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Do Please Change The Exp Allocation


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It's not most efficient do to do the least damage.

1) Experience gained from people killing for you is 50% of what the killer gains.

2) Experience gained from people killing for you is not split evenly between the four types. If a player kills a mob using his pistol, the rest of the team gets mainly pistol XP

Thus the most efficient way of levelling is still to use whatever whatever it is you want to level.

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It's not most efficient do to do the least damage.

1) Experience gained from people killing for you is 50% of what the killer gains.

2) Experience gained from people killing for you is not split evenly between the four types. If a player kills a mob using his pistol, the rest of the team gets mainly pistol XP

Thus the most efficient way of levelling is still to use whatever whatever it is you want to level.

Pretty sure #2 is incorrect at least. If I only use powers and my team uses only primary I get even experience on my primary, secondary, and melee.

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You've tested with a team where you're 100% sure they never touched their secondaries? 0.o

I've played many missions where I only used abilities and unless it's some crazy coincidence that everyone used each weapon category to get the exact same amount of experience then I think my point stands. This has happened on many occasions while I was leveling Saryn on Kiste.

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Pretty sure #2 is incorrect at least. If I only use powers and my team uses only primary I get even experience on my primary, secondary, and melee.


Tested with my friend

I killed moust monsters by skill and rest of them by despair

The exp he get that round is

2500 on warframe

1800 on each weapon 


I get 99xx on warframe

a little on despair

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I tested with my saryn spammed ult, and I got 400 kills rest got around 60, I gained 8k xp for all weapons, and they gained around 16k for all weapons.  :(


I think its fine, each player should take turns being the killer, 1 player can kill rest can hide and afk in snow globe, thus you get 3 games out of 4 where you have to do something. So its fine as it is.

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What was the frames affinity when you entered the mission and when you went out?


I feel you are only gauging based on the bonus shown at the end of the mission, not the total affinity gained during the mission. This could be where you are being mislead.

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I agree to that.

But I have a reason to start this topic.

I feel worse and worse in public game.

Best way to level up is use low level weapon and cast no skill in a game------Can you deny this?

I just come out from a mobiledefence game.Everyone is lv30,and everyone is shooting.we spent maybe 10 minutes on the way to the defence position.no one casts a skill to kill the huge group of monsters until the base is gone.

That's perfectly fine.

You gain the most exp for what you use. If you want exp for your weapon, use your weapon. If you want exp for your warframe, use its abilities.

Personally, I'm always using a new warframe to rank it up, so I have no issue with using abilities.


I see nothing wrong with running Kappa with only weapons. In fact, it makes the mission more challenging, which is a good thing in my book.

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That's perfectly fine.

You gain the most exp for what you use. If you want exp for your weapon, use your weapon. If you want exp for your warframe, use its abilities.

Personally, I'm always using a new warframe to rank it up, so I have no issue with using abilities.


I see nothing wrong with running Kappa with only weapons. In fact, it makes the mission more challenging, which is a good thing in my book.

Fine.one word:Discourage lv30 player cast skill is good?

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That's perfectly fine.

You gain the most exp for what you use. If you want exp for your weapon, use your weapon. If you want exp for your warframe, use its abilities.

Personally, I'm always using a new warframe to rank it up, so I have no issue with using abilities.


I see nothing wrong with running Kappa with only weapons. In fact, it makes the mission more challenging, which is a good thing in my book.

And,you can get your "challenge" from millions of ways,why you only want to kill monsters by a low level gun,why don`t you play defence over wave 50 and with your best gears.why don`t you play defence wave over 50 with unranked gears which you called "challenge".

what about the public game?

Answer me

just answer me this question



The system is perfect even it discourage lv30 players to cast their skills,right?

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If I understand this thread correctly, the point is that squadmates gain XP for every single item they carry into the mission while the killer only gets XP with the frame (or weapon) used to kill the enemies?


SImple solution: Give a minor amount of XP to all your items on a frame-skill or weapon kill as well. So you can level your low-level melee or sidearm by fighting with the other weaponry, even if it "takes less" (considering higher level enemies are tougher and give more XP, it is actually faster than trying to kill them with the low-level weapon)...

