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Best Rhino Prime Build and why?



16 answers to this question

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It depends on how you like to roll with Rhino. Lots of stomping with a fair amount of iron skin, or a ton of Iron Skin, and longer duration Roar. Or maybe you just like to charge a lot?

Well I used to be a stomping Rhino, now I am a tank rhino. Here are all my mods I use in the spoiler below.



Use Charge(1) on a group of enemies then use Iron Skin(2) to increase your iron skin 10 fold. Don't have to use Blind rage if you'd prefer not having to use so much energy to use Iron skin, just switch it with Intensify. May lower your iron skin but with Ironclad Charge, you can make up for it there. Change the build how you wish, or use it as you see it. I end up using energy restore if I don't get enough energy right away.

Note: Switch Corrosive Projection out for Energy Siphon, it helps a huge amount, I only had Corrosive Projection on because I was helping others who wanted it.

Here is my base with this build, and next is a decent amount of iron skin.






Edited by AIcatraz
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Does PS4 have Arcane Helmets? This is what I use.


Arcane Vanguard Helmet with Rush and Armored Agility. Fast Rhino is best Rhino.

After that, I just modded for all-round stats. A decent Stomp with a decent team-wide Roar. Iron Skin isn't super, but I don't get hit much. Since the change to how even hitscan enemies aim, however long ago that was, I've found being fast can partially replace being durable in many (not all) situations. I mostly use Iron Skin for proc protection.

If you're worried about Iron Skin being left with a sliver, you can bring Hikou Prime with Concealed Explosives and strip it yourself pretty easily without losing a slot to Iron Shrapnel. That's what I do with Nezha.

Edited by Roboplus
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49 minutes ago, AIcatraz said:


If you wanna be a tanking Rhino, Steamline and Primed Continuity isn't necessary. (Unless you just really can't handle the loss of those stats for the other abilities, which I don't use that often for a tank Rhino)

I would use Intensify and stretch in their places.

Edited by PUR3K1LL3R
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2 minutes ago, PUR3K1LL3R said:

If you wanna be a tanking Rhino, Steamline and Primed Continuity isn't necessary. (Unless you just really can't handle the loss of those stats)

I would use Intensify and stretch in their places.

Yes, but just a tank is never enough. There are so many frames that do it better. Rhino is about high HP + high damage. So you also need duration for Roar.

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I never understand why people say fast Rhino is the best Rhino. I'd think that's sacrificing his strengths just for a little extra speed, which is never necessary. My tanky/strength build is similar to Alcatraz above, although I don't use Primed Flow because I don't have much energy concerns with Zenurik focus running. But I tend to tweak all my builds somewhat frequently. Power Drift can be swapped with Cunning, for example.


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3 hours ago, (XB1)GHOST AG3NT SLM said:

I am in great need of a Rhino prime build.  If you are experienced with Rhino and can help me please post your builds.  If you can explain things a bit also.  Thanks in advance for your help.

So as you can see, there is no "best" build for anything. It is all about preferences. Take for example my build, then this guys build.


1 hour ago, (PS4)KwietStorm said:

I never understand why people say fast Rhino is the best Rhino. I'd think that's sacrificing his strengths just for a little extra speed, which is never necessary. My tanky/strength build is similar to Alcatraz above, although I don't use Primed Flow because I don't have much energy concerns with Zenurik focus running. But I tend to tweak all my builds somewhat frequently. Power Drift can be swapped with Cunning, for example.


He also has a build close to mine, you can switch out primed flow for something like he suggests, for fleeting expertise if you want more power efficiency. And PUR3K1LL3R uses a build close to mine, but does it differently.


1 hour ago, PUR3K1LL3R said:

If you wanna be a tanking Rhino, Steamline and Primed Continuity isn't necessary. (Unless you just really can't handle the loss of those stats for the other abilities, which I don't use that often for a tank Rhino)

I would use Intensify and stretch in their places.

