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Where's your level of interest in Warframe? (Taking the pulse of the community)


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Well, I'm not particularly hyped about new things - Only a bit. I don't care about nerfs and rebalances either, I'm confident with the DE team doing what's best (and some of the frames/powers are clearly brokenly OP/trivialize content too much).

But, I still punch in a few hours of game every day. Got 300 hours played in about 2 months.

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Not playing. Bored and burnt out. 

I log in for daily reward. Immediately log out. I dont even look anymore. 

We need new missions. and I mean missions, not endless horde mode content. We have very little to do, and yet, hey, lets add another PVP mode. A ball game.

As for our bored to tears PVE community, well...oh well.

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"Kinda meh" definitely describes it.  

I dropped 19 forma into my AW gear over that quad (bought a booster) xp weekend.  But, trying to help buddies level their AW stuff just feels like a chore now, and the removal of interception bonus affinity distance NUKED Caelus as a levelling spot.  Buddy and I were right on opposite sides of the C point before the affinity symbol popped up.  

While I'm actually a fan of the frame changes with the exception of charging energy for slide blind - as I took Oberon through a NM LoR with stunning success due to them, pug raids aren't really a thing anymore, and my friends list is a little too fractured with regard to when people are on to consistently do raids, which are what have been keeping me interested in the game for months now.  And those friends don't quite have their AW up to snuff for JV either, and getting there is now more difficult.  So, yeah, a bit too many walls for me.

So yeah, kinda wished I had played the Overwatch beta.  $60 to jump in blind to a Blizzard game isn't really a safe bet for me, as I've never been a big fan of theirs.  I'm probably going to pick up Witcher when summer session gets done.

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I was excited ever since I saw the first concept art and renders previews before the game came out. I thought "that looks amazing artistically, some studio will probably cancel it." Two years later, I see that it got approved and was free-to-play. My computer was not powerful enough, though. When I finally got my new PC, I played it, and now I'm hooked beyond reason. I love the art style, I love the fast-pace gameplay, I love the lore. I'm normally a strategy or city-builder gamer, but this game is a big exception. I just love it, and the constant updates keep me incredibly interested. I've kind of become a huge dork for this game, and it's my go-to game during my free time.

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6 minutes ago, Tomppak said:

Well, I'm not particularly hyped about new things - Only a bit. I don't care about nerfs and rebalances either, I'm confident with the DE team doing what's best (and some of the frames/powers are clearly brokenly OP/trivialize content too much).

But, I still punch in a few hours of game every day. Got 300 hours played in about 2 months.

Peasant, I have 500 in 2 months.

What's a life?

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

Myself?  No salt, no hype.

This is my normal level, just not one of late thanks to the parkour movement bugs. I don't really get super hyped/excited about much until it actually happens. And example would be is that the missus has booked a short break and I'm "ok" but once I'm there and it's "awesome."

I'm very much the same with Warframe, and I find it's the little things that seem to appeal to me the most, like skins for a underused weapons like deluxe skin for the Ack & Brunt, PBR rollouts and even bug fixes.

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I enjoy the game when I play it, it's just that there's nothing to do when you're at that point of doing everything there is.

I'm glad that DE is trying to make fun little sidegames like lunaro so those who still want to have a piece of warframe have something more casual and more light hearted to play.

I appreciate they're trying to make the older frames more usable but the recent reworks kind of miss the point. (punish volt for running around and lower his movement speed when using a shield???? what??????????) plus the way the reworks have been it's been harder to make silly specialized builds on just one ability. 

like I said, I still enjoy warframe with the spiratic bursts of when I play it, but things are sort of 'meh' long term.

who knows. I definitely will play a hell of alot when we get more content for the main game

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Well, it's summer, and I plan to go out and enjoy it.  And it seems like any major content, or the new frame, won't be released until the middle or end of it, it's more reason for me to go out and have some fun.  No man's sky is getting released in August, and I know a lot of people are going to be into that, so I'll probably check that out in the fall after the bugs are ironed out.  Besides that I think it's going to be a nice summer

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*Shakes head at some of the comments*


Anyways, for me, I'm still enjoying the game, and I'm surprised at how fun Lunaro is, still needs work like most new things, but I'm enjoying it.

