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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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2 minutes ago, (PS4)gamegod-2002 said:

"What can i do tenno?"

He grabs a pack.

"Inside you'll find a space suit." He says. "Put it on and join the search party, pad is over there."

He points to a teleport pad. It has a warning sign that says "Suits must be equipped before activation."

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1 minute ago, (PS4)gamegod-2002 said:

Dark puts on his suit and uses the pad.

The pad deposits you amidst the wreckage of which rail. 

Instructions for operating the suit appear. It seems it is equipped with microthrusters to maneuver.

Air: 100%

Fuel: 100%

 Rewcued workers: 0

There are three large sections nearby. One is burning, one is emitting a faint distress beacon, and one is floating quietly.

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The pad deposits you amidst the wreckage of which rail. 

Instructions for operating the suit appear. It seems it is equipped with microthrusters to maneuver.

Air: 100%

Fuel: 100%

 Rewcued workers: 0

There are three large sections nearby. One is burning, one is emitting a faint distress beacon, and one is floating quietly.

Dark jumps across pieces of metal to the beacon area breathing slowly.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)gamegod-2002 said:

Dark jumps across pieces of metal to the beacon area breathing slowly.

The beacon is coming from behind a door that seems wedged shut. 

Your suit appears to have some tools equipped to cut through metal, and a close range life sign scanner.

It also base a bulky module on the wrist that the HUD says can digitalization and teleport survivors to the medical facilities on the surface.

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Just now, (PS4)gamegod-2002 said:

Dark uses the scanner.

There is one lifesign that pulses weakly once, then fades away. The scanner shows oxygen levels in the area are next to nonexistent.

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15 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The device deploys its own small swarm of nanites, the spread of gold slowly as it redirects them. This device is obviously a new version of the old tech. 

Richard deployed more nanites of his own from a spray bottle.  "This is new..."

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On 28.04.2017 at 6:54 PM, Rakawan said:

Before the channel closes. You see Dirge drum his fingers on the skull.

"I am helpful because we are friends." He says. 

His fingers grip the skull until cracks begin to form.

"Just as I will be merciless if we become enemies." He says, his voice never wavering from its polite tone. "Good day Major."

Ryoko responds on the second hail. In the background you can see several Dex troopers readying weaponry.

"Something to report Major?" He asks. "I am a bit pressed for time at the moment."




The conference was already going on. There was a primed valkyr deploying her conversation straight from the field, a helmetless blonde tenno with eyes glowing ice-cold azure, and marks of burns on her face, and Bloom stuck in a facepalm expression due to either shame or embarrassment. 

Judging by the things happening in the Valkyr's screen background (such as flying limbs & entrails, lots of screams, arrays of beam flashes), she was a) actively butchering strengthened corpus forces with a group, b) being good at multitasking, c) not giving a flying ***c about the fact that her observers might find it weird or repulsive to look at her feats of practical brutality during the video call.

The blonde, however, was trying to maintain the facial expression of a mighty and impenetrable iceberg. ?Looks like she was in the defensive mood set or situation.

Bloom was... probably mentally asking herself "why do I have to sort it?" or "can there be no sudden mess at least for once?" while remaining silent. 

The verbal battle was going on, however.

"... I don't give a lynx's ***t about your b*******!" the valkyr nearly roared while butchering someone behind the camera, which was resulting in buckets of fresh blood sprinkling all around the scene, "Why the **** do I receive a possible lead that our recognitions might have been counterfeited by some mo**** from major Bloom. Again, I ask you - the glorified adder viper - why in all the holy ****s it is the main forces officer who informs me about your f***-ups ?!"

"Ma'am, as I said - you are on the mission. our information exchange protocols forbid us from spreading tactical intel when on the active duty or when in unsecured environments" The "burnt" blonde answered with a grave voice capable of concealing undertext hostility vibes, "Just like in this very moment - I can't share the intel either since we have an outsider hanging on the line" she clearly noticed that this is now the quartet call, and she didn't seem to like this fact. 

"Unsecure my springy ****, You smelly cu******! Again - f**k your reasonings: there are unidentified q***rs who pretend to be us roaming the system and causing a napalm fiesta. You are the senior intelligence security officer. And so you can shove your damned excuses all the way North through your re****" the valkyr was hopping a wall while saying that, "I command you to reveal the tactical footage to my judgment at once! Bloom would be the protocol witness"

"But the outsider..."

Valkyr leaped from the wall at a group of infantry targets, shredding them in a violently-artistic way in a matter of seconds. The transmission suddenly grows mute, concealing the sounds emitted by the havoc the valkyr was causing as well as the hypothetically severe flow of insults that made the icily-poised blonde curve her face as if she has just swallowed a lemon. Seems like it was a facepalming Bloom behind this sudden yet surprisingly timely disruption of the transmission's volume; still palming her face with the right hand, she re-enabled the conference sounds with her left one. At that time, the valkyr was tearing out entire slabs from some particularly heavy proxy while barking into the conference.

