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Warframe Concept: Ethereal Frame Early Draft.


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Bonjour Fellow Tenno & DEvs,

I have a new, rough draft of a Frame Concept that has probably been thought of or done in a another post, somewhere ( I mean it has to have been, it's such a simple idea).

Please take a moment to view my idea. I hope you like it.

And remember to be respectful of others!

Thank you!

- G


Vision: (don't really have a good name yet)

Health (max, modded, value): 700

Shield (max, modded, value): 800

Armor (max, unmodded, value): 100

Power (max, unmodded, value): 450

Passive: Built-in Streamline type of effect? I haven't come up with one yet.

As you may have guessed, he is a matter related, density changing, warframe. He is able to increase and decrease his mass at will, enabling him to be as light as a feather and intangible or heavier than stone and harder than steel. using his abilities in tandem and with precise timing, Vision is able to execute devastating attacks or protect himself and his allies from virtually all harm. Each form grants Vision additional benefits to accompany his kit of abilities. 

Note: Vision will have to change cycle through his 2 other forms, depending on which state he starts from (i.e. if he is in Densify, in order to go to Dispersion, he has to cycle through his default form first. This can leave him momentarily (about 2 seconds max) vulnerable).

Overall Visuals: I would say, normally, he would look like a mixture of Ash, Oberon and the Banshee Soprana Skin. In his Densify form, you would just throw a more intimidating version of Rhino’s Palatine Skin over his regular look.


Catapult: Ability A

Vision, regardless of form, will hurl himself and (mid flight) crouch into a ball and strike the desired target/target location with great force. (Basically like Blanka from Street Fighter)

If used on an enemy while in Dense form, that enemy will take severe melee damage (impact) and be knocked down if not killed. Any enemies near him (certain distance) will also be knocked back and rag-dolled. Good for closing distances quickly while in Densify.

In normal form, Vision can choose to do many things when utilizing Catapult. He can launch himself, then shift into densify to close a distance and protect/defend/damage. Or he could launch himself, shift into ethereal, possess an enemy and either explode him from the inside or control him (or pass through a bunch of enemies blocking a prime or capture target). Or he could just use it as a way to close the distance to a target for melee attacks. Using Catapult in normal state without changing forms will cause the enemy struck by Vision to be heavily knocked-back and Vision will bounce back 2 meters from the point of impact (like when a ball is thrown against a wall but has a backspin on it).

From his ethereal form, Vision can position himself in the air, pick out a target/group of targets, activate catapult and Densify and change himself into and propel himself as a large heavy canon ball of death. Remember that in his ethereal form projectiles fire faster but move slower, so it gives vision enough time to line up a good shot.

I think you can see the other possibilities, here. there are a many combinations.


Densify: Ability B

Description: Vision changes his weight and mass on the fly, becoming extremely heavy in weight and solid in mass.  Vision transforms himself into a massive (heavy & strong) substance (some kind of metal) that is denser than his surroundings. 

Visuals: The ability will be reminiscent of Rhino’s Iron Skin but look thicker and stronger, as if it were 3 layers deep on Vision. Vision will also increase in size slightly while Densify is active.

Specs: In this form, Vision…

- Is invulnerable to physical attacks.

- Has Reduced Movement Speed (He has the slowest movement speed of all frames while in this form).

- Has Increased Movement Friction.

- Has Reduced Melee Attack Speed (His attack speed is almost unbearable in this form).

- Is Restricted to Melee Combat Only.

            Vision’s attacks scale off equipped melee mods.

- Densify has its own Stance: Juggernaut. 

              The idea is that his attacks have a good deal of knockbacks and/or knockdowns and/or ragdolls. Would be something similar to the Titanic Rumbler, but way better.

- Has Increased Melee Damage.

Swings harder due to having more weight/mass and hits harder due to weapon being stronger/heavier). I want this form to add a ridiculous amount of impact damage to his attacks, making it the melee equivalent of the Sancti Tigris.

- Has Increased Gravity.

Can't jump as high/far and falls faster from heights.

- Cannot be knocked down while standing (like Atlas).

- Will Refract all physical, projectile damage.

Not reflection. Projectiles will not return to sender but rather just bounce off in random directions, away from Vision. Enemies can and will still be struck by refracted projectiles, but this can't be predicted).

- Will Reflect enemy melee attacks back at source doing a % of the damage onto the attacker/s.

Vision is so dense that the enemy melee weapons just bounce back at the user, basically doing ricochet damage.


