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Un-Official Warframe Tier List


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Stygi, shield polarize is now % based, so it's very much useful at that. Although still, her abilities need tweaking :


Thx, I saw another post saying this but I wasn't sure since the update post stated set values up to 300.


Still, I could equip electric mods on my weapons in corpus missions and not feel that Polarize was useful against enemies. There are much better abilities for 50 energy and they aren't especially weak against Grineer or Infested. Replenishing your allies' shields is an okay ability... not really that great... leading to a useless ability, imho.


But, oh yes, if Pull now pulls enemies with allies, it could be disastrous.

Edited by Stygi
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Volt - Still in the Low Tier. Enemies are still hellova resistant for Lightning damage. I'd put a link to the other thread here but I can't find it... basicly it was about Volt's Ulti hitting for sweet 30+ damage per tick vs higher level mobs. So yeah. Spark is still weak, it can't stun, chaining works only if mobs are -very- close to eachother and AoE Speed seems to be nice only in theory. It's actually pretty hard to stay very close to the Volt while he uses that, and it's only a few seconds. Still not so good in combat. Energy Shield could be buffed, could be bigger, too bad it's not.

Okay obviously a troll, not well informed, or haven't played as volt since 8.3.


Shock is very useful against ospreys who are being annoying to hit. You can even miss the osprey by a bit and shock will still hit it and kill it in one use. The chaining effect happens very frequently now (pretty much every time I've casted it while other enemies are nearby) and enemies can be 10-15 feet away from each other and it still chains. Can even get rid of several ospreys at once if they're grouped together.


Speed buff is absolutely invaluable for speed running an ENTIRE TEAM through a mission. The radius for the buff is quite generous. I was doing Sargus Ruk runs yesterday with 2 other people and was able to use speed the entire mission with 3 energy siphons equipped in the party. Was able to pull of 3-5 minute runs easy depending on the map layout.


Yeah energy shield could use a buff, but it does its job of protecting you and giving extra damage for shooting through it. Good thing about energy shield is that its use isn't diminished by facing high level enemies. I know there have been a few times where I'm in front of a heavy high level enemy who is tearing me apart and popping an energy shield fixes that.


I'm not sure where you heard of overload doing 30 damage per tick, but that's a blatant lie. I've killed rooms full of 25+ grinneer/infested quite easily with overload without focus, hitting 200+ per tick depending on how many electronics are in the room. Of course not many warframe Ults do much in the higher levels, that's just how it works. I believe volt's ult is now on the same level as most other damage dealing warframes due to elemental weaknesses being reworked.

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I'm not sure where you heard of overload doing 30 damage per tick, but that's a blatant lie. I've killed rooms full of 25+ grinneer/infested quite easily with overload without focus, hitting 200+ per tick depending on how many electronics are in the room.


Hah, casual. I'm talking about the real mobs. The one with level 75-100. Like on Tier 3 Void or high Defense. Level 25 is nothing. Anything can oneshot them anyway so it doesn't matter.

Edited by Sideway
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every single one of you defending your intermediate frame fail to realise why its an intermediate... "oh but the #2 and #4 powers are awesome" but what about the #1 and #3...thought so. intermediate means that not all 4 of the 4 powers are useful outside of some random circumstance that you devise to defend your favorite warframe.

Edited by TheBulitt
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Hah, casual. I'm talking about the real mobs. The one with level 75-100. Like on Tier 3 Void or high Defense. Level 25 is nothing. Anything can oneshot them anyway so it doesn't matter.

You act as if any other damage dealing warframe power would affect enemies that high level. Besides that you ignore the rest of my points.

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You act as if any other damage dealing warframe power would affect enemies that high level. Besides that you ignore the rest of my points.


Don't feed the troll, dude. 



every single one of you defending your intermediate frame fail to realise why its an intermediate... "oh but the #2 and #4 powers are awesome" but what about the #1 and #3...thought so. intermediate means that not all 4 of the 4 powers are useful outside of some random circumstance that you devise to defend your favorite warframe.


Well, all of the warframes are like that right now.

"oh, vaub has awesome 1,2 n 3, but I'm going to skin whoever uses 4 alive, I know it's only useful for trolling", says one person, who didn't find any use for the situational Vortex.

"Ember has awesome 2 and 4, but I barely use 3", says the person who never got to using fireblast proficiently (although yeah, fireball is meh).

