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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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2 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Dixon runs between deposits, placing a large breaching charge on each. The each one beeps as he activates it, except for the last. 

"One moment." He says, prying off the panel. "Uhhh, maybe two."

Beneath the panel you can see two fieldron containment units, and several detonite injectors wired together. Dixon removes an injector, and peers into the hole with a tiny flashlight.

Philip and Alan both draw their rifles, and prepare to engage again.


Either it was due to the "charge up" or "unexpected weight decrease" but it appeared to move faster than before. It literally galloped forth, using the acceleration to perform a wide-arc lash and charging the cannon at the same time.

Sig leaped from it onto the wall, hopping against it to flank the mecha and firing from his sidearm while doing so, trying to land more corrosive shots at the golem's rear breach

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21 hours ago, Rakawan said:

She gestures to the large hologram.

"There are three routes available." She says. "Just pick one and we'll send you the coordinate data to guide in new ships. From today onward I'll need a notification whenever you plan to have enter or leave orbit, or when landing. Any surface to surface transportation will need to be registered with Samson here." 


Therese picked the one offering the widest cone for course adjustment and big-size vessels track. "That one will do. Also, I must remind you that these rules have their effect in normal conditions. In the case of emergencies that cause lockdowns, our vessels are permitted to move unrestricted. Beyond that, there may be some cases when the local defense would request for our vessels intervention within the planet atmosphere" 

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The shimmer of a void shield distorts the sky, then resolves into a modified liset as it approaches the solar rail.

"This is The Wanderer requesting access to the planet Phenix, I am a Tenno historian and technician, here to investigate rumors of unique orokin technology, and can to provide what assistance i can to your colony."

"I understand you have cargo restrictions on infested biomass, rest assured all my research samples are securely contained with personally designed safeguards".

*The ship aligns with the solar rail and slows down, waiting for a response*

((Character info available on the "About Me" section of my forum profile))

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1 hour ago, Elvangreen said:

The shimmer of a void shield distorts the sky, then resolves into a modified liset as it approaches the solar rail.

"This is The Wanderer requesting access to the planet Phenix, I am a Tenno historian and technician, here to investigate rumors of unique orokin technology, and can to provide what assistance i can to your colony."

"I understand you have cargo restrictions on infested biomass, rest assures all my research samples are securely contained with personally designed safeguards".

*The ship aligns with the solar rail and slows down, waiting for a response*

((Character info available on the "About Me" section of my forum profile))

"Welcome Wanderer." A pleasant voice says. "Please hold for cargo scan."

A wave of light washes over the Liset, confirming the lack of contraband.

"You are free to proceed."

The rail powers up and after a blinding flash you find yourself in orbit of a earth-like planet. Dojo's sit at intervals, projecting a shield around the planet, and there are several cruiser class ships patrolling the orbital paths. There are also two ships with distinct Orokin style design, that are far larger than any of the others. each one seems close in size to a Corpus Obelisk class dreadnought, and better yet, appears fully functional.

A row of lights appears on the HUD, marking the way to an opening in the shield, and a path from there to the surface.

"Please follow the visitor traffic lane." An Cephalon says. "Divergence from the path will attract the attention of anti-air turrets. Upon landing you will proceed through customs and be issued a visitor pass. Guides are available to those looking for a specific area or group. Welcome to Phenix."

The end of the path is a relay style landing pad, with larger areas for larger craft. 


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5 hours ago, Teloch said:

Therese picked the one offering the widest cone for course adjustment and big-size vessels track. "That one will do. Also, I must remind you that these rules have their effect in normal conditions. In the case of emergencies that cause lockdowns, our vessels are permitted to move unrestricted. Beyond that, there may be some cases when the local defense would request for our vessels intervention within the planet atmosphere" 

"Alright." Sierra says, tapping the comms in her ear. "Scan them and wave them through."

She turns back to you.

"Sorry we just got another tourist." She says. "In the event of emergencies I will coordinate with the Chairwoman of Defense to extend access to allied craft."

