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I officially don't want to play this game any more.


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Why? One word. Bursas.

What.... masochist thought it would be a good idea for add these... things?!

The first game I got on my PS4 was Warframe (back when the PS4 initially came out). Admittedly, I only got it because it was free and Second Son had been delayed; I knew nothing about Warframe and saw no loss in giving it a try for that price. My PS4 was just an expensive paperweight otherwise. At least for a few more months. I immediately fell into a great love/addiction, for many reasons. Customisation. Gameplay. Even the general concept.

I'm a casual player and I typically play solo (for various reasons that are not relevant). And after an absence from the game, I returned eager to see what new wonders had been added. An extension to my ship. Relay stations. New parkour animations (honestly I'm not a fan of those). And, of course, Bursas...

The first time I learned of these... atrocities was while getting back into the swing of things. I fired up a Corpus mission and started putting the ugly robot-heads on the ground. I then hear "The alarm has triggers a bursa" or something along those lines and my first thought was "What's a bursa?" Little did I know that over the following week these things would become the bane of my Warframe experience. It showed up before me and God knows I unloaded every bullet I had into that thing, plus all four of my revives and an whole slew of melee attacks. But all it did was laugh at me.

My thoughts after that? WHAT THE.... ever loving HELL!?!?!?!

I used to love this game. I used to praise it so highly. I would have happily sat for a DECADE in order to earn every frame and weapon I could through patience and hard work. But this? This is... these things are not fun. Not in any way, shape or form. All these things give me is frustration and anguish.

I never considered this game to be easy. It had its challenges. It had a difficulty level that although curved smoothly, was defined and recognisable. You knew what your limits were. You could push them, train them and improve upon them. Even when you were kicking A. and taking names, if you got reckless, the game could still F. you up. But there is a line. A line that has been crossed. From difficult to impossible! Absurd! Insane!

Yeah, yeah, yeah. All you elitists and P2W people can "deal with them no sweat" blah blah blah. Good for you.

For the rest of us average players, these things are a NIGHTMARE! I now find myself dreading doing a Corpus mission because of these things. Half the game is essentially locked out because of these things. How am I expected to progress if I can't kill these things? Why should I continue to play if I can't progress?

This SINGLE mob (and its alternate incarnations) have literally brought me to the point of no longer wanting to play this game on account of the fact that Bursa's are so far beyond my capabilities there simply is no more fun to be had.

Is this what you wanted, DE? Is this what you were trying to achieve? To chase people away from your game?

For the love of sanity, please, PLEASE do something about these... abominations. Get rid of them. Nerf them. Make them killable so that I can actually finish a Corpus mission without risking having an aneurysm.

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"Oh noes, an enemy that's actually difficult".


I'm by no means a hardcore Warframe player, but the Bursas are one of the few enemies in this game that pose an actual challenge.

With that said, a numerous amount of Warframe abilities can lock them down hard enough for you to cheese most encounters of 2-3 of them.


This is one of those posts where one should just reply "git gud".

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20 minutes ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:


Yeah, yeah, yeah. All you elitists and P2W people can "deal with them no sweat" blah blah blah. Good for you.


Aaaaaand there goes your credibility.

Plus, they were nerfed before, their turn rate is very slow and honestly? They're a complete joke if you pay attention.

Seems to me that you're not even shooting their back.

Edited by KJRenz
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Bursas aren't a problem if you're willing to play a warframe that can counter them hard. Any frame with invisibility like Loki and a weapon with tremendous burst damage like the hek series will annihilate bursas before they can react.

If you refuse to build according to the mission, the problem is on you and not the bursa. Git gud.

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29 minutes ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

Why? One word. Bursas.

What.... masochist thought it would be a good idea for add these... things?!

The first game I got on my PS4 was Warframe (back when the PS4 initially came out). Admittedly, I only got it because it was free and Second Son had been delayed; I knew nothing about Warframe and saw no loss in giving it a try for that price. My PS4 was just an expensive paperweight otherwise. At least for a few more months. I immediately fell into a great love/addiction, for many reasons. Customisation. Gameplay. Even the general concept.

I'm a casual player and I typically play solo (for various reasons that are not relevant). And after an absence from the game, I returned eager to see what new wonders had been added. An extension to my ship. Relay stations. New parkour animations (honestly I'm not a fan of those). And, of course, Bursas...

The first time I learned of these... atrocities was while getting back into the swing of things. I fired up a Corpus mission and started putting the ugly robot-heads on the ground. I then hear "The alarm has triggers a bursa" or something along those lines and my first thought was "What's a bursa?" Little did I know that over the following week these things would become the bane of my Warframe experience. It showed up before me and God knows I unloaded every bullet I had into that thing, plus all four of my revives and an whole slew of melee attacks. But all it did was laugh at me.

My thoughts after that? WHAT THE.... ever loving HELL!?!?!?!

I used to love this game. I used to praise it so highly. I would have happily sat for a DECADE in order to earn every frame and weapon I could through patience and hard work. But this? This is... these things are not fun. Not in any way, shape or form. All these things give me is frustration and anguish.