"... or I'll bend you to reflash the whole," she clutched the core of the proxy with her energy claws, "damned," she rip the poor thing hard, "fleets," she shook it even harder, "IFF", she almost pulled the proxy's core, "MANUALLY!!!" at that yell, the previously tank-like, coreless, and broken proxy collapsed, unable to endure either the ferocious beatdown or the embarrassment of sticking in the process of a passionate disciplinary exchange. 

"Yes, colonel," the blonde answered with the voice full of ice-cold poison before switching her line to the retranslation mode. 

Bloom was hiding her face behind her both palms, looking at the screen through a cleavage between fingers. 

The valkyr calmed down of all the sudden and was showering clusters of targets behind the broadcast screen from her fancy automatic shotgun with a quite collected precision and at the speed that marks the instinctive proficiency.

In a few moments, the blonde's broadcast screen broke into four smaller screens, offering a view from four operatives first-person perspectives and subtitles of the group comms and the base. The operatives varying voices can be heard, as well as of theirs supervisor. The first scene starts with the group 

P69: My guts tell me that we're heading straight into a trap. No one would be stupid to mark the scene for more than forty seconds after being spotted
L.Col. Hebert: That is why you're all using the armed drone frames. Don't make me repeat the obvious, Nines.
P38: Ma'am? I know it is a wrong time to ask this, but is the informer a secure source? If the legend is true, we are dealing with the kind of diggers who are subjected for detention or extermination.
L.Col. Hebert: Indeed. If the implications provided by the Sigers's pet are true, the extermination teams will have plenty of work to conduct soon enough. Hence our task of tracing the curious mongrel's nest should they be so slow or idiotic to leave clues.
H47: Maximum collateral damage protocol in case of hostiles aggressive resistance and impossibility of quick detention?
L.Col. Hebert: You know the ropes, Horacio. I will not repeat myself.
P69: Been a while since the last time I had an opportunity to blow up some scum.
H25: Please, Nines. We don't need to know about your "blowing" issues.
P69: Oh, don't be such a prude, Haile. One learns to enjoy the transference shock after a dozen or two of "cases"

Therese interrupted the sounds of the cell's banter, elaborating with a passively-aggressive intonation to the conference participants, "The thing is that "Siger's pet" and general Darrin spotted a third party's attempt to breach the Phenix garrison's data storages, tracing their signal down to the point where this specs were sent later"

The next footage scene revealed the first distanced visuals of the vauban who was browsing the terminal console from which the intrusion attempts were conducted. Attempts to scan him with the conventional means failed, leaving one of the operatives with a lot of questions.

H47: Unknown individual. Vauban. Doesn't seem to be in our bases due to the cut of chevrons, recent frame construction, or scan-proof cloaking. Actions?
H25: Any exterior signatures? A badge, maybe? Any distinguishable markings?
H47: Indistinguishable from the current positions.
P69: Sure, Haile. We would just approach him and ask politely: "Excuse us, sir, but can you please identify yourself and what you have been doing out here? There is a mighty chance that it is you who was trying to data leak our void program and after whom we were sent"
H25: You suggest we just shoot him in the head and call it a day? He doesn't look like the one that was captured on recordings.
P69: This is the designated terminal - the hot spot. We must figure out what the hell he's doing with it. Who knows if he's not trying to hack our data spaces elsewhere?
L.Col. Hebert: Silence. Engage the BR detention protocol. Halie - energy depletion;  Nines - scene shift and stasis; Horacio - tackle; Artois - stirrup and sniper support. No lethal force before we clear out the circumstances. Prepare for a possible ambush. Execute. 

The order was executed in a matter of seconds. seems like this cell were doing this "dirty" sort of job for years until now. However, the metaphorical $hit started to flush the past the metaphorical shorelines hastily as two vessels appeared in the atmosphere. When the aiming pointers from the ship hit the surface, the ship became even more obvious. The operatives, however, remained mostly calm.

On 26.04.2017 at 0:20 AM, Rakawan said:

A ship breaks from the void, its appearance similar to a light cruiser. It bears the curling symbol of Red Veil.

Scans reveal another ship, inbound at high velocity, moving almost too fast for scanners to detect, let alone target.

"Unknown assailants stand down or you will be fired upon." The Cruiser says, as tracking lasers target the team. "Release the Vauban and order your approaching vessel to alter course."


P38: Ma'am. Seems like an ambush. Two vessels with no identification hail. One of the vessels is camouflaged as a Red Veil while the other one is unscannable through standard means... And it moves really fast.
L.Col. Hebert: This pig-dogs are not afraid to blow their own. Deploy the cataclysm dome to prevent interference. Halie - deliver the terminal cache at once. Everyone - prime your drones explosives. 
*everyone primed up their frames charges*
*P69 - the Limbo - immediately deployed the dome, shielding the scene from conventional artillery*
*H25 - the Ivara - quickly scanned the terminal, sending the cached data of the recent manipulations. 
*H47 - the Ash - tackled down the vauban, putting him on his feet and in shackles*
H47: Ma'am, the insignia on this one might be of the Miraalaners.
P69: The rabble with which the strike forces stinkers were hobnobbing lately? Are they the ones spying on us?!
H25: This must be a mistake of sorts. Why would one of their own help us to pinpoint the location from where they supposedly spy on us?
H47: The left and the right hand miscoordination?
L.Col. Hebert: Horacio, proxy me to this one. We need clarity right now.
P38: Ma'am, the second vessel is going for a bombing dive... And it looks like one of the orokin interdictors. This... can't be right, can it?