Densify Augment Mod: WD40 or Law of Momentum

Consecutive movements/attacks will increase movement/attack speeds by 3%/4%/5% and stacking up to 5 times, totaling a maximum of 25% increase to both (so it benefits you to keep him moving and swinging even when no enemies are near). Speed increases will dissipate twice as fast as they are gained once Vision looses his momentum.


Dispersion: Ability C

Vision changes his weight and mass on the fly, becoming extremely light in weight and incorporeal (having no physicality/untouchable/ethereal). Vision transforms himself into a vaporous and illusory substance that is less dense than his surroundings.

Visuals: The ability will resemble a ghostly appearance. Vision will be transparent and have a paler than normal look.

Specs: In this form, Vision…

- Is invulnerable to all attacks and damage.

- All enemies, projectiles and melee swings will pass directly though Vision.

- Has Decreased Movement Friction.

- Has Increased Attack Speed (all weapons, melee and gun).

- Has Increased Fire Rate (all projectile weapons).

- Has Increased Projectile Travel Time (all projectile weapons):

Projectiles can be launched at a target but will travel very slow, once fired, and practically stick in the air (like in the Matrix when Neo dodges bullets like an agent for the first time). With the increased fire rate, this means Vision could line up and fire an entire clip of a weapon before the bullets (etc.) will even near the target. This allows for clever play in when and how to change his density and how it pertains to doing damage to enemies.

- Has Decreased Gravity

While Dispersion is active, Vision will not walk/run, but levitate (not touch the ground at all) with the sprint trigger changing his speed, accordingly. He can traverse level (as in flat) gaps without jumping, as he can just glide across. Vision will also have an enhanced version of Zephyr’s low gravity passive. Unlike Zephyr, Vision will not come back down as fast after jumping, but rather stick in the air longer. At the apex/highest point of the jump, he will continue to rise up a very short distance (similar to the way how friction works when sprinting and then trying to turn around on a dime) before beginning his descent. Vision can also swing his melee weapon (charged attacks moving him faster, further and with more power) in order to pull/move himself in a certain direction (even upward) with force/speed.

- Is unbounded by physical objects within all tile-sets (including locked doors) and can traverse though all environmental obstructions except for walls, ceilings and floors (gotta leave some challenge for him).

- Ability is a toggle drain. Using Possession will increase this drain by a small % for the duration of the ability.

Dispersion Augment Mod: Matter Master

Vision is no longer required to cycle forms (depending on his current state) and can instantly change between each form.


Possession: Ability D

Vision uses his ethereal form to take over control of a single enemy, utilizing all of the unit’s, stats, skills, powers and weapons as his own. He will dominate the intended target until it dies or he chooses to abandon the vessel.

Visuals: Vision will shift from his current state and into Dispersion and will then enter and overpower the entire being of his specific target. Enemies being controlled will have a glowing aura, just like enemies marked by Ash’s Blade Storm, except it is determined by energy color. Basically, the same thing that happens in Hellboy: The golden Army, when the German guy made of vapor interjects himself into one of the golden machines and its energy turns blue.

Specs: With this ability…

- Vision can enter and control all enemy types (companions, pets, robotics, etc), except bosses.

- Vision will have to change/cycle through 1 or 2 of his other forms, depending on which state he starts from (i.e. if he is in Densify, in order to go to Dispersion, he has to cycle through his default form first. This can leave him momentarily [a few seconds max] vulnerable).

- Vision will not take any damage to himself while Possession is active. Only the meat suit will be hurt or healed.

- All Stats (Movement/Attack Speed, Damage, abilities, etc.) are dependent on enemy controlled.

- Sentinels/companions will remain by Vision’s side and defend/fight for the possessed unit.

- While Possession is active, pressing the trigger again will make Vision leave the dominated enemy.

- While Possession is active, activating Densify will make Vision change his form and will cause the controlled enemy to explode off of him is all directions, afflicting all nearby enemies to take heavy blast damage and be knocked down.

- If Vision stays in a body until it dies, he will have a cooldown of 10-15 seconds before he can haunt another enemy.

- If Visions leaves a controlled unit before it dies, the enemy will be stunned for 3 seconds and he can immediately enter another target (or the same one).

- Ability is a toggle drain and will increase the normal toggle drain of dispersion by a small % while an enemy is possessed.


Possession Augment Mod: Delayed Reaction

Up to 3 of the nearest enemy allies (15 meters max) will fight along side the possessed target for 30 seconds or until killed.

Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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56 minutes ago, (PS4)GR13V4NC3 said:

Health (max, unmodded, value): 650

Shield (max, unmodded, value): 750


56 minutes ago, (PS4)GR13V4NC3 said:

- Is invulnerable to all attacks and damage.

