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2 minutes ago, Tomppak said:

Just random people in random threads in this forum. No hard source, I'm just repeating what I heard. I do wish that it's true, though.
I think it had something to do with how they release male/female frames in 2/2 and the order in which frames were originally created.

Though, doing a quick research, [DE]Rebecca stated that "any frame is elligible for a primed version, though older frames are likely to have priority" - so even if the previous releases did follow some sort of logical order, following releases might not - in short, having done a quick search, I'm not so sure anymore. Still, I can always hope :P

Ah okay. Fair point then.

Though I missed possible leaks and such. Thanks for the respones.

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6 minutes ago, Fionntan said:

At this point, is better to invest the new Riv armor set for those who have 90% of the un-vaulted bundle.

Guaranteed to look like armor + primed:




Hek, can't wait for armor sets to be made via Tennogen for 5-8 bucks a piece of a set.

Damn, our Inaros have the exact same color scheme. Guess edgelord is quite common :( Also, If you think there wont be 20+ threads complaining its tennogen and not plat then you are in for a bad time.

Edited by WARLOCKE
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14 minutes ago, WARLOCKE said:

Well, you have won me over. But Im going to type one last thing before I go. No sarcasm. 

Why "I" find this thread distasteful is because it is what amounts to a child throwing a temper tantrum because his mum wouldnt get him the coco bar he wanted.

DE has said this pack will not change. Literally 20 posts have been made on this very subject. And then we have this one. It doesnt show the community in a flattering light. 

DE does not have to give us unvaults. It is not a RIGHT, And at this rate. If I was DE im not sure id want to bother with another unvault the way the forums have been going.

Now I have said my piece. No sarcasm.

Okay... you can stop right there mister. (No Disrespect here. :D)

We are not throwing tantrums of any kind and it pains me that you would refer to what we've been discussing in that regard. This pack will not change only because they feel they are benefiting themselves more in the aftermath, sure there are tons of people who will buy it because it looks good to them, if they don't have anything that the Unvaulted pack offers. But it is a gigantic problem for those of us willing to discuss it.

This community isn't completely perfect and always on DE's good side, we are people just like them, with differing thoughts and opinions. And I understand it is not a right that they give us a chance at anything like this in the first place (with the Unvaulting and what not.). But we have been through this before.

They do this for us, but only for some of us. The players who already have a majority of the pack and who do not want to throw $60 more at them for only one item that they can't get any other way. These players are the few who are not getting what they want from this, and that's fine, not everyone is going to be happy.

In the end, it is just for cosmetics, all of this talk I mean... but if we don't draw a line on what is fair or not, where will it end? There are plenty of players that share these views, and several that are indifferent on the subject and that will buy the pack anyway, just because it has something they want. But this is only harming DE in the long haul, for the players like myself that have stuck around through it all, and through problems such as these.

That is my piece.
Oh, and one more thing. You can think how you please to, just as we can. But this thread has offered nothing but the thoughts and opinions of players willing to add their voices to the mix. Sure, we may not even be considered and nothing will be changed. But at least in the end, even if nothing happened, we can look back and say we tried.

Edited by AEP8FlyBoy
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5 minutes ago, WARLOCKE said:

Damn, our Inaros have the exact same color scheme. Guess edgelord is quite common :( Also, If you think there wont be 20+ threads complaining its tennogen and not plat then you are in for a bad time.

Eh not my frame, just saw it on google search, hence the link.

Also, to be fair at least Tenno Gen doesn't charge 60 $$$ 

Thread complains will always exist, thats unavoidable. 

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5 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

Okay... you can stop right there mister. (No Disrespect here. :D)

We are not throwing tantrums of any kind and it pains me that you would refer to what we've been discussing in that regard. This pack will not change only because they feel they are benefiting themselves more in the aftermath, sure there are tons of people who will buy it because it looks good to them, if they don't have anything that the Unvaulted pack offers. But it is a gigantic problem for those of us willing to discuss it.

This community isn't completely perfect and always on DE's good side, we are people just like them, with differing thoughts and opinions. And I understand it is not a right that they give us a chance at anything like this in the first place (with the Unvaulting and what not.). But we have been through this before.

They do this for us, but only for some of us. The players who already have a majority of the pack and who do not want to throw $60 more at them for only one item that they can't get any other way, these players are the few who are not getting what they want from this, and that's fine, not everyone is going to be happy.

In the end, it is just for cosmetics, all of this talk I mean... but if we don't draw a line on what is fair or not, where will it end? There are plenty of players that share these views, and several that are indifferent on the subject and that will buy the pack anyway, just because it has something they want. But this is only harming DE in the long haul, for the players like myself that have stuck around through it all, and through problems such as these.

That is my piece.
Oh, and one more thing. You can think how you please to, just as we can. But this thread has offered nothing but the thoughts and opinions of players willing to add their voices to the mix. Sure, we may not even be considered and nothing will be changed. But at least in the end, even if nothing happened, we can look back and say we tried to.

