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Void 2.0 Feedback [Megathread]


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8 hours ago, notlamprey said:


This "woohoo" feeling is just relief that the pain is over. You suffered for a while, and then the suffering ended. You bonded a little with the people who were also present and suffered with you. That's really all there is to it. I know you feel strongly about it, because that's how people are wired up. Far be it from me to dump on your very real emotional connection to that stuff; I know it's real for you and my ability to explain it doesn't invalidate it.

It's an unfortunate combination of things all having to do with how people process events. You aren't at fault in any way for being attached to the old way; it's totally natural. I'm just saying that's really the only argument you're giving me in favor of the old void. "I liked it because I was invested in it."

I literally just did a Lith tear with some lower MR randoms, and had to explain how the fissure worked for them. It was new, mysterious and hard for them just like you describe the old void being for you. Again, nothing but your own perspective here, presented as argument. I stress again, not your fault, but it isn't a compelling case for bringing the old void back.

You say that prime acquisition isn't hard anymore, but I would argue that it never was. Squad composition and roles were so routine that long void missions were so well-rehearsed as to be boring for those who did them the most.

The end bit there is just more nostalgia for suffering of the past. Your investment has been devalued, and you're unhappy. This is all normal and I'm not judging you for it, but you have to understand how it makes your argument look for me, sitting where I do.

LOL. Condescending much. Your post is psychobabble you think is relevant. it isn't I just don't mind things being hard for a while, I don't need everything handed to me today. I don't whine when I don't have VAuban prime 24 hours after release. It shoudl take a month or two. I'm not so impatient as others.

My argument is fine, if it looks odd to you that's your issue not mine. So you don't understand, that's fine. we all can't be rocket scientists.

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11 hours ago, Shockwave- said:


key sharing. Getting a group together for the long farm for mag or what not. Now there is no sharing. It's individual. You don't even know if they brought a relic never mind which one. It's just you. How can you ever tell if anyone brought a raident relic or was just bad RNG? You can't At least you could ignore people who left a keyshare in the old system not do it again. Now the group can run mission after mission and you have no idea.

The WOOHOO feeling after  your group that has just run 15 T4Cs in a row gets their mag helmet.

Taking a newbie on their first void mission. It's all new. The tileset, the enemies, etc. It's cool. Now that just the same old mission on the same tile sets and then do the void tear once and thats it. A 1 minute void tear is the only difference in getting a prime. I remember when the void was mysterious and hard and like WOW I'm getting a prime. This system must be very underwhelming for new players, like an add on chore to a regular mission.

jumping on someone hosting a key you need when you ran out or running a key for a friend or clan mate who is after the item.

Getting a group together to do a Defense mission in the void. 20 minutes, so Frost. If you want to go 40 Frost and ash and such, 60 maybe need a nova. Now it's all 5 and out. Why would anyone go to 60? Nobody needs to even discuss the frames or make sure they work together anymore, nothing is hard at all.

Going to 40 when you miss your 20 minute reward cause you are low on keys. Pushing it to 60 when you miss your 40 minute reward and desperately battling from 55-60 and sneaking out by the skin of your teeth.

All this is GONE.

If there is one message I really hope the game designers at DE (if they have any) would read, it is this.

This is the main reason I fear void 2.0 (even if improved) has the real potential to be devastating to this game and its community.

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11 hours ago, notlamprey said:

The end bit there is just more nostalgia for suffering of the past. Your investment has been devalued, and you're unhappy. This is all normal and I'm not judging you for it, but you have to understand how it makes your argument look for me, sitting where I do.

You need a stable for that high horse?

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Can we get a simpler naming for the relics? For me, it's a bit hard to remember the prime parts location with V1, B1, etc. I think something like Meso A, Meso B, and Meso C is better than Meso V1, Meso D1, and Meso B1.

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Hello everyone, here's my thoughts about Void 2.0:

1. Void 2.0 takes the fun out of forming groups, speccing your frames, and enjoying your warframe skills.

While I understand it's no fun to run T3D over and over again for Ash P BP, at least there was a point to find a good group makeup, with the right specs, to complete the 20 waves quickly.

