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Un-Official Warframe Tier List


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Ash(outclassed by Loki).



Loki is good, but for damage I'd have to say Ash is better around since his most recent buffs.

If we're talking strictly defense though, Ash is definitely at the bottom.

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Loki: Melees better(longer invis), defends better(decoy), survives better(yes despite lower health/shields), CC's better(decoy/radial disarm). Ash ends up mainly being a Saryn/Loki hybrid wannabe that fails both ways. Ash's only saving grace is that his invis works on his sentinel too(really they should fix so Loki's does as well). His ult sucks, his teleport isn't that useful, shurikens are ok-ish for non-defense, leaving only his(short) invis, and high health. It's not enough.

And frankly when ash goes multiplayer, his abilities don't work well with the play style online.
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Loki: Melees better(longer invis), defends better(decoy), survives better(yes despite lower health/shields), CC's better(decoy/radial disarm). Ash ends up mainly being a Saryn/Loki hybrid wannabe that fails both ways. Ash's only saving grace is that his invis works on his sentinel too(really they should fix so Loki's does as well). His ult sucks, his teleport isn't that useful, shurikens are ok-ish for non-defense, leaving only his(short) invis, and high health. It's not enough.

- Loki's invis lasts longer, and costs more energy. For less energy Ash also gets a stagger with his invisible. Comparable, no victor.


- Loki's decoy is one step above useless in high level endless defense because it starts dying instantly at even fairly low level waves. Ash on the other hand can distract hordes of enemies with his ulti while completely invulnerable. I concede Ash might be worse at defending on lower levels waves where defending doesn't really matter so much... but empirically much better at higher levels waves - 13 seconds of invulnerable + enemy distraction (and 13 kills) compared to a decoy that gets one-shot. Not even close to comparable, Ash wins.


- Loki does not survive better at ALL, lower health and shields and no "Oh snap I'm invulnerable" ability like Ash's ulti, and they both share the same get-out-of-jail free card with an invis. Ash wins there.


- Loki does CC better but only because the Ash has *no* CC aside from his SS stagger, and radial disarm is crap for CC because enemies can still move and attack. But it's still *something* even though it's bad, so...point for Loki, kinda.


Gotta say your points are mostly null and void imo.

Edited by Mhak
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- Loki's decoy is one step above useless in high level endless defense because it starts dying instantly at even fairly low level waves. Ash on the other hand can distract hordes of enemies with his ulti while completely invulnerable. I concede Ash might be worse at defending on lower levels waves where defending doesn't really matter so much... but empirically much better at higher levels waves - 13 seconds of invulnerable + enemy distraction (and 13 kills) compared to a decoy that gets one-shot. Not even close to comparable, Ash wins.

Why would you be placing his decoy in places the enemies can reach? That sounds like you're severely under utilizing his decoy. In most of the defense maps, you can place decoys in locations where they aggro most of the enemies while being out of range of their attacks.

Edited by CitizenV
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I sort of disagree with the list. Vauban is not a whole lot different then for example Frost or Nyx or even Trinity in some scenarios. As Tryysaeder accurately pointed out, a lot more frames belong in "god tier" even though i greatly disagree with it being called a "god tier" at all. The reasoning for this is that different frames are useful for different things. A Vauban or a Nyx are generally useless on a boss fight, while Trinity is god. Even Mag is better with a single bubble compared to a Nyx who can't do much if anything to make a boss fight easier. While a Trinity can single handedly make the fight trivial. Do we put Trinity in god tier cus she can kill bosses? Then why do we put Vauban in god tier cus he can defend? Why not put Frost in God tier cus he can defend? 


@ people suggesting a cap on Tesla - that'll kill the frame, let's not go around giving stupid suggestions. 


Tier lists are generally a very poor thing to make. They're the bane of games like League of Legends, Dota, Smite, etc. They are opinionated lists that don't provide much feedback if at all. You're like "nerf vauban cus he needs a nerf". That's not an argument. He needs a fix more so then a nerf, Vortex still bugs out half of the things in the game and is unusable on bosses cus it makes most assassination missions non-completable. 


Nyx is arguably even better at defense then Vauban and she's not put into the God Tier list? Why? 


I don't entirely disagree with you, but I think you approach is wrong. Tier lists are a BS thing to use and are so opinionated that they're arguably useless. 


This turned out more of a hate-fest rather then a constructive reply, apologies for that. But tier lists are genuinely stupid and pointless. Mag, Rhino and Volt need a lot of thinking to make them useful again. Frames like Trinity and Excalibur are so underrated it's laughable. And frames like Vauban and Nyx (being as squishy as they are) are so overrated it's even more laughable. Defense is not the be-all-end-all of this game. If you're going at that, might as well nerf Frost, too. God forbid him placing down a Snow Globe because it'll make him seem OP. 