Look, seriously. What would you call this situation. DE has said not this time. Its been put out there. You can ask for future unvaults to be the way you would like them. But this one, its done. Anything further is a temper tantrum. Just how I see it.

You see the way I was raised is that you dont keep pressing an issue when you have already been told no. But by judging the forums, im in a extreme minority.

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3 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

Can you guarantee that DE will make the same profit (or more) if they offer a lower price just for the armor?
Because if you can't then DE is just hurting their profits for literally no gain to anyone.

They aren't losing profits, regardless, because they're pushing out content that required no extra development time (it was already previously released) and repackaging it with a shiny new price tag.

It's literally a win/win for DE to make two separate packs, especially during the Steam Summer Sale.

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3 minutes ago, WARLOCKE said:

Look, seriously. What would you call this situation. DE has said not this time. Its been put out there. You can ask for future unvaults to be the way you would like them. But this one, its done. Anything further is a temper tantrum. Just how I see it.

That is where our viewpoints differ, my friend.

I know it can't be changed, but this has happened before. Frost's Unvaulting had the same problem, and they said they would look into it based on community feedback. Apparently it didn't gain any traction. So this all may be pointless. That isn't going to stop me from trying to set things as they should be.

Farmable items and platinum should always be separate from cosmetics or un-farmable/special items. (Yes, Platinum counts as a farmable resource. Because you can trade items you earn in-game for it.)

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Maybe there is a reason, behind the scenes, why it wouldn't make sense to separate the pack.

Maybe they don't want potential "investors" to take the "I'll just wait for the cheaper vault pack cosmetics" mentality, that would slowly kill and devalue prime access.

Maybe they need to take a stand, less The community gets the idea that they have ultimate control over how DE sells their cosmetic packs.

...or Maybe they're making enough sales to not care about they vocal minority.on the forums.

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6 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

That is where our viewpoints differ, my friend.

I know it can't be changed, but this has happened before. Frost's Unvaulting had the same problem, and they said they would look into it based on community feedback. Apparently it didn't gain any traction. So this all may be pointless. That isn't going to stop me from trying to set things as they should be.

Farmable items and platinum should always be separate from cosmetics or un-farmable/special items. (Yes, Platinum counts as a farmable resource. Because you can trade items you earn in-game for it.)

But at what point will you accept it isnt going to happen? I mean just by using logic and past precedent we find that if they have told you they would look into it, then release this unvault the same way as before, you would figure that this is a quite No. At this point thats how it looks. I dont care if they sell it for 5 bucks and a kiss. Thats not my issue here. Its how people are giving DE grief when they are doing the player base a solid just releasing the damn stuff. I understand alot of players will not be able to afford this. And that sucks. But there is nothing I, DE or anyone else can do about that.

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5 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Maybe they don't want potential "investors" to take the "I'll just wait for the cheaper vault pack cosmetics" mentality, that would slowly kill and devalue prime access.

Having to wait, what, over a year to get cosmetics at a slightly cheaper price (all they have to do is stick some boosters and/or platinum in and put the price up to about 40 bucks, or something) is suddenly devaluing the prime access pack that came out forever ago?

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10 minutes ago, WARLOCKE said:

But at what point will you accept it isnt going to happen? I mean just by using logic and past precedent we find that if they have told you they would look into it, then release this unvault the same way as before, you would figure that this is a quite No. At this point thats how it looks. I dont care if they sell it for 5 bucks and a kiss. Thats not my issue here. Its how people are giving DE grief when they are doing the player base a solid just releasing the damn stuff. I understand alot of players will not be able to afford this. And that sucks. But there is nothing I, DE or anyone else can do about that.

You're wrong, DE can do something about it.
They are merely choosing not to, and that is what ignited this discussion.

$60 is way too expensive for those players that have Mag, Boar and Dakra Prime already, just when they want the Targis Prime Armor set. The Platinum and Mag Avatars are just freebies. They are only driving attention away from themselves with this business decision, and there are so many other complete games that are great, some even on sale for half of the price of this Unvault pack.

It isn't much to ask to implore them to make a separate accessories bundle for this, just to appeal to more customers/players. This is only driving money away and they can change it, but I'm not sure why they aren't/haven't yet.

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12 minutes ago, WARLOCKE said:

they are doing the player base a solid just releasing the damn stuff.

Gotta blow my whistle on this part right here.  Releasing this gear again and this Prime Unvaulting is NOT, I repeat... NOT "doing us a solid".  While this is potentially beneficial for those interested and/or don't have the gear, at the end of the day games are here to make money.

This is a business move in order to make money.  They are doing this for themselves and nobody else.  "Doing us a solid" would have been meeting the community halfway in a way that satisfies both their wallets and our wants.  However that wasn't done despite being lead on to believe *Something* would be, and that's what has ignited this issue once more.

Sorry, that's just being a fanboy to DE trying to say that.  