Bloom stuck up again, explaining the footage, "Dirge said that this vessel was broadcasting our IFF... But it's a damned orokin interdictor! We don't even have spare parts to service such, not mentioning that we have not a single one. How could they possibly have our IFF signatures? "

*Hebert used the proxy comm bridge*

On 26.04.2017 at 9:33 AM, Teloch said:

"PnFourYaceIal: ID and allegiance"

On 26.04.2017 at 2:55 PM, Rakawan said:

"I am Simon of Clan Miraalan." He says. "And you have made a grave mistake."

The Vauban shifts, stepping through the void and out of the frame, and fading into the void. He blasts the assembled with a wave of force, sending them off of the ledge and into the platform just below. 

This has the fortunate result of clearing them from the bombardment of the inbound ship, targeted around the console. The Vauban however is caught in the blast, the missiles releasing void pulses that partially tear him from the void. His frame, normally a last ditch haven, falls aparts under the bombardment, its shields already depleted.

The remaining looking up the barrels of various Wraith weapons. 



H25: It pierced through the cataclysm? Did they just use the compact void-powered warheads?
P69: I knew there will be explosions today. These scums DO spy on us!
H47: Ma'am. I'm ready to execute the detonation to liquidate the intruders.
P69: Aw yeah.Ready to send these *@##$es to hell!
L.Col. Hebert: Cancel. Trigger-ready but no detonation yet. These are our old "friends" from the veil. And it seems like this whole event was engineered to dog us at each other. Of course, IF they can prove that the hacking attempt wasn't their doing.
P38: Ma'am, that second vessel was an orokin interdictor. I am waiting for your command to open fire at the landing party.
L.Col. Hebert: Hold it, Artois. Horacio, link me to their captain... It's been a while since I spoke to this old acquaintance of mine.
H25: Ma'am! This must be a mistake! Or a set-up! We can help that Vauban. We have the Clotra compound and stasis-generating frame!
L.Col. Hebert: *with an ironically sad voice* I'm afraid, Haile, that their "dashing" captain won't think about accepting any help or even process any testosterone-free thoughts at the moment. I would like to be wrong, but...
H25: *disappointed sigh*
P69: One word, ma'am, and I blow this f***rs!
*P69 - the limbo - pressed his head against the barrel*
L.Col. Hebert: Don't force me to roast you in your transference chamber, Nines.

On 26.04.2017 at 3:36 PM, Teloch said:

The limbo's and all other frames lights began to blink rapidly and threateningly. The frame boldly pushed its head against the barrel

The message popped up now in Dirge's visors

"IrauecPFaoYnl: You overestimate your control, hitman. You can make things even worse by detonating the armed drones and achieving the goal of the culprit side, or you can order your cell to take the silence down and cover from the vessel that is here to slam the trap shut and to hound our groups in the aftermath. Think clear, ranger"

On 26.04.2017 at 6:49 PM, Rakawan said:

"Strike craft escaped." The Cruiser says. "Circling back to recover wounded."

Dirge laughs.

"I am thinking far more clearly than you it appears." He says. "I, at least, take the time to identify my targets. I am sure Major Bloom will be very interested in explaining why a WTC spec ops team just assaulted a member of the Phenix Science Division, and interfered with an official mission. Of course if you're rogue, well... then I get to have fun. It's been a while since I've added a skull to my collection."

He and the other Wraiths each toss a strange spike into the warframes. As they rappel up to the waiting cruiser, the spikes release a mild transference surge, enough to briefly stun an unprotected operator. 

The Cruiser flies up into the air, and cloaks, slipping back into the void.


Seems like the spikes did nothing that would prevent the ream from communication. The good old forged transference does has its benefits.

H25: ... But why would they leave? Can't they see that we can help to save the bombardment victim and get to the bottom of this set-up?
L.Col. Hebert: *disappointed mutter* Darrel Darrel... after all these years you remained the same stubborn and prideful ox.
P69: Idiots. Shame we didn't blow them.
H47: Ma'am?
L.Col. Hebert: Collect all pieces of evidence. Scan the scene. Examine the grineer corpses.
P38: Regrouping with the team, Ma'am. The fragments does seem to contain void radiation residue. These are... the anti-personnel missles. The anti-tenno missles, if to be more exact. 
L.Col. Hebert: Collect and isolate. We need to bring them to Johan for reverse-engineering... Something tells me that we are going to use them in the future. A lot.
H25: Ma'am, all of the grineer were eliminated via modified boltor ammo. The vauban that got under the shelling didn't have one. It seems like we're dealing with some sort of orokin enthusiasts or wannabees.
P38: ... Or orokin themselves.
P69: Don't you ever dare call me a lunatic after this, Artois. Just listen to your own ludicrous ramblings.
P38: At least I'm not an axe-crazy shahid...
L.Col. Hebert: Discipline now! Gather all you can. When done - highjack one of the local vessels to slip below the radars and return to the hideout. Execute. We have a long day ahead, my dears. 