Tier lists are foolish. Don't make Tier lists for PVP games, and ESPECIALLY, don't make obsolete opinionated tier lists for PVE games. 

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Facepalm. I dont know among which elite players this discussion was... but i will never put trinity in mid tier, since i cant imagine good defense mission without her. And i would put loki in high tier(only cause of his boss and containers farms capabilities) , rhino in useless, ash in low.

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Why would you be placing his decoy in places the enemies can reach? That sounds like you're severely under utilizing his decoy. In most of the defense maps, you can place decoys in locations where they aggro most of the enemies while being out of range of their attacks.

This was fixed a while ago.

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You people do realize that with maxed mods, most frames are on par with each other in terms of usefulness.  There is also a synergy aspect between the frames that make them more useful when playing with other frames. 


There isn't really a tier system in this game.  Every frame can be deadly if you know how to use them effectively.  Some are easier to use than others.  Vauban is not god tier, Vauban is I hate this A****** tossing tesla's and vortex's everywhere so I can't move right, and I have to deal with this stupid ball obstructing my vision.


I let Vaubans die... u should too

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Why? You don't like being turned into a walking Ion Cannon/Tesla Coil/Arc Projector?


So what if the Vauban technically kills and gets credit for anything that comes near you  :p   It's still fun/ny as hell.

Edited by Mhak
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You people do realize that with maxed mods, most frames are on par with each other in terms of usefulness.  There is also a synergy aspect between the frames that make them more useful when playing with other frames. 


There isn't really a tier system in this game.  Every frame can be deadly if you know how to use them effectively.  Some are easier to use than others.  Vauban is not god tier, Vauban is I hate this A****** tossing tesla's and vortex's everywhere so I can't move right, and I have to deal with this stupid ball obstructing my vision.


I let Vaubans die... u should too


Whao there! Careful with all those edges, you might cut yourself.

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I agree about the Mag. I absolutely 100% love her number 4 skill but the rest are very bad and I don't use them. She is one of my fav frames and I would like to actually consider using her other skills.


I think the Embers world on fire could use a little touch up but keeps its core the same.

Banshee I love and use 3 of her skills, I just dont use silence because I don't play stealth.

Nyx's skill 4 could use some touch up, it channels for a long time and either misses some enemies or does almost no damage. (It looks amazing)


I also agree with the god tier, he is way too strong when compared to some of the other frames, he needs a good looking over and has to be scaled down, most his 1st skill.

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You people do realize that with maxed mods, most frames are on par with each other in terms of usefulness.  There is also a synergy aspect between the frames that make them more useful when playing with other frames. 


There isn't really a tier system in this game.  Every frame can be deadly if you know how to use them effectively.  Some are easier to use than others.  Vauban is not god tier, Vauban is I hate this A****** tossing tesla's and vortex's everywhere so I can't move right, and I have to deal with this stupid ball obstructing my vision.


I let Vaubans die... u should too

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It wasn't. They said they fixed it, but at least on the Xini layout there are still spots that work great.

If that is the case, then the only powerful defense the Loki brings to the table is still based off an exploit that DE said they are trying to fix. If they didn't completely fix it the first time, you can be sure whatever they missed wont last long, and ultimately the Loki is just abusing a game mechanic not meant to exist in order to be a useful defender on some maps.


That said I would still definitely support a large buff to decoy, 300% or 400% more health at max level. Or maybe keep the same health, but give it a ton of armor. It's just a hologram-thing after all, and I imagine those are hard to hurt. But still, if the only powerful defense a Loki brings to the table is due to a mechanic DE is trying to get rid of, it's hardly worth commenting on because it will get fixed probably sooner than later.

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You people do realize that with maxed mods, most frames are on par with each other in terms of usefulness.  There is also a synergy aspect between the frames that make them more useful when playing with other frames. 


There isn't really a tier system in this game.  Every frame can be deadly if you know how to use them effectively.  Some are easier to use than others.  Vauban is not god tier, Vauban is I hate this A****** tossing tesla's and vortex's everywhere so I can't move right, and I have to deal with this stupid ball obstructing my vision.


I let Vaubans die... u should too


Desing Council in a nutshell. "Everything is fine, don't change anything. New Frames are as awesome as the old one. We don't need any progress. Btw. Buff Ash only."


What you suggest is that every Frame with Orokin Reactor, a Forma or two and fully maxed mods is High Tier? I'm not sure if we're playing the same game. Fully modded, reactored Mag is weaker than non-reactored Saryn.


You are so wrong, you've spent so much money on the game you don't even fully understand, especially the Meta part of it. Only because some Casual Players out there couldn't care less about the deeper mechanics of the game, it doesn't mean that it can be ignored and shouldn't be patched.

Edited by Sideway
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Desing Council in a nutshell. "Everything is fine, don't change anything. New Frames are as awesome as the old one. We don't need any progress. Btw. Buff Ash only."


