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Un-Official Warframe Tier List


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i'm a mag player.. and i don't have problem destroying the battlefield with correct mods used. Shield Polorizer is truly useless for sure, it should buff players with excellerated shield regen for 15-20 seconds or something like that; and possibly affect the whole team. Pull should have an animation that 100% kills all enemies that are not designated heavies; instead of just making them go to the ground and needing a further stab. If i could i'd change it for a personal bullet deflection buff as my level 1, either way i'd be happy. Bullet attractor is very useful to me, don't change it...


Ofcourse i'd like to make her ultimate stronger, but it already stretches so far it doesn't need to, that's the balance of it. With Flow on her giving me 300 power, i just don't need it to be stronger as i can cast it twice if i really need too. The only drawback is that in high level defense it does shrink in usefulness. But you can't really design a game around one type of game mode or power can you? If i plan on going high level defense i'd take someone else, or make sure the rest of the team can handle it.

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Rhino Stomp

Cost 100 energy.

Is still bugged (Enemies who enter after stomp is cast not affected at random, enemies not lifted up as well)

Damage is nothing fancy.  

Definitely not 3x Bastille's range.

Duration is 9 seconds.


Bastille holds for full 15 seconds AND affect enemies even if they are not in the initial AOE when casted.

This is the biggest deal, because any enemy that happens to walk in are sucked in as well.


If you put Vortex in the picture, it gets even sillier. Greater damage, last longer than Stomp still (13 seconds), gathers everyone (including loot) into a sweet spot so we can put an Ogris rocket onto it.



thats why rhino is on the rework list too.

his 3 and 4 will be replaced with something, ironskin will get another look.

his 3 is great, it can deal good damage and knock them over. his 4 is...meh


also, as you said, vortex is only good if you have puncture or explosives.

Edited by LazerusKI
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Rhino Stomp

Cost 100 energy.

Is still bugged (Enemies who enter after stomp is cast not affected at random, enemies not lifted up as well)

Damage is nothing fancy.  

Definitely not 3x Bastille's range.

Duration is 9 seconds.


Bastille holds for full 15 seconds AND affect enemies even if they are not in the initial AOE when casted.

This is the biggest deal, because any enemy that happens to walk in are sucked in as well.


For people who know simple geometry, radius is a single dimension that goes through a basic multiplier to get "Area" of effect. So Bastille with a range of 9 has an AOE of ~254. Stomp with a range of 20 has an AOE of ~1257. Last I checked that's nearly 5 times the "area" that's affected(and it's definitely more than 3x). And a very important factor that everyone seems to overlook.


And for some reason everyone always compares stomp to Bastille. Instead of, say, Soundquake which is always applauded for it's stong CC(since the damage is abysmal). Where stomp is better CC for longer. Rhino in "low tier" shouldn't be compared against the frame the devs have said "is going to be nerfed into the ground"(direct quote). He should be compared to his competition. And compared to every other skill in the game, many of which are considered "very strong CC", stomp is miles ahead. But frames like Banshee still end up in high tier because "Soundquake is a great CC skill" while Rhino stays low because "it's worse than Bastille." It's just a very obnoxious double standard, and I wish the list had some standards to it.

Rhino Charge = Better slash dash ?

Lol no.

Shorter range.

CC is still bugged and the knock down isn't reliable.

Damage is debatable but the longer range of SD means more enemies slashed and more damage.

Slash dash does 1.5k damage against Light infested and MoAs which are the most of the enemies you are facing.

Lol yes.

So completely ignoring the fact that you argue range is irrelevant when it comes to Stomp vs Bastille...the range is not "short."(it's still longer than Bastille's range) I used the word "negligable" for a reason, because it is. But again with the lack of standards. In one skill you completely ignore that range is an issue, and for another one it is the only leg you stand on so you repeat it trying to imply it's all that matters. If Rhino was that bad you could form a cohesive argument instead of conveniently ignoring 80% of the issue at any given time.

The knock down is reliable. Maybe you have bad aim? I have never not knocked down with charge.

The damage is not debatable. 650 > 500. This isn't debatable. This is a fact. Stop with the double talk and get some pride, man.


- Highest CC in the game ?

There are NO cool downs in this game. You will only spam the most energy efficient one.

Radial blast and Rhino Charge knocks down for 2 seconds which is uhm nothing, i consider them a damage skill.

Iron skin is effectively early on, but as mobs scale higher and higher it becomes a death trap, no frame has that.


Rhino stomp can even be overshadowed by Radial Blind which is a very weak CC.

Consider this stomp cost 100 energy. A base Rhino can only cast this once.

Radial blind can blind corpus and infested for 12 seconds PER CAST and is only 6 meters shorter than a maxed Rhino Stomp.