She taps her wrist.

"It seems I am needed back at the rail." She says. "I will leave you in Samson's hands."

A private text channel opens and introduces the sender as Samson. The message requests your signature on several forms.

Samson looks around, his helmet still up, while he waits for your signature of the terms of the lane use. However he remains silent, conversing through text.


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10 hours ago, Teloch said:

Either it was due to the "charge up" or "unexpected weight decrease" but it appeared to move faster than before. It literally galloped forth, using the acceleration to perform a wide-arc lash and charging the cannon at the same time.

Sig leaped from it onto the wall, hopping against it to flank the mecha and firing from his sidearm while doing so, trying to land more corrosive shots at the golem's rear breach

Philip pulls out his rifle and focuses on the cannon. Alan aims for any external sensor clusters with his Soma Prime.

Dixon continues his work.

"Almost there." He says. "I gotta bypass the.... wait why am I telling you this. This is top secret stuff."

He steps back from the device as it beeps.

"All armed." He says. "Ready to detonate at your command."

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46 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Welcome Wanderer." A pleasant voice says. "Please hold for cargo scan."

A wave of light washes over the Liset, confirming the lack of contraband.

"You are free to proceed."

The rail powers up and after a blinding flash you find yourself in orbit of a earth-like planet. Dojo's sit at intervals, projecting a shield around the planet, and there are several cruiser class ships patrolling the orbital paths. There are also two ships with distinct Orokin style design, that are far larger than any of the others. each one seems close in size to a Corpus Obelisk class dreadnought, and better yet, appears fully functional.

A row of lights appears on the HUD, marking the way to an opening in the shield, and a path from there to the surface.

"Please follow the visitor traffic lane." A Cephalon says. "Divergence from the path will attract the attention of anti-air turrets. Upon landing you will proceed through customs and be issued a visitor pass. Guides are available to those looking for a specific area or group. Welcome to Phenix."

The end of the path is a relay style landing pad, with larger areas for larger craft. 


"Welcome Wanderer." A pleasant voice says. "Please hold for cargo scan."

"Sensor scan detected, resonance negligible", informs what seems to be the Liset's cephalon.

"Affirmative, Prepare for punch." states the ships only visible occupant, a white Volt prime with gold highlights.

The Liset accelerates forward, then disappears in a blinding flash of light.

The Wanderer looks out at the vista presented to him, paying special attention to the two seemingly untouched Orokin vessels, before a row of lights appears on the HUD, marking the way to an opening in the shield, and a path from there to the surface.

"Please follow the visitor traffic lane." A foreign Cephalon says. "Divergence from the path will attract the attention of anti-air turrets. Upon landing you will proceed through customs and be issued a visitor pass. Guides are available to those looking for a specific area or group. Welcome to Phenix."

"Take us down, and while your at it, send a message to that cephalon requesting data on those Orokin vessels." The volt orders.

"...Oh...and activate protocol 9... i feel like we are going to need all the information we can get."

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The Liset docks with one of the relay-style clamps, and shimmers slightly as its engines power down.

"Well.. i guess we wait here until they send out someone..."

"Anything to report?"

"Detecting Omega Radiation present in the planetary region, and also intriguing wildlife"

"A Balor Fomorian was here huh?...This is very interesting... Send a query about that to the cephalon as well, and then power up the long range scanner to get a look at those beasts."


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1 hour ago, Elvangreen said:

"Welcome Wanderer." A pleasant voice says. "Please hold for cargo scan."

"Sensor scan detected, resonance negligible", informs what seems to be the Liset's cephalon.

"Affirmative, Prepare for punch." states the ships only visible occupant, a white Volt prime with gold highlights.

The Liset accelerates forward, then disappears in a blinding flash of light.

The Wanderer looks out at the vista presented to him, paying special attention to the two seemingly untouched Orokin executor class vessels, before a row of lights appears on the HUD, marking the way to an opening in the shield, and a path from there to the surface.

