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PS4: Rathuum (18.13) [+Hotfixes]


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I was looking for update that would included a fix in some mastery rank tests. I know some was hard and I practice and practice and pass them. Now, I am stuck at mastery rank 17 tests cause by the time to reach an orb time is wasted waiting to see where the orb will spawn and by the time to reach it mission failed. I practice this mastery rank test for two months and keep noticing movement is not the same being in a mission. I want to keep ranking up but it look like I won't be able....

With this update I don't see any changes only saw how Volt shield is different. 

Reading all other posts about this updated and I hope DE don't become like Bungie to keep nerfing things cause that is the reason I stop playing Destiny for changes was not needed. 

Please DE keep making this game awesome and keep adding new events, missions and more stuff. Only make changes if would make the Warframe more fun.

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I'm trying to understand how reducing Trinity's heal range to a solid 50m during PvE missions is at all viable. I can see it as a possible fix for PvP, but for PvE she will not be able to stay alive in most situations if she has to maintain <50m bubble with her squad to heal them. Please further explain why this change benefits playing Trinity in PvE. I just want to make sure I am not missing something with this update, specifically for Trinity. Her new Passive is a mediocre mitigation for this change. I main her as a 15% duration, 205% range and 166% strength with Energy Leech during PvE missions for my usual squad to keep them capped on energy, health and overshields. Her core abilities for my build are Energy Vampire and Blessing, which as of this update Blessing is now more effective at getting both myself and my squad killed quickly due to AoE weapons fire from enemies in the missions.

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I wish, instead of just removing the changes we didn't get in this update from the update notes, they would list exactly what things were there and were removed. It's not like I can remember everything that was there when I read it the first time and can compare it to what is there now. Is it just the mastery rank/mod point change, and the final fixes for Trinity (slightly unnerfed 75% damage reduction) and Mag (Magnetize not doing damage to players/sentinels)? Or were there other changes/fixes that we didn't get that were originally listed as being part of our update?

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Orbizart said:

I wish, instead of just removing the changes we didn't get in this update from the update notes, they would list exactly what things were there and were removed. It's not like I can remember everything that was there when I read it the first time and can compare it to what is there now. Is it just the mastery rank/mod point change, and the final fixes for Trinity (slightly unnerfed 75% damage reduction) and Mag (Magnetize not doing damage to players/sentinels)? Or were there other changes/fixes that we didn't get that were originally listed as being part of our update?

Multi shot mods working with Mesa, that was in 18.13.1 :(

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Firstly,, why were Shield Pol and Magnetise switched in position,

it is burned into my synapses,and now its twisted around, why DE?

plz put it back

U made mesa shooting gallery still rotate for team but permanet for mesa, why not keep it permanent for all, make everyone better sorta like Rhino's Roar

Mirage sleight of hand, rework that useless S#&amp;&#036; already, make up a new and better one

the only place where it could be usefull, like interception computers, it doesn't work

just as useless as you rendered valkyr now with that Hysteria deactivation BS,

"Ending your Hysteria session should be done with care" This Phrase is utterly non-sensical.

Human history clearly shows Rage ends up in explosives burst not certainly with care.

People won't be happy about that, and i don't even use her that much but i do have

narrow minded on her to make hysteria, ergo the only thing she is really good for,

decently cheap, but at that point the range is cut to shreds for ripline and becomes utterly useless in traversing the void huge rooms..


There is so many bugs still like people getting stuck in doors in void, or teleporting, falling through the floor still happen daily, insted of making the frames just a lil worse why don't you focus on fixing those gamebreaking bugs.

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9 hours ago, (PS4)Filthy113 said:

This update is kinda of blah, MR22 not achievable. Only 3 weapons to rank. I mean win is at least run the event for a day get points then break away from warframe till U19. Disappointed as vet at the lack of content these last few updates we need to be kept into the game not wanna leave cause there's nothing to do. 

Isn ´t this exactly for what console players crying for? More small Updates instead of 1 huge. 

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9 hours ago, (PS4)Vanilla_EXstasy said:

I'm trying to understand how reducing Trinity's heal range to a solid 50m during PvE missions is at all viable. I can see it as a possible fix for PvP, but for PvE she will not be able to stay alive in most situations if she has to maintain <50m bubble with her squad to heal them. Please further explain why this change benefits playing Trinity in PvE. I just want to make sure I am not missing something with this update, specifically for Trinity. Her new Passive is a mediocre mitigation for this change. I main her as a 15% duration, 205% range and 166% strength with Energy Leech during PvE missions for my usual squad to keep them capped on energy, health and overshields. Her core abilities for my build are Energy Vampire and Blessing, which as of this update Blessing is now more effective at getting both myself and my squad killed quickly due to AoE weapons fire from enemies in the missions.