Now, while it's much easier to go public to farm prime parts, there is little incentive to build any specific build that would help the group because there is no need to anymore. Fissure events are pretty much hack and slash now, within a very small combat area. With nullifiers popping out of nowhere, there is little point in using skills anymore. Previously, when you saw a yellow bubble in the distance in a defence void mission, you would prioritize to kill it so that you can use your skills. Now, fissure events are messy with no need for any strategy or specific builds since all fissure events are the same.

While I acknowledge and applaud the effort to diversify the missions, tilesets, and resource drops, I do feel let down that there is no incentive to build and bring a great EV trin anymore, as an example, to do void missions. Sure, team makeup and builds are still important in Sorties, but that's only one event per day. For the rest of the time, I have found myself just grabbing my Nekros for all fissure events because the key to completing fissures now is very simply a case of killing mobs as fast as you can, and with the design of the event, it favours tanky, melee frames to sustain through the mess and killing nullifiers that can pop out of nowhere to negate any use of frame skills. And with a Nekros, all I do is stay away from the combat area, spam desecrate to get more reactants and void traces, while I leave the rest of the team to kill the mobs without really trying very hard.

2. Relics and choosing loot among the team is a good change

I do like the way each team member contributes relics and their respective loot, I like to have the choice of choosing another reward when RNG is not on my side, while rewarding that player who brought a better relic with void traces. While I understand some players may not like the idea that now they need to have a relic on them to recieve loot, with the change to public matchmaking, I feel it is fair to the players who earned/farmed/bought the relics. Having said that, I did not have much of an issue in the previous way where only 1 void key was needed for the whole group to recieve loot.

3. Mission choices for fissure events = exterminate, capture, exterminate, capture ...

As I mentioned above, I do applaud how the missions are varied, but I have found myself avoiding doing fissure events when it's a Spy, Rescue mission type, and rather do exterminate/capture missions. There is little link between the mission type and fissure event, and in terms of time efficiency, I think  most players would be choosing to do the fast mission types over the others. Since fissure events are all the same, regardless of the underlying mission type, the move to diversify mission types does seem counterintuitive. If the fissure events were somewhat related to the underlying mission type, then perhaps there would be an incentive to do the less time efficient misisons with a premade group.

I do miss doing Void sabotages and hunting for orokin caches for more prime parts per key, as well as endless Void missions. At least, I could choose when I wanted to do a 20min Survival, or a fast Void capture mission. Now, I can't do that. If there's a fissure event that I don't like to do, and it's the only one available for that tier for the next 2 hours, then I'm kind of left with nothing to do, which is quite contrary to the intent of the change to Void 2.0.

Final thoughts:

I feel that I do prefer Void 1.0 over Void 2.0. I had more fun doing voids in Void 1.0 than in Void 2.0, basically. Void 2.0 feels, oddly, more grindy than Void 1.0, despite improvements to quality of life, simply because all fissure events are the same, there is little need to think about group composition and builds anymore. 


Thank you!



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The Void Traces should drop in the Void Tileset as a resource I think. Why ?

  1. The current drop rate is far from being high, and we need 100 for only ONE Relic to really increase our chances for a rare part. So, in fact, there is a "sacrifice" of multiple Relics to get the Traces required to upgrade only one. This is not viable. Moreover, the cap at 100 means you can't stock up insane quantities anyway, and thus can't refine multiple Relics in a row (but not really a problem in my opinion).
  2. It gives a new point going into the Void Tileset.
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Problem with Void Fissures is when i play alone Level 13-15 Fissure i can't do it because there are only 2:50 minutes i think and those golden things don't drop too offten. When void enemy spawn i kill them immediately but i don't have time to finish those 100% because those golden things don't drop and enemy  don't spawn so fast.

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Here is my take on void 2.0:

I love the fact that I don't have to do a SPECIFIC mission to farm parts.

