hyenas. Duh. Stick and move. Stick and move.

After a few host transfers, a least one new player, another host transfer...I think...things settled down to two of us. Heck, I'd spent so much time reloading the mission by this time I wasn't sure what was going on group-wise, but I was in for the duration.

Other guy spent most of his time dying, but he did stick with it. Considering the difficulty in getting revives off, he had some hard bark on him. I spent most of mine doing Saryn stuff and killing the bejeezus out of proxies while frantically bouncing around the map.

Once I got out of the initial kill box and got some energy coming in, it went pretty well (for me). The main thing was keep the spores on, keep moving, and keep shooting (or in this case, throwing Hikous). Past that, it was the usual story in PuGs: ill-prepared both in gear and attitude. Failure to stay with the group. Failure in dealing with enemies that were actually hazardous (can't stand there and shoot them). Failure to learn anything at all while in the mission. It's pretty much a broken record and par for the course in TAs and Sorties. People keep asking for challenge, but can't seem to handle it when it appears.


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wait, people struggled with that? I just brought Rhino into a bunch of randoms and spammed Roar, used Stomp to revive allies and CC those hyenas so I could blast them in the face with a Sancti Tigris and one-shot them. others were Frost, Volt, and I can't remember last one, I think it was either Mirage or Nyx. we did it with no problems. I assume that your team were all being Hallway Heroes or something, I know that feel.


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Me friend and I did that mission with no problem. 
I was using Saryn Prime and he was using Inaros. I don't know what problem you had there, but just dodge the fire from hyenas and focus bursas. Thank the void there were not nullifiers xD
If you do that the mission is actually pretty easy. (not cheese required).

Edited by (PS4)BrutalReaper32
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I was Volt Prime.  The rest of my squad was Valkyr, Frost Prime, and Excal maybe?  

I scored highest damage and used my speed and shields to keep life support up.

Definite Synergy between Valk and myself and Frost.

I was downed 3 times but revived by the Valk.  Once I hit Naramon invisicrit (shadow step), it got easier.

I did get one-shotted somehow by a Bursa and was like ???? because my shields and health were jacked.

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people are quite funny here, giving advice being smart and S#&$. its lvl 20-25 mission for fucks sake, starchart difficulty. and you are bringing your @(*()$ sortie gear that makes sorties easy. don't you see the problem here, after I saw when the topic was posted I took starchart gear to see how it actually is meaning no forma or potatos, basicaly you typical mr6 gear that you see on lvl 20 starchart mission. and it was a @(*()$ nightmare almost impossible, we barely did it and only because of having wukong on the team. so telling how easy it is is completly meaningless if you are using lvl 100 gear on lvl 20. and then you see people *@##$ing how easy the game is. what is the @(*()$ point in bringing most powerfull gear to lvl 20. is it fun? gear won't be speeding the process in sur missions.

Edited by (PS4)bonateIIo
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10 minutes ago, (PS4)bonateIIo said:

people are quite funny here, giving advice being smart and S#&$. its lvl 20-25 mission for fucks sake, starchart difficulty. and you are bringing your @(*()$ sortie gear that makes sorties easy. don't you see the problem here, after I saw when the topic was posted I took starchart gear to see how it actually is meaning no forma or potatos, basicaly you typical mr6 gear that you see on lvl 20 starchart mission. and it was a @(*()$ nightmare almost impossible, we barely did it and only because of having wukong on the team. so telling how easy it is is completly meaningless if you are using lvl 100 gear on lvl 20. and then you see people *@##$ing how easy the game is. what is the @(*()$ point in bringing most powerfull gear to lvl 20. is it fun? gear won't be speeding the process in sur missions.

Could use Zeppy too and ignore like 95% of the mission, I could basically walk around and not worry about getting hit by most things.

I did it using only Zeppy and an Azima, both potato'd obviously. I mean i had a Sobek and Hate but they were lvl 0 since i just forma'd them.

I didn't bring sortie lvl gear but did just fine.

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6 hours ago, FollowTheFaceless said:

Anyone have are oneshooting bursa problem?

Not sure what it was, but my pug opened the first door and immediately all dropped dead. It was funny, I have never seen all 4 plays instantly drop before, no time to even pop iron skin or hysteria, just bang, 5 seconds in.

after we revived there were no further problems but it was funny.

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I ran Nyx to mind control the bursas. works like a charm! The rest of my pub team were really spread out so we got close to fail due to lack of oxygen. it was zero tanks left with 58% remaining when extraction came up.

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39 minutes ago, (PS4)bonateIIo said:


This was a TA. Those are not typical starchart mission difficulty. They may say level whatever, but they are substantially more difficult with elite enemies. This one was much more difficult than stuff out on Ceres or Pluto and many PuGs can barely get through those. Also, it was an endless mission. Things do increase in difficulty from the starting levels.

I expect a lot of fail in TAs and sorties and I'm not usually disappointed. Yeah, I was running a 'frame and gear I knew I could count on because I was pretty sure it was going to be me carrying hard in this mission.

And that's exactly how it went down.

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