This.  Up until this point I have just lost interest in the game, but would still peak in from time to time.  With the 50m cap on Blessing, I am just considering uninstalling it altogether.

I have always hated how healers in other shooters had to follow around their team basically doing nothing else (e.g. medic in TF2, Mercy in OW). Trinity was great because I could be over on my own, getting my share of kills, and having fun, while also performing as a healer. I don't want to have to pick  Someone with the best DPS and follow them around like a puppy for the entire mission.  

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

Isn ´t this exactly for what console players crying for? More small Updates instead of 1 huge. 

I don't think that this will happen. Each update has to be certified by Sony. This costs time and MONEY. So I think we have to live with this worst case scenario until U19.

I would be glad if I'm wrong.


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12 hours ago, (PS4)Percenary said:

It seems as if Darkturn actually wants the nerf. Which is disgusting in every way imaginable. Trinity's bless is now usless. Range plus 75% damage reduction as its max is just awful. 

He wants the adjusted nerf. Because although 75% is a far cry from 98%, it's a lot better than what you can expect from how Blessing currently works. In order to get 99%, you need every single squadmate to be at 2% of their max health. If only Trin is critically injured, you get about ~25% divided by 4 and shared when in range. Flat 75% sounds pretty nice by comparison, doesn't it?

13 hours ago, (PS4)talonx5 said:

Is there any chance that we will get 18.13.3 as a hotfix for the Mesa Changes?

Mesa's changes are already in. I've been using her all day. She's amazing. I get best results with Lex Prime, since it benefits similarly.

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11 hours ago, (PS4)Vanilla_EXstasy said:

I'm trying to understand how reducing Trinity's heal range to a solid 50m during PvE missions is at all viable. I can see it as a possible fix for PvP, but for PvE she will not be able to stay alive in most situations if she has to maintain <50m bubble with her squad to heal them. Please further explain why this change benefits playing Trinity in PvE. I just want to make sure I am not missing something with this update, specifically for Trinity. Her new Passive is a mediocre mitigation for this change. I main her as a 15% duration, 205% range and 166% strength with Energy Leech during PvE missions for my usual squad to keep them capped on energy, health and overshields. Her core abilities for my build are Energy Vampire and Blessing, which as of this update Blessing is now more effective at getting both myself and my squad killed quickly due to AoE weapons fire from enemies in the missions.

The Trinity rework we received has already been discarded on the PC version in favor of flat gains capping at 75%, for reasons I'm sure are obvious to you as a Trinity main. As for having the change at all, the reasoning is to prevent "cheese". The squad has to stick together to truly benefit from the buff, which forces group tactics. You can no longer spread an invulnerable squad across T4 survival.

I don't know why they chose not to include the 18.13.1~2 updates, which include the finalized Blessing and other important frame changes. But I'm hoping our next update isn't far off.

9 hours ago, (PS4)talonx5 said:

Multi shot mods working with Mesa, that was in 18.13.1 :(

...oh. S#&amp;&#036;, forgot about that. So she's even more powerful than my current build reflects. That's, uh, an exciting prospect.

Edited by (PS4)BlitzKeir
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I loved Warframe until recently. First off the drop rates are worse than ever. At least for me. I did over 50 t4 defenses. Not 1 vauban chassis.  I got 1 askilletto part.   Rathuum is worse.  I have done tons of 1-3 missions and got 1 stance.  Plus, I keep falling through the floor on the rathuum final stage where you ride the circular stage up. Every time I ride the stage up and skip the video I fall through the floor.


The drop rates need improved badly. Plus, getting stuck in doorways, falling through floors, starting missions in a black space needs fixed.  I'm tired of pla the same stage hundreds of time with little to no reward.   

Edited by (PS4)Phreakydeke27
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No not going to say i'm happy about most of this. Next update is a different story though. Regardless nerfs seem stupid, but until I get my Excalibur back up to thirty I don't have the workaround figured out to make this not seem horrible, I was close range already. The 1/5 effective radial blind requiring 1/2 the regular cost of a radial blind is stupid. means it's something like 16 or 17 energy. Looking forward to trying out the new gun, and Rathuum. Been awhile since I played warframe good and proper, what with Fallout Tactics, Overwatch, and FE: Fates Revelations to deal with. Freaking Super mutants in St. Louis man.... Everyone of them has an M249 Saw or an M60... Some even have an M2 50. Caliber Heavy machine gun. 

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