The footage ended with the party stealing one of the vessels and leaving the scene of operations. Hebert's face appeared where the four screens were. There was a slight sense of distrust and disgust on it. 

Bloom stopped to palm her face minutes ago, now sitting with the arms crossed over her chest, deep in thoughts. 

Wuzhong was watching her broadcast screen with a sole crewman's still attached head clutched in her claws. Did she begin to... chuckle? She chuckled either threateningly or even creepily. The poor crewman decided that it might be a joke of sorts. All this bloodbath that this monster has caused might be just a bad dream. He began to imitate this chuckle, hoping that the monster would let him go because of the sense of company or just good humor. But alas, Wuzhong pressed her claws against each other, squashing the crewman's head like an overly-ripe pumpkin, gruesomely spilling all of the contents. 

"Hebert, you have time until my return to initiate the IFF recoding. The number of whips I would grant you with upon my arrival will depend on the number of vessels with old signatures. I expect the shell fragments overview report along with the plan of re-engineering from Johan in twenty hours from now on" she said calmly. Very calmly, considering how she normally prefers to act before her subordinates, "The planning of sorting out this mess will take place with Siger's return. You'd better prepare your explanations for him until then.  Dismissed"

Bloom cut Hebert's line.

Wuzhong spoke again, surprisingly chill and collected, which sharply contradicts with her "Kali-Shiva"-like social facade, "And here you have the solid evidence, Ryan. Now, how would you explain the activities with that terminal? I really want to believe Hebert's version that it was a masterful set-up, but I need a solid evidence that you have nothing to do with the attempts to peek where you really shouldn't. I can't feed my soldiers with others reassurances"

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On 03.05.2017 at 4:48 PM, Rakawan said:

Dixon sneaks closer to the AA installment, planting his last charge on the power systems, and retreating to a safe distance before detonating.

"AA down." Dixon says. "Friendlies moving in."

With the AA down, the Meridian dropship flies closer, dropping in three more Manticore-clad troopers. They hold their ground, while the remaining troops send coordinates back to the mortar crew with the tanks positions. Another, with the insignia of captain, sets up a small device, that looks similar to a miniature radio tower, and calls out the coordinates of the tanks assaulting the cliff face. The signal bounces off the tower and up into space. 

Each Manticore is equipped with a shoulder mounted Ogris that sends rockets screaming towards the tanks, while the modifed Grattler's they carry send explosive rounds raining onto their foes. Their heavy armor and shields soak up chaingun fire like bread soaking up melted butter.

"Manticore engaging enemy armor." Their leader says. "Mortar crews firing on approaching enemies."

Up in orbit, hidden in the darkness of space, a long narrow ship moves into position.

"Longsword ready to fire." A trooper says. "Coordinates locked."

The fading void energies indicate the ship just recently came out of punch.

"Attention Allied Troops." The Captain says over the comms. "Orbital bombardment incoming."

The Longsword fires a cannister that quickly breaches atmosphere. Almost a mile up its shields disperse, and the heat from re-entry ignites several pockets of powder. The resutling explosion sends a storm of anti-tank rounds raining down on the Grineer heavy armor assaulting the entrenched position.

Darrin's voice comes over comms.

"Apologies for my late arrival, Brigadier General." He says. "We will provide cover from here. Our facilities are standing by to provide medical care for any wounded."

The Longsword is not the only vessel that appears however. A white and gold shuttle, of Orokin make, descends onto the dunes ((behind position 4)) and opens, deploying two platoons of Corrupted, before lifting off and circling back to bomb the aforementioned position. Both the shuttle and the Corrupted bear no I.F.F tag. They swarm over the Grineer at the artillery station, pinning them down while others fit Corrupted control devices onto their heads.


Stripped of the infantry the advancing armor chain stuck in a futuristic version of the Battle of Prokhorovka, exchanging main caliber rounds with "walking" tanks. One of the tanks did end up immobilized while the others shrugged off the frontal fire and employed their main calibers. 

In the valley, ((#4 position)) was a hidden mountain platoon of grineer, waiting to lock up the siege perimeter in the case of uninvited guests intrusion. Relying on the reports from the old-styled couriers, the platoon remained oblivious to the hostiles infiltration. Up until the moment when a javelin-pierced scorpion fell down from the mountain and corrupted husks began to swarm around, putting up a fight.

"And here we were, planning to steal all the fun. The cavalry is on its way to drop the marines and establish the air dominance. Start organizing the artillery control dome around the perimeter, Longsword. We can't afford to let anything unidentified in or out the scene before the land forces comb out hostiles and secure the besieged" Siger spoke to Darrin.