What you suggest is that every Frame with Orokin Reactor, a Forma or two and fully maxed mods is High Tier? I'm not sure if we're playing the same game. Fully modded, reactored Mag is weaker than non-reactored Saryn.


You are so wrong, you've spent so much money on the game you don't even fully understand, especially the Meta part of it. Only because some Casual Players out there couldn't care less about the deeper mechanics of the game, it doesn't mean that it can be ignored and shouldn't be patched.That's your argument? 


"You've spent so much money on the game you don't even think straight"... He spends money which leads to DE having more money to make this game better, and you flame him for spending his hard-earned money? ...I'm done with this topic. 


Tier lists are a monstrosity that should be destroyed, not acknowledged. They bring nothing but drama and arguing to a community. This is a PvE game. That really strong Saryn and Nyx next to your Rhino help you finish missions. Every single frame is obtainable so I don't even see an issue?! A frame should be fun to play and effective at what they do. There are only 3 frames that are not effective - Mag, Volt and Rhino. And they're generally outclassed by most everything of the newer frames because the newer frames do what they did in the past, except they do it better. 


Frames like Nyx, Vauban, Frost and Banshee are generally all high tier because with maxed out mods all of them do plenty of things in plenty of situations, which is the reason why they're deemed strong. If you tell me that having 495 shields with 8 Redirection is strong, then that's even more incentive for me to not bother with this topic. 


I still disagree with there being "God Tier" and only one frame being in it. That's subjective and is a roundabout way of saying "nerf this guy cus I don't like him". 


Anyway, as I said - I'm done here. If you think tier lists matter, you're doing it wrong. The only thing this tier list achieved for all of us posting here is get us at eachother's throats. 


[EDIT] Edited for clarity because I failed with the quote. 

Edited by Diruo
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Anyway, as I said - I'm done here. If you think tier lists matter, you're doing it wrong. The only thing this tier list achieved for all of us posting here is get us at eachother's throats.


Not true, thanks to this thread we have shown DE the direction of Frame changes that most of non-casuals want (because Casuals couldn't care less if Mag's ulti is Armor Ignoring or not). And therefore DE_Scott is working on the Mag, Volt and Rhino right now. And so the weakest Frames will have their chance to jump into mid/high Tier of usefulness. And so the game will progress in the good direction. And so on, and so on.


Threads with honest mass-feedback are very important. Because there are people out there who will always say "Everything is fine, L2P" and when developers belive them... then game ends up like Final Fantasy XIV harrharr.


This Tier List is about the overall usefulness in every Mission Type, it's not the "Power Level" Tier List. Vauban and Nyx can't even dish Insta 1000+ Damage with pressing "4" ... and yet they're still one of the best Frames.

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Facepalm. I dont know among which elite players this discussion was... but i will never put trinity in mid tier, since i cant imagine good defense mission without her. And i would put loki in high tier(only cause of his boss and containers farms capabilities) , rhino in useless, ash in low.

Defence.. With Trinity... Wat

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Vauban is godly against infested, but his performance against corpus and grineer isn't above every other frame out there. Plus, against bosses, he's middle tier at most. He's a really good frame, but not at everything. So he can't be the one and only god tier.


Top Tier:

Nyx, Banshee, Frost, Vauban


High Tier:

Saryn, Ember


Middle Tier:

Excalibur, Loki, Ash, Rhino, Trinity


Bottom Tier:

Volt, Mag

Edited by WynneD
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I have played Vauban, the only good thing that vauban can bring to the table or offer is CC, I'm sick and tired of C***s who throw down vortex's whether they please and think it's beneficial to the team. I've played him and really, the only useful skill he has is bastille. The rest are all situational. Bastille is the only skill on Vauban that is overpowered. Vortex is nothing but a grieving skill. Bounce is useless. And the tesla's are meh.

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I also agree with the god tier, he is way too strong when compared to some of the other frames, he needs a good looking over and has to be scaled down, most his 1st skill.


No word of a lie I want to slap you in the face.


Why is your response to "scale down" (AKA nerf) Vauban? I know you suggested tweaks for other powers but Vauban is fine, it is the other frames that need to be scaled up, not the other way around!

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Vauban is godly against infested, but his performance against corpus and grineer isn't above every other frame out there. Plus, against bosses, he's middle tier at most. He's a really good frame, but not at everything. So he can't be the one and only god tier.

Actually against Corpus his Tesla spam is incredibly powerful. Not only can pressing 1 kill multiple enemies for you at a set location of your choosing, but it also stuns every enemy it hits, and with a couple energy siphons, "a location of your choosing" really becomes the whole map. It's easily possible to have about 8 teslas out every round during endless defense, especially if you're with a frost and don't really need to bastille that much. Those 8 teslas will reap in kills and stun/disrupt tons of enemies.


Against grineer he is truly meh, but still, he's mid-tier against the opponent he's weakest against. Not bad at all.

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