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Does anyone actually like these missions?


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I'm kinda with you OP. particularly capture and deception need massive overhauls. So about six months ago I posted up a fan concept thread here, detailing my suggestions for radically expanded mission types (within the context of a broader Syndicate expansion). I won't go into much detail about that since this isn't a fan concept thread, but the following is sort of representative of what I think WF's missions need:




Tenno would insert just outside of the Corpus facility, where they could enter through a number of different access points: waste disposal, exhaust vents, cargo bay, or hangar. From there, players would have to locate the facility’s security center. Once players enter the security center, they will have to sift through camera footage to determine the level and office in which the target resides. Then, players will have three options: 1) hack the level’s security in order to lock down and storm the floor; 2) split up to physically block exit points and storm the floor; or 3) disable floor cameras and stealthily enter the office. 

Once players have apprehended the target, they must make their way out of the facility. Players can either make their way to the facility roof or hangar to hijack a Corpus transport, or they can attempt to reach the cargo hold to commandeer a Corpus ATV. Each of the three methods used to apprehend the target will determine the level of security that players encounter. Once players reach the facility exits, they will have to use the Corpus vehicles to escape, defeating pursuing enemies on the way to extraction. Going to the roof or hangar will result in players being pursued by Attack Drones and Rangers, while going to the cargo hold will cause players to be pursued by Corpus ATVs and Jackal-like robots. 


Basically, I think modes like capture need to be much more involved, not in a sort of Spy 2.0 sense which merely adds greater difficulty, but in terms of the steps required to complete a mission. Yes, much of WF's current gameplay is currently based around quick traversal of tilesets to get around enemies, but modes like Capture and Deception could use some varied gameplay.

I think this is a problem with all of WF's mission types: there is too little going on. Single-objective missions may be quick, but they also get old fast. If they felt like complete missions, rather than quick tasks, I think they could be more engaging and more rewarding. Part of this requires better tilesets, of course, that are more reflective of what they are supposed to be (i.e., enemy ships with functional -- destructible-- engine room, core, bridge, etc.). I've rambled too much, so I'll leave it here.

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46 minutes ago, bowiespoon said:

god I've come to loathe exterminates. They are such a dull gamemode.

Love capture and deception. In and out, and you're done.


Problem with mobile defense is how long they take, and how nothing really progresses as you defend more terminals

How about Hijack?

Jump on the Core/Hover and leave the character there?

I literally put my Warframe on the top of those things and leave to grab a cup of water. When I retun, the mission is finished.

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I just feel few of them have a point, there is little to no reward, and the mission type devolves to rushing to the end if in a team. I don't see much reason in running such a mission for nothing except if I am helping others and often, they don't need my assistance on them as long as they can actually do the mission. I often run interceptions, defense, and survival since while the rewards are often terrible lately, I at least have a better chance at useful items and usually the team won't just run ahead and leave players to die if they know how to play the mode.

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I like variety and freedom of choice, also not everyone likes the same things. I enjoyed the old Raid missions but got probably removed because of the same kind of crybabies whining about them. Although I dont like every mission as much and dont play a few of them, these are one of my favorite mission types, fast in and out and rushable.

most people who whine about them are people who suck at them and spend way too much time clearing these missions...

again, some people like them, others don't

but if you look at it from the same type of perspective as the reasons that some people have stated above, let's just remove all mission types and maps instead of interception (Draco), since that is most played and where the most exp gain is at.

the only thing I feel they need to do about these mission types is balance off the (read boost these missions, not nerf the others, what DE is so fond of) affinity gain for these missions so they also feel like worth it in terms of affinity and mod rewards.

each mission of the same level should yield about the same ammount of affinity in the same time frame and difficulty as another, if not, you get farm spots like Draco

in the end, you will always have those if you don't randomly boost affinity gain on missions since one will always be better than another

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With friends; those are fun because you get to actually interact with people, crack jokes and have friendly challenges.

Without friends; So boring.  No one says anything most of the time, and if they do, it's usually to insult other teammates.

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Its depends the way that you play through this missions, obviously if you play with a frame that can bypass any difficulty is going to be boring and easy, for example, try to do an interception without a frame that has CC skills, CC is master race in category of the skills xD.

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as with anything in warframe there are still 1.0 mechanics that are yet to be revamped. DE's m.o. is insert skeleton of new thing and over time add the flesh. that being said it's rather disappointing we have so many flat out timers in lieu of actual fun engaging gameplay.

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So, to summarize the general feedback of the topic.

People like 4 out of 5 of the listed mission types because they're fast.

Not that they're interesting, or engaging, or even rewarding. But because they're fast.

That's a little telling when the only good thing you can say about something is "it was over quick".

