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Un-Official Warframe Tier List


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Trinity needs an overhaul for her first 3 skills the ulti is great but the rest maybe except link is meh.



Energy siphon is fine the way it is. I don't see how basically infinite energy is a bad ability.


Link is pretty much a "I gotta get the hell outta here" button that works fine. Complete invincibility for 8 seconds to recuperate, recharge shields, and decimate enemies around you without fear of death is plenty to get the job done. A warframe made out of paper like Trinity needs one of these abilities; even more so considering she has no offensive abilities.


Totally agree that Well of Life is pretty useless though.

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Energy siphon is fine the way it is. I don't see how basically infinite energy is a bad ability.


Link is pretty much a "I gotta get the hell outta here" button that works fine. Complete invincibility for 8 seconds to recuperate, recharge shields, and decimate enemies around you without fear of death is plenty to get the job done. A warframe made out of paper like Trinity needs one of these abilities; even more so considering she has no offensive abilities.


Totally agree that Well of Life is pretty useless though.

How is well of life useless? It can make the difference between winning a tough as nails fight or dying. If you use link and well of life, and have everyone focus on the one tough add, it suddenly becomes very useful. Especially if you want to heal your entire cell without using your ult.

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How is well of life useless? It can make the difference between winning a tough as nails fight or dying. If you use link and well of life, and have everyone focus on the one tough add, it suddenly becomes very useful. Especially if you want to heal your entire cell without using your ult.


Since the cap on Well of Life is like 150 HP per cast. Definitely not enough to sustain anyone who may have the agro of a boss / high level heavy enemy.


With energy siphon basically giving you infinite energy, it's a better idea to use blessing seeing as it fully heals everyone's HP + shield AND gives a period of invulnerability for the whole squad.

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Vauban is overrated. He is only insanely useful in infested defense. Vauban blows against most bosses and has below average ability to take damage. I only have him because of his beard. 


I would have Trinity in the lowest tier and move mag up. 99% of the time none of her abilities accomplish anything because people aren't low on health or energy. 


ember is probably the best at clearing low level content, which is everything but high wave defense missions and t3 void missions. World on fire effectively kills almost everything and can kill everything in a huge area when you run around with it. Has highest shield recharge, and significant damage reduction so she can take a beating. 


have played all three.

Edited by aTaVaX
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I think it's more useful to talk about frames in context than in a vacuum. I'm interested in how much each frame can contribute to its respective ideal team with the ideal weapons and mods. For example, Banshee and Ember are both mediocre in a vacuum. However, Banshee can push a Vauban + Nyx + Frost team to much higher waves than Ember can.

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Vauban is overrated. He is only insanely useful in infested defense. Vauban blows against most bosses and has below average ability to take damage. I only have him because of his beard. 


I would have Trinity in the lowest tier and move mag up. 99% of the time none of her abilities accomplish anything because people aren't low on health or energy.


I agree that Vauban is slightly overrated.  I consider him high tier, not god tier.  However, Trinity is now the only frame with a straight-up invincibility mechanic (2, actually), which makes her extremely valuable.  She's one of, if the the, single hardest frame to kill.  Not to mention the fact that she can generate a continuous amount of energy for her whole team. 



Rhino is with the current changes in my personal opinion the best warframe there is no matter what the mission is. All of his skills are usefull and powerfull.


Iron Skin is not useful at high levels, although it is blatantly broken on low levels.  Rhino is also one of the slowest frames, which makes him terrible at speed-running and farming.  Roar, while useful, is not as good as Banshee's Sonar.  Don't get me wrong, Rhino's ultimate is one of the best abilities in the game right now.  However, that alone is not enough to make him the best. 



Ash is a poor poor dude maybe even worse then Mag and Volt at the moment, Shuriken is an bad joke, Smoke Screen is plain useless, Teleport too. And Bladestorm is to limited compared to the rest of the ultimates.


I'm going to ignore a lot of the information from your post because I simply don't have the time or energy to argue with most of it.  However, I must point something out.  There is no possible way that Ash is worse than Mag.  While Shuriken has some problems, most #1 abilities aren't all that useful.  Smoke Screen provides both safety and a massive melee DPS increase, for a relatively low energy cost.  Teleport... yeah that's pretty much useless.  But Bladestorm isn't that bad (bugs aside), and Smoke Screen coupled with Ash's fast movement speed makes him a master of getting around and executing enemies.  He's not high tier (no group support or long-term disables), but he's by no means terrible. 