- All enemies, projectiles and melee swings will pass directly though Vision.

- Has Decreased Movement Friction.

- Has Increased Attack Speed (all weapons, melee and gun).

- Has Increased Fire Rate (all projectile weapons).

- Has Increased Projectile Travel Time (all projectile weapons):

Wait, woot? Oo

I won't really go into details but have a look again on everything you wrote so far.

its basically a face-tank frame that takes no damage and faceroll everyone. Its not april's fool day. -.-

Edited by PrimeDCookieMonstah
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hey bro,

seems a bit overloaded aint it? ^^ Id suggest that u have a look again on your abilities and slow it down a bit, for example instead of immunity- damage reduction.

U wouldnt mind my input aint ya?

So: how about making his first a switch, between his light and heavy form. Outsource some aspects of ur 2 and 3 into his first (movement speed for example) and make the 2 a buff depending on his current form (yes i know its pretty equinox-ish, but hey, its good design) which will increase the property of his current form (basically ur 2 and 3).

What i dont understand theme-wise is his 4....i thought its more about weigth instead of possesing...

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Health (max, unmodded, value): 650

Shield (max, unmodded, value): 750

Interesting though I'd really say at least have the Health at 250 max, unmodded. 
Maybe shield be 350 max, unmodded?

Gives room for how the player may want to build him in accurate shields and health.
The health and shield reminds me of Inaros being a health tank, just opposite he'd be a shield tank.

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On 6/11/2016 at 7:14 PM, Dragonblack175 said:

hey bro,

seems a bit overloaded aint it? ^^ Id suggest that u have a look again on your abilities and slow it down a bit, for example instead of immunity- damage reduction.

U wouldnt mind my input aint ya?

So: how about making his first a switch, between his light and heavy form. Outsource some aspects of ur 2 and 3 into his first (movement speed for example) and make the 2 a buff depending on his current form (yes i know its pretty equinox-ish, but hey, its good design) which will increase the property of his current form (basically ur 2 and 3).

What i dont understand theme-wise is his 4....i thought its more about weigth instead of possesing...

As I said, its a rough draft. I went back and forth with having his B ability be like Equinox's Metamorphosis but saw too many problems with the shifting. Unlike Equinox, Vision will actually shift between 3 separate forms in order to use all of his powers. So pressing one button doesn't work because he has to be able to shift from normal to dense, normal to light, dense to light and light to dense. Transforming will mean that he must travel trough each of his other forms to reach the desired effect (so to go from light to heavy, he will have to transition through normal). At least until the augment mod comes into play (enables instant transitions).

Let me try and explain my thought process/idea concept:

I want (for lack of a better name) Vision to be able to bounce (more like float) around the tileset/map with near absolute freedom. What I mean by this, is his density changing gives him greater/lesser mobility and momentum, but also makes him either invulnerable or impervious (not undamagable but very resilient). While in these forms, he also has heavy drawbacks though (no pun intended).

In his Dense Form, he can't use guns and is extremely slow. While his melee attacks will hit harder (due to being heavier and denser), they are not easy to land due to his lack of speed. his increased gravity and friction make him highly immobile. so just trying to get into battle is a real challenge. But despite this, he is a tanking behemoth, unmovable and virtually impenetrable. However, he is still susceptible to aura and aoe elemental damage. So a good use for him in this form, is a tenno barricade, positioned at the forefront of battle defending his allies from physical attacks and dealing out high amounts of melee impact damage. With his augment mod, he can have greater movement capabilities that can make him more of a mobile devastator but it comes with a price. If he doesn't keep moving (either melee swinging and/or moving) he will loose his speed twice as fast as it was gained. he also has even further reduced friction, meaning once revved up he will not be able to easily control his faster movement (he will slip and slide when trying to stop when at sprinting speed). If you don't move him and just swing you melee weapon from a stationary position, his attacks will get faster, but again he will not be able to stop on a dime, he will have to stop attacking and wait for the gained momentum to wear off.