See what I mean? Try all builds suggested. See how well you like them. Test your forma allocation to best suit you to try all these variations to see which you like at warframe-builder.com before you forma.

Edited by AIcatraz
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1 hour ago, (PS4)KwietStorm said:

I never understand why people say fast Rhino is the best Rhino. I'd think that's sacrificing his strengths just for a little extra speed, which is never necessary.

Rezing people. Buffing people. Protecting people. Plus it's fun.

To me, Rhino's x-factor isn't what can tank or the damage he can deal. Other frames can do that better. It comes down to how fast he can get into position to do what he does.

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3 hours ago, ashrah said:

200 power is enough on any frame.....i never build frame for 1 skill....some duration for roar that will help u team a lot.. streatch too

That's why we have tabs though, isn't it? I have builds for 1 or 2 skills specifically, for every frame, and usually a balanced build on one of them. And I'll choose which build I want, based on the mission type and/or what my squad needs, whether it be range and crowd control or damage. Isn't that what's at the core of the modding system? And 200% definitely isn't enough for *every* frame, especially with some reworks. It depends on what you're doing.

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I see no point in even bothering with rhino

1) Iron Skin (Warding Halo) doesn't scale well with high end enemies

2) Nezha's Divine Spears is basically an advancement of Rhino's Stomp in terms of CC

3) Every single rhino i played with keeps forgetting about Roar (They remove duration,some of them entirely)

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For a long time RP was my go-to 'frame (I think my stats still show it as my most-used 'frame).  I used Energy Siphon unless I needed Corrosive Projection for a specific mission/Alert/Event.  I built mine for maximum Health & Shields, max Power to take full advantage of ES, and rarely used any of his abilities other than Iron Skin/Iron Shrapnel and to a lesser extent Roar (if I was playing a long-duration DefenSurvival with folk I knew).  As others have said, Stomp may have kilt things waaay back in the day, but like Nova's Ult, it's been nerfed to irrelevance now, and not really worth using after the first few planets are behind you.  The only real situation I use it in now is when I'm rezzing a teammate and need a few seconds of breathing room.  I was never a fan of his Charge ability, and pretty much ignored it from the git-go. 

More recently my go-to has become Frost Prime.  More Health/Shields, better Offense (Avalanche), better Defense (Snow Globe).

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6 hours ago, (XB1)SlenderTeletub said:

I see no point in even bothering with rhino

1) Iron Skin (Warding Halo) doesn't scale well with high end enemies

2) Nezha's Divine Spears is basically an advancement of Rhino's Stomp in terms of CC

3) Every single rhino i played with keeps forgetting about Roar (They remove duration,some of them entirely)

As some of us have already shown in this thread, Iron Skin can be buffed to a very high amount with the right setup. Nezha's Halo doesn't eat nearly as much damage as even a base level Iron Skin does. I don't know that Divine Spears is an 'advancement' of Stomp. They are comparable as CC, and the only advantage (the damage from the spears) doesn't hit for a whole lot. Stomp is also re-castable without turning it on or off. If those players don't have duration, then it's probably their strength build, and that's fine. But the reality is there are a lot of players ignorant to the meta in any game, and that shouldn't detract from the usefulness of the character itself.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)KwietStorm said:

As some of us have already shown in this thread, Iron Skin can be buffed to a very high amount with the right setup. Nezha's Halo doesn't eat nearly as much damage as even a base level Iron Skin does. I don't know that Divine Spears is an 'advancement' of Stomp. They are comparable as CC, and the only advantage (the damage from the spears) doesn't hit for a whole lot. Stomp is also re-castable without turning it on or off. If those players don't have duration, then it's probably their strength build, and that's fine. But the reality is there are a lot of players ignorant to the meta in any game, and that shouldn't detract from the usefulness of the character itself.

I just enjoy running with a melee Rhino focused on tanking, so power strength, ironclad charge, efficiency, and armor. Rhino feels bulky, and I want him to be bulky.


(Conifg B is modded for Roar and C is modded for CC.)

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