"Please follow the visitor traffic lane." A foreign Cephalon says. "Divergence from the path will attract the attention of anti-air turrets. Upon landing you will proceed through customs and be issued a visitor pass. Guides are available to those looking for a specific area or group. Welcome to Phenix."

"Take us down, and while your at it, send a message to that cephalon requesting data on those Orokin vessels." The volt orders.

"...Oh...And activate protocol 9... i feel like we are going to need all the information we can get."

The Cephalon responds with a informational video from Tenno Council Records.

"The Zariman and the Interitus are the pride of the WHC fleet." It says. "Both are sister ships to the Vengeance, a human made Dreadnought class vessel."

It displays a holographic image of the first ship.

"The Interitus is an Orokin era destroyer class vessel recovered during a raid on a supply depot. Orokin era records are unavailable for public reading."

The image switches to the second.

"The Zarimman is an Orokin era command class vessel, considered Dreadnought class by current standards, designed to act as a mobile fortress and command center." The report says. "It uses parts recovered from the original Zariman and was produced for Tenno use towards the end of the Great War. While it never saw combat it was maintained until the collapse and stored with the Interitus. Orokin Era records are unavailable for public reading."

The report shifts to show a heavily redacted section about armaments.

However you can see that both ships carry firepower equivalent to Fomorian class vessels, and shielding that would put a Corpus cruiser to shame. Futher information is unavailable at current clearance. 

Interestingly the record does contain combat records for both, stating that each engaged and defeated a Fomorian Class vessel during the Battle of Phenix. It seems that this colony is at least no stranger to combat.

1 hour ago, Elvangreen said:

"A Balor Fomorian was here huh?...This is very interesting... Send a query about that to the cephalon as well, and then power up the long range scanner to get a look at those beasts."

The Cephalon returns a battle report.

Scanning it shows that at one point Grineer forces attempted to invade, but were repulsed by the colony military and Tenno. A counter attack incurred massive Grineer losses and no follow up attack has been attempted.

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1 hour ago, Elvangreen said:

The Liset docks with one of the relay-style clamps, and shimmers slightly as its engines power down.

"Well.. i guess we wait here until they send out someone..."

"Anything to report?"

"Detecting Omega Radiation present in the planetary region, and also intriguing wildlife"

"A Balor Fomorian was here huh?...This is very interesting... Send a query about that to the cephalon as well, and then power up the long range scanner to get a look at those beasts."


Before too long a Banshee Prime walks up.

By her side is a figure that at first could be mistaken for Teshin. However closer inspection reveals that it is a woman, wearing armor similar to Teshin. However she carries Dex Dakra blades instead of dual Nikana, and seems to be of a lighter shade of skin. 

The Banshee Prime is identified by record as Felicity Tanis, wife of Ryoko Tanis, and head of the Lua Reliquary research team. Interestingly her record is redacted where it would normally mention race, with a comma and "Tenno" added after the redacted section. Her pre-collapse records are unavailable for public viewing.

The figure by her side is identified in records as a Dex Soldier, prehaps a newer incarnation of the Orokin era Dax.

Behind them standing guard at the Hangar entrance are several heavily armored humans wearing what appears to be powered armor. 

The Banshee waves.

"Hello." She says. "Welcome to Phenix!"


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21 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The Cephalon responds with a informational video from Tenno Council Records.

"The Zariman and the Interitus are the pride of the WHC fleet." It says. "Both are sister ships to the Vengeance, a human made Dreadnought class vessel."

It displays a holographic image of the first ship.

"The Interitus is an Orokin era destroyer class vessel recovered during a raid on a supply depot. Orokin era records are unavailable for public reading."

The image switches to the second.

"The Zarimman is an Orokin era command class vessel, considered Dreadnought class by current standards, designed to act as a mobile fortress and command center." The report says. "It uses parts recovered from the original Zariman and was produced for Tenno use towards the end of the Great War. While it never saw combat it was maintained until the collapse and stored with the Interitus. Orokin Era records are unavailable for public reading."

