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I officially don't want to play this game any more.


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So I'm a bit on the fence here, as both of my main frames are ridiculously good at combating Bursas (Volt/Prime and Inaros). Volt can decrease their turn speed relative to himself with Speed and Inaros's second ability freezes them in once place and one direction for...51.9 seconds, with my modding. However from playing other frames, at least on PC, I don't understand the big deal. 

Yes, they're difficult in many scenarios, I'll give you that, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I've screwed up more than one Exterminate on somewhere as weak as Neptune or Pluto and died...well, as Volt. Inaros has to TRY to get himself killed half the time.

I won't join the crowd that says "git gud" and I aint gonna side with you either, because as-is Bursas are balanced (at least on PC), but I can understand where this might be an issue.

Also, a suggestion, shotguns and sniper rifles. You're not going to be engaging them from a distance, but both of these weapons deal incredibly high single shot damage up close (assuming you hipfire the sniper rifle, otherwise you're just gonna be dead AND nauseous). At point blank, a fully modded Vaykor Hek only takes three or four shots to down a Bursa on Sortie 3. A combination of any half-decent CC or speed boost (think Rhino's Stomp or Charge abilities) and a good, solid weapon like a Hek, Tigris, or even the Rubico is a solid way to make sure you can at least viably fight Bursas.

End Disclaimer: Not trying to attack anybody with this, I'm simply stating a few suggestions. No need for flame wars :P

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1 minute ago, trace_phage said:

If I can't kill a Bursa with my loadout I just avoid them, they're never part of the mission objective


You know, it's funny, because just before coming here, I had a green evacuation point on my map for my extermination mission, and then a Bursa spawned and it went away.

Hmm, now I wonder what that could mean?

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

You know, it's funny, because just before coming here, I had a green evacuation point on my map for my extermination mission, and then a Bursa spawned and it went away.

Hmm, now I wonder what that could mean?

It means you get behind it and shoot it till it stops moving!

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

You know, it's funny, because just before coming here, I had a green evacuation point on my map for my extermination mission, and then a Bursa spawned and it went away.

Hmm, now I wonder what that could mean?

well if u dint know they spawn if u leave the alarms on so try to stealth and disable alarms instead of runing free with the prison guards after u

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@(PS4)Lord_Silvador Let's make a compromise here and say that Bursa are only part of a larger-scale problem: Enemy Scaling (specifically armor). As a long-time player, I would vouch that Bursa armor makes them very tanky; this is apparent in Corpus sorties, and it's difficult to take care of them without major CC. Until it's fixed, then I can see where your frustrations come from.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

You know, it's funny, because just before coming here, I had a green evacuation point on my map for my extermination mission, and then a Bursa spawned and it went away.

Hmm, now I wonder what that could mean?

Exterminate being an obvious exception. Every other mission you can ignore Bursa's. As I said before, jump over the things, and shoot it from behind. It's simple.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

What.... masochist thought it would be a good idea for add these... things?!

I am pretty sure the word you are looking for is sadist, because a masochist like being hurt, sadist like others being hurt. Anyways, I am a pretty casual player myself, but once you get used to them they are pretty easy. I read somewhere that you said you main rhino, well, try and use his rhino stomp to slow it and shoot its back console (that thing makes the bursa take loads of damage). I find bursa to actually be pretty easy after you get used to them, I would purposely hunt bursas to find out some strategies. Denial and Drover bursas are the easiest, its the freaking isolators that drive me crazy, but even then I got used to them. Just practice a couple of strategies on them and find out what works best for you, just hang in there, bursas are easier than you think.  

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This is the perfect example of the nerf mentality. Because a person can't figure out how to deal with a tough situation or even take the time to research it, they automatically complain and demand a change. If the game required no skill, then it wouldn't be fun and nobody would play it. Every enemy can't just be a "walk up to and shoot in the face, game-over-style," baddie. Just about everything in the game has a point and a purpose and it is up to us to figure out how to utilize it and optimally so. Just because something is described or oriented for handling a certain task/purpose, doesn't mean someone with half a brain and half an hour, can't figure out how to use that item for something else entirely, something that DE didn't even plan on/for (and it happens all the time, hence Draco, etc). As many people are starting to figure out and what all us vets know, is that if you have skill and patience you can do anything with anything in this game (and life, for that matter).

Please use your brains and a little bit of time to understand an idea or concept before you go shooting your mouth off and complaining/demanding changes/nerfs/fixes. Don't punish the community for what you are lacking.

Thank you!

P.S. This game takes a lot of time to master and if you don't spend the time, you won't excel. It's not any different from playing any other longwinded game: Destiny, Fallout, ESO and even the Infamous franchise.

Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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1 minute ago, melodicuprising said:

@(PS4)Lord_Silvador Let's make a compromise here and say that Bursa are only part of a larger-scale problem: Enemy Scaling (specifically armor). As a long-time player, I would vouch that Bursa armor makes them very tanky; this is apparent in Corpus sorties, and it's difficult to take care of them without major CC. Until it's fixed, then I can see where your frustrations come from.

bursas are always relatively squishy, it doesnt matter the lvl, they dont get close to grineer armor scaling, and he is doing starmap, he never said he was dealing with a lvl 100+bursa, he is complaining about bursas in general which arent that big of a deal, a lvl 100+ corpus crewman would give this guy nightmares for days if a normal mission bursas made a 4page long thread

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1 minute ago, CryvernX said:

bursas are always relatively squishy, it doesnt matter the lvl, they dont get close to grineer armor scaling, and he is doing starmap, he never said he was dealing with a lvl 100+bursa, he is complaining about bursas in general which arent that big of a deal, a lvl 100+ corpus crewman would give this guy nightmares for days if a normal mission bursas made a 4page long thread

"DE needs to nerf the sorties! To much damage! They're impossible to finish!"