"Speaking of, unidentified hostiles Dix, Phil, we have visuals on the possible hostiles reinforcements landing not far from you. Flash their landing coordinates so we can take them out with artillery en masse. Then, proceed to the rendezvous point near Meridian's position"

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On 5/9/2017 at 9:47 AM, Rakawan said:

The knife sinks completely into the spiders eye, serving only to enrage it further. It bucks its body, throwing you off and pins you with a leg.

Max quickly shifts his body so that the leg will scrape past him, allowing him some extra room to move.  He reaches out with one of his hands to try to grab anything he could use as a weapon.

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Above the dunes an Ash Prime, in Orokin white and gold, watches the fight. 

"Priority mark 1 located." He says. "Priority two and five marks also found."

"Please confirm identity of priority 1 mark." The reply says.

"Mark matches descriptions of WTC leader." The ash says. "Confirm kill order still stands."

"Kill order still stands." The voice replies. "Glory to the Seven."

The Ash sights in on Teloch, adjusting his scope to fit the range. A second before he pulls the trigger a song bursts over the comms. 

"Da da dee dee dee dee do do." The voice sings.

Thhe round leaves the barrel, hurtling through the air to glance off of Teloch's shoulder, its glancing impact enough to severely deplete the iron skin.

A flash alerts the ash who teleports, just before Dixon's round shatters his armor.

"Enemy communication protocols decrypted." Darrin says. "Colonel, there is an active hostile Assassin closing in your position. Ash Prime, standard colors. Be on guard."

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7 hours ago, Teloch said:

Stripped of the infantry the advancing armor chain stuck in a futuristic version of the Battle of Prokhorovka, exchanging main caliber rounds with "walking" tanks. One of the tanks did end up immobilized while the others shrugged off the frontal fire and employed their main calibers. 

In the valley, ((#4 position)) was a hidden mountain platoon of grineer, waiting to lock up the siege perimeter in the case of uninvited guests intrusion. Relying on the reports from the old-styled couriers, the platoon remained oblivious to the hostiles infiltration. Up until the moment when a javelin-pierced scorpion fell down from the mountain and corrupted husks began to swarm around, putting up a fight.

"And here we were, planning to steal all the fun. The cavalry is on its way to drop the marines and establish the air dominance. Start organizing the artillery control dome around the perimeter, Longsword. We can't afford to let anything unidentified in or out the scene before the land forces comb out hostiles and secure the besieged" Siger spoke to Darrin.

"Speaking of, unidentified hostiles Dix, Phil, we have visuals on the possible hostiles reinforcements landing not far from you. Flash their landing coordinates so we can take them out with artillery en masse. Then, proceed to the rendezvous point near Meridian's position"

"I will do what I can but this ship was not designed for anti-air." The Longsword Captain says.

Three more shuttles approach. Bombardment from the Longsword destroys one, but the other two slip through and deposit two more platoon's of corrupted, that swarm towards position four.

The resulting mortar bombardment falls upon the assembled corrupted, only to detonated harmlessly against a laser dome above the area. Whoever deployed these corrupted certainly wants them to remain mostly intact.

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8 hours ago, Teloch said:

The conference was already going on. There was a primed valkyr deploying her conversation straight from the field, a helmetless blonde tenno with eyes glowing ice-cold azure, and marks of burns on her face, and Bloom stuck in a facepalm expression due to either shame or embarrassment. 

Judging by the things happening in the Valkyr's screen background (such as flying limbs & entrails, lots of screams, arrays of beam flashes), she was a) actively butchering strengthened corpus forces with a group, b) being good at multitasking, c) not giving a flying ***c about the fact that her observers might find it weird or repulsive to look at her feats of practical brutality during the video call.

The blonde, however, was trying to maintain the facial expression of a mighty and impenetrable iceberg. ?Looks like she was in the defensive mood set or situation.

Bloom was... probably mentally asking herself "why do I have to sort it?" or "can there be no sudden mess at least for once?" while remaining silent. 

The verbal battle was going on, however.

"... I don't give a lynx's ***t about your b*******!" the valkyr nearly roared while butchering someone behind the camera, which was resulting in buckets of fresh blood sprinkling all around the scene, "Why the **** do I receive a possible lead that our recognitions might have been counterfeited by some mo**** from major Bloom. Again, I ask you - the glorified adder viper - why in all the holy ****s it is the main forces officer who informs me about your f***-ups ?!"

"Ma'am, as I said - you are on the mission. our information exchange protocols forbid us from spreading tactical intel when on the active duty or when in unsecured environments" The "burnt" blonde answered with a grave voice capable of concealing undertext hostility vibes, "Just like in this very moment - I can't share the intel either since we have an outsider hanging on the line" she clearly noticed that this is now the quartet call, and she didn't seem to like this fact. 

"Unsecure my springy ****, You smelly cu******! Again - f**k your reasonings: there are unidentified q***rs who pretend to be us roaming the system and causing a napalm fiesta. You are the senior intelligence security officer. And so you can shove your damned excuses all the way North through your re****" the valkyr was hopping a wall while saying that, "I command you to reveal the tactical footage to my judgment at once! Bloom would be the protocol witness"

"But the outsider..."