The report shifts to show a heavily redacted section about armaments.

However you can see that both ships carry firepower equivalent to Fomorian class vessels, and shielding that would put a Corpus cruiser to shame. Futher information is unavailable at current clearance. 

Interestingly the record does contain combat records for both, stating that each engaged and defeated a Fomorian Class vessel during the Battle of Phenix. It seems that this colony is at least no stranger to combat.

The Cephalon returns a battle report.

Scanning it shows that at one point Grineer forces attempted to invade, but were repulsed by the colony military and Tenno. A counter attack incurred massive Grineer losses and no follow up attack has been attempted.

"Hmm... Send a request asking what clearance would be required to gain access to the bridge of either of those vessels... offer them access to any information i am able to recover... although its likely that they will deny the request until we have helped them out a bit... but i know that it's unlikely they have managed to restore the emergency information core... as its not even connected to the main grid of the ship."

"And also... make sure that our various automated devices don't cause any trouble... this looks like a bad place to get into a scrape with the law."

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1 hour ago, Elvangreen said:

"Hmm... Send a request asking what clearance would be required to gain access to the bridge of either of those vessels... offer them access to any information i am able to recover... although its likely that they will deny the request until we have helped them out a bit... but i know that it's unlikely they have managed to restore the emergency information core... as its not even connected to the main grid of the ship."

"And also... make sure that our various automated devices don't cause any trouble... this looks like a bad place to get into a scrape with the law."

The response indicates that the ships are under the command of the UHC, a human military group, who are not accepting Tenno applications at the moment. However it does state that there is a third ship, the Vengeance, currently under Tenno command stationed at Lua and that those wishing to work on it should contact Simon of Clan Miraalan at his office in the Reliquary on Lua. 

In addition to the Dreadnoughts and cruisers there are several fighter class ships buzzing around, including a few that patrol along the guest lane to the surface. However neither seems to pay any special attention to you as you land. 

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2 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The response indicates that the ships are under the command of the UHC, a human military group, who are not accepting Tenno applications at the moment. However it does state that there is a third ship, the Vengeance, currently under Tenno command stationed at Lua and that those wishing to work on it should contact Simon of Clan Miraalan at his office in the Reliquary on Lua. 

In addition to the Dreadnoughts and cruisers there are several fighter class ships buzzing around, including a few that patrol along the guest lane to the surface. However neither seems to pay any special attention to you as you land. 


2 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Before too long a Banshee Prime walks up.

By her side is a figure that at first could be mistaken for Teshin. However closer inspection reveals that it is a woman, wearing armor similar to Teshin. However she carries Dex Dakra blades instead of dual Nikana, and seems to be of a lighter shade of skin. 

The Banshee Prime is identified by record as Felicity Tanis, wife of Ryoko Tanis, and head of the Lua Reliquary research team. Interestingly her record is redacted where it would normally mention race, with a comma and "Tenno" added after the redacted section. Her pre-collapse records are unavailable for public viewing.

The figure by her side is identified in records as a Dex Soldier, prehaps a newer incarnation of the Orokin era Dax.

Behind them standing guard at the Hangar entrance are several heavily armored humans wearing what appears to be powered armor. 

The Banshee waves.

"Hello." She says. "Welcome to Phenix!"


"Lifeforms Approaching, ETA 17 seconds, One Tenno, Warframe banshee with unusual genetic and energy signature... may have been on one of the orokin vessels, and one apparent Dax, limited data on both"

"Right. Time to meet our hosts... once i have left, initiate the sequencer, and exit the local area"

The volt walks through the exit of the liset, and watches as the two figures approach.

The Banshee waves.

"Hello." She says. "Welcome to Phenix!"

"Greetings, I presume you have been informed of my interest in orokin artifacts and technology?.. I am here because i have received several unusual reports, which are definitely substantiated." The volt says, gesturing to the two gilded ships visible in orbit.