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A) The best way to level a weapon is to use it to kill things. This is a real assessment because It's boring to just tag along and do nothing.


B) If tag alongs are bothering you use your contacts list !!!!!      << OMG      O,O


Step 1) play with random people

Step 2) put like minded players on your contacts list

Step 3) do not put people on your list who you do not like to play with

Step 4) having collected a list of like minded players play with people that are only on your contacts list (or in your clan)


Step 5) Never play with trolls again of any breed.


it's ....... why it's *m a g i c*

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And,you can get your "challenge" from millions of ways,why you only want to kill monsters by a low level gun,why don`t you play defence over wave 50 and with your best gears.why don`t you play defence wave over 50 with unranked gears which you called "challenge".

what about the public game?

Answer me

just answer me this question



The system is perfect even it discourage lv30 players to cast their skills,right?

Whats wrong with discouraging skill spamming? Seriously? As it is, the energy system discourages skill usage by limiting it, so are you going to say that that system is bad too? In any case, I believe the role of ultimate skills like Crush and Sound Quake should be to clear areas in emergencies, not as a main mode of attack, which is exactly the role the exp system encourages with leveled frames.


Sitting around doing nothing as Rhino while a Mag and Banshee tag team to clear the entire area of mobs before I get a chance to kill any is damn boring. I enjoyed using my Mag for quite some time, but after playing other frames like frost and Ember I found that they were a lot more fun to play with their directed nukes, since they require more skill to employ than Mag's Crush or Banshee's Sound Quake. Super AoE nukes are just plain boring after the initial power thrill wears off.


Tell me whats more fun? Hitting a single button that kills everything around you over and over, or aiming arrows and bullets into grineer faces while dodging in and out of cover? I vote for the second.

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As more and more players find out how gears gain exp,fewer and fewer  players want to do damage in a game.


A month ago,when my friends and I still love to do grineer mobiledefence.I use my MAG crushed nearly every enemy and got 3000 exp on my weapons(they got 13000).Then I started to test the exp allocation with one of those friends.After I found and shared the result,we need longer and longer time to complete a mission.Finally now,I prefer to join a public game--none of us wants to use the AOE skill.


We use the lv30 warframe most in the game,and

Who deals the most damage,who gets the least exp



Back to the first line.In public game,the time to complete a mission grows longer and longer.Every one use his low level weapon play with the monsters one by one.No one casts a AOE skill unless the health of base is very dangerous.


Warframes try their best to kill most enemies before 30,then do nothing after 30.


I`m confused why a game discourage players deal damage.Yes,use a weapon to gain the exp is reasonable,and reduce the players to level up their weapons by skill killing.But,at least,change it in multiplayer game!Even just share all the exp is better.


Hope the developers can see this.It`s really a serious problem.You desigened the great number of monsters and AOE skills,but discourage us to use them after 30.

My friend, you're looking at this from a whole diferent angle... The problem is not that people doesn't want to do damage. It's that people doesn't want to use lvl30 stuff? Why? Because having a lvl30 in your gear is a complete waste of space. You don't get Mastery Points, you're not leveling the weapon for the next forma slot, all afinity aquired with this weapon gets wasted when i could be having another (weaker) weapon/warframe get the affinity. Overall, lvl30 weapons and warframe are completely pointless, so excluse me while i try my best with a completely non-lvl30 equipment, yes, all the time.

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OP, I've read the entire thread, and I think I understand your perception of a problem. What is your suggestion of a possible solution exactly? I take along rank 15 rifle, kill things with them, and get exp on my maxed secondary and melee??

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Yeah the leveling system is broken at the moment.

