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Kick player option


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A humble request I feel should've been a no brainier yet is still missing. Yeah you can leave and re-invite people but sometimes people don't join again. Also maybe a player vote kick whilst in an actual match, just want that mr 4 to get out of my sortie!

Or is it best left out for reasons I can't see?

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Yeah......this opens up too much of an opportunity for trolling, soz.

Also if everyone was able to kick people just because they don't have a high enough MR or the correct modding on their stuff, then those people would not be able to play very well. How would they be able to play sorties? They want the rewards too, and might not be able to just trade plat for the blueprints.

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This usually come from console tenno, sigh, stop making us look bad bro lol. but really been here, done this over so many times. Just no, I'm not going to say why because we already have what? about a 100 posts? or even more than that? it's clear that the community does not want this type of feature in a game that actually doesn't involve people being jerks to each other. That is why Bungie created destiny :P lol

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36 minutes ago, Soulvengeance said:

Reasons For:  To get rid of trolls, or players that are distasteful to play with.

Against: Trolls kicking you right at end of Sortie just to aggravate you.  Been in other games where this can happen and it does quite often.

"To get rid of trolls"- that you could leave yourself instead.

There are NO positives AT ALL to a kick function. No one will use it properly- tons of people will abuse it. And you already have the option of seperating yourself from foul players or people you just plain don't like. You leave the squad and find a new one. If it's a game mechanic or something (like how I was with excalibur's EB) that's not the player's fault in the first place and a kick function used on them would be abuse- and it's something that needs fixing in the game. If it's not- then there's no reason for you to not be able to just avoid/leave it.

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No, absolutely not, I strongly believe that this feature shouldn't be added to the game. Why do I say this?

  1. People may feel inclined to kick you because of your MR. As petty as this sounds unfortunately we do have petty players in our community like all communities.
  2. People may feel inclined to kick you over your choice of weapons. This would definitely happen in a heartbeat. If you need proof, look through all of the complaints about cheese tactics, the Synoid Simulor, and the Tonkor. Look throught posts about people complaining about how they left matches until they found the perfect set of people to play with, all because they didn't like how their teamates were playing and what they were using.
  3. People would do this to troll. Working your way to the end of a survival, event, Sortie, or raid, and then kicking you right before you could secure your reward. As awful as this sounds, people would do it because some people have a very childish sense of humor. I don't like my time wasted like that.
Edited by DuskLegendary
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kik option would be bad idea i once played crossfire with sniper killed 10 enemie players from 15 and get kik cz they think i hack,,,,,,,what is total bs...new players have enough problem to get in  some missions.... with kik.. tht would be even worse

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