"But, alongside that, my goal is also to help your colony in any way that you see fit. I have numerous combat skills, and can hack or bypass most systems, specializing in that based of ancient orokin tech.... And also, if you do not mind me asking, who is your companion?.. she resembles the ancient Dax bodyguards of the Orokin."


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1 hour ago, Elvangreen said:


"Lifeforms Approaching, ETA 17 seconds, One Tenno, Warframe banshee with unusual genetic and energy signature... may have been on one of the orokin vessels, and one apparent Dax, limited data on both"

"Right. Time to meet our hosts... once i have left, initiate the sequencer, and exit the local area"

The volt walks through the exit of the liset, and watches as the two figures approach.

The Banshee waves.

"Hello." She says. "Welcome to Phenix!"

"Greetings, I presume you have been informed of my interest in orokin artifacts and technology?.. I am here because i have received several unusual reports, which are definitely substantiated." The volt says, gesturing to the 2 gilded ships visible in orbit.

"But, alongside that, my goal is also to help your colony in any way that you see fit. I have numerous combat skills, and can hack or bypass most systems, specializing in that based of ancient orokin tech.... And also, if you do not mind me asking, who is your companion?.. she resembles the ancient Dax bodyguards of the orokin?..."


"Indeed." She says. "Which is why I am here, instead of the usual Adjuticant or Archon." 

She bows. The Dex soldier however stays standing, watching you intently.

"I am Felicity Tanis." The Banshee says. "I am head of research at the Reliquary on Lua. We've been looking for people to help work on the Orokin artifacts found there." 

She looks at the Dex soldier.

"This is Captain Holly, current leader of the Dex soldiers." She says. "Her ancestors were trained by a Dax who escaped the Collapse. Beyond that the story is hers to share, if she chooses."

"While I am not Dax." Holly says. "If you intend to harm Mistress Tanis I will make you pay in blood."

"Holly!" Felicity says, acting shocked. Holly pulls her aside, but you can still hear parts of the conversation/

"If you recall I was against you coming here." Holly says. "You of all people...."

".... can take care of myself." Felicity responds.

"There are Tenno who would like to see you killed." Holly hisses back. "We do not know his true intentions. I advise you to exercise some caution...."

The argument becomes rather heated until Felicty makes sharp motion and Holly salutes, and angrily stalks away.

"If you would follow me I will show you around." Felicity says. "And answer any questions I can. But first we need to get you checked through customs."

Customs ends up being a long shielded hallway with a scanner that sweeps over you, looking for bugs or hidden weapons and explosives. The woman behind the desk seems bored, but the two Frost warfames at the end of the hall are alert and focused.



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1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

"Indeed." She says. "Which is why I am here, instead of the usual Adjuticant or Archon." 

She bows. The Dex soldier however stays standing, watching you intently.

"I am Felicity Tanis." The Banshee says. "I am head of research at the Reliquary on Lua. We've been looking for people to help work on the Orokin artifacts found there."

The Volt bows back, then waits for her to finish her sentence. He then studies the banshee intently for a moment, then nods slowly... "Well, i am usually called Wanderer, and i look forward to working with you. Orokin tech is my specialty, and i have recently discovered how to bypass the genetic locks on their ships, allowing me a far greater range of access than most."

1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

She looks at the Dex soldier.

"This is Captain Holly, current leader of the Dex soldiers." She says. "Her ancestors were trained by a Dax who escaped the Collapse. Beyond that the story is hers to share, if she chooses."

"While I am not Dax." Holly says. "If you intend to harm Mistress Tanis I will make you pay in blood."

"Holly!" Felicity says, acting shocked. Holly pulls her aside, but you can still hear parts of the conversation/

"If you recall I was against you coming here." Holly says. "You of all people...."

".... can take care of myself." Felicity responds.

"There are Tenno who would like to see you killed." Holly hisses back. "We do not know his true intentions. I advise you to exercise some caution...."

