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I officially don't want to play this game any more.


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Okay, so...  I'm NOT a fan of the "git gud" responses. I have zero trouble with bursas in regular missions, but I usually pack something strong with me and not everyone has that. I also play on PC, so there may be a difference there. To be honest, though, I think challenging enemies that require you to move fast and deal with powerful attacks are fun, so I would be sad if they removed these.

OP, there are a couple of suggestions I can make. Try double-jumping over them instead of running around them, it may give you a shot or two at it's panel. If you have any reasonably hard-hitting status weapons (here I'm thinking of the Prisma Grakata, but there are loads of them) try a gas build. Use a faction mod such as Bane of Corpus because it greatly increases the proc damage. You can also try using someone with a CC ability, such as Inaros, Mirage, Vauban, Excal, Banshee, etc... Use your CC ability to blind/stun the bursa before getting behind it.

You can also use Loki's decoy to distract it long enough to get behind it, although be warned that it will do radial attacks that may still hit you, so just using invisibility may be preferable. And of course it helps to play with other people, since it can't face you all at once.


20 minutes ago, Ahcruna said:

So, I went ahead and recorded a video of a Bursa.

I have two things to say. One, you should probably get ammo pads before trying that again. Two, that looked fun! I'm jealous of the awesome fight you had. I may go and pick a fight with a bursa with my MK-1 Braton just to recreate the obvious challenge I saw in that fight. Am I the only one who was hearing the Doom 2016 soundtrack in my head while watching that?


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After skimming this it is a point less Thread.  Bursas maybe strong but are easy to deal with, even with loki.  All you do is get status weapon and strip their armor and they die pretty fast or use viral.  Even a new player with rudimentary understanding of status and taking cover will be able to handle bursas.  If you leave the game because you can not just stand in the middle of a room with rhino armor up and never die then pls do.  I hate when players join higher content and sorties that simply complain about being unfair instead finding a solution or asking other players how to overcome their predicament.  For anyone out there, having trouble with content, please just ask for help or do simple google search.  Just because something is hard does not mean it is unfair or that DE is trying to force you to leave.

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3 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

I have two things to say. One, you should probably get ammo pads before trying that again. Two, that looked fun! I'm jealous of the awesome fight you had. I may go and pick a fight with a bursa with my MK-1 Braton just to recreate the obvious challenge I saw in that fight. Am I the only one who was hearing the Doom 2016 soundtrack in my head while watching that?


Hehe, I run around with a stock of all team restores at all times, I thought I'd just do the fight without them. :)

There was a hole here, now it's gone. I guess...  (╯°Д°)︵ ┻━┻

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39 minutes ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

You know, it's funny, because just before coming here, I had a green evacuation point on my map for my extermination mission, and then a Bursa spawned and it went away.

Hmm, now I wonder what that could mean?

That I was wrong in thinking enemies summoned from alarms wouldn't increase the exterminate objective :)

They shouldn't spawn if you have your extraction mark though :/ (just tested it on Neptune - Neso, went from 105 to 121 enemies and then it stopped) 


Before Bursa's were released, I built Nova to deal with higher lvl Corpus/Void.


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While I somewhat agree with the "git gud" crowd, it's not really that simple. Bursas are fine for dealing with several Tenno on their own but when you have several Bursas, they just keep everyone locked down. It gets ridiculous on high level Corpus fights.

The original concept was the Riot MOA. Problem is, Bursa's are more than just riot police. They don't go into formation, and they are walking tanks. I think a good way to balance them is to make them more gimped in offensive power (more stun, less kill) and have them actually move like a group. Leave the shockwaves to shockwave MOAs. And as a group, they'd have less maneuverability. So you jump over them and strike them in the back. Can you imagine doing a capture on a Corpus target surrounded by riot-like Bursas?