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2 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

You're wrong, DE can do something about it.
They are merely choosing not to, and that is what ignited this discussion.

$60 is way to expensive for those players that have Mag, Boar and Dakra Prime already, just when they want the Targis Prime Armor set. The Platinum and Mag Avatars are just freebies. They are only driving attention away from themselves with this business decision, there are so many other complete games that are great, some even on sale for half of the price of this Unvault pack.

It isn't much to ask to implore them to make a separate accessories bundle for this, just to appeal to more customers/players. This is only driving money away and they can change it, but I'm not sure why they aren't/haven't yet.

I have had mag prime, dakra and boar for years now. I bought the package. Obviously it was not to expensive for everyone. DE is a business. They will do what makes them the most. And industry standard is whale hunting. Unless we see hard data on how well this package sold vs how many would pledge to buy it for less (wont happen) then no one can claim that DE is losing money by whale hunting,

Also, premium content will always exist.If everyone is special no one is. DE has to create rarity to keep the big spenders spending. Its done IRL as well with luxury products. And while you say you only want options and will still pay the 60, ive seen a hundred other posters saying insane stuff liek they want it for 20 bucks. 

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2 minutes ago, WARLOCKE said:

Also, premium content will always exist.If everyone is special no one is. DE has to create rarity to keep the big spenders spending. Its done IRL as well with luxury products. And while you say you only want options and will still pay the 60, ive seen a hundred other posters saying insane stuff liek they want it for 20 bucks. 

I think $20-25 would be reasonable, if it was just the Targis Prime Armor Set you were getting. I don't know the exact calculations on the value of the armor, but I think it is close to that actually.

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5 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

I think $20-25 would be reasonable, if it was just the Targis Prime Armor Set you were getting. I don't know the exact calculations on the value of the armor, but I think it is close to that actually.

Im telling you right now that is not going to happen. They will not devalue future prime access's in that manner. Either way you are going to be spending 60. If you want ask for diffrent stuff, fine. But dont think you are ever getting prime accessories for less than 50. 

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10 minutes ago, CaliburxZero said:

Gotta blow my whistle on this part right here.  Releasing this gear again and this Prime Unvaulting is NOT, I repeat... NOT "doing us a solid".  While this is potentially beneficial for those interested and/or don't have the gear, at the end of the day games are here to make money.

This is a business move in order to make money.  They are doing this for themselves and nobody else.  "Doing us a solid" would have been meeting the community halfway in a way that satisfies both their wallets and our wants.  However that wasn't done despite being lead on to believe *Something* would be, and that's what has ignited this issue once more.

Sorry, that's just being a fanboy to DE trying to say that.  

Im anything but a DE fanboy. But I will support them when they are in the right. And right now I find them to be in the right. While it may be a business move, its also run by people. And the amount of gak they are getting for this is horrible. If I was scott, id tell you all to go fly a kite and not bother with this at all. 

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Just now, WARLOCKE said:

Im telling you right now that is not going to happen. They will not devalue future prime access's in that manner. Either way you are going to be spending 60. If you want ask for diffrent stuff, fine. But dont think you are ever getting prime accessories for less than 50. 

I am in agreement and that's the thing.  If they don't wish to allow it to be in a pack that's worth less than 50-60, okay.  However, to anybody willing to defend there is no "Option B" what stops DE from throwing it with boosters and plat and ask for 60 USD as well in value?  

Let's be honest here.  It can easily be done and they could make the same amount of money, without having any of these issues.  DE just chose not to.

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1 minute ago, WARLOCKE said:

Im anything but a DE fanboy. But I will support them when they are in the right. And right now I find them to be in the right. While it may be a business move, its also run by people. And the amount of gak they are getting for this is horrible. If I was scott, id tell you all to go fly a kite and not bother with this at all. 

Then let me rephrase it to "you were being a DE fanboy in this one moment".  Either way my opinion still stands.  Did you see the very long, highly-upvoted thread talking about this?  

DE knew the amount of interest in the set, they knew the stakes because the community was vocal.  This is 100% justified that alot of upset people are posting about this.  We as a community have the right to state our opinion so as long as it is not done in a inappropriate manner.  You are my equal, just as much as everyone else here, and you may disagree all you want but you have literally zero right to try to shout down a dissenting opinion from your own.

  And if you think this is bad, wait until more people take notice of this in the upcoming days.  The storm has not fully arrived.

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8 minutes ago, WARLOCKE said:

Im telling you right now that is not going to happen. They will not devalue future prime access's in that manner. Either way you are going to be spending 60. If you want ask for diffrent stuff, fine. But dont think you are ever getting prime accessories for less than 50. 

The only reason Prime Accessories is that expensive from the get go, is because it comes with 90 Day Affinity and Credit Boosters. That 50 dollars you're paying for isn't just for the armor in any semblance of the thought.

The armor most likely has a value on its own right, but it is okay to bundle it with other things, just not things we already have or can easily attain by other means.

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