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Void 2.0 Feedback [Megathread]


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Frankly I don't see why DE need this Rift system, why not simply have capture/exterminate/mobile defense/sabotage/countdown-endless alert missions rewarding prime parts .

I get the change in reward system, quality over quantity, so let's keep that; but why make it all rifts ?

It makes no sense.

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That's actually a very good point. They could delete the void, and its keys/relics, make the star chart more interesting, and allow for a wider distribution of loot in the pool if they just replaced the rewards in normal (planet) missions with the prime parts, blueprints, forma, etc where the key/relic would normally have been awarded. At least then I couldn't complain about completing the star chart. It would have a purpose.

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1 minute ago, Trichouette said:

Well first, the mission type rotate and I can just farm for the correct relic while waiting for a nice and easy mission like capture or exterminate (not forced anymore to do defense or survival)

Second, I can see the loot table in game, and I can increase the loot chance of rare items.

And my favorite part, you get to choose among 4 items if you play with a team, so you have an even bigger chance of obtaining what you want with less grinding time.

Mission types rotate but you still have to to same thing in order to get traces. It doesn't matter if its capture or survival when the main part of mission is fissure and it is SAME on all missions. So yeah it's even less diverse.

You could see loot table before just on wikia not in game, not big change there...

"You an choose 4 items", loot table has more than 4 items. In order to get CHANCE to get vauban chasis for example I need to
a) grind same thing
b) grind same thing so I get more traces and then "decrease rng"....and still not get it.

Sorry but this is just more complicated, and more complicated doesn't mean interesting nor good. It just means more complicated.

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On 08/07/2016 at 9:47 AM, [DE]Taylor said:

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 1



  • The Void Fissure sealing process will be aborted should no players in the squad have a Relic equipped, i.e leaving while only having one equipped Relic will close it out.
  • Adjusted the timings and maximum amount of repeats for Void Fissure transmissions.
  • Improved the way Void Fissure rewards are replicated for Clients after a host migration has occurred.
  • Tweaked the visuals of Void Traces.
  • Fixed an issue with Clients not properly receiving their Void Trace bonus when their Void Relic reward.
  • Fixed an issue with Host’s being unable to click Start Timer, Clear Vote, or Leave Squad during a Void Fissure lobby setup.
  • Fixed an issue with Squad UI becoming unresponsive after declining a Void Fissure mission.
  • Fixed a UI overlap that could occur if two players in the same lobby selected two different Void Fissure missions.
  • Fixed an issue with matchmaking not properly working for Void Fissure missions.
  • Fixed an issue with certain Void Defense missions not having their proper reward tables.
  • Fixed an issue with Void Fissure start transmission playing again after a host migration.


  • Reduced the number of Nullifier and Bombard units spawned during Void Fissure sealing process

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 2

  • Reduced the sound effect volume of enemy spawns from Void Fissures.

So sorry about the delay in updating this thread - it's been an insane weekend and the amount of feedback we've received is amazing. Thank you! We're working hard on another hotfix as I type this.

Quoting the updated hotfix info for visibility. 

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Just now, VRHmason said:

You could see loot table before just on wikia not in game, not big change there...

Wow I didn't know that (oh wait... I do)

It's still better to see it i game.

You want a vauban chassis ?

  1. get some T1 relics
  2. farm some traces with 3 person also looking for this part (shouldn't be hard)
  3. each one of you levelup his relic
  4. do the mission
  5. and you know have a very high chance of geting that vauban chassis.
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18 minutes ago, FrostDragoon said:


"Give it a chance" is too late. I did. I tried it a bunch, but groups keep falling apart, the fissure likes to glitch out and either not spawn or spawn outside of the level, the new keys system is extremely anti-social compared to the old one (unless everyone has refined theirs), the fissures aren't on the mini-map, and the fissures themselves are not a fun mode--let alone to layer it on top of an existing mission.

It's not a question of learning or understanding. It's a question of "Why the hell did they make it into this?"

