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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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6 hours ago, Teloch said:

The heavy sighed and muttered "Youngsters. Always so eager to be as independent as possible" and then called out for Alan, "Go on - load those coordinates" 


He loads them and opens comms.

"Philip why did you take a separate ship?" He asks.

"Tactical advantage." Philip says. "Increases our options for air support. Additionally if one of our craft is shot down we can still use the others for evac."

Alan turns to you.

"Philip was raised in a Dex colony until his parents where exiled." He says. "He may be young but he is an excellent soldier."

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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)chillichillman said:

Stabilis walks to the feild, stopping at the edge. "Lets find someplace at the back; we'll be able to stay more out of sight."  Sarah still seems very nervous. 

"Not a big fan of crowds, young miss?" Gallik asks.

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45 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Not a big fan of crowds, young miss?" Gallik asks.

Sarah shakes her head. "T-too many mobs in m-my lifetime. People w-were very touchy about anything orokin."  Stabilis lays a hand on her shoulder, and she moves closer to him, semi-hiding. "Does your friend know what you are, Gallik?" Stabilis asks. 

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55 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

He loads them and opens comms.

"Philip why did you take a separate ship?" He asks.

"Tactical advantage." Philip says. "Increases our options for air support. Additionally if one of our craft is shot down we can still use the others for evac."

Alan turns to you.

"Philip was raised in a Dex colony until his parents where exiled." He says. "He may be young but he is an excellent soldier."


"Higher quantity of vessels provide an advantage to combative landing operations but also hinders overall speed and stealth via heavier logistics, which may be of bigger value in case of recon operations. Speaking of..."

He took a look at the 3D maps. The void one filled with bookmarks, pointers, routes and other elements of the legend. One remote dot was pulsing red.

"... Capricorn sector. The black zone, also known as the void badlands. Expect a lot of anomalies and phenomenon. There is a chance we may stumble at not-entirely-explainable events or even entities," he said while establishing the team logistics interface and sending the void exit point coordinates along with the destination point to other ships.

Soon, ship added altitude and entered the void jump.


Edited by Teloch
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20 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The Inaros tilts his head, as if listening to something and turns and walks into a wall, the stone shifting around him as if liquid, reforming behind him.

The mesa looks at the Inaros. "Now that seems like a cool trick."

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20 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"Without a lense." He says. "Slip of the tongue."

"Oh alright." The Tenno replies, looking at the lancer and lifting up his arm, sending a void blast at the remaining lancer. At first glance it wouldn't appear to cause much difference at first, but after a few seconds it seems to distort the void energy instead, destroying the lancer in that way.

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6 hours ago, Teloch said:

"Higher quantity of vessels provide an advantage to combative landing operations but also hinders overall speed and stealth via heavier logistics, which may be of bigger value in case of recon operations. Speaking of..."

He took a look at the 3D maps. The void one filled with bookmarks, pointers, routes and other elements of the legend. One remote dot was pulsing red.

"... Capricorn sector. The black zone, also known as the void badlands. Expect a lot of anomalies and phenomenon. There is a chance we may stumble at not-entirely-explainable events or even entities," he said while establishing the team logistics interface and sending the void exit point coordinates along with the destination point to other ships.

Soon, ship added altitude and entered the void jump.


The other two ships follow. 

Philip's Scimitar features a custom paint job with Dex sigils on either wing.

Dixon uses a standard Liset with average colors.

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5 hours ago, kyrozon said:

"Oh alright." The Tenno replies, looking at the lancer and lifting up his arm, sending a void blast at the remaining lancer. At first glance it wouldn't appear to cause much difference at first, but after a few seconds it seems to distort the void energy instead, destroying the lancer in that way.

"What else can you do?" Death asks.

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6 hours ago, (Xbox One)chillichillman said:

Sarah shakes her head. "T-too many mobs in m-my lifetime. People w-were very touchy about anything orokin."  Stabilis lays a hand on her shoulder, and she moves closer to him, semi-hiding. "Does your friend know what you are, Gallik?" Stabilis asks. 

"Considering he was the one who put me back together, yes." He says.

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21 hours ago, Anti-Alien2 said:

"Do you know Sycthe? ((or whatever the name is))" shows security guard ID,

"Cant say I've heard that name." He says. "You may want to try the pub, after the wedding of course.The Barkeep may know of him."

He checks the Id and lets you pass.

"Don't go starting any trouble, you hear." He says. "You find the thief you report him, understood?"

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45 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

She leads you to a teleport pad.

"First we have to go to the wedding." She says.

-He nodded, the Loki Prime unfurling to reveal an immaculate business suit.  Clearly, spying on your enemy has rather impressive benefits.-  "Right.  ...We should be able to get in, right?  Not gonna have to sneak in?"  -It was a joke, clearly meant to calm his nerves.  He'd never actually been to a wedding before.-

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13 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The other two ships follow. 

Philip's Scimitar features a custom paint job with Dex sigils on either wing.

Dixon uses a standard Liset with average colors.