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First time I ran into a bursa it was a very confusing how do I approach this thing moment, I killed it but frustrating still.  The biggest thing I hate about the bursa is how it can spam its AoE stomp. I get that you can't damage it from the front.  OK so I'll try to get behind it.  I wish recorded what happened because I faced a bursa once that just stomped the ground repeatedly at a point for a good 8-10 seconds.  Could the devs put a cd on its stomp please?  There's no charge up to it and the thing sometimes chain ccs you with a grappling hook.  Its fine that there are enemies that make you have to stop and think but I just find things like the stomp spam very cheesy and frustrating to deal with for some warframes. I'm new so I appreciate the viral advice I'm not sure whats effective against everything yet as I don't like playing pokemon snap for the codex.

Edited by (PS4)Del-ProdigyT
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1 minute ago, (PS4)Del-ProdigyT said:

Could the devs put a cd on its stomp please?

I agree with this. The no cooldown stomp is cheap and cheesy, you can't jump in between them because the moment you land another hits you. Maybe DE is trying to make us all play Atlas?

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What type of mods do you have?

What mastery rank are you?

What mission/time length are you playing at/wave/excavator?

Did you get taxied through the star map?

What type of weapon were you using?

If you could answer these thing i might be able to help you

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10 minutes ago, (XB1)Woofsie said:

Let's not give DE any event ideas. False Profit and Divine Will were more than enough.

Divine Will was hilarious though. It's the 2nd time Warframe has brought me to tears because of laughter
the first time being U14 when Redtext went on a berserk rage suspending people ;,D

Bursa disco~~~

There was a hole here, now it's gone. I guess...  (╯°Д°)︵ ┻━┻

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Just now, Ahcruna said:

Divine Will was hilarious though. It's the 2nd time Warframe has brought me to tears because of laughter
the first time being U14 when Redtext went on a berserk rage suspending people ;,D

Bursa disco~~~

There was a hole here, now it's gone. I guess...  (╯°Д°)︵ ┻━┻

The fact my Frost could ragdoll the Razorback until it was stuck on the broken rafters was pretty nice. Plus I get the puncture set out of it.


But nobody wants to relive False Profit.

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So, I decided to do a little "research" for you people. Here are my findings...

Using my Rhino, I went into a Corpus mission with the express purpose of finding and testing a Bursa. The mission was Naiad, Neptune 26-28. I took with me my Gorgon Wraith (which I'm trying to level up as my anti-Corpus weapon) which currently has listed 36.5 Magnetic damage and 28.7 Impact, plus negligible amounts of slash and puncture. I also had my Wraith Twin Vipers, with 54 Radiation and 43.2 Impact, also negligible Slash and Puncture.

My experience was thus...

While these weapons were more than a match for any other enemy on the map, taking them down in 1-2 seconds, 3-5 for some of the stronger things like the Oxium Osprey (not counting dodge time to avoid it suiciding), the Bursas took quite a lot more.

The first Bursa to spawn was a Drover. I did my best to get behind it and at one point spent a good 5-7 seconds facing only its side as its turn rate allowed it to keep that side facing me while I tried to run around behind it. I wasn't more than 2-4 feet away and I was not sprinting. At other times, particularly after initiating its ground pound attack, it would spin to face me no matter what direction I was and it did so almost instantly. My Rhino's Stomp was able to get it into the air and at that point I unloaded into its back. The damage it took was minimal. I put almost an entire clip in it before the stomp wore off and all I had achieved was perhaps 1/20 of its total health in damage to it. I continued to try and fire into its back, using both sliding, jumping and running tactics to get behind it, and stomps when I had the energy. Even from behind, with both weapons, I barely scratched it.

Eventually an Isolator turned up and I spent more time on the ground than shooting it. I did actually get the Isolator's health down to over half, but not before using at least two lives and the ENTIRITY of my Wraith Twin Vipers ammo reserves to do so. It turn had a turn radius enough to not allow me to easily run behind it with my Rhino, and it spammed its ground pound ability almost continuously.


So, you guys tell me. Does that sound like an easy fight? I get that these things are meant to be tough, and not go down easily. But there's a point where they seem like they should be on a much higher difficulty level than where they are. If I was able to kill every other Corpus Enemy with relative ease, should I not be able to do at least significant damage to a Bursa if I can get behind it?