"Mag has useless 1,2 and 3", says person who tried using bullet attractor to improve their killing speed (lol, I know, but some people still think it's for attacking), and doesn't play well enough with the others to coordinate a nuke ability better than mag has with her shiny new pull. Polarize is situational, yes, but that's not a synonym of "useless".

"Rhino is useless!"-said whoever didn't need continuous aggro of his IS, or damage buff from his shiny new Roar.


We can go on all day by tossing the opinions around (like I just did, despicable me). Truth is, as always, somewhere near - T3 and high waves aren't the whole game, there is no skill-reliant content to speak of, and you can't find two measuring sticks that would be same length and would measure same dimension in this thread.

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You act as if any other damage dealing warframe power would affect enemies that high level. Besides that you ignore the rest of my points.

To be fair what he's saying about Volt's ulti against high level waves is...sort of true. Against level 100+ Corpus mobs it takes me 2 ultis with max Focus to kill crewmen, which means Grineer and Infested would be much tougher and take many more ultis. Once I start hitting roughly level 130-140 it starts taking 3 ultis to kill waves of Corpus.


At that level a Saryn can still kill an entire wave - the heavies with a single Miasma with Focus/Cont. And that applies to all factions. Volt's ulti has double the range which makes it superb when used against low level endless defense waves, but basically Volt scales much worse than other frames at high levels. His ult starts doing little damage, and he has no CC to make up for it. You need either CC or damage to be useful at very high levels and unfortunately the Volt's high damage is mitigated too much at high levels   =/

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every single one of you defending your intermediate frame fail to realise why its an intermediate... "oh but the #2 and #4 powers are awesome" but what about the #1 and #3...thought so. intermediate means that not all 4 of the 4 powers are useful outside of some random circumstance that you devise to defend your favorite warframe.


Well, you're pretty wrong with that statement. I don't see how Vauban's powers are all useful in high-level content. What would you do with Bounce?


Viability does not have some arbitrary requirement that all of the powers be useful. 

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I feel Banshee is probably second worst, next to Loki. They are both pretty weak and their spells are boring. Banshee's spells are only good at stun locking and killing lightly armored or weak enemies at the price of her ability to do anything remotely useful such as use a weapon for the duration. Her push is required in the game because the game would be worse without it. Silence, she can stealth a bit better. That other spell, I feel that it's usefullness is limited to killing bosses and harder enemies at low levels.

Trinity allows for infinite mana and her 4th can make you invincible. statistically she's either top or second tier because she can fuel all the other Warframes who have strong spells as well as help them survive.

Vauban, he is brought down by his unyielding desire to be one of the most boring Warframes if you use his spells for combat. I had a blast playing with his spells, I mastered chain anti-grav in a couple of minutes. His spells do not interupt reloading, they do not suffer any noticable deminishing returns if any at all. He should be considered broken and ripe for the nerfing.

Rhino and Volt are mid-tier, they have situational usefulness. Rhino being good agains infested and Volt destorying Corpus.

Back to Loki, he'd be lowest tier because Ash is just more fun in my opinion and has 300 base shields with 450 base health. Loki is 225/225 and has 225 energy, which isn't really worth anything considering how useless his spells are, and his only useful ones are only 25/50 mana.

Just my views on the tiers in the current state of the game.

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I feel Banshee is probably second worst, next to Loki. They are both pretty weak and their spells are boring. Banshee's spells are only good at stun locking and killing lightly armored or weak enemies at the price of her ability to do anything remotely useful such as use a weapon for the duration. Her push is required in the game because the game would be worse without it. Silence, she can stealth a bit better. That other spell, I feel that it's usefullness is limited to killing bosses and harder enemies at low levels.

Trinity allows for infinite mana and her 4th can make you invincible. statistically she's either top or second tier because she can fuel all the other Warframes who have strong spells as well as help them survive.

Vauban, he is brought down by his unyielding desire to be one of the most boring Warframes if you use his spells for combat. I had a blast playing with his spells, I mastered chain anti-grav in a couple of minutes. His spells do not interupt reloading, they do not suffer any noticable deminishing returns if any at all. He should be considered broken and ripe for the nerfing.

Rhino and Volt are mid-tier, they have situational usefulness. Rhino being good agains infested and Volt destorying Corpus.