Edited by Ganpot
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The problem with this tier list is that you are saying mid-high tier means they are in a good spot but several of the mid-high tier frames are there because their ultimate or some other ability is ridiculously strong while their other powers are hardly used (frost snow globe and miasma). The Vauban seems like the only frame where people like and use all it's powers (don't have one so I can't give any personal experience).

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The problem with this tier list is that you are saying mid-high tier means they are in a good spot but several of the mid-high tier frames are there because their ultimate or some other ability is ridiculously strong while their other powers are hardly used (frost snow globe and miasma). The Vauban seems like the only frame where people like and use all it's powers (don't have one so I can't give any personal experience).

Yeah, i use all the powers.


Vauban so far for me is what ALL warframes should aim towards, yes vauban does have his bugs but he is well balanced imo, great vs infested defence, frost better otherwise (snowglobe of course). and all of his abilities have a use


Tesla to chip away at enemies and possibly stunlock.


Bounce pads around pod to launch melee hostiles away


Bastille to halt rushing enemies in their tracks


And Vortex to pull enemies into a tight group to be nuked by another frame (although still bugged where it pulls other warframes)


Vauban dosn't need a nerf, he needs a tweak on some abilities


(i dont mind having tesla as a pulsing AoE mines with the tradeoff of reduced damage) <---- things like this

Edited by xXZEROCSXx
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Yeah, i use all the powers.


Vauban so far for me is what ALL warframes should aim towards, yes vauban does have his bugs but he is well balanced imo, great vs infested defence, frost better otherwise (snowglobe of course). and all of his abilities have a use


Tesla to chip away at enemies and possibly stunlock.


Bounce pads around pod to launch melee hostiles away


Bastille to halt rushing enemies in their tracks


And Vortex to pull enemies into a tight group to be nuked by another frame (although still bugged where it pulls other warframes)


Vauban dosn't need a nerf, he needs a tweak on some abilities


(i dont mind having tesla as a pulsing AoE mines with the tradeoff of reduced damage) <---- things like this

Am I the only one that throws down the bounce pads in tight corridors? It will bounce the enemies into the ceiling so hard that it most often kills it. I killed an Ancient Infested this way, he died when he hit the ceiling, hung there for about 20 seconds, was hilarious. The ones that don't die, are on the ground, walk up,melee kill.

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Get hit by one high level Ancient Disruptor when you have more then a few infested around you = death. Ogris is only capable of hitting things within a 6 in-game meter radius, plus, i believe we were talking about frames in a vacuum, not weapons. I'm not sure how big the radius on Ogris gets with max level mods on it, but, if it hits you, you = dead.

Well if you're not sure, you probably shouldn't be speaking about it  =O


Ancient disruptors cannot attack you if you are inside your Bastille, they get hung up like every other mob. Waiting until large clumps of mobs are stuck on Bastille and then shooting them with an Ogris is a very effective way to farm with almost no threat to the Vauban.

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Well if you're not sure, you probably shouldn't be speaking about it  =O


Ancient disruptors cannot attack you if you are inside your Bastille, they get hung up like every other mob. Waiting until large clumps of mobs are stuck on Bastille and then shooting them with an Ogris is a very effective way to farm with almost no threat to the Vauban.

What about a disruptor that stands outside of radius of Bastille? Or charges just as it's time limit ends? I'm not saying Bastille isn't a good skill, what I'm saying is two-fold: 1, we aren't really talking about weapons here, Ogris in it's current form is OP for everything in the game. 2, Did you really have to put in underhanded insult in there? No one currently knows what the max radius for Ogris is except for the developers.


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Mag to low.. Volt to mid..Rhino to high....maybe drop banshee to mid. Still leaves Mag all alone but no longer worthless and even OP with certain gear.

Everything can be seen as OP "with certain gear."


My Rank 2 Mag solo'ed the Jackal. Which sounds good until you learn I was using a potato'ed Paris.

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The problem with this tier list is that you are saying mid-high tier means they are in a good spot but several of the mid-high tier frames are there because their ultimate or some other ability is ridiculously strong while their other powers are hardly used (frost snow globe and miasma). The Vauban seems like the only frame where people like and use all it's powers (don't have one so I can't give any personal experience).

Ember sort of falls in there, all her abilities are fun to use though Fireball moves a bit slow for me. Kogake+Ovearheat though makes enemies helpless and taking constant damage.


Banshee really only has 2 primary skills Sonar and Sound-Quake and Quake is only really good till wave 10 on Xini maybe wave 7 on Io. Sonic Boom I would love to see a damage "if" they hit a wall so it has some form of offense-support counterplay.