There is literally no way of leveling your weapons fast other than going AFK and let that Banshee/Saryn/Frost one shot the entire room over and over. Since its MEGA SUPER EASY to lvl your Frame its even harder to level your guns... you ARE PUNISHED for using your equipment. (since none of your other "unwanted equipment" doesnt gain exp)


If someone wants to level 3 things at the same time its by far the most effective thing to just go AFK in Kista/Kappa.  (20k EXP for all 3 weapons)

If i carry HARD in Kiste/Kappa (like 70% of the kills) with for example Banshee i get NOTHING on my guns NOTHING. (50-60k Warframe Exp)


The other thing is... if i want to level 3 weapons... but use my "weapon 1" (W1) all my other weapons dont gain ANY EXP W2 and W3 have to be level'd seperately. 


and NO its not encouraging ANYONE to use other weapons, here is why:


1. if you are leveling several weapons MOST LIKELY some of them are BAD and you DONT WANT to use them and just level them for mastery (which maaaaaany people do)

2. bad weapons are bad (let it be bad "usage" or just bad polarities, so that they are completely crap before i potatoe them and have them at like 20) thus completely unfun to use >>>> doing nothing and going afk encouraged

3. "experimenting" take a look at 2. you kinda use the stuff you level "kinda with you" from time to time and get an idea how they are, its complete BS to say people wouldnt experiment - noone can deny that "bad" weapons and weapons not fitting your playstyle are unfun to use and ruining the experience


So unless you want to quickly level your Warframe this system is straight up punishing you for doing ANYTHING


Go afk for 13-15 Kiste runs > 3 weapons lvl 30

Carry games hard 50 or so > 1 weapon lvl 30



Edited by SYL3NZR
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But really. The options here, as I see them, as follows.

1. No xp from ally kills, forcing players to use weapons to rank them.

Warframe turns into a competition to see who can rush ahead faster to get more kills to get that delicious xp. Whoops, your teamwork just imploded.

2. Maintain xp from ally and own kills the way it is.

Players stand around refusing to kill enemies so they can get xp for their low rank guns, slowing down everyone else. Yes, this is certainly fun for everyone.

3. Grant xp to all equipped weapons on kill, possibly only if the weapon used is already rank 30?

Now players don't even need to use a weapon to rank it up, they can have a gun at rank 30 without so much as ever firing it. Of course, in the current system, where everyone ranks their weapons by leeching off allied kills.. this is already how it works.

Edited by Chainfox
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If I understand this thread correctly, the point is that squadmates gain XP for every single item they carry into the mission while the killer only gets XP with the frame (or weapon) used to kill the enemies?


SImple solution: Give a minor amount of XP to all your items on a frame-skill or weapon kill as well. So you can level your low-level melee or sidearm by fighting with the other weaponry, even if it "takes less" (considering higher level enemies are tougher and give more XP, it is actually faster than trying to kill them with the low-level weapon)...

Yeah,at least let the skill caster gain same exp as his teammate

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People are worrying too much about "The most effective way to level up".
There's a limited number of weapons and frames in the game. The way me and my friends play, we just go in a mission and use the weapon we're trying to level most, when someone's getting stomped, we use a different weapon or ability.

There's nothing wrong with using the weapon you're trying to level more than the rest of your stuff, the problem lies with NOT using other things or refusing to kill mobs because then you get exp from others' kills.

In that, the problem lies with the players, not the game's mechanics.

That said, a sort of fix would be to assign 5-10% exp from whatever you use to kill to the other gears. I.E. You used your rifle to kill a Corpus Moa. It gives 65 exp to rifle experience. What I think it could do is give 59 rifle exp and 6.5exp to the other gear, or to one of them, alternating.

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This also applies in single player too.


I have a couple "meh" melee weapons I want to level up, but I don't want to be FORCED to use my Melee Weapon to kill everything. But yet, when I'm solo, that's what I have to do.


So if I wanna level, say, my Skana... I have to kill every freaking thing in the mission with the Skana and even then since I'm likely doing this on Mercury given how freaking weak the Skana really is... whole missions give maybe 10% of a level. That's why I quit on leveling my Skana in the first place.


Now, I COULD go leech, but I hate leeching.


Everybody should get full XP on whatever they killed the enemy with, and 1/2 XP with everything else. Kill something that is worth 100 with your warframe powers.... get 100 Warframe XP, 50 Pistol/Secondary/Melee XP. Everyone else in the group gets 50 XP with everything.


Nice, easy to use system that rewards the player who is doing the actual killing more and punishes NO ONE, AND allows you to level "meh" weapons in SOLO without having to kill every stinking enemy in the mission with it.

Edited by Xylia
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