After a short period of time, the ship punches out to the particular slice of the Void space. The radio gear began to receive the transitory messages almost in an instant after it hatched into the comm frequencies. The voices are many, the speeches are short and heavily codified, featuring specified technical and military lexicon. From the intensity of the broadcasts, it appears to serve as the communication node for all the vessels within the particular void segment in which the ship punched out. From the visuals, a number of observations can be made: there is a miniature clan-dojo-like station floating in the void space, one combat wing composed of six heavy fighters and one torpedo carrier passes it by in the direction of a distanced gate-like circle installation, one column composed of four fighters and one high-capacity ship waits by it, probably giving a way to the combat wing. The void space in this particular segments is somewhat different in color: it's less ocean-green and more dark wallnut-ish, the hazes and fog formations are still glowing white, the rays and "lightings" seemed to be mid-gray. The observation process ends up interrupted by an audio message directed to this ship in particular.


"Bort one, this is beacon Binah two, do you copy?"
"Binah two, this is bort one, we can read you. Log our arrival and trace our movements. The neutral scimitar and liset are the allied vessels, read and trace their signatures as well"
"Copy that, bort one. Transit or the void destination?"
"Point in the void. Sent you the coordinates. Please, calculate the relativistic nav deviation amendment and provide us with the environmental status and forecast"
"The entropy field activity is unstable but normal within the orange-zone, is close to the upper limits in the most parts of the red-zone space, and exceeds it in the fewer spots of the red zone and beyond. The disorder volatility continues for the last hundred of hours and appears to be on the rise. Some occurrences were registered within the red zone and beyond.The current status: medium to high risk with rising trend"
"Roger that, Binah two"
"Sent back the coordinates... General sir, are you aware that the destination point is situated deep into the black zone and you are about to venture there with a very limited entourage composed of the third-party individuals?"
"I acknowledge the risks, Binah two. Monitor our status while we in the deep. If something occurs - we will try to send a signal so you would know when to report to the base Daat. We will be providing you with the recon updates in the process. Stay cool Binah. Bort one out"
"...Godspeed, general"


After this conversation, Siger sent the approximate search zone location to the rest of the two vessels, "Wedge march formation; average spread; stay on alert - interrupting events are possible," he said over comms.

Then, the ship locked on the destination point and enabled its long-range march thrusters. "We have established a constant and strong presence in the void with all the required infrastructure. It is our second greatest asset after the people under our banners. Remind me to tell you of how we established it when we'll be enjoying the less serious atmosphere. The story is outright embarrassing at a certain point," the heavy said to Alan and reached out for the certain photograph the latter one inspected earlier today, watching it mutely and musingly.

The three-dimensional map that looked like a sphere divided onto twelve equal pyramids beaming from its center was indicating the progress the ship made on a path to the pulsing destination point; the dim-colored nothingness was passing by the ship; it seemed that there was plenty of time to look around, have a conversation or ask out some questions.   

Edited by Teloch
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16 hours ago, Sintag said:

-He nodded, the Loki Prime unfurling to reveal an immaculate business suit.  Clearly, spying on your enemy has rather impressive benefits.-  "Right.  ...We should be able to get in, right?  Not gonna have to sneak in?"  -It was a joke, clearly meant to calm his nerves.  He'd never actually been to a wedding before.-

"Hmmm." She says. "That depends..."

Several minutes later you are released from custody and make you way back to the wedding. 

This time you mange to convince Lucy to just use the invitations to get inside.


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1 hour ago, kyrozon said:

"So, does your tribe still need help with setting up here?"

"We could use some assistance in scouting potential locations." He says. "And will of course be willing to trade any relics we find for food and other essentials."

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"We could use some assistance in scouting potential locations." He says. "And will of course be willing to trade any relics we find for food and other essentials."

"I will ask the acolytes if they know some good locations, they've been here for much longer than we have."

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As music plays you see A white and gold frost in a kingly set of armor standing at the altar. A Nikana is sheathed at his side and he seems almost frozen in place. A Gray and gold Excalibur frost walks with a white and purple Saryn  down the aisle. Each split to stand on one side of the altar. The excalibur shakes the hand of the frost and then takes a formal stance off to the side.

A black and red Equinox and Ash are next. Both walk stiffly, and survey the crowd as if looking for something. They both seem out of place, an illusion only shattered when the Ash splits and, instead of a handshake, hugs the frost tightly. He looks around, gaze stopping on several raised platforms where other red and black frames can be seen, as if standing guard.

A red and orange Chroma, and pink and cyan Banshee are next, the Banshee pausing to throw glitter over random people. On closer inspection it seems she is targeting those who are not smiling as wide as others.

Both her and the chroma approach the Frost. The Banshee tosses a bit of glitter on him, causing the warframe to shake as if laughing, before she takes her spot next to the other bridesmaids. The Chroma shakes the Frost's hand and then pats him on the back.

The last pair is an Ivara and a Black and Green Frost.

The Frost walks purposefully, the Ivara almost skipping and waving at people.

Several times she tugs on the Frost's arm and whispers something, but he does not react.

As she approaches the frost she gives him a slight nod, and takes her place. The Frost simply bows, a gesture which the white and gold one returns, and then stands directly behind the groom.

Music begins to play.

A woman in a simple gown darts into the aisle.

"The bride has requested a few more minutes." She says. "If everyone could just stay where they are."

The frost starts forward only to stop as the black and green one grabs his shoulder and whispers something. He steps back and nods, but seems nervous.

Minutes drag on.

Edited by Rakawan
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