Valkyr leaped from the wall at a group of infantry targets, shredding them in a violently-artistic way in a matter of seconds. The transmission suddenly grows mute, concealing the sounds emitted by the havoc the valkyr was causing as well as the hypothetically severe flow of insults that made the icily-poised blonde curve her face as if she has just swallowed a lemon. Seems like it was a facepalming Bloom behind this sudden yet surprisingly timely disruption of the transmission's volume; still palming her face with the right hand, she re-enabled the conference sounds with her left one. At that time, the valkyr was tearing out entire slabs from some particularly heavy proxy while barking into the conference.

"... or I'll bend you to reflash the whole," she clutched the core of the proxy with her energy claws, "damned," she rip the poor thing hard, "fleets," she shook it even harder, "IFF", she almost pulled the proxy's core, "MANUALLY!!!" at that yell, the previously tank-like, coreless, and broken proxy collapsed, unable to endure either the ferocious beatdown or the embarrassment of sticking in the process of a passionate disciplinary exchange. 

"Yes, colonel," the blonde answered with the voice full of ice-cold poison before switching her line to the retranslation mode. 

Bloom was hiding her face behind her both palms, looking at the screen through a cleavage between fingers. 

The valkyr calmed down of all the sudden and was showering clusters of targets behind the broadcast screen from her fancy automatic shotgun with a quite collected precision and at the speed that marks the instinctive proficiency.

In a few moments, the blonde's broadcast screen broke into four smaller screens, offering a view from four operatives first-person perspectives and subtitles of the group comms and the base. The operatives varying voices can be heard, as well as of theirs supervisor. The first scene starts with the group 

P69: My guts tell me that we're heading straight into a trap. No one would be stupid to mark the scene for more than forty seconds after being spotted
L.Col. Hebert: That is why you're all using the armed drone frames. Don't make me repeat the obvious, Nines.
P38: Ma'am? I know it is a wrong time to ask this, but is the informer a secure source? If the legend is true, we are dealing with the kind of diggers who are subjected for detention or extermination.
L.Col. Hebert: Indeed. If the implications provided by the Sigers's pet are true, the extermination teams will have plenty of work to conduct soon enough. Hence our task of tracing the curious mongrel's nest should they be so slow or idiotic to leave clues.
H47: Maximum collateral damage protocol in case of hostiles aggressive resistance and impossibility of quick detention?
L.Col. Hebert: You know the ropes, Horacio. I will not repeat myself.
P69: Been a while since the last time I had an opportunity to blow up some scum.
H25: Please, Nines. We don't need to know about your "blowing" issues.
P69: Oh, don't be such a prude, Haile. One learns to enjoy the transference shock after a dozen or two of "cases"

Therese interrupted the sounds of the cell's banter, elaborating with a passively-aggressive intonation to the conference participants, "The thing is that "Siger's pet" and general Darrin spotted a third party's attempt to breach the Phenix garrison's data storages, tracing their signal down to the point where this specs were sent later"

The next footage scene revealed the first distanced visuals of the vauban who was browsing the terminal console from which the intrusion attempts were conducted. Attempts to scan him with the conventional means failed, leaving one of the operatives with a lot of questions.

H47: Unknown individual. Vauban. Doesn't seem to be in our bases due to the cut of chevrons, recent frame construction, or scan-proof cloaking. Actions?
H25: Any exterior signatures? A badge, maybe? Any distinguishable markings?
H47: Indistinguishable from the current positions.
P69: Sure, Haile. We would just approach him and ask politely: "Excuse us, sir, but can you please identify yourself and what you have been doing out here? There is a mighty chance that it is you who was trying to data leak our void program and after whom we were sent"
H25: You suggest we just shoot him in the head and call it a day? He doesn't look like the one that was captured on recordings.
P69: This is the designated terminal - the hot spot. We must figure out what the hell he's doing with it. Who knows if he's not trying to hack our data spaces elsewhere?
L.Col. Hebert: Silence. Engage the BR detention protocol. Halie - energy depletion;  Nines - scene shift and stasis; Horacio - tackle; Artois - stirrup and sniper support. No lethal force before we clear out the circumstances. Prepare for a possible ambush. Execute. 

The order was executed in a matter of seconds. seems like this cell were doing this "dirty" sort of job for years until now. However, the metaphorical $hit started to flush the past the metaphorical shorelines hastily as two vessels appeared in the atmosphere. When the aiming pointers from the ship hit the surface, the ship became even more obvious. The operatives, however, remained mostly calm.