And it is only 50 energy. A naked Excalibur can cast this 3 times for 36 seconds if timed right, he might even drag the CC effect till 40 seconds because enemies usually need a second or 2 longer to get their bearings fully back. 


A team that is half a sleep can kill everything by then.

Vauban will do it even better since targets floating in the sky can be shot down even easier and more importantly longer than Stomp. And retards who walk in will join the party too.

"I'm gonna say that endgame is all that matters and then argue based around base stats."

Holy ****. Just the tiniest bit of consistency to anything you say would be extremely helpful in trying to have a fruitful debate(though that seems something you don't want).


2 seconds isn't nothing. You can consider them what you want, you're wrong. Especially considering that, as you said, cooldowns don't exist. Which means with only 25 energy cost dashing around the field knocking down everything every time you do, it adds up. And if I were going by your argument, I'd add an extra second or two every time I do

because enemies usually need a second or 2 longer to get their bearings fully back.

Me being able to dash 20 times assuming I got no dropped energy, means over a minute of everything down, ignoring damage. And I get damage on top of that...but I digress.


As far as range, casually brushing past it again, but the area is still 3x greater on stomp.(geometry is a $#*(@ when it's working against you aint it?) But more importantly, the Xcal would have to go back to the exact center every few seconds to recast it. While the Rhino can...actually damage things. Ignoring the obvious Grineer exception that you also attempted to low-light as much as possible. And the fact that suspended enemies are easier to kill than blinded ones.


But the last thing you said, this is key. "A team that is half asleep can kill everything by then." While it may not be objective, man is it helpful. In terms of energy efficiency, what is the goal? When you seem to be focused on Xini. It's to kil the wave, because there will be enough energy on the ground afterwards to refill yourself completely. You know that with stomp a Rhino can hit an area that FAR exceeds anyone else. And re-stomp anytime something new that gets in makes it to the cryopod(removing Bastille's only advantage), and keep that pattern up longer than it takes, according to you, to "kill everything."


Initial wave of lights come in, get to the pod, you stomp. The only thing left outside the stomp radius will be the ancients. It takes longer than the duration of stomp for an ancient to make it from outside the radius to the pod(assuming you have no upgrades on either). So every enemy will be CCed, suspended in air(easy to target), for longer than 36 seconds. Meaning that, according to you, if your team is at least half awake, Rhino is just as effective as Vauban. As it can CC enemies just as much in terms of practical application, long enough for you to clear the wave.

Edited by NessOnett
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Im gonna ask a simple question. And i want you guys to be honest. Do you use Redirection? What about Vitality? Go on, dont be shy, put your hands up. Its fine, its normal, most people do. You guys, are hypocrites. Every argument against Iron Skin is "even with it, you die in one hit lategame." Which means that even with redirection and vitality, you die in one hit. Since neither of them are giving you nearly as much EHP as Iron Skin does, they should both be useless right? The same one hit is going to kill you with or without them. So why are you wasting space on them? IS is better than either of them on a single cast. I dontt get how anyone can put even the tiniest ounce of survivability on any of their frames and then say with a straight face that everything kills you in one hit so survivability doesnt matter.

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First post newplayer here, Mag + Trinity

I thought Mag was a god until I reached level 25+ and my Crush started, ya know, not working, and tickling Ancients, ignoring some bosses, etc. etc.


I like using pull simply because it knocks down, but I agree mowing them down with Gorgon is much easier, or using slide-slash. I have used it once for pulling a downed ally to me to revive, but it's generally easier to throw Crush and revive them among the dead stuff, or just tank through it.

Suggestion A) Make it like Magnataur's Ult from Dota, reverse polarity. It's a spell that pulls all enemies nearby into you. Imagine Crush except instead of crushing, it pulls them all right next to you. This allows you to use it to chain it into teammate's attacks, or to follow up a Crush to finish knocking down your enemies. However, this means you cannot pull an ally to you anymore.

Suggestion B) Like other's have suggested, AoE Target pull. Change it so instead of a single target, you pull a cone. I should mention that several times when trying to pull a teammate, i end up pulling something that's definitely not a Tenno to me. Just pull everything in that area.


Shield polarize, like mentioned before, I use it on defense missions. But the amount of shields it recovers is tiny for the cost, even with streamline. Other than defense missions, I find it useless.

Suggestion A) Make it absorb shields from enemies in a radius, and restore it similarly to allies within the radius. This would kind of infringe on Trinity territory though.

Suggestion B) This might be a bit broken as well, but make it so it's the Ancient Disruptor's skill, and reverse on allies. Strikes an ally? Restores shields to full and keeps it there for a short time. Strike an enemy, drop their shields to none and keep it there for a few seconds.


Bullet attractor, I only use it in one situation, and that being solo-ing Hek. Simply because it makes it so he shoots himself. Otherwise no go. Other bosses this doesn't really work on at all, and most don't survive for it to become helpful.