Back to Loki, he'd be lowest tier because Ash is just more fun in my opinion and has 300 base shields with 450 base health. Loki is 225/225 and has 225 energy, which isn't really worth anything considering how useless his spells are, and his only useful ones are only 25/50 mana.

Just my views on the tiers in the current state of the game.


You're kind of new it seems, and for early-game content I think your points are very valid. 

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Everybody say Saryn is high tier because Miasm,a but she have two useful powers.

Venom in defense mission is devastating and molt save asses. The only ability what i think need a little buff is Contagion.

Edited by MrHostile
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Stygi, shield polarize is now % based, so it's very much useful at that. Although still, her abilities need tweaking :



- Shield polarize is great with the % base, but, imho, would be better if damage dealt by shield explosion was the amount of shield exploded, not measy ~30




It does do the shield removal as damage, that's why its only 30 damage vs some enemies. A midlevel moa is something like 200 shields; polarize them and it emits a burst for 100 damage to everything else, which is then reduced by armor I think. So a pile of moas does cause a lot of reaction...

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I have to agree with the Volt part, shock is useless, I rather to spend some bullets instead 50 energy(2 shocks...)(I tried to kill a lvl 19 grineer lancer with shock, using focus mod, storm helmet and marathon... and only took 50% of its life while my weapons, can kill the same guy with one shot) to kill a weak grineer lancer... the shield is only usefull soloing, sometimes because in group there is no tactical component, speed... is only to cover looong distances or when your mates leave you behind, and the only good thing, overload, usefull and an smart decission against large groups of enemies but its a waste to use it against one or two.... and thats why Volt is supposed to have shock but.... shock can only kill some corpus crew mens or ospreys

(this is just my opinion, if someone disagrees it's totally ok and sorry for the bad english)

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I built a mag thinking it would be awesome. It was far from it. I think I hit level 10 and stopped. Bullet attractor is good on bosses so they can't shoot you, i guess. Everything else kinda sucks.


Ash being low tier I'm not sure I agree with. While of very little use to the team in terms of utility, the Ash can quickly clear the room of an overwhelming amount of enemies with both his 1 and his 4 abilities. I can give ash mid tier because at level 60 and higher, heavies and even some trash mobs start gaining enough health to survive a shuriken hit, meaning more energy is being wasted. But the near instant disposal of all but the highest level mobs makes the ash handy to have around.  Granted the ash is less useful against infested due to sheer numbers.


Ember - My favorite frame. The only issue I have with ember is Focus as well as leveling up abilities does not increase the damage of the DoT's. For the most part it's not an issue except in cases of extreme level enemies.  I also wish her Fire Blase had some sort of damage over time in the center. Maybe even a reduced amount. 35 damage per second in the center I think would be enough. If either one of those 2 issues got fixed I would be the happiest person alive. For all of a few seconds.


Saryn... Well I hear it's good. Personally I don't like the looks of any of it's abilities.  It doesn't look all that useful. I can't argue with so many people saying otherwise though. I guess some good explanation as to why it's any good would be helpful.

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Saryn... Well I hear it's good. Personally I don't like the looks of any of it's abilities.  It doesn't look all that useful. I can't argue with so many people saying otherwise though. I guess some good explanation as to why it's any good would be helpful.

Saryn's ulti is arguably the most powerful ulti in the game, because poison damage always does full damage. Ultimates from say the Ember and Volt start doing much reduced damage as enemy resistances increase, Saryn doesn't have this problem and just does huge damage that stays huge - it also stuns. Big damage + CC = very good.


She also has her version of a Decoy, which most people would say is a useful skill.


Her #1 ability is debated, some say useless, other people think it's great when used with spread-fire weapons or shotguns. Easy to spread.


Contagion is arguably her least useful ability, still has uses.


Overall tanky frame, hard to kill.


All adds up to a powerful frame.

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Venom would be more usefull if you could break those damn pustules. Using Hek or even Strun, I can't seem to burst them ever with her. Miasma is a great "Oh S#&$" button, and Molt funnels infected towards it amazingly. Sadly, at higher levels Molt dies pretty fast to any hits making it not as usefull as loki's decoy. (For those that don't know, Molt has health/sheild values). Contagion is crap, and does very little extra damage I find.


Shields are decent I guess, but her real power is in health and armour values. I can tank damn well with her if need be.

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Hmm, I am interested in what the rest of the community thinks of this list. Do you agree/disagree? Have you played all 13 frames, or are you in a clan or squad with access to all 13, and found clear disadvantages as suggested in this image?