I never considered this game to be easy. It had its challenges. It had a difficulty level that although curved smoothly, was defined and recognisable. You knew what your limits were. You could push them, train them and improve upon them. Even when you were kicking A. and taking names, if you got reckless, the game could still F. you up. But there is a line. A line that has been crossed. From difficult to impossible! Absurd! Insane!

Yeah, yeah, yeah. All you elitists and P2W people can "deal with them no sweat" blah blah blah. Good for you.

For the rest of us average players, these things are a NIGHTMARE! I now find myself dreading doing a Corpus mission because of these things. Half the game is essentially locked out because of these things. How am I expected to progress if I can't kill these things? Why should I continue to play if I can't progress?

This SINGLE mob (and its alternate incarnations) have literally brought me to the point of no longer wanting to play this game on account of the fact that Bursa's are so far beyond my capabilities there simply is no more fun to be had.

Is this what you wanted, DE? Is this what you were trying to achieve? To chase people away from your game?

For the love of sanity, please, PLEASE do something about these... abominations. Get rid of them. Nerf them. Make them killable so that I can actually finish a Corpus mission without risking having an aneurysm.

Agree for the most part.

Now, as you have seen, the "gut gud" crowd will come out in droves, constructing their usual Strawman argument about how you lack skill. Pay them no mind; you might damage their feeble ego.

Because you never mentioned difficulty. Not as a focal point. You cited lack of enjoyment as your main issue. And I understand completely.

Corpus missions in general are basically a lesson in how NOT to make fun content. Give players powers; turn them off selectively. Give them weapon choices; let Nullifiers make 3/4 of them obsolete. Give them movement to avoid knockdown; cram them into crowded corridors filled with Bursa. It's basically an object lesson in everything Warframe SHOULDNT do, crammed into one place. Sorta like Archwing that way.

But Bursa especially is bad. Lots of PC players don't see, but I do. Know why? I play with a controller. Try leaping behind them and getting a shot off, before they turn, without the artificially enhanced turning speeds of a mouse. Good luck.

Because it's next door to impossible.

I told my coop partner the RESL fun Bursa threads would start when these things hit consoles, and I mostly wasn't wrong. They need drastically slowed movement and turning speed. And less ability spamming because my god, they're decked out like four Warframes at once.

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I have Loki (it was the first frame I selected when first starting) but have avoided it like the plague mostly because I lacked the skill to utilise its skills effectively.

Rhino is my main and most well established frame because it suits my abilities best. I've never been good at avoiding getting hit. Rhino is good for this.

Frost I do not yet have.

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Just now, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

Yes, I'm sure I'm the ONLY person who is not pro league gamer skilled.

You're currently, the only one (that we know of) complaining about it, instead of coming up ways to deal with this obstacle. You've hit a metaphorical wall and stopped to complain.

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i feel the same as you OP with regards to the bursas. also sapping ospreys. they are just evil. 

i can ask for changes to be made to them, but they wont be changed.

i can stop playing the game, but who loses out on the end? DE or me?


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1 minute ago, VoidWraith said:

You're currently, the only one (that we know of) complaining about it, instead of coming up ways to deal with this obstacle. You've hit a metaphorical wall and stopped to complain.

Yes. I am complaining. I won't deny it. In fact, I'm proud of it. Because nothing ever changed for the better without someone first voicing their disagreement for how it was presently. Sure, maybe nothing will happen. In fact, it's probably likely. But if no one complains, then it's certain nothing will change.

I'm all for a difficult enemy. Grineer Napalms and the like were difficult (before I got my Boltor to where it is now), but they weren't to such a point that they were only infuriating. I still enjoyed fighting them and I certainly didn't dread facing them. They made me want to pay attention and put in 120% effort. But these things are like trying to tear down a brick wall with a rubber mallet. And I intend to exercise my right to express my disagreement with such a situation.

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If you don't want Bursas, turn the alarm off. They will only come out when you trigger the alarm. This might at least get some of them out of your way in a few missions. "Sneaking" around might not be your style, and I agree that Bursas are annoying. They can be defeated sure, but they are more annoying than hard, as you say - not fun.
1 of them sure, ok bring it on. Let a few min go and they group up...

Anyway alarms. Don't know if you can still flykick them to stun them any more but that worked when they were released.

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I really feel for you. Bursa were the thing pushed me to the forums.

There are ways to deal with them, but they have boss level durability and heavy unit level spawn rate. Which is a deadly combination for those who don't have a boss-killing set of gear on them constantly. I won't try to put advice on how to deal with them seeing as I wouldn't know how to aim at specific points with a controller and aim fast on top of it...

Since the bursa there was Rathuum added. Which added even more bullet spongy and one-shotty enemies on Sedna. And the most durable boss for that planet. An honest to god roadblock on the star map, IMO. But you'll see how many people will tell me to ''git gud'' and stop whining...