Nyx well Psy-Bolt and Absorb need to be looked at, most ignore it because of how good Chaos is but that isn't an excuse. I agree with what you say though.

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Everything can be seen as OP "with certain gear."

My Rank 2 Mag solo'ed the Jackal. Which sounds good until you learn I was using a potato'ed Paris.

I meant "frame" gear not weapons...stretch and the alternate helm make pull ermahgerd on defense missions. Edited by Zeke01234
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Okay, it's that time of the year again, time to discuss Warframe Tier List and give some feedback on "How do we fix Low Tier Frames".


This list was created after many many days of serious discussions between Top Clans (lel) and Elite Players (lul) and I think it's almost perfect. It really shows how the Warframe "endgame" looks like. But 5-6 amazing frames out of 13 is not enough.


I'd be very happy to see ~10 High/Mid Tier Frames and no Low Tier at all.






I'll start then:



Holy crap... Mag. How could this happen? DE literally ignored her for A VERY long time. She terribly needs a rework. Gladly, there are SO many threads about it so I hope that DE will not ignore our feedback.

Solution: Serious rework. She is the Master of Magnetism... and Warframe is about killing things mostly made out of metals... so she should kinda be... Crowd Controller/Devastating Caster?


Rhino: The Fallen King - ;_;7

I'm one of those players who have "wasted" precious Orokin Reactor on the "old" version of this Frame. Right now he's a Giant... but he can't tank. He is unable to, not anymore. After Wave 15 his Iron Skin is shattered faster than you can say "Oh crap, Potato alert". His Ulti died the same day when Vauban was introduced.

Solution: Iron Skin rework, Ulti rework. Long live the King.



Ah yes... Volt. In theory - he's supposed to be Caster, "an alternative to the gunplay". But sadly... he's not. He's only decent against Corpus... any other Fraction can resist his funny, little spells like they're nothing.

Solution: Stronger first spell, more aoe/chain lightning effect. His shield could be a little bigger, let's call it "Volt Wall", and the most important thing... his situational Ulti. It's too situational. Also mobs lightning resist tweak would be nice.



I'm pretty sure that the Mid Tier could use a little tweaks. No need for any serious reworks, just a little tweak or buff here and there.


High Tier Frames are one of my favourites. Battlefield Manipulators, good damage (real ALTERNATIVE to the gunplay) and very versatile. Almost perfectly balanced, useful in many situations, it's always nice to have one of them in your team. Nice desings too.


God Tier is broken - that's obvious. I'm not saying that "nerfing him to the ground" is a good idea, but Vauban really could use a little nerf, right now he's -the best- Frame in the game.


Final Feedback: Rework and buff Mag, buff Rhino and Volt, tweak Mid Tier and Nerf God Tier.


PS. Yes, no matter how frustrated you are - Ash is Mid Tier (barely escaped the Low Tier! Only a few votes!) and there is nothing you can do about it but to ask DE to make him more useful to the team.


TL;DR - Here, let's discuss Tier List. Also - Mag sucks.


Post 8.3 Version (Still waiting for the Update 9!)




Im very sorry but at the moment Rhino is no where near where you place him on this list. He should be right under God tier. Solid solid pick now. Im loving him to death as my new main frame.

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Nyx shouldnt be in high tier imo just cause of chaos and mindcontrol.

Physic Bolts and Absorb dont work as intended.

For one. Physic bolts are really weak and the path finding is just horrible cause it crashes into the ground.

Absorb doesn't go through walls like all the rest of the ults and it needs aggro resulting in it being really crappy when compared to something MUCH more useful like chaos.

I made a whole thread about this like a long time ago, and DE still hasnt noticed (or made any comment of the sort)


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Nyx shouldnt be in high tier imo just cause of chaos and mindcontrol.

Physic Bolts and Absorb dont work as intended.

For one. Physic bolts are really weak and the path finding is just horrible cause it crashes into the ground.

Absorb doesn't go through walls like all the rest of the ults and it needs aggro resulting in it being really crappy when compared to something MUCH more useful like chaos.

I made a whole thread about this like a long time ago, and DE still hasnt noticed (or made any comment of the sort)


Absorb is easily the most powerful ulti if used on high level corpus/grineer maps and a team that knows to shoot you when you're doing it. It doesn't shine in low level pugs when everybody will just kill the mobs around you, but when enemies start doing really insane damage and you just insta-gib all of them by reflecting it back, followed by an Chaos to CC any stragglers remaining, it's hardly crappy. Granted it doesn't go through walls, it still has the potential to do the most damage of any ulti if used right.


PB is crap but everything else is so powerful that the Nyx really is high tier in almost every situation.

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