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

So, I decided to do a little "research" for you people. Here are my findings...

Using my Rhino, I went into a Corpus mission with the express purpose of finding and testing a Bursa. The mission was Naiad, Neptune 26-28. I took with me my Gorgon Wraith (which I'm trying to level up as my anti-Corpus weapon) which currently has listed 36.5 Magnetic damage and 28.7 Impact, plus negligible amounts of slash and puncture. I also had my Wraith Twin Vipers, with 54 Radiation and 43.2 Impact, also negligible Slash and Puncture.

My experience was thus...

While these weapons were more than a match for any other enemy on the map, taking them down in 1-2 seconds, 3-5 for some of the stronger things like the Oxium Osprey (not counting dodge time to avoid it suiciding), the Bursas took quite a lot more.

The first Bursa to spawn was a Drover. I did my best to get behind it and at one point spent a good 5-7 seconds facing only its side as its turn rate allowed it to keep that side facing me while I tried to run around behind it. I wasn't more than 2-4 feet away and I was not sprinting. At other times, particularly after initiating its ground pound attack, it would spin to face me no matter what direction I was and it did so almost instantly. My Rhino's Stomp was able to get it into the air and at that point I unloaded into its back. The damage it took was minimal. I put almost an entire clip in it before the stomp wore off and all I had achieved was perhaps 1/20 of its total health in damage to it. I continued to try and fire into its back, using both sliding, jumping and running tactics to get behind it, and stomps when I had the energy. Even from behind, with both weapons, I barely scratched it.

Eventually an Isolator turned up and I spent more time on the ground than shooting it. I did actually get the Isolator's health down to over half, but not before using at least two lives and the ENTIRITY of my Wraith Twin Vipers ammo reserves to do so. It turn had a turn radius enough to not allow me to easily run behind it with my Rhino, and it spammed its ground pound ability almost continuously.


So, you guys tell me. Does that sound like an easy fight? I get that these things are meant to be tough, and not go down easily. But there's a point where they seem like they should be on a much higher difficulty level than where they are. If I was able to kill every other Corpus Enemy with relative ease, should I not be able to do at least significant damage to a Bursa if I can get behind it?

Bursas are mini-boss-ish enemies. They have the same health type as the Hyena Pack, so Radiation/Corrosive will be most effective against them. Level 30-ish corpus are still easy to kill with corrosive, as I believe only one type of shields is resistant to it.

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Common responses from bursa advocates:

1) Shoot it in the back.

Which is rather insulting, seeing as there are not many people who go past Jackal and still don't know how to find a weak spot on an enemy.

2)They are mini bosses. Look at Juggernaut and Manic.

Which is rather strange, considering the obvious fact that you don't get 2 Juggernauts ever (outside of Simulacrum) and no two Manics if not in LoR or Tyl Regor assassination.

Bursa, on the other hand, you can have in groups of 2 and more, no matter if you solo or in group or what type of mission it is.

3)Bring Corrosive.

Which, as was pointed out a lot of times, defeats the purpose of faction specific modding. You have to bring corrosive against Grineer, as they have armor, Corpus, as they have bursa, Infested, as they have Healers, and Corrupted, as they have armor and healers.

Sure, let's take 4xCP everywhere. "Damage 2.0 will make you mod your weapon according to strengths and weaknesses of your enemies'' they say. And then mix those strengths and weaknesses in such a way, that you might as well mod for heavy enemies only. So Corrosive and some times Radiation, if you expect a lot of alloy armor.

And don't mind how those bursa can shoot you even when you are behind them. Dealing so much damage, that squishier frames get toasted in one shot even when put against level 30 bursa.

Nothing is wrong with all that. Everyone who thinks otherwise just needs to ''git gud'' obviously.

Oh, you find it fun to fight a bursa because it gives you a fight while everything else dies in one shot? And why did you bring weapons with about 30 levels more DPS then needed for that mission? I never was against bursa in general. I was always against bursa on a star map. Make a new corpus planet where missions start on level 40 and place bursa there. But leave Venus alone, thank you.