In his Ethereal form, he can use all of his weapons, but his melee swings will only help his movement/traversal ability. What I mean by this is, that his melee weapon moves too fast to be accurately used as a weapon on top of the fact that it will only go right through the enemy unfelt. Because Vision is so weightless in this form, he levitates slightly above the ground and does not walk. Jumping works similar to normal except Vision will continue to float upward slightly after each jump (bullet jump, regular and double) and just hang in the air (not flight). While hanging in the air, Vision can swing his melee weapon in the direction he wants to travel (basically like swimming in the air), up down, left right, etc. You will be able to do interesting combos with mobility (i.e. jump then swing, swing then jump again, then bullet jump then swing again. etc). you will essentially be able to propel yourself in any direction from the ground or while already in the air. In this state, Vision is invulnerable to all damage but also cannot deal damage. So in order to attack in this form, he will have to leave it. He can do interesting things to help his attacks while in ethereal form though. He can position himself in the air away from the battle and unload an entire clip at an enemy. These projectiles will fire faster but travel to the target slower (how fast and how slow needs to be crunched by DE). The projectiles will also be ethereal. So they will fly through everything until made physical again. As an example, if Vision shoots from an airy sniper position with the Soma Prime he can then move back down to the ground readjust himself then make himself and the bullets physical again. when the bullets hit the target, they are (mostly) all together gathered up upon one another and do increased damage to the target through gained momentum. So it would turn a stream of some shells into a shotgun like blast that has increased power and damage.

The D ability, Possession is a 2-fold power. In his ethereal form, Vision can change the particle makeup of his entire body to be that of something so small that he can invade the innerworkings of both living and machine objects. As stated above, he can overtake the target's motor controls and force them to do what he wants (not mind control). If Densify is activated while inside a possessed enemy, vision will cycle through his forms until Dense is reached. at which point, the possessed enemy will be exploded off of Vision, killing it and doing radial blast damage (knockdown) to all enemies within a certain distance from him. This also has a cool-down penalty depending on whether Vision stays in the target until death of leaves beforehand.

I just came up with an A ability, Catapult. Vision, regardless of form, will hurl himself at the desired target/target location. If used on an enemy while in Dense form, that enemy will take severe melee damage and be knocked down if not killed. Any enemy near him (certain distance) will also be knocked back/down. Good for closing distances quickly while in Densify. In normal form, Vision can choose to do many things when utilizing Catapult. He can launch himself and shift into densify to close a distance and protect/defend/damage. Or he could launch himself, shift into ethereal, possess an enemy and either explode him from the inside or control him (or pass through a bunch of enemies blocking a prime or capture target). Or he could just use it as a way to close the distance to a target for melee attacks. From his ethereal form, Vision can position himself in the air, pick out a target/group of targets, activate catapult and Densify and change himself into and propel himself as a large heavy canon ball of death. Remember that in his ethereal form projectiles fire faster but move slower, so it gives vision enough time to line up a good shot. I think you can see the other possibilities, here. there are a bunch of combinations.

Again, this is a work in progress and I just wanted to get it down before I forgot anything.

Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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Here is some info on the powers of Vision which may help to also shed some light on how I "en-vision" (hehehe, puns!) him to work:

Density Control

The Vision's body has been saturated with special cybernetically activated cells which are capable of interfacing with some unknown dimension with which he can shunt or accrue particles of mass. Thus the Vision is able to control his density and solidity. By shunting a non-critical portion of his body's molecules away from him, he can become a weightless, transparent, intangible wraith, unable to be touched by solid matter. By accruing extradimensional mass and fortifying his body with it, he can make his body extremely hard and durable to the point that missiles will not harm him.

Superhuman Durability

He can become extraordinary massive and hard as diamond. At maximum mass, the Vision weighs about 90 tons. When this massive, the Vision is barely able to move without causing massive stress to his system, thus risking malfunction.

Superhuman Strength

While at normal density, Vision possesses superhuman strength to lift approximately 5 tons. However, while at maximum density, his strength is increased sufficiently to allow him to lift approximately 75 tons.

Intangible Flight

When at a minimum mass, the Vision can fly through the air weightlessly. It is not known how the Vision performs this task. He may be able to maneuver and gain speed by drawing power from the Earth's magnetic field to some degree. When he does however, he is capable of passing through solid matter and reaching high speeds; it took Wonder Man (Simon Williams) some time to catch him. He can carry passengers while remaining solid on the outside, but he is not likely to fly as fast as he normally does. It is either the weight of the passenger that prevents him from doing so or he simply views it as "unsafe" for the passenger. There does not appear to be any limit to the time he can remain in any given altered state of density.

Physical Disruption

The Vision can use his density control offensively be attaining minimum density (intangibility). Passing a part of all of his body within another living being and ever so slightly increasing his density (tangibility). Even increasing his density to one half ounce (14.25 grams) is sufficient to cause the organism he passes through excruciating pain, a shock to the nervous system, and unconsciousness. Were he to become any more dense than one half ounce the shock would probably kill the other organism if the organic damage was not extensive enough to kill the other organism if the organic damage was not extensive enough to kill the other organism in itself. Accordingly, the Vision employs this power with extreme caution.

Read more at: http://www.superherodb.com/vision/10-532/powers/

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