The argument becomes rather heated until Felicty makes sharp motion and Holly salutes, and angrily stalks away.

The Volt merely watches silently as this takes place, but sensitive instruments would detect a constant stream of information being transmitted to and from his ship.

1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

"If you would follow me I will show you around." Felicity says. "And answer any questions I can. But first we need to get you checked through customs."


Customs ends up being a long shielded hallway with a scanner that sweeps over you, looking for bugs or hidden weapons and explosives. The woman behind the desk seems bored, but the two Frost warfames at the end of the hall are alert and focused.

As the pair walk off, the Volt's ship detaches from the clamp, and then flies back out towards the solar rail, disappearing from sight as its enhanced void shield activates.

The volt holds up a hand just before entering the scanner.. "Just a second.. Let me divest myself of some gear"

He removes the following items and lets them be scanned in turn, before walking through himself:

- 2 flaming dakra prime swords that were holstered on his back

- 2 Lex prime pistols from his hip holsters

- 1 massive rubico sniper rifle from a custom back holster

- 2 pouches of remote cameras

- a codex scanner, modified for greater range and weak-spot identifier

- a handful of ciphers

- Something that looks similar to a dragon key

- 3 Orokin ciphers

- A few other unidentifiable pieces of orokin tech.

- A Helios prime sentinel, modified to be unarmed, but with advanced shields and a improved scanner.

- A few gold orbs to project shield ospreys.

After reclaiming all his gear he turns to Felicity and grins.. "Shall we commence the grand tour?"

((character information slightly updated, refer to forums profile))

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11 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"Alright." Sierra says, tapping the comms in her ear. "Scan them and wave them through."

She turns back to you.

"Sorry we just got another tourist." She says. "In the event of emergencies I will coordinate with the Chairwoman of Defense to extend access to allied craft."

She taps her wrist.

"It seems I am needed back at the rail." She says. "I will leave you in Samson's hands."

A private text channel opens and introduces the sender as Samson. The message requests your signature on several forms.

Samson looks around, his helmet still up, while he waits for your signature of the terms of the lane use. However he remains silent, conversing through text.



"In Samson's hands? Huh?" Cooper grunted ironically, obviously trying to jab Bloom. Her helmet concealed her annoyed eyeroll, however. 
A nasty bell-like signal emerged from the loudspeakers.
"Eh... Here comes the second shift and so my turn to train the gamma team of coordinated fire tactics" Cooper grumbled, "Send me a word if there'd be more status changes". After he left, Bloom examined the lines in the way she did before the war broke and signed where it was necessary. 
"Anything else?" she typed back, deducing that the last remaining vauban pilot wasn't using verbal communication for a reason that may or may not be sensible. 

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12 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Philip pulls out his rifle and focuses on the cannon. Alan aims for any external sensor clusters with his Soma Prime.

Dixon continues his work.

"Almost there." He says. "I gotta bypass the.... wait why am I telling you this. This is top secret stuff."

He steps back from the device as it beeps.

"All armed." He says. "Ready to detonate at your command."


The massive synth menace surely knew how to learn, demonstrating this capability when it shielded itself with the massive pincer, swept a wave of junk at Alan and Philip, distorting their balance and mobility, and grabbed Philip in its "mandibles" after quite a nasty sucker lunge that followed from beneath the "pincer shield"

Meanwhile, Sig made some upwards wall hops, adding his altitude related to the moving target and correcting the course for whatever maneuver he schemed

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1 hour ago, Teloch said:

The massive synth menace surely knew how to learn, demonstrating this capability when it shielded itself with the massive pincer, swept a wave of junk at Alan and Philip, distorting their balance and mobility, and grabbed Philip in its "mandibles" after quite a nasty sucker lunge that followed from beneath the "pincer shield"

Meanwhile, Sig made some upwards wall hops, adding his altitude related to the moving target and correcting the course for whatever maneuver he schemed

As it grabs him Philip drives both his void enhanced blades through the mandible and into the floor, pinning the synth in place. Dixon tosses him a smaller sapping charge and he hurls it into the creatures maw, Dixon detonating all of his charges as the device nears the already damaged mincer.

