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Lunaro e3 trailer [Megathread]


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11 hours ago, LegionCynex said:

Same here, I want Kavats and Fairy and Umbra First

This, this statement, this is what we've been all been awaiting, not these more recent commonplace nerfing/reworks deboggles, master fodder and now this meh alternative to a very small part of the game, I hate to say it, but I find myself asking "wheres the R E A L update?"  these last few times I've been playing but here's hoping Titania, Umbra and Kavats are all very much around the corner.  

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It looks different. But I'm seriously on the fence about mobility. The map seemed very small, around the size of the Corpus Gas City CtC map. If the mobility stays the same as is in Conclave I don't see myself enjoying it very much as there'd be a handful of frames with better air mobility that will dominate the game. Being able to easily cross the map with the ball. And then of course there is the "goal keeper" role that someone will most likely take. Unless the goal is large, all it'll take is someone to just stand there to block shots. But I guess DE have through of that. I hope. 

Basically it's wait and see. I have not enjoyed the PvP Conclave at all but I have powered through to highest rank simply because I want the damn weapon skins. It's either me vs players who know nothing and I dunk them mercilessly (and feel bad about it afterwards) or me being driven to bouts of actual rage by cheesy bullsh*t of bouncy headaches. 

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12 minutes ago, Lakais said:


It looks different. But I'm seriously on the fence about mobility. The map seemed very small, around the size of the Corpus Gas City CtC map. If the mobility stays the same as is in Conclave I don't see myself enjoying it very much as there'd be a handful of frames with better air mobility that will dominate the game. Being able to easily cross the map with the ball. And then of course there is the "goal keeper" role that someone will most likely take. Unless the goal is large, all it'll take is someone to just stand there to block shots. But I guess DE have through of that. I hope. 


They noted that all Frames will have equal mobility. So there's no disadvantage or advantage to picking a certain frame.

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10 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

They noted that all Frames will have equal mobility. So there's no disadvantage or advantage to picking a certain frame.

That's great. But my doubts about mobility still stand. If the mobility remains as it is in Conclave then the games will essentially come down to who can grab the ball first. These are just my doubts about these things. I don't know enough about the gamemode and it's rules to make accurate predictions. But if the game is basically Conclave's bouncy rubberball cosplay meta made into it's own game mode, then I am probably not going to enjoy it. 

Edited by Lakais
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Well I don't hate football, but what is it doing here? If I would like to play football, I would just go play some other game that isn't trying to be jack of all trades. We already have another out of place feature called archwing that was unfinished and forgotten. Do we need another one? The game has a lot of problems and it would be much better if they use people and time to fix them, not to add some random features.

So, I'm not hyped at all

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8 minutes ago, Hesyol said:

Well I don't hate football, but what is it doing here? If I would like to play football, I would just go play some other game that isn't trying to be jack of all trades. We already have another out of place feature called archwing that was unfinished and forgotten. Do we need another one? The game has a lot of problems and it would be much better if they use people and time to fix them, not to add some random features.

So, I'm not hyped at all

Good thing they have PvP team doesnt it? And the "fixing things" is up to the "coding team" isnt it?

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1 minute ago, DxAdder said:

I think the real question is :

How pissed will you be when there are exclusive cosmetics ONLY available for participation in Lunaro ?

I wouldn't be surprise one bit, as Conclave has already proven. The ploy things they come up to entice reward players to playing the game mode. If things are good/fun, you don't need extra encouragement to get people doing. 

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Not hyped at all. What the heck is this? It looks like a quidditch match on foot. And we already have plenty of pvp that needs to be focused on and balanced such as rails and conclave. So instead of coming out with a quidditch match can you concentrate on that? Also Archwing still doesn't have the activity it needs so please stop coming out with new stuff that is doesn't even look like it would fit into lore.

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Tenno? Can you say "jai alai"?

I knew you could.

Mmm, dunno. I actually do like jai alai (especially with alcohol). But...dunno. Not exactly what I come to this game to do. Still, I'll give it a try. I doubt it'll be a large subset of my time in the game, but I'll give it a shot. Or three.

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8 hours ago, Noamuth said:

Please tell me we can have private, invite only matches as well as practice rooms in the dojo or Simulacrum.

I would play the Clem out of that if we had those.

but Clem is too much of a gentleman to be played ;-;

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So we are finally here. Lunaro looks like the tenno version of lacrosse and maybe now I'll find the motive to play PvP and get that amazing syandana. From what I could gather the update will be divided into 3 parts, Lunaro, specters of the rail and the war within quest. Lunaro will Bring the lunaro tenno lacrosse, specters of the rail will bring the solar map changes, bringing "life" to the star chart and the kavats with it and finally the war within will be the new cinematic quest, supposedly about the twin queens, and will also bring changes to the gameplay mechanics.

So I can't wait and since I'll be on vacations I have a excuse to never leave home(jk)


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