I just don't get people who went through the star map when there were no bursa in existence (sometimes they even went through it before nillifiers became a thing), and now they think that placing mini bosses by a dozen on every corpus mission is OK because their maxed mods, weapons, and skills are a match for those bosses...

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4 hours ago, KJRenz said:

Aaaaaand there goes your credibility.

Plus, they were nerfed before, their turn rate is very slow and honestly? They're a complete joke if you pay attention.

Seems to me that you're not even shooting their back.

hey, not everyone can afford a monitor okay? LOL, but honestly if you have eyes Bursas are easily parkouraroundable

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Okay, so I decided to try killing one while using rhino stomp, since rhino is popular and easy to get. Holy cow, does stomp trivialize bursas. I killed a level 40 denial bursa with my MK-1 Braton and it was ridiculously easy. I recorded it, but the video is still processing. Anyway, CC is highly recommended.

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They remind of Armored Core. So I sorta want one to ride, or control something like them as a Warframe. I'd really like De to try out some non human Warframes and the Bursa would make the Mech Head in me very happy. 

I guess I should say get gud. Ha, so rude, isn't that horrible of people? No I don't mean to sound uncaring or crude, I'd instead just say keep plugging along and eventually you'll start destroying these things. 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

The damage it took was minimal. I put almost an entire clip in it before the stomp wore off and all I had achieved was perhaps 1/20 of its total health in damage to it.

What build were you using? Two clips from a MK-1 Braton with a zero-forma build on it killed a level 40 denial bursa, when I tested it. I was doing corrosive, though.


1 hour ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

If I was able to kill every other Corpus Enemy with relative ease, should I not be able to do at least significant damage to a Bursa if I can get behind it?


This IS a good point, though. They are not in any way proportional to the level of the mission. Maybe a change could be made to their scaling?

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I have no problem with the other 2 bursas, but I HATE isolators with a passion. Sure, let's take away the warframes perma-stun abilities, but not the enemy's. Those are sacred.

I dunno about you guys, but I personally bring two guns to corpus. Especially sorties, because those are the only corpus missions I ever play anymore.

One with a half-assed status chance and high damage(s/ tigris, s/ simulor, v/ hek, boltor, soma, staticor, twin graks)  exclusively for bursas. Put corrosive on it. Mod your other weapon for mag/fire or mag/toxic damage. Equip a melee with your choice of elements. Proceed with corpus mission.

As has been stated before, loki (irrad disarm OR invisibility), rhino, or frost helps. With loki, irradiate the thing, cloak, and go behind it. With rhino, roar, stomp, and get behind it. With frost, put up a globe, and either spam avalanche to kill it or keep it slowed with ability 1 and get behind it. 


As has been said many other times on this forum: If a mission/enemy is so difficult as to be undoable, you probably brought the wrong gear

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you know, i would like to see what mission are you talking about, and with what weapons, i will not say anything until i can see that,  theres a chance of bursas being too hard for the levels they spawn at, thats why i would like to know what planet is it and with what weapons

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

So, I decided to do a little "research" for you people. Here are my findings...

Using my Rhino, I went into a Corpus mission with the express purpose of finding and testing a Bursa. The mission was Naiad, Neptune 26-28. I took with me my Gorgon Wraith (which I'm trying to level up as my anti-Corpus weapon) which currently has listed 36.5 Magnetic damage and 28.7 Impact, plus negligible amounts of slash and puncture. I also had my Wraith Twin Vipers, with 54 Radiation and 43.2 Impact, also negligible Slash and Puncture.

My experience was thus...

While these weapons were more than a match for any other enemy on the map, taking them down in 1-2 seconds, 3-5 for some of the stronger things like the Oxium Osprey (not counting dodge time to avoid it suiciding), the Bursas took quite a lot more.