 The rest of the game has been pretty good to me, I take my time and enjoy it, I pick a goal and complete it. I never stick to any one thing as I let fun lead me along and that's how I avoid burn out. No one is twisting my arm to finish any one given thing this instant or farm yada yada at any given moment. I do a lil something each day and I feel accomplished with my tasks completed.


Have fun people, it's a game after all!

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I'm honestly in limbo with the game. I barely find it fun or interesting anymore and only go in to farm for prime parts and even then I lose interest after 1 or 2 missions and log out of the game. My sense of wonder seems to be nonexistant and it's to the point where it's a daily routine more so than even playing for fun. 

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After being around for 3 years... well since U7 to be more precise i have to say that i've never felt as burnt out as i feel right now and bored.

I can't wait for U19 to come out, although i really feel like it'll take me 2 or 3 days to run through it all, I hope i'm wrong and that it'll bring enough new and interesting content to keep me playin WF for longer than that. Anyways i'm just waiting on No Man's Sky and for my new rig and i'll see if my commitment and interest in Warframe will remain the same.

I still believe and trust in DE but the game is so stale for me that it hurts, the 7 month period without new content was way too much.

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I'm honestly not interested in the game at all currently. I'm just getting on for my daily, so I can be disappointed with primed fury so I can sped 564 cores to max a mod that doesn't even hit the original 60% of the pre-melee 2,0 fury. I'm also at that point in the game where I really don't have anything to do that I started nitpicking things. Like the fact that they have all of these new and innovative things every update like archwing, simaris, kubrows, melee 2.0, and they get left to rot after being added in. It took FAR too long to have a weapon with more than 1.5x channeling damage. We haven't simaris target in god knows how long, kubrows are still $&*&*#(%&, archwing (although i'm looking forward to changes) is just terrible at the moment. They say it's a content driven game, but we've barely had anything in terms of it between Inaros and the Raathum. The game, for me at least, is so stagnant that I really wonder why they can't dedicate a .3 or a .4 update to buckling down on some really QoL changes.  

As for the newer stuff coming in, Lunaro is kinda fun, but in every game I've played of it so far, my team members seem to keep kicking the ball into our field so the enemy team can score an easy win. I'm sure with some tweaks it will be better though. I'm also worried that the star map changes may gate void RNG behind more RNG, and they haven't really done anything to assure it won't be like that.

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After being around for 3 years... well since U7 to be more precise i have to say that i've never felt as burnt out as i feel right now and bored.

I can't wait for U19 to come out, although i really feel like it'll take me 2 or 3 days to run through it all, I hope i'm wrong and that it'll bring enough new and interesting content to keep me playin WF for longer than that. Anyways i'm just waiting on No Man's Sky and for my new rig and i'll see if my commitment and interest in Warframe will remain the same.

I still believe and trust in DE but the game is so stale for me that it hurts, the 7 month period without new content was way too much.

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The months-long drought of new content for consoles irks me a bit. But I get over it.

I, recently, discovered "RANDOMIZER" and have been playing with that over the last week. I convinced 2 friends to try it with me. When I get online, I party-up, hit "Randomize" and go to Egeria, Ceres to see just how long we can go with a team buildup. That, I will admit, invigorated the game for me again as I play with gear that I haven't touched in months: Tetra, Dual Zoren, Mutalist Quanta, etc.

Had it not been for that, I would probably be signing on to get my daily and be signing right out. The burnout was REAL. And, say what you may about the recent "reworks", what was done to Trinity (one of my favorites), Mag (my 2nd most used frame) and Excalibur (the poster boy) has me dreading when I get paired with them in the Randomizer.

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Like everyone else 'burnt out' and 'bored'

The rewards of this game are lost when you hit high MR.  The grind is getting worse and DE will not acknowledge the reward system.

As other people mentioned, I'm upset that DE is concentrating on PvP yet again for the 3rd time which will fail.  The majority of this game community is PvE and they still continue to think that their going to get PvP to work.

Being on console I think it's time to venture out to other games...

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Interesting conversation piece.