P38: Ma'am. Seems like an ambush. Two vessels with no identification hail. One of the vessels is camouflaged as a Red Veil while the other one is unscannable through standard means... And it moves really fast.
L.Col. Hebert: This pig-dogs are not afraid to blow their own. Deploy the cataclysm dome to prevent interference. Halie - deliver the terminal cache at once. Everyone - prime your drones explosives. 
*everyone primed up their frames charges*
*P69 - the Limbo - immediately deployed the dome, shielding the scene from conventional artillery*
*H25 - the Ivara - quickly scanned the terminal, sending the cached data of the recent manipulations. 
*H47 - the Ash - tackled down the vauban, putting him on his feet and in shackles*
H47: Ma'am, the insignia on this one might be of the Miraalaners.
P69: The rabble with which the strike forces stinkers were hobnobbing lately? Are they the ones spying on us?!
H25: This must be a mistake of sorts. Why would one of their own help us to pinpoint the location from where they supposedly spy on us?
H47: The left and the right hand miscoordination?
L.Col. Hebert: Horacio, proxy me to this one. We need clarity right now.
P38: Ma'am, the second vessel is going for a bombing dive... And it looks like one of the orokin interdictors. This... can't be right, can it?

Bloom stuck up again, explaining the footage, "Dirge said that this vessel was broadcasting our IFF... But it's a damned orokin interdictor! We don't even have spare parts to service such, not mentioning that we have not a single one. How could they possibly have our IFF signatures? "

*Hebert used the proxy comm bridge*

H25: It pierced through the cataclysm? Did they just use the compact void-powered warheads?
P69: I knew there will be explosions today. These scums DO spy on us!
H47: Ma'am. I'm ready to execute the detonation to liquidate the intruders.
P69: Aw yeah.Ready to send these *@##$es to hell!
L.Col. Hebert: Cancel. Trigger-ready but no detonation yet. These are our old "friends" from the veil. And it seems like this whole event was engineered to dog us at each other. Of course, IF they can prove that the hacking attempt wasn't their doing.
P38: Ma'am, that second vessel was an orokin interdictor. I am waiting for your command to open fire at the landing party.
L.Col. Hebert: Hold it, Artois. Horacio, link me to their captain... It's been a while since I spoke to this old acquaintance of mine.
H25: Ma'am! This must be a mistake! Or a set-up! We can help that Vauban. We have the Clotra compound and stasis-generating frame!
L.Col. Hebert: *with an ironically sad voice* I'm afraid, Haile, that their "dashing" captain won't think about accepting any help or even process any testosterone-free thoughts at the moment. I would like to be wrong, but...
H25: *disappointed sigh*
P69: One word, ma'am, and I blow this f***rs!
*P69 - the limbo - pressed his head against the barrel*
L.Col. Hebert: Don't force me to roast you in your transference chamber, Nines.

Seems like the spikes did nothing that would prevent the ream from communication. The good old forged transference does has its benefits.

H25: ... But why would they leave? Can't they see that we can help to save the bombardment victim and get to the bottom of this set-up?
L.Col. Hebert: *disappointed mutter* Darrel Darrel... after all these years you remained the same stubborn and prideful ox.
P69: Idiots. Shame we didn't blow them.
H47: Ma'am?
L.Col. Hebert: Collect all pieces of evidence. Scan the scene. Examine the grineer corpses.
P38: Regrouping with the team, Ma'am. The fragments does seem to contain void radiation residue. These are... the anti-personnel missles. The anti-tenno missles, if to be more exact. 
L.Col. Hebert: Collect and isolate. We need to bring them to Johan for reverse-engineering... Something tells me that we are going to use them in the future. A lot.
H25: Ma'am, all of the grineer were eliminated via modified boltor ammo. The vauban that got under the shelling didn't have one. It seems like we're dealing with some sort of orokin enthusiasts or wannabees.
P38: ... Or orokin themselves.
P69: Don't you ever dare call me a lunatic after this, Artois. Just listen to your own ludicrous ramblings.
P38: At least I'm not an axe-crazy shahid...
L.Col. Hebert: Discipline now! Gather all you can. When done - highjack one of the local vessels to slip below the radars and return to the hideout. Execute. We have a long day ahead, my dears. 

The footage ended with the party stealing one of the vessels and leaving the scene of operations. Hebert's face appeared where the four screens were. There was a slight sense of distrust and disgust on it. 

Bloom stopped to palm her face minutes ago, now sitting with the arms crossed over her chest, deep in thoughts. 

Wuzhong was watching her broadcast screen with a sole crewman's still attached head clutched in her claws. Did she begin to... chuckle? She chuckled either threateningly or even creepily. The poor crewman decided that it might be a joke of sorts. All this bloodbath that this monster has caused might be just a bad dream. He began to imitate this chuckle, hoping that the monster would let him go because of the sense of company or just good humor. But alas, Wuzhong pressed her claws against each other, squashing the crewman's head like an overly-ripe pumpkin, gruesomely spilling all of the contents. 

"Hebert, you have time until my return to initiate the IFF recoding. The number of whips I would grant you with upon my arrival will depend on the number of vessels with old signatures. I expect the shell fragments overview report along with the plan of re-engineering from Johan in twenty hours from now on" she said calmly. Very calmly, considering how she normally prefers to act before her subordinates, "The planning of sorting out this mess will take place with Siger's return. You'd better prepare your explanations for him until then.  Dismissed"

Bloom cut Hebert's line.