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2 hours ago, Teloch said:

"In Samson's hands? Huh?" Cooper grunted ironically, obviously trying to jab Bloom. Her helmet concealed her annoyed eyeroll, however. 
A nasty bell-like signal emerged from the loudspeakers.
"Eh... Here comes the second shift and so my turn to train the gamma team of coordinated fire tactics" Cooper grumbled, "Send me a word if there'd be more status changes". After he left, Bloom examined the lines in the way she did before the war broke and signed where it was necessary. 
"Anything else?" she typed back, deducing that the last remaining vauban pilot wasn't using verbal communication for a reason that may or may not be sensible. 

"That will be all." He sends back. "Have a good day, Major."

As he leaves you see four figures walking towards the perimeter. A Nyx, a Gersmini Valkyr, an Oberon, and a Titania. The Nyx you recognize as Sai'ah from the armblade attached to the left arm. It appears whatever adventures she went on have led her back home.

The Oberon and the Titania salute, while the Valkyr tries to copy the motion. The Nyx stands back a bit.

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11 hours ago, Elvangreen said:

The Volt bows back, then waits for her to finish her sentence. He then studies the banshee intently for a moment, then nods slowly... "Well, i am usually called Wanderer, and i look forward to working with you. Orokin tech is my specialty, and i have recently discovered how to bypass the genetic locks on their ships, allowing me a far greater range of access than most."

The Volt merely watches silently as this takes place, but sensitive instruments would detect a constant stream of information being transmitted to and from his ship.

As the pair walk off, the Volt's ship detaches from the clamp, and then flies back out towards the solar rail, disappearing from sight as its enhanced void shield activates.

The volt holds up a hand just before entering the scanner.. "Just a second.. Let me divest myself of some gear"

He removes the following items and lets them be scanned in turn, before walking through himself:

- 2 flaming dakra prime swords that were holstered on his back

- 2 Lex prime pistols from his hip holsters

- 1 massive rubico sniper rifle from a custom back holster

- 2 pouches of remote cameras

- a codex scanner, modified for greater range and weak-spot identifier

- a handful of ciphers

- Something that looks similar to a dragon key

- 3 Orokin ciphers

- A few other unidentifiable pieces of orokin tech.

- A Helios prime sentinel, modified to be unarmed, but with advanced shields and a improved scanner.

- A few gold orbs to project shield ospreys.

After reclaiming all his gear he turns to Felicity and grins.. "Shall we commence the grand tour?"

((character information slightly updated, refer to forums profile))

"Ahh a Helios Prime." She says. "My husband found one while searching for the components for this frame. They are quite useful."

Her Helios Prime is attached to a bandolier and rests on her back. It appears heavily damaged, as does her Warframe. There are signs of damage from Sentient energy weapons.

Interestingly the guards wave her through without any scans. One of the guards even offers a half-bow. It appears she occupies a position of some importance.

Scans reveal that she is armed with a Burston Prime and Sicarus Prime, and carries a Nikana Prime. 

"Overriding genetic locks?" She asks. "That will come in handy if you decide to work at the Reliquary. Several of the current engineers have high level access left over from before the Collapse, so granting permissions is not difficult, but time consuming."

She leads you through the gates and a city opens up before you. The architecture is remarkable similar to an Orokin establishment, with ivory walls and gold trim. However the trim is composed primarily of oxium, rather than the ore the Orokin used, and the white walls feature a gallium alloy. Rather than true Orokin architecture it seems like most of it is designed to emulate the style.

Humans, garbed in street clothes walk and mingle among the streets. They pay little heed to you and Felicity, but do move to give you a wide berth. You can see Tenno, outside their warframes, garbed in ornate white robes. The humans and Tenno seem to form different groups, and while both acknowledge the other, neither makes any effort to join the conversations of the other.