Something like that?

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Bursas aren't all that hard to deal with.  Two things to remember is that they turn like boats, so getting behind them is fairly simple when you have some space.  But when you need to face tank the sucker?  Aim high.  The dozer blade is bullet proof.  The gun mount that sticks up over it is significantly less so.  I kill most bursas using my Vaykor Hek and blasting at the gun mount, since I find most of them in hallways.

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)Woofsie said:

Exterminate being an obvious exception. Every other mission you can ignore Bursa's. As I said before, jump over the things, and shoot it from behind. It's simple.

Do try corpus defense or excavation and ignore bursa. On Io, Jupiter, you have a high chance to get bursa on wave 10. And on excavations (I use Triton, mind you) they come on 6th excavator.

They are in the same enemy pool as comba/scrambus. You have those or bursa spawn after wave 10 Io.

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The only bursa type that is a threat is the isolator, due to its dispel bubble and extended knockdown. The other two types have no other gimmick to them to make them even remotely a threat. At least half of the frames have hard counters against bursas, and by extension isolators, so your struggling against them is your fault. In fact, let me list all of the frames that have hard counters agianst all bursa types.

Ash: invisibility, bladestorm

Atlas: damage immunity on his punching animation

Ember: Constant damage from behind walls, CC with accelerant

Equinox: Sleep

Excalibur: Radial blind, exalted blade

Frost: All of his abilities

Inaros: All of his abilities except his 3

Ivara: Invisibility, sleep arrow

Loki: Invisibility

Mag: Magnetize

Mesa: Shooting gallery CC

Mirage: Prisim blind still works, just not through walls

Nova: Molecular prime

Nyx: mind control, chaos

Rhino: Stomp

Trinity: well of life, EV

Volt: His 4 locks them in place as long as the damage cap is not reached, tested against level 80 bursas and it works just fine.

There, at least 17/29 frames have 100% consistent hard counters against isolator bursas. Any secondaries that can proc are also great supplements, like corrosive to strip armor, cold to slow it down, and radiation to distract it, which the staticor and tysis can be modded to do all three. If you have one of these frames and still are complaining about bursas, then you need to get better.

Edited by torint_man
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3 minutes ago, Flirk2 said:

Do try corpus defense or excavation and ignore bursa. On Io, Jupiter, you have a high chance to get bursa on wave 10. And on excavations (I use Triton, mind you) they come on 6th excavator.

They are in the same enemy pool as comba/scrambus. You have those or bursa spawn after wave 10 Io.

I get the Comba/Scrambus way more often then Bursas, and as I said before, JUMP OVER THE BLOODY THING AND PUT A HOLE IN ITS REAR. IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO KILL.

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39 minutes ago, ShadowmistProject said:

Oh shame poor you. Walk to the back of the bursa and shoot him in the panel. SOLVED


39 minutes ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

Sorry. I don't understand. Could you please provide a video?


A small sample, just for you since I couldn't be bothered to show you all abilities that works.





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They're a pain, but you get used to them. I use Dera and can hit them even from the front by shooting near the top part of the shield. Or you can try buttsliding past them and turn around real quick to shoot them in the back.

You can also find high ground and shoot them from above, bypassing the shield.

I still hate when they pop up though, they're spazzy and obnoxious, just like conclave.

Edited by MechaTails
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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

I also stated that I have avoided using Loki (since getting my second frame) due to lacking the skill to use its abilities effectively.

I doubt I'll have miraculously improved while not playing it.

Maybe work on getting better and maybe all your problems will go away? o:

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1 hour ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Corpus missions in general are basically a lesson in how NOT to make fun content. Give players powers; turn them off selectively. Give them weapon choices; let Nullifiers make 3/4 of them obsolete. Give them movement to avoid knockdown; cram them into crowded corridors filled with Bursa. It's basically an object lesson in everything Warframe SHOULDNT do, crammed into one place. Sorta like Archwing that way.

While I mostly disagree with op (excluding the knockdown bursa, that 5? second knockdown is op), I agree with the quote. I find corpus to be the most anti-fun faction of all since they make half the game (powers) mostly useless. Kind of goes against the point of the game really...

Edited by Demon.King
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Jeez, all this rage for a not too difficult enemy makes me wonder what other games the OP played in his life..

Yes, Bursas are harder to deal with than the regular corpus enemy, but there's most likely just one to deal with at a time and like others say there are multiple ways of dealing with them. You said you main Rhino, and you don't seem to use him effectively, what makes me think you're the kind of player that just puts on his Iron skin and expects to clear all of Warframe with just that single warframe and power... If it is, you're doing it wrong.

You then say you speak for everyone except elitists, but I think you just speak for yourself and a little group of people who complain about game difficulty. Just rank up your stuff it's not that hard m8.

When you say the game should be fun for everyone, think about all those people who mainly played warframe for years now, who got better loadouts, how can a game be fun if everything is easy AF? There are FAR more difficult games out there.

I'm just gonna say it. Git gud. Or play a game you actually enjoy :)


(I would've want to see OP's face while playing the Divine Will tac alert lmao)

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