Wuzhong spoke again, surprisingly chill and collected, which sharply contradicts with her "Kali-Shiva"-like social facade, "And here you have the solid evidence, Ryan. Now, how would you explain the activities with that terminal? I really want to believe Hebert's version that it was a masterful set-up, but I need a solid evidence that you have nothing to do with the attempts to peek where you really shouldn't. I can't feed my soldiers with others reassurances"


"The static underlying the signal bothered me." Ivan says. "But I couldn't figure out why. So I did the safe thing and ran an analysis of the signal fragment."

"And?" Dirge asks.

"It's only 78% pure." Ivan replies. "There are two other signals that underlay it. One is unknown, and the other..."

A UHC IFF tag appears on the screen.

"Why would you broadcast two IFF tags?" Dirge asks.

"You wouldn't." Ivan says. "Unless..."

"Unless you wanted to rapidly switch between a selection." Dirge says. "You'd need..."

"A disruption." Ivan says. "And there was one. The millisecond the scan completed there was a burst of static across the link. Strong enough to mask the corrupted signal. But there's more."

A graph on the screen shows a WTC signal, and compares it to the fake one.

"Orokin systems are highly complex." He says. "A working knowledge can let us use and edit them, but not perfectly. Any good military group would regularly update it's IFF tag to avoid the possibility of it being copied. But that change bleeds over, leaving faint, sporadic echoes of the old signal. The one on the top has them. The one on the bottom..."

Dirge looked at the graph.

"It's clean." He says. "Too clean."

"The echoes are random, and usually take a while to ap'pear." Ivan says. "So a brief scan wouldn't pick up on them. You'd need a high power, long duration scan to find them. A brief scan and replication of the WTC IFF tag gives us..."

A third signal appears, an identical match for the second.

"A clean signal." Dirge says. "No echoes. Those cowards didn't hack the WTC tag. They copied the broadcast!"

He turns to Ivan.

"Who has this tech?" He asks.

"Us." Ivan says.

"Who else?" Dirge demands.

"No one." Ivan says. "I salvaged it from old smuggler equipment, from the only example remaining. This tech predates the Tenno, even the Dax. Any remaining samples would have been destroyed in the Collapse. I made sure of it."

Dirge fell silent.

"Sir." Ivan says. "Whoever attacked us is either incredibly clever... or has been planning this for a very long time."

Dirge opens a channel to Theresa.


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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)chillichillman said:

She looks around for any lever or button that might open a surface hatch, all the while looking behind her shoulder every so often.

There is a console, but it seems powered down.

The only sound in the chamber is the drip of water to a puddle on the floor. The room looks like a derelict scrubbed of infestation.

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On 5/9/2017 at 4:05 PM, (PS4)gamegod-2002 said:


Dark looks for spare oxygen also.

A corpse floats past you, a jagged spar of metal through its chest. Whoever was in there is beyond help now. However you do find some oxygen tanks, located near a torn piece of railing, likely just out of reach of the poor fellow. 

There is nothing else of note there.

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3 hours ago, (Xbox One)chillichillman said:

Max quickly shifts his body so that the leg will scrape past him, allowing him some extra room to move.  He reaches out with one of his hands to try to grab anything he could use as a weapon.

The spider rushes forward, then plows into the ground as a hole opens in its head. Another hole quickly follows, and a familiar voice calls out.

"Maxwell." Maverick says, sliding down a vine, a heavy rifle on his back. "What? Were you so bored you decided to go spider wrangling on your own?"

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"Son of a." Dark grabs the tanks and goes to the burning area and uses his scanner.

1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

A corpse floats past you, a jagged spar of metal through its chest. Whoever was in there is beyond help now. However you do find some oxygen tanks, located near a torn piece of railing, likely just out of reach of the poor fellow. 

There is nothing else of note there.


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1 hour ago, (PS4)gamegod-2002 said:

"Son of a." Dark grabs the tanks and goes to the burning area and uses his scanner.


There is one life sign, a Tenno life sign. As you approach the burning section reveals itself to be a liset lodged into what appears to be a stabilizer fine of the rail's barrel. A mesa warframe is hanging limply from the shattered cockpit, a strange insignia flashing on its shoulder (A moon encircled with Orokin script.)

"You lose." She coughs, her voice filtering across an open channel, as she sees you approach. "Your rail.... destroyed. Your armies... useless. You cannot interfere now."

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

There is one life sign, a Tenno life sign. As you approach the burning section reveals itself to be a liset lodged into what appears to be a stabilizer fine of the rail's barrel. A mesa warframe is hanging limply from the shattered cockpit, a strange insignia flashing on its shoulder (A moon encircled with Orokin script.)

"You lose." She coughs, her voice filtering across an open channel, as she sees you approach. "Your rail.... destroyed. Your armies... useless. You cannot interfere now."

"What are your plans tell and i may save your life."

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1 hour ago, (PS4)gamegod-2002 said:

"What are your plans tell and i may save your life."

"What is my life, traded for the plans of the Seven." She gasps. "I give it willingly to undo my kin's transgressions."

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