Personally I am quite invested in Warframe not only as a long-standing player for three years now, but also as an artist whose had the honor to contribute even in some small part through time. Beginning with the inspiration of Zephyr, the Tenno Design contest which gave way to the Juggernaught, Manic, and Riot Moa enemies, all the way to now with the TennoGen Steam cosmetics. I love Warframe for its design and dedicated developer team, and even if sometimes I may feel burnt out or frustrated, I always look forward to playing with friends and new updates. I want to see the best for this game.

However in recent months, since the reveal of The Second Dream, I am feeling torn in two, between my personal disagreement about the new lore and my investment in this game. I do not know how much I like this new direction of story-telling, that seems to be more about the Operators, and less about the Warframes. But that is a topic for another time. Perhaps you could say I am nervous in a way one is when they cautiously optimistic about something they love.

Nonetheless I trust I will be here for a long time to come.

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I'm disappointed, so much resources spent for Lurano, when so much to do in the MAIN PVE game, I don't think that anybody plays Warframe for PVP and if you play for it, there is a ton of games that has a much better PVP, sorry to inform you.

The worst part is PVP affecting PVE in form of mods, bugs, bugs, bugs, nerfs etc, I'm not excited for Warframe's future.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

Myself?  No salt, no hype.

I think I'm burnt out for the time being.  I'm all caught up mastery xp-wise and I really don't see a need to either focus farm or grind for plat.  The recent super-balance to Trinity was a bigger kick in the pants than I thought it'd be for me.  Update Lunaro won't arrive on consoles for at least another month I'm assuming.  So I think now is a good time to tap out and play something else.

But that's me.

How's everyone else feeling about their present time in Warframe?


There's a lot of salt, cheese and hype so I'd say we have high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

I'm just running chores right now with Warframe.

Farm syndicate standing. Senchura, Draco, tower survivals.

Farm for Forma. Tower and Moon runs.

Farm Samaris standing. Scan runs on Ludi.

Level weapons and new frame for MR. Sechura, Oceaum, and Draco to finish them off. 

Catch an Nitain Alert. 

Hit trade chat and sell syndicate weapons on the cheap every few days.


I'm sorta sick of re-works and nerfs trying to make Warframe into some strict third person FPS. The latest proclamation from the PC crowd on movement 2.0 being nerfed to match PVP(the cancer of PVE fun since halo) is making me wish Hello Games would hurry the F*** up with No Man's Sky. I would be playing Fallout 4, but I'm sorta just done with their version making players grind as well, seriously a single player game where other players just lose their minds over other players not effecting their game is sad.

I should just purchase Doom for the single player. No reloads, old school run and gun and powers out the arse. Yet...I suspect on their forums there's a no fun police already actively trying to nerf the BFG as well.

And when I say nerfs it's not moaning over Exalted Blade, Mirage, and Ash... It's over movements being slowed, fun weapons being destroyed, or environmental hazards being made impossible to circumvent with powers that honestly were designed to circumvent them. That just feels like a betrayal and the developer being spiteful right there. 

Omg that's me word for word. 


My my kid quit playing on pc and is always asking me "what am I holding on to playing WF?" 

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Im pretty new to warframe but I've also equally been pretty hooked since I started. 

Things that I would have wanted to happen: 

-Archwing improvements. 

 How bout turrets on asteroids and in corpus ship tilesets? and maybe u could press X after destroying their control panels or something?

 Also, missiles? Imagine u could shoot down flying missiles from the bombers.

 Kamikaze carriers that actually have a higher drop rate at mods? (so ppl stop spamming locust drones from lone carriers just for the legendary Hyperion thrusters)


Too little variety. Imagine if u had two teams competing for most dmg done to infested that keep coming over a limited time? I remember such COD matches to be quite epic especially when it becomes a survival mission against players instead of the zombies lol. (Just a thought though)

Stuff I'll like to have in the future: 

A thundercloud skin for the diriga sentinel (yes I'm probably the only 1 who keeps using diriga instead of carrier p)

-would be nice though to have smoke effects for the cloud body, pixels of glitter to resemble rain at the wing areas and the lightning flashes for the head? 

Yeah kinda hard to pull off even for the ppl designing our Tennogen skins but a man can dream right?

Most Importantly, I just hope that eventually the balancing of frames will be finalised so we can stop switching builds every once in a while. TY for ur hardwork devs, still looking forward to having replayable story missions :)

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