The first Bursa to spawn was a Drover. I did my best to get behind it and at one point spent a good 5-7 seconds facing only its side as its turn rate allowed it to keep that side facing me while I tried to run around behind it. I wasn't more than 2-4 feet away and I was not sprinting. At other times, particularly after initiating its ground pound attack, it would spin to face me no matter what direction I was and it did so almost instantly. My Rhino's Stomp was able to get it into the air and at that point I unloaded into its back. The damage it took was minimal. I put almost an entire clip in it before the stomp wore off and all I had achieved was perhaps 1/20 of its total health in damage to it. I continued to try and fire into its back, using both sliding, jumping and running tactics to get behind it, and stomps when I had the energy. Even from behind, with both weapons, I barely scratched it.

Eventually an Isolator turned up and I spent more time on the ground than shooting it. I did actually get the Isolator's health down to over half, but not before using at least two lives and the ENTIRITY of my Wraith Twin Vipers ammo reserves to do so. It turn had a turn radius enough to not allow me to easily run behind it with my Rhino, and it spammed its ground pound ability almost continuously.


So, you guys tell me. Does that sound like an easy fight? I get that these things are meant to be tough, and not go down easily. But there's a point where they seem like they should be on a much higher difficulty level than where they are. If I was able to kill every other Corpus Enemy with relative ease, should I not be able to do at least significant damage to a Bursa if I can get behind it?


Then your modding probably was terrible.

First, don't use Gorgon Wraith at all. If you are, then at least refrain from using them against bursas.

Second, why are you modding for radiation? You should be going Viral, Toxin, or Magnetic against Corpus, radiation does reduced damage (I think) against some Corpus.

If your modding was decent then you should have no trouble.

If you have trouble with creating a build, look at some youtube videos.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Lord_Silvador said:

So, I decided to do a little "research" for you people. Here are my findings...

Using my Rhino, I went into a Corpus mission with the express purpose of finding and testing a Bursa. The mission was Naiad, Neptune 26-28. I took with me my Gorgon Wraith (which I'm trying to level up as my anti-Corpus weapon) which currently has listed 36.5 Magnetic damage and 28.7 Impact, plus negligible amounts of slash and puncture. I also had my Wraith Twin Vipers, with 54 Radiation and 43.2 Impact, also negligible Slash and Puncture.

My experience was thus...

While these weapons were more than a match for any other enemy on the map, taking them down in 1-2 seconds, 3-5 for some of the stronger things like the Oxium Osprey (not counting dodge time to avoid it suiciding), the Bursas took quite a lot more.

The first Bursa to spawn was a Drover. I did my best to get behind it and at one point spent a good 5-7 seconds facing only its side as its turn rate allowed it to keep that side facing me while I tried to run around behind it. I wasn't more than 2-4 feet away and I was not sprinting. At other times, particularly after initiating its ground pound attack, it would spin to face me no matter what direction I was and it did so almost instantly. My Rhino's Stomp was able to get it into the air and at that point I unloaded into its back. The damage it took was minimal. I put almost an entire clip in it before the stomp wore off and all I had achieved was perhaps 1/20 of its total health in damage to it. I continued to try and fire into its back, using both sliding, jumping and running tactics to get behind it, and stomps when I had the energy. Even from behind, with both weapons, I barely scratched it.

Eventually an Isolator turned up and I spent more time on the ground than shooting it. I did actually get the Isolator's health down to over half, but not before using at least two lives and the ENTIRITY of my Wraith Twin Vipers ammo reserves to do so. It turn had a turn radius enough to not allow me to easily run behind it with my Rhino, and it spammed its ground pound ability almost continuously.


So, you guys tell me. Does that sound like an easy fight? I get that these things are meant to be tough, and not go down easily. But there's a point where they seem like they should be on a much higher difficulty level than where they are. If I was able to kill every other Corpus Enemy with relative ease, should I not be able to do at least significant damage to a Bursa if I can get behind it?

Lol so you brought an inaccurate weapon without any forma in it or a catalyst, no real puncture damage and you're complaining that the Bursa wasn't taking damage? That's hilarious. Nevermind the "git gud" comment, just do your research, ever since they nerfed the turn speed bursas have been a complete joke to kill.

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