The fissures could definitely stand to be marked on minimap, or even visible to loot detection mods. The mission vote UI should probably also show which relics people are bringing, if any.

I haven't really encountered the "anti-social" stuff; do you mean that you feel like there's always pressure to use a certain kind of key? I would just bounce right out of any public groups where people were acting like that.

Fissures not spawning, or spawning outside the level? I'm gonna need some proof of that, because I have been doing a lot of these missions and not once have I seen anything like what you're describing.

As for fissures "not being a fun mode," do you mean how hectic and crazy they get? Depending on the mission type, they definitely can get real crazy. I'm mostly fine with it, but some people are absolutely going to miss the more leisurely pace of the old system - and I can totally respect that.

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Would have been a lot simpler if DE had just put different rewards on each node for a certain number of completions.
That might have actually spread players out over the starmap, instead of playing Chase the Alert.

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Just now, Trichouette said:

Wow I didn't know that (oh wait... I do)

It's still better to see it i game.

You want a vauban chassis ?

  1. get some T1 relics
  2. farm some traces with 3 person also looking for this part (shouldn't be hard)
  3. each one of you levelup his relic
  4. do the mission
  5. and you know have a very high chance of geting that vauban chassis.

...and still not get it

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For me the new system has allowed me to get the missing parts I needed for 5 primes and I will finish another three with in a week, all done with a minimum of effort.

No more 45 minute missions to walk away with nothing I needed.


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1 minute ago, VRHmason said:

...and still not get it

Well I prefer this over the old system.

"Let's farm the same mission over and over and whatever you do the prime part always has the same loot chance, you could get it at the first try or never get it at all in a lifetime"

I farmed MANY MANY time for the nova part on the derelict, and I never EVER got it.

Now I can work toward increasing the loot chance, and I like that.

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Just now, rockscl said:

wait, isnt that fissures always spawn in the main track towards objectives?, its like impossible to miss em

Not always; I've often seen them spawn out of the way.

It's especially annoying in places like Void tileset Survival fissures, where the map is huge to begin with. It could just be an issue with big maps in general, and the logic employed by the game in deciding where to put them.

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2 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

Well I prefer this over the old system.

"Let's farm the same mission over and over and whatever you do the prime part always has the same loot chance, you could get it at the first try or never get it at all in a lifetime"

I farmed MANY MANY time for the nova part on the derelict, and I never EVER got it.

Now I can work toward increasing the loot chance, and I like that.

my point is you still do the same mission over and over, just this time you do it on ALL mission types.

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2 minutes ago, VRHmason said:

my point is you still do the same mission over and over, just this time you do it on ALL mission types.

But you do less of it, and in a more efficient way.

4 minutes ago, rockscl said:

wait, isnt that fissures always spawn in the main track towards objectives?, its like impossible to miss em


Sometimes they're absolutely out of the main track, you've to look for them.

Luckily lotus helps a bit... But I'd like to be able to see them with the codex scanner. (like for the synthesis target)

Edited by Trichouette
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Fissure is always on the path or in the room you spawn in.

Lotus warns you of proximity

Lotus tells you you are in the same room with fissure

Once activated, fissure appears as an important objective on minimap, similar to a capture target, if you have done captures then a fissure is no different.

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1 minute ago, Trichouette said:

But you do less of it, and in a more efficient way.

No you do it more because it is on ALL mission types... ALL. Doesn't matter surv or cap or ext or int you do it on ALL mission types.

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Just now, KIREEK said:

Fissure is always on the path or in the room you spawn in.

Lotus warns you of proximity

Lotus tells you you are in the same room with fissure

Once activated, fissure appears as an important objective on minimap, similar to a capture target, if you have done captures then a fissure is no different.

Not always.

I got a mission on mars in which I had to go waaaaay far from the path to get it.

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4 minutes ago, maj.death said:

*waiting for people to realize if they all bring the same relic their chance of getting the rare drop is up by 400% (or whatever of the items on the drop table they want)*

400% of what?

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