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I liked sabotage before they changed it recently... now it takes me anywhere up to 60 minutes per run with all the caches... so I avoid it.
I really don't like exterminate... especially when a mirage simulor cheese joins the party.

Edited by T7Alpha
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These types of missions are valuable for newer players. 

Exterminate is very fixed and static where one can solo through it as fast or slow as needed.  Learn maps, how enemy AI works, etc.

Capture is a different issue where you have to survive while you take down the target.  This is not so easy when your vitality is rank 3!  Learning the tactics of alarmed states vs non-alarmed and all of that come into play.  That kind of stuff.

Deception forces you to not relay on your primary weapon.

The old sabotage wasn't that good for anything but now you've got the three cache's and the rewards that go with them.   This is where the other types fail.  In a reward driven game we as players go where the rewards are good, fast or preferably both.  Right now that is Spy and there's a huge gap between it and all the other non-endless missions.



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Let's just say it's very dependant on my mood.

Exterm is probably my most played game mode judging by the amount of void keys i have for it. It's a fairly slow paced mode that allows for some freedom in builds and some fiddling around with both stealth and new builds. I mostly do them solo though, getting a map clear frame in those missions makes them boring as hell.

The rest i also almost entirely play solo, they're nice to have for those occasions where you just want to sit back and try something else than the endless grind, which is more or less the only thing i do on warframe nowadays.

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I actually like Exterminate. I however don't like when Bursa spawn every other minute in Corpus ones (especially when I'm leveling up things and don't have proper gear to deal with them).  I don't mind Capture's - they're quick.


Mob Def are painful though sometimes the spawns chuck a lot of enemies at ya to kill. Mob Def should give a reward per defended station.

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I have to admit I've more skimmed this thread than read any posts thoroughly, but I am going to say this.

I do not see an issue with a simple, in-and-out game mode. Not everything has to be a long and/or complex objective type mission in the style of an endless mode or the new reworks to Spy and Grineer Reactor Sabotage. It's NICE to run a mission and have it be over quickly, and feel like I've accomplished something with my skill in that I've finished a mission successfully and with little fuss. I like to know that I've managed to do a short mission and see, for example, that enemy count dwindle slower or more quickly based on my playstyle or varied loudouts.

Exterminates, aside from just being my favorite game type in general, are prime territory for Hush-Leveling weaponry, testing new builds, introducing newer players to different play styles and weapon types, and also encouraging different loudouts and playstyles than the meta ones that are based almost entirely around "Endless" or "Complex" game mechanics. Moreover, there's something satisfying in killing everything that moves on a map. Leaving it entirely dead and empty. We're space ninjas with magic. We SHOULD be able to raze an area of all life, not have stuff constantly respawn.

Mobile Defense teaches and encourages players to watch a map and learn to keep together when on the move to changing objectives, and provides some of the challenge of a defense mission without the drawn out play times. It's a good introduction to basic game mechanics used in other mission types, like Raids, where a team NEEDS to know that objective markers are going to move, and a groups need to keep together. Few, if any, other game types offer this.

Capture missions allow the use of builds and weapons that otherwise might sit unused on a shelf because they DO emphasize speed, CC, and player focus that other objectives do not. Spy mission targets don't flee, nor do they fight back. It provides a playstyle and objective fundamentally different from the norm, which is nice. It also helps not to look at this mission from a Veteran or end game point of view. Taking down a capture target as a new player who doesn't have a weapon or ability that will one shot a target is HARD. Even with a mostly Veteran team, we've had to chase down a target now and then, and the suspense it adds when you're not sure if they're going to get away is a nice feeling.

Deception could arguably use some work. But I see little "wrong" with it simple as it is.

Honestly, I miss the old basic Sabotage. I personally feel like the new one in the Grineer reactor takes more effort than it's usually worth, and although adding the environmental effects is a nice way to make them feel more a part of the game than as a random debuff on a mission, it's more of a nuisance than anything else. That said, I don't see a lot wrong with it, I just don't particularly enjoy it. It's still formulaic in it's make up, and most of the "complexity" is in the time gating built into the time it takes to defend the reactors until they melt down, which may as well be a defense mission anyway. I think DE could have done better on this, especially considering that kind of mechanic has been in the game for next to forever, but it's not a bad mission type all things considered. The regular ones where I just get to break stuff I like a lot.


To conclude, yes, there are benefits to mission types that take more time/effort, but that's not to say that the simple and basic missions don't have appeal or use. I'd hate to seem them completely phased out because I know that there are people out there who enjoy them and make use of them. I don't see the issue with them.