I have all 13 frames, almost all to 30. Vauban is powerful, but try him solo on a high level infested mission, all of his abilities are almost worthless against infested, all it can really do is slow them down. 


All of your high end frames are fun to play, I'd say about evenly balanced, except for Nyx and Saryn, there abilities scale extremely well in high end content. Not so much with Frost(should rename to snowglobe) and Banshee(although her ult is quite useful).


Trinity, and Ash should all be moved to 'god' frame level. Their abilities scale extremely well and they all have decent armor,power, and shields. Exalibur is an excellent frame in the hands of an experienced user.


Rhino,Volt, and Mag are all good frames. Rhino has survivability, Volt and Ember have high damage output. All three are marred by at least one flaw though. Rhino is slow as sin and really only has one ability,Iron Skin(which is usually bugged in some way). Volt and Mag both have low armor value so when you get hit by a disrupter, you are instantly dead.


Now, this is all moot, as almost everyone in all the regions do nothing but run from point A to point B, making Loki with the highest base sprint and best distraction ability in the game, number 1.


It's an entirely different ranking if you play solo, but very, very(repeat 'very' to a googol) few do that so I will not address it.

Edited by Aidith
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I have all 13 frames, almost all to 30. Vauban is powerful, but try him solo on a high level infested mission, all of his abilities are almost worthless against infested, all it can really do is slow them down. 

Get an Ogris.


Vaubeard + Bastille + Ogris = solo infested farm-pro

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Rhino is with the current changes in my personal opinion the best warframe there is no matter what the mission is. All of his skills are usefull and powerfull.


Saryn comes in as close second, very good warframe but 2 skills are not as usefull as they could be.


Ember and Banshee follow on the foot as shared third ok Fireball and Overheat kinda meh, but Fireblast and World of Fire kick &#! even against non infested. And the Silence or the Sonar from the Banshee is also kinda useless. Sonar is nice but compared to Rhinos roar ....


Frost and Vauben awesome Defense Frames, for the rest i dont like em that much. Frost more then Vauban, Frost only has 1 bad skill and Vauban 2.  For Frost its Freeze that skill is an joke, the other 3 are awesome, tough Avalanche could use an buff for range and dmg. For Vauban it is Bounce and Vortex, Bounce is just lame and Vortex may have uses but it to often bugs stuff out.


Nyx is kinda an oddball for me have not enough experince with her to come to an opinion about her.


But there are an couple that are far behind overall, Mag,Volt,Excalibur, Ash, Loki, Trinity.

Some of em have at least 1 usefull skill but sometime even that one is at best only really usefull in a hand full situations. Like Loki's Decoy i love that skill to death for any defence mission it makes it so easy to get the enemys to together so someone can nuke em.


Excalibur best and only skill worthy of use is Slash 'n Dash but that one is awesome, rest is kinda useless.


Trinity needs an overhaul for her first 3 skills the ulti is great but the rest maybe except link is meh.


Ash is a poor poor dude maybe even worse then Mag and Volt at the moment, Shuriken is an bad joke, Smoke Screen is plain useless, Teleport too. And Bladestorm is to limited compared to the rest of the ultimates.


Volt the Sprint change is freaking awesome thank you so much for that but the other skills still need love, for the Shield i have an idea, make it an group based buff that gives the player 25% resistance and 25% extra dmg for an set amount of time.


Mag got some love and it helped but she is still far behind the other dmg frames, her pull might be changed to an 180% push like the banshee has one only that mag uses small metall sliver to impale enemys, Shield Polarize is useless against enemys without shields and refilling team mates with em ... dont joke your self there :D. But it could be usefull, it already has huge disadvantages, make it so that If the enemy has shields and is hit by that skill that he loses all his shields and takes dmg for the amount of shield he had. The ulti should be working more like Banshees if an enemy moves after the start in the field he is affected by the cc and dmg too. And pls make it full 360, it looks like there is an small part of the back that dosent get affected by it.





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Get an Ogris.


Vaubeard + Bastille + Ogris = solo infested farm-pro

Get hit by one high level Ancient Disruptor when you have more then a few infested around you = death. Ogris is only capable of hitting things within a 6 in-game meter radius, plus, i believe we were talking about frames in a vacuum, not weapons. I'm not sure how big the radius on Ogris gets with max level mods on it, but, if it hits you, you = dead.

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