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I want to hear from Limbo players


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I don't know how other Limbo players feel about this rework announcement but I for one am not happy.

The only type of mission Limbo seems to be weak at is excavation because you can't carry power cells through the rift, but otherwise I have no trouble doing any other kind of mission with him or running towers with him (I did an 80 minute T3 Survival with him the other night trying to farm Saryn Chassis, he's the God of reviving).

Anyway I'm just really bummed out right now and I just hate the idea of them changing Limbo.

Like the title says I want to hear from other players that main Limbo.

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He's a bit of a one trick pony and when I used him again, I felt that he would benefit from having more versatility other than throwing someone into the void, throwing himself into the void or ripping a pocket of void space for anyone to leave and enter.

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In what way is he a one trick pony? I always found him to be extremely versatile and useful in just about every type of mission (except excavation). I'm not trying to be aggresive I'm just trying to figure out how other players use him.

For an example, How do you use Limbo in a defense mission? 

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I am eagerly waiting for the changes.

He's the only frame I just don't get. Every single time I wanna play with him feels like there's nothing I can do to benefit allies.

This is comming from a guy that plays pugs most of the time. I get that he can be very useful on premade squads while defending the pod in Void Defenses.
Really the only place I can reckon he shines is on sorties defenses, where you banish the target and get on killing enemies (and I'm not even sure this if  this was changed because I rarely play sorties these days).

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Oh he can definitely use changes:

  • More reason to spend time in the Rift, make it worthwhile to not be able to collect drops and to engage enemies inside!
  • More fluid gameplay transition to/from Rift (how does one exit Rift if no indication shows in-game?)
  • Less/no hindrance especially for mission objectives (e.g. Life Support Capsule) and their related portable items (e.g. Datamass).
  • More influence/crowd control on enemies and more survivability in the Rift.
  • Rift consistency on all entities, players, enemies, companions, ally AI, objects.
  • Perhaps some form of team buffing in the Rift.

But out of all that, I do hope they can find a sweet spot and preserve his pseudo-invulnerability.

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I'm a bit nervous, I love limbo personally, and I think his 3 should just be a passive boost all allies get for entering the rift.


My concern is that most players that make suggestions about him seem to have no idea how to play limbo, and ultimately suggest stuff that break his play flow entirely, I'm just hoping that the devs listen to the players that main limbo if they do.

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The Rift mechanic itself needs an overhaul. It is too easy to troll other players with (prevent use of data mass, prevent pickup of items, prevent use of power cores, prevent ship sabotage, etc.). IMO, the most sensible change would be that items can be physically carried back and forth between Rift/real space, but effects like Carrier's Vacuum, Greedy Pull, and Mag Bullet Jump cannot cross over.

Apart from that, some changes I'd like to see:

  1. TAP Banish to target an enemy, HOLD Banish to only target an ally and not enemies (good to isolate downed players in a mob of enemies to safely get up after revive)
  2. TAP Rift Walk to enter the rift yourself, HOLD Rift Walk to bring your companion with you (with an augment allowing HOLD to bring teammates as well if they choose, similar to Volt's Speed changes)
  3. Rift Surge should do more. Maybe reduce the damage, but slow enemies and buff teammates as well (damage as well as holster/reload/movement, similar to Limbo's passive which stacks for himself only).
  4. Cataclysm is more-or-less OK, but as noted previously Rift mechanic requires changing.
Edited by DaftMeat
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Limbo does need improvements but the new passives are amazing.Limbo is perfect for spy missions because he won't trip lasers and his rift walk won't be stopped if he goes through a door with a sensor bar on,that lillte bar that zaps all your energy away.He's also good for rescue missions because he banish the agent.He's good for SUR and intercep missions if you use riftwalk and banish enemies,just make sure you equip natural talent and a weapon that can do a lot of dmg with the least amount of bullets possible.Launchers,shotguns,staticor,the quanta's alternate fire,basically any weapon that can dish out a lot of dmg.Like,not sustained dmg but instant dmg.Natural talent will allow you to banish enemies more quickly and you can dart from enemy to enemy to faster.I think this is the best way to play limbo.He probably could be a okay healer with his augment but i really don't like using it because banishing people randomly to recover their health might piss them off.

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5 minutes ago, DaftMeat said:

Apart from that, some changes I'd like to see:

These are minor changes to his current abilities.  IMO he needs a total makeover, while keeping the banish concept (on onself, enemies, and allies) in a single ability (Ivara treatment basically).  His third ability should just be combined into the banishing (debuff for enemies, buff for players), and his fourth needs at the very least some visual tweaks, it is far too visually impairing for my tastes, I'm probably not alone in this.

Right now he is more or less a buffer that uses weapons to kill rather than a combat damage frame.  I feel like the void should provide at least one potential high dps ability while keeping the spirit of his current abilities.

I know people will be like "well he can do lots of damage, L2Limbo" and people have definitely found ways to do so, but the void should be more than just a way to separate players or enemies and rely on physical weapons to actually do that damage.