Suggestion A) Make it an AoE, in the sense that the Bubble takes all the damage dealt to it, and distributes it to the targets inside the range. If there are multiple enemies that happen to stand inside the bubble next to the target, they all take the damage

Suggestion B) Make it so you can target a position as well, so that you can use it somewhat like Snow Globe to protect yourselves.


Crush is the best, but really tapers off past Ceres.

Like others have suggested, remove armor, make it knock them down, and catch enemies that come in later.

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I think ember needs a small rework, nothing major.


Right now ALL she has is damage, which means you only need ONE ability, Ring of Fire. WoF, Fireball, and Overheat all lack any real reason to use them other than very specific scenerios, all of which your still better off using RoF.


My suggestions would be as follows:


Fireball: Change this from a projectile to a targeted skill like pull or sayrin's 1st power, it would cause a tiny burst of fire that does damage.


Overheat: Make this purely defensive. What iron Skin is now this is what it should be. tone it down if it balances it but seriously speaking, Ember is one of the slower AND less armored mages in the game. Giving her an armor ability makes her other close ranged skills (WoF *cough cough*) more useful.


World on Fire: Oh boy, I dont even know what to do with this thing. Honestly I know she supposed to be a AoE damage mage but even with OH being another Iron Skin its not enough utility to give her something against anything but infested. The only logical change I can suggest would be to change it to a short ranged Explosion from herself. Which would encourage people to run into groups with Overheat on, thus doing all that damage with little fear of getting their HP wrecked.


Ember isnt the easiest warframe to try and help make better and I really am not trying to make her OP, but she needs at least ONE ability with utility because at higher levels against anything but infested she lacks the numbers to keep up and she can only really rely on RoF as its basically the best skill she has.

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I love playing Rhino, only thing that needs done is to figure out what to do with Iron Skin so it is still useful at higher levels, and make rhino stomp slow new enemies that walk into it (it could also use a buff in duration, 9 seconds isn't much for 100 energy and I would gladly take a reduction in radius if it lasted twice as long).

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I love playing Rhino, only thing that needs done is to figure out what to do with Iron Skin so it is still useful at higher levels, and make rhino stomp slow new enemies that walk into it (it could also use a buff in duration, 9 seconds isn't much for 100 energy and I would gladly take a reduction in radius if it lasted twice as long).


Wouldn't make much sence to have the stomp effect effect those who come in range after the stomp. What they could do is change it to Rhino Tantrum where he's constintly stomping with both legs alternetivly. Add in the grunt he makes while charging and you'd have the most ridiculiously awesome move ever.

Edited by jibbahjabbah
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All I see from the people who say Mag is not rubbish is how their weapons carry their under-performing Warframe.


Define underperforming though.  It would be one thing if any warframe had some intollerable weakness, but anyone with reflexes and some experience in the game is going to throughly trash anything they come across in what ever frame they have.  A mag player with 200 hours in game is going to outperform a Vauban with 10 hours in game, by a wide margin.  


Put two equally skilled players in the game in what ever frame you like, they will both have a similar game play experience.  I've got a tricked out Loki that is unkillable for the most part, but I'm aparently in a substandard frame too.  How are these rankings determined then?

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I have all frames, and I don't think that Vauban's anywhere near the God Tier. To me, Nyx is more useful than Vauban. 


P/s: I still find Mag is useful at CC and buying time for other teammates, though she does needs abit of tweaking.

Edited by Xyfer
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Im gonna ask a simple question. And i want you guys to be honest. Do you use Redirection? What about Vitality? Go on, dont be shy, put your hands up. Its fine, its normal, most people do. You guys, are hypocrites. Every argument against Iron Skin is "even with it, you die in one hit lategame." Which means that even with redirection and vitality, you die in one hit. Since neither of them are giving you nearly as much EHP as Iron Skin does, they should both be useless right? The same one hit is going to kill you with or without them. So why are you wasting space on them? IS is better than either of them on a single cast. I dontt get how anyone can put even the tiniest ounce of survivability on any of their frames and then say with a straight face that everything kills you in one hit so survivability doesnt matter.

I cant even begin. Serious.

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Hmm, I am interested in what the rest of the community thinks of this list. Do you agree/disagree? Have you played all 13 frames, or are you in a clan or squad with access to all 13, and found clear disadvantages as suggested in this image?

I happen to agree with most of this. I would just put trinity in the high tier, and loki in the lower tier.


Oh and this might be realistic lol but can we have a mag helmet that looks just like the cute blond girl at the end of the initial post?


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As someone who has put maybe 30 or 40 hours into Mag, here's what I have to say. 


Crush is good. It has excellent range and does good damage, but once you get to a level that mooks survive, there really isn't much Mag can do except disable them for about 3 seconds. 


The only use I've found for shield polarise is to give a little extra protection to the cryopod. Everything else happens too fast for the other capabilities of this power to be useful.