"This is Seven's bar...." Felciity starts.

A hush runs over everyone assembled. Four vibrantly colored red and black Ash warframes step through the suddenly wide gaps between the groups.

"Great." Felicity says, with a groan. "I was hoping to avoid him."

The council records indicate them to be Wraiths, council special forces, hated and feared even by most Tenno. The report contains little else besides a note from the Phenix Council reminding citizens that Wrath business is not to be interfered with in any circumstance. 


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3 hours ago, Rakawan said:

As it grabs him Philip drives both his void enhanced blades through the mandible and into the floor, pinning the synth in place. Dixon tosses him a smaller sapping charge and he hurls it into the creatures maw, Dixon detonating all of his charges as the device nears the already damaged mincer.


While the mech was recoiling from another explosion, the heavy performed a blade dive with his melee and all his mass. As he hit the synth's exposed breach, something akin glowing coolant or oil squirted out of it. The bot attempted to demonstrate its displeasure via rotating mincer as the heavy turned his zweihander and thurst for a couple more times before leaping off, but it lost its blades by the time. The thing broke off, forgetting Phil and own pinned (and torn out) mandible for the sake of chasing the last offender. The heavy began to dodge and parry a rabid series of mech strikes. While doing so, he steadily retreated to one of the cornera, which would look strange if only not the fact thst it was near the doorway leading tho the "gasified" chamber. Soon, he was dodging near the very corner, with the golem standing right against the doorway. 

"Spark the gas!" he barked

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1 hour ago, Teloch said:

While the mech was recoiling from another explosion, the heavy performed a blade dive with his melee and all his mass. As he hit the synth's exposed breach, something akin glowing coolant or oil squirted out of it. The bot attempted to demonstrate its displeasure via rotating mincer as the heavy turned his zweihander and thurst for a couple more times before leaping off, but it lost its blades by the time. The thing broke off, forgetting Phil and own pinned (and thorn out) mandible for the sake of chasing the last opressor. The heavy began to dodge and parry a rabid series of mech strikes. While doing so, he steadily retreated to one of the cornera, which would look strange if only not the fact thst it was near the doorway leading tho the "gasified" chamber. Soon, he was dodging near the very corner, with the golem standing right against the doorway. 

"Spark the gas!" he barked

Dixon tosses a Talon at the doorway, the chemical reaction inside the weapon releasing a small burst of heat and force.

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3 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Dixon tosses a Talon at the doorway, the chemical reaction inside the weapon releasing a small burst of heat and force.

The blow, the earthshaking quake, the bot that didn't very like the taste of own medicine. Its head liset was torn off and the pincer jammed and hanging helplessly. It limpingly retreated to the closest prismite deposit, opened its hatch at the bottom of the core, releasing a number of tendril-overrun warframes from it as if they were some wicked sort of hose. The deposit came into reaction with "infested" frames. Seems like this is the way the thing "feeds".

After recovering from the ground, Sig just spoke "Blow it" with disgust in his voice


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1 hour ago, Teloch said:

The blow, the earthshaking quake, the bot that didn't very like the taste of own medicine. Its head liset was thorn off and the pincer jammed and hanging helplessly. It limpingly retreated to the closest prismite deposit, opened its hatch at the bottom of the core, releasing a number of tendril-overrun warframes from it as if they were some wicked sort of schlung. The deposit came into reaction with "infasted" frames. Seems like this is the way the thing "feeds".

After recovering from the ground, Sig just spoke " blow it" with disgust in his voice


Dixon activates the sapping charges on each deposit. 

The charges detonate with enough force to destroy the heaviest armored doors.

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On 3/6/2017 at 10:45 AM, Rakawan said:

The ground shakes as a herd of behemoths moves past, walking around the nesting ground. None of the massive creatures pays any attention to you.

The Kirin seem unused to your presence, but do not shy away from you.

She walks to what appears to be the center, her poster relaxed for once. 

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