The Void is supposed to be a deadly and dangerous place, especially for our enemies, I mean Sentients can't even go there thematically speaking.  There should be a good and obvious reason and Limbo should remind all Tenno enemies of it every time he arrives.

4 minutes ago, Pratigious said:

because banishing people randomly to recover their health might piss them off.

This right here is his biggest problem that needs overcome.  Unless your squad knows how to act while banished and trust that you banish for a good reason, it turns Limbo nothing more than a nuisance 95% of the time.  And it isn't just a matter of "well you can roll out of it".  That's a terrible band-aid, the rift should be a place all frames are comfortable in regardless of the situation.

That said, Yes I want a rework, because right now Limbo players have learned to accept and use his abilities, but he could be so much more.

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Limbo is easily my favorite frame. I really like the micromanagement aspect and the pretty much unrivaled ability to revive teammates. If those get removed, I'd be, like, super duper sad. :(

That said, I feel there's more that can be done in those regards. I myself think he can be fixed in a couple of ways:

  1. Banish given a tap vs. hold mechanic, with a tap banishing a single enemy (current ability) and a hold banishing a small group of enemies (3-5m range, moddable) for an increased energy cost. Don't get me wrong, Taking out big game with a single-man banish and a full-charged Opticor shot is nice, but there's practically no reason to use an AoE weapon on Limbo as is. Giving him the ability to banish small groups of enemies gives him more weapon variety and makes him more able to take out scrub-tier enemies.
  2. Combine Rift Walk and Surge. I like Surge, and I particularly like how high you can get the multipliers with added strength. But it's basically just a power up, which is something Rift Walk needs. Rift Walk is Limbo's way of entering his turf; it should give him a substantial boost. Combining the abilities allows both of them to perform optimally, and frees up his 3rd ability for something new.
  3. New 3rd ability. I'm thinking something that references his lore, a free-aim teleport which does damage to Limbo if he overextends with it. There'd be a safe range in which no penalty would occur. Outside that, though, and Limbo starts taking self-damage proportional to how far out of the safe zone he goes. Never outright kills him, but it can leave him pretty low. Doing it while Rift Walk is active deactivates it once he gets to his destination, knocking down nearby enemies. He needs a way to get around more easily, which this would give him.
  4. Universal rifting of things inside Cataclysm. Enemies, objects, pickups, everything. It needs to be a large bubble of "in-the-rift", and its current functionality does not provide this. Would also alleviate trolliness by letting teammates pick things up that are in the bubble.
  5. Possibly a new passive. The current one is OK, but they've been talking about a new one. I'd be OK with that. I myself say an increase to his evasion (like what Agility Drift does) makes sense, since he's probably not fully phased in with reality anyway. Also helps alleviate his squishiness a little, making Cataclysm more viable.

I wanna see Limbo get better; he needs it. This is how I myself would do it. But I have faith that DE can do right by him. Only time will tell.

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3 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

These are minor changes to his current abilities.  IMO he needs a total makeover, while keeping the banish concept (on onself, enemies, and allies) in a single ability (Ivara treatment basically).  His third ability should just be combined into the banishing (debuff for enemies, buff for players), and his fourth needs at the very least some visual tweaks, it is far too visually impairing for my tastes, I'm probably not alone in this.

Right now he is more or less a buffer that uses weapons to kill rather than a combat damage frame.  I feel like the void should provide at least one potential high dps ability while keeping the spirit of his current abilities.

I know people will be like "well he can do lots of damage, L2Limbo" and people have definitely found ways to do so, but the void should be more than just a way to separate players or enemies and rely on physical weapons to actually do that damage.

The Void is supposed to be a deadly and dangerous place, especially for our enemies, I mean Sentients can't even go there thematically speaking.  There should be a good and obvious reason and Limbo should remind all Tenno enemies of it every time he arrives.

This right here is his biggest problem that needs overcome.  Unless your squad knows how to act while banished and trust that you banish for a good reason, it turns Limbo nothing more than a nuisance 95% of the time.  And it isn't just a matter of "well you can roll out of it".  That's a terrible band-aid, the rift should be a place all frames are comfortable in regardless of the situation.

That said, Yes I want a rework, because right now Limbo players have learned to accept and use his abilities, but he could be so much more.

Well he is the next frame to get a rework,scott said this in Devstream #75.He said changes to limbo are going to be drastic.He might get the excal treatment.

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As a Limbo lover, I honestly think that the only part of his kit that seriously needs a rework is Rift Surge.  I cast each of his other abilities frequently but often go missions without using rift surge.  

My inexperienced, subjective opinion is that there are two problems with rift surge.  First, it's too mild of a buff compared to other damage-buffing abilities like Sonar, Vex Armor, Eclipse, and Accelerant (and many other abilities).  Second, it doesn't really play to Limbo's strengths or weaknesses well.  Limbo's kit provides lots of utility and some crowd control, but many people (including several in this thread) find him too darn squishy for direct combat inside his Cataclysm.  