Pull is situational at best, and I generally don't equip it. 


Bullet attractor sounds great but can actually reduce the DPS of a competent team as it doesn't direct the bullets against the enemy weakpoint. 




Crush should ignore armour and affect things which enter the area afterwards. 


Pull should be thrown out. Suggestion: Magnetise - Aim at the ground, wall, a friendly or an enemy target and all other enemies in range will be pulled towards it. 


Bullet attractor should be configured to draw bullets to the enemies weakest point. If Sonar is active, the orange section should become the weakest point. 


Shield Polarise should drain shields from enemies AND prevent their regeneration for some duration. Shields given to friendly or cryopod should be greatly boosted, perhaps 1000 at maximum. 

Edit: Shield Polarise should also be area of effect, small perhaps, but then it would see great utility. Consider a friendly in the midst of a group of enemies, it would drain the enemies and increase the friendly's shields. Further, it should boost that friendly's shields by the given amount, whether or not it goes above their maximum. Such a temporary buff for friendlies would make this power very interesting and perfectly justifiable given its current cost. It could then self boost ones shields also. 


I agree with 100% of this post. The changes you mention would make me actually WANT to play with Mag, rather than despise her.

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I played since day one on closed beta and Rhino is my one and only. I love tare mobs apart with him, I even considering make a tattoo in his honor (seriously). And I reseted my account, got him again and I couldn't believe. I have to agree with what people talk about him considering ENDGAME: he is absolutely useless, I suffer on Void level III with him, I suffer a lot while I farm for banshee helmet at Xini (by myself, since my clan disappear). He wasn't like this on closed beta. What have you devs done to him? He's slow, he's big and easy to target and yet you had to nerf him to this extent?


Considering warframes that I own and considering ENDGAME:

Rhino and Mag are all useless tier. Ember and Ash are Low tier for sure, they can be easily be replaced. 


Besides usability, Mag and Ember are in need of a "pimp my ride" episode in their looks. For god sake, Ember is a fire chicken and Mag is so no sexy to look at all (I don't mean she needs to be hot like Saryn, she just need to extend out more).


What it really seems to me, is the firsts warframes are in need of a review in their abilities, even Excalibur Prime should be a lot more awesome them he is, not just it's looks. The old guys are not walking along with the new warframes at all. Even though Excalibur, Mag and Loki are first choice to new players, it shouldn't mean they have to be this weak.

We should be able to enjoy a good endgame with any warframe.


I am also against any kind of nerf on Vauban even thou I do not own him. No fan of Vauban should weep how I did for what it has been done to my , not so awesome now, Rhino.

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What it really seems to me, is the firsts warframes are in need of a review in their abilities, even Excalibur Prime should be a lot more awesome them he is, not just it's looks. The old guys are not walking along with the new warframes at all. Even though Excalibur, Mag and Loki are first choice to new players, it shouldn't mean they have to be this weak.

We should be able to enjoy a good endgame with any warframe.


Hmmm IDK, after 3+ months of play (I'm almost mastery 10) I still play with my Excal Prime (10% used) and Loki (15% used) quite often and I think they're in a good spot, not weak in the slightest. In no way do I feel ineffective in high level defense like Xini with an Excal Prime for example, I'm still killing a good chunk of the enemies with my abilities. 

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Do you use Redirection?

I'm not to end-game areas yet, but Mag has one of the highest shield stats (tied with Frost, Rhino, and Volt), thus with Redirection you get a huge amount of shielding when you level it up (I'm over 800 and my Redirection isn't even halfway done). I find that when I pair it with Fast Deflection (shield recharge speed), my Mag rarely loses her shields. Again, though, this is for mid level areas. I have yet to try any high level areas with any of my 'frames.

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I caps-lock it but I really have to say it again, because people just can't read well: in ENDGAME Mag and Rhino are useless. What is endgame, you might ask? is Void level III and Endless Defense difficult level 5.


Killing bosses and farming materials any warframe will do, but just try to make a difference with "bullet atractor" in a endless defense of infestation level 5 or a try do see what difference does it make to be swarmed by corrupted with Iron skin on... Useless.

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The updates to Mag feels even worse. She didn't really need the AoE targeting on her first two abilities. Just an extra function.


The skill everyone wanted to be redone Bullet Attractor got a second function and a cut off if the enemy dies. Still not useful enough to use in parties as it still ruins everyone's dps.


So why did the reverse happen for the skills instead of the other way around? Pull and Shield Polarized needed new functions not a new AoE targeting system.


I'd say it elevates Volt to Mid-Tier and Mag to Low-tier.

There's still some problem's with Mag, namely that Pull is now a suicide skill, but whatever.


Pull is most definitely a suicide button now. Can't pull allies to safety or save players who get trapped falling of ledges repeatedly.

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