Edited by Jeahanne
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I like those missions far more than the endless missions to be honest. I avoid those as much as possible and prefer to play those you just asked if anyone plays.

Yes, I'm an oddball.

As a side note. Deception is, as far as I know, the next game mode to be overhauled or replaced with something else.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)B0XMAN517 said:

The missions I'm referring to are extermination, capture, sabotage (the run here, blow up core, and extract ones) deception, and mobile defense.

Capture, sabotage, and deception are pretty much the same mission. Run to location, destroy weak target, or install datamass, and extract.

The only reason I ever use "press 4 to win" is because slowly killing 150ish enemies is rather dull for a game like this, to say the least. 

The enemies on mobile defense are so weak compared to us that it feels like a chore guarding the defense "stations". A player should never sigh when they see that they have to guard more than two stations (I'm referring to before they all had three); they should be happy that they get to enjoy the mission longer. 

TL;DR: Enough of what this fool thinks. What I really want to know is, does anyone enjoy playing these missions and why?

Personaly I like these modes.

Exterminate is a bit dull for sure, but it is the kind of mission I do when I have not played in a while or when I'm looking for something like a Kuria, because ennemies won't spawn endlessly. As well, it is where I usually work on my parkour.

Capture missions, are ones I love, but that's pretty much all due to the fact my kubrow is a Sunika, and thus acts like an awesome furry badass on those. I have litterally no bad nor good opinion about them, just like Exterminations, they represent a part of the game.

Sabotage, With the new mechanic in the ships, and the fact I ran through it hundreds of times to get a hand on my Xiphos, are really well done missions that leave an absolute liberty to the players on how they want to do them. Run and gun, Infiltrate, looting all cashes, rushing, blowing the core, freezing it or unleashing a crazy rampage of magnetic through the ship. These missions are the one embodying the choices we can do in Warframe, to me, a liberty not a lot of missions can say they have.

Deceptions... I don't really care, run in, run out, seems like the good tactic, and pretty accurate to rerouting a ship, or stealing a core/vehicule. Though they can be horribly tedious at times.

Mobile Defense, not really caring about these either, like Deceptions, they are old missions that have made their nest in the game, they work, have their logic, and even were used once to kick our butts. Looking at you Darvo for that... 

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44 minutes ago, Roboplus said:

So, to summarize the general feedback of the topic.

People like 4 out of 5 of the listed mission types because they're fast.

Not that they're interesting, or engaging, or even rewarding. But because they're fast.

That's a little telling when the only good thing you can say about something is "it was over quick".

What I don't understand is why it's so wrong to like a fast, simple mission... What is so bad about that? Some people LIKE that, they find that fun. Sure it's not for everyone but neither is Spy, Survival, or other mission types.

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I'd take capture any day of the week over any of the modes offered other than Spy. You are in and out, and if you want to slow it down, then you can. 

Exterminate used to be a chore, but my five star Ember speeds It up so I can get it over.

I used to hate sabotage, but after crafting an Ash Prime and gearing him for speed I find sabotage is now really fun in part thanks to him. 

Mobile Defense is meh, a chore. But I'd rather it over straight up Defense and Survival. 

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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4 minutes ago, Jeahanne said:

What I don't understand is why it's so wrong to like a fast, simple mission... What is so bad about that? Some people LIKE that, they find that fun. Sure it's not for everyone but neither is Spy, Survival, or other mission types.

because some people think that what they like, everyone has to play, and noone is allowed to play what they like

alas we have a lot of arrogant and selfish people like that in warframe...

these are the same kind of people who get frames nerfed left and right, in a PvE co-op game!

how sad is that...

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Just now, Jeahanne said:

What I don't understand is why it's so wrong to like a fast, simple mission... What is so bad about that? Some people LIKE that, they find that fun. Sure it's not for everyone but neither is Spy, Survival, or other mission types.

I think the problem is that people are viewing them through the lens of the endless missions rather than on their own merits. I mean if you ask me whether i would rather spend 90 seconds jumping through a deception mission for a reward or 20 minutes grinding through a defence mission, then sure I'm going to pick the deception. but i would rather have actually had something interesting to do. I don't mean complex either, just give me an experience that manages to get out of my short term memory.

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Just now, Terraziel said:

I think the problem is that people are viewing them through the lens of the endless missions rather than on their own merits. I mean if you ask me whether i would rather spend 90 seconds jumping through a deception mission for a reward or 20 minutes grinding through a defence mission, then sure I'm going to pick the deception. but i would rather have actually had something interesting to do. I don't mean complex either, just give me an experience that manages to get out of my short term memory.

I can understand that. I just don't want to see modes taken out or ruined because people are under the false impression that the only modes people find fun are the long and complex ones.

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