1 minute ago, VoidWraith said:

You're currently, the only one (that we know of) complaining about it, instead of coming up ways to deal with this obstacle. You've hit a metaphorical wall and stopped to complain.

I don't complain because all I had to say about bursa I said already. The thing is, people can complain only so much about something before they give up. Either on complains or on the issue.


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How to kill a bursa

1) git gud

2) pull out your weapon of choice (don't cry if your choice has S#&$ damage)

3) git behind the thing

4) shoot/cut/smash/pierce/burn/bomb dat thing

5) profit



Seriously now, the only thing you have to do is to get behind it and shoot the console thing, most weapons can kill it with that tactic, and the bursas' turning speed was nerfed to make this tactic easier

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Turning the alarm off is a... stop-gap measure, honestly. Yes, it's a good strategy, but it's a treatment for the symptom, not the underlying problem. And it's not always as simple as turning the alarm off. Sometimes the alarm console is in an obscure place and you either can't get to it fast enough, or get lost/turned around trying to find it. And, of course, there's the matter of the closest one being in a room full of enemies out to fill you with whatever ammunition their weapons use.


As for missions that don't have Bursas, What missions are those? Because I'm only going to get so far doing only Grineer, Infestation and "flying" missions.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

Yes. I am complaining. I won't deny it. In fact, I'm proud of it. Because nothing ever changed for the better without someone first voicing their disagreement for how it was presently. Sure, maybe nothing will happen. In fact, it's probably likely. But if no one complains, then it's certain nothing will change.

I'm all for a difficult enemy. Grineer Napalms and the like were difficult (before I got my Boltor to where it is now), but they weren't to such a point that they were only infuriating. I still enjoyed fighting them and I certainly didn't dread facing them. They made me want to pay attention and put in 120% effort. But these things are like trying to tear down a brick wall with a rubber mallet. And I intend to exercise my right to express my disagreement with such a situation.

But all you're doing to complaining. You haven't even thought what to do to get around it.

You just said you unloaded your clip and swung at it....


If it's not working, change tactics. maybe it has a certain weak spot? 

If you hate Bursas, I can imagine you hating the Juggernaut (only 1 spawns per mission, if conditions are met) in infested missions, or Maniac (spawns 5 minutes after alarm is triggered, but only 1 per mission) in Grineer missions.

I'm actually glad DE is coming out with these annoying enemies. It forces you to think, instead of mindlessly shooting and swinging your weapons around randomly/blindly.

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I'm not even that good and their not hard for me to deal with that much. If it's too much for you then either A) Hack the alarms B) Stop playing Corpus missions like honestly, ONE type of enemy restricted to a certain faction is going to make you quit? There are the Grineer, Infested, and Corrupted. Bursas are only hard if you don't pay any attention.

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Whining like that and calling everyone who does not agree with you an "elitist prick" won't get you anywhere. You are complaining all over the place insulting everyone and not even trying to find advice over how to deal with them.

Really, the problem here is you, not the bursas.

If you really want advice instead of an rage thread, here is some:

Most powers can affect them. A Nyx can even turn them into an ally. Frost can slow it down. Ember can hit it constantly.

Don't shoot at the front, they are pretty much immune there, their weak point is the console on the back. A high burst weapon is really good to counter it too.

They are somewhat difficult and a pain to deal with, but they are nowhere near impossible; and as for the fun-killer, that's an opinion and people will have different ones (as for me nullifiers and energy leechers are the total fun killers of the game)

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I'm curious to know at what level you are having problems with the Bursas. enemy level that is.

There was a hole here, now it's gone. I guess...  (╯°Д°)︵ ┻━┻

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3 minutes ago, Flirk2 said:

I really feel for you. Bursa were the thing pushed me to the forums.

There are ways to deal with them, but they have boss level durability and heavy unit level spawn rate. Which is a deadly combination for those who don't have a boss-killing set of gear on them constantly. I won't try to put advice on how to deal with them seeing as I wouldn't know how to aim at specific points with a controller and aim fast on top of it...

Since the bursa there was Rathuum added. Which added even more bullet spongy and one-shotty enemies on Sedna. And the most durable boss for that planet. An honest to god roadblock on the star map, IMO. But you'll see how many people will tell me to ''git gud'' and stop whining...

I don't complain because all I had to say about bursa I said already. The thing is, people can complain only so much about something before they give up. Either on complains or on the issue.


I don't mind complaining, as long as you have tried to come up with solutions to at least address your complaint, and possibly thought of constructive feedback to it, instead of "I'm not playing/quitting because of an enemy". Really?

If such things are really causing you so much distress, you really should stop playing. 

You don't HAVE to kill every enemy, unless it's an endless mission (in which case, you should really learn to adapt).

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Yes, and as it has already been said, and not even by me (specifically), getting behind and shooting a Bursa in the back, on console, not as easy as it sounds. Their turn rate isn't nearly as slow as people make them out to be. As for coming up with ideas, gee, how nice would it be if everyone who played a game was a game designer.

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