There are dozens of rework suggestions for Limbo.  Here's mine: Make Rift Surge into a quick "Oh %$&#" crowd control button.  For example, Rift Surge could knock down any nearby enemies who are inside the Rift.  This would help mitigate Limbo's main weakness and give his kit much more utility inside Cataclysm.  

What do you think?

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I just recently accuired Limbo. After leveling Limbo to 30 and equiping a Reactor, I must say he's... a "tectnical" frame. Limbo is definantly not a gung-ho, all out offense, frame. Using Rift Walk to draw aggro from lvl 100+ enemies, while your team unloads on a group of enemies, is always hilarious. I agree Limbos' Rift Surge should buff the party when in Cataclysm bubble.


I don't understand the hate Limbo players get sometimes. I mean if you are getting Banish trolled I understand that but, don't get angry at a Limbo player for Banishing you, and saving you from lvl 130 Bombard missles. I mean c'mon? That player just saved your &#!.

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1 minute ago, Xekrin said:

The Void is supposed to be a deadly and dangerous place, especially for our enemies, I mean Sentients can't even go there thematically speaking.  There should be a good and obvious reason and Limbo should remind all Tenno enemies of it every time he arrives.

Correct me if I'm wrong (extremely slow net, wiki won't load for me to check myself) but to my memory isn't Limbo's Rift different from the Void itself?  I mean, I know Tenno powers are channels of Void power as per the lore, but is the Rift an actual access of Void energy directly or is it some sort of alternate dimensional plane access?


Otherwise, as a Limbo mainer, I'm a bit on the fence about tweaks.  I'm not terribly fond of the changes to Valkyr and some others myself.  From a development standpoint I understand the reasons for these changes, they're trying to make it so no single Warframe is OP or "one trick pony" (obviously a gradual work in progress) but still.  I used to main Trinity until Limbo came along, then they nerfed her Ult and I have a very hard time keeping up as her anymore without that brief invuln.  Her armor is paltry and it really shows in extended runs.  I myself am more of a support player than a frontline gunner, so frames like Trinity, Limbo, Ivara and others tend to be my niche.  That being said, I'm a bit scared of the upcoming changes to Limbo and what it may mean for my gameplay.  With a lot of the Frames I used to run avidly before Trinity or Limbo, their recent changes I find seem to be pushing players more towards "go be a frontline gunner and wreck them" and leaving us support players more in the dust.  (especially in terms of Focus, but that's a different topic)

I have to agree, Limbo does seem to be a one-trick pony.  I like that I can isolate enemies, but I don't like that he's a glass doll, especially trying to go to wave 40 in Tower 4 Defenses.  As a support, I keep the team's energy going and I block off the Defense point from long-range gunners as a secondary line of defense -- we usually have a Frost as primary.  I enjoy Limbo's Rift Surge, but I feel it should be extended even to a small degree to the rest of the team within casting range or whenever they're in the Rift while Limbo has Surge active, otherwise the Cataclysm barrier seems to be more of a hindrance to the team in general and an annoyance.  The Cataclysm bubble is also a visual impairment, it needs to be toned down.  But, I would like to see better survivability options for Limbo, not nerfs to his abilities.  It's quite fun running up to a Nullifier while Rift Walking, letting his bubble nullify the Walk just after his sniper shot, and instantly unleashing bullet hell on him.  Or coming out of Walk just in time to slam my sword into a Bombard's head from a jump or fall.  Feels so epic.  As it stands currently, I love the setup his abilities offer, but his survivability is...meh.

I would also suggest that teammates should still be able to at least carry items through the Rift, and be able to pick up items, perhaps by crouching or rolling while in Cataclysm?  That would help alleviate the whole "trollframe" I encounter a lot.  

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16 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

These are minor changes to his current abilities.

Oh, I'd *love* a complete overhaul, but DE rarely goes that route. My suggestions above are a compromise to fit in with what has already been put into the game.

It's easier to tweak than to overhaul. Quicker, too...

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Limbo is usable, yes. He can be used in high level content, that's not in doubt. It's more the fact that he's niche, he's inconsistent, he's extremely binary, doesn't do anything better than anyone else, is terribly clunky and often is a pain in the backside for teammates, intentional or not. But most of all, he could be much, much better, which is likely why they're taking another shot at him. He was full of mistakes from the start.

I'm hoping they don't listen to anyone who shuts others down with things like "you don't know how to play him" instead of giving proper arguments just because they play the frame a lot, and instead listens to people who give good feedback, for or against his current state, based on the frame's role in the game and their own personal viewpoint, without making personal assumptions about other players.

13 minutes ago, DaftMeat said:

It's easier to tweak than to overhaul. Quicker, too...

Tweaking is only possible if the frame's basic mechanics aren't a problem, like Frost, who got a bunch of tweaks as his rework, instead of gaining new abilities. Tweaks are not enough for Limbo, but that doesn't mean he'll be completely different.

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