I like the fact that any particular relic isn't "worth" more in terms of parts (Sabotage you could get up to 4 prime parts, Endless keys could get you up to 12 parts, etc)

However, if the design goal was "change it so that you don't need to do the exact same mission over and over to farm for X," I feel that they forgot what they were doing while they were doing it.

Instead of needing to farm, say T4 Interception for X part, now I... simply do the exact same thing in DIFFERENT missions.  The "close the void fissure" mini-game is going to get old pretty quickly.

Nobody does void fissure close missions in an Endless mode.  No reason to, faster to do Exterm or Cap.


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21 hours ago, Shockwave- said:


key sharing. Getting a group together for the long farm for mag or what not. Now there is no sharing. It's individual. You don't even know if they brought a relic never mind which one. It's just you. How can you ever tell if anyone brought a raident relic or was just bad RNG? You can't At least you could ignore people who left a keyshare in the old system not do it again. Now the group can run mission after mission and you have no idea.

The WOOHOO feeling after  your group that has just run 15 T4Cs in a row gets their mag helmet.

Taking a newbie on their first void mission. It's all new. The tileset, the enemies, etc. It's cool. Now that just the same old mission on the same tile sets and then do the void tear once and thats it. A 1 minute void tear is the only difference in getting a prime. I remember when the void was mysterious and hard and like WOW I'm getting a prime. This system must be very underwhelming for new players, like an add on chore to a regular mission.

jumping on someone hosting a key you need when you ran out or running a key for a friend or clan mate who is after the item.

Getting a group together to do a Defense mission in the void. 20 minutes, so Frost. If you want to go 40 Frost and ash and such, 60 maybe need a nova. Now it's all 5 and out. Why would anyone go to 60? Nobody needs to even discuss the frames or make sure they work together anymore, nothing is hard at all.

Going to 40 when you miss your 20 minute reward cause you are low on keys. Pushing it to 60 when you miss your 40 minute reward and desperately battling from 55-60 and sneaking out by the skin of your teeth.

All this is GONE.

+1, it's a decent bit since I'm playing, and these are the reasons I did and enjoyed all these hours on this game. If this is gone, I really don't see why I should spend time on a game that for me will get boring and lose attractive.

Sorry, just stating the truth (and this aside not being even sure if my void keys got converted correctly....)

I was always recommending this game, especially for the cameraderie part... but I'm not going to do it anymore for sure, I don't see even the point. I'm really sorry, but I want my keys back, I want back the option of helping a friend or a newbie, I want back the option of having N drops out of a key if I want to take the effort of doing a long run ( rotations etc ), I want the team strategy that now has been removed... yes, I want the old void back.

And mainly I want an open discussion and devs/etc from DE to be present... obviously not with just the few ones from the playerbase that suggested / agreed to these changes during / at the planning phase. Sorry, but they don't represent the players, but just a very small %.


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21 hours ago, Shockwave- said:


key sharing. Getting a group together for the long farm for mag or what not. Now there is no sharing. It's individual. You don't even know if they brought a relic never mind which one. It's just you. How can you ever tell if anyone brought a raident relic or was just bad RNG? You can't At least you could ignore people who left a keyshare in the old system not do it again. Now the group can run mission after mission and you have no idea.

The WOOHOO feeling after  your group that has just run 15 T4Cs in a row gets their mag helmet.

Taking a newbie on their first void mission. It's all new. The tileset, the enemies, etc. It's cool. Now that just the same old mission on the same tile sets and then do the void tear once and thats it. A 1 minute void tear is the only difference in getting a prime. I remember when the void was mysterious and hard and like WOW I'm getting a prime. This system must be very underwhelming for new players, like an add on chore to a regular mission.

jumping on someone hosting a key you need when you ran out or running a key for a friend or clan mate who is after the item.

Getting a group together to do a Defense mission in the void. 20 minutes, so Frost. If you want to go 40 Frost and ash and such, 60 maybe need a nova. Now it's all 5 and out. Why would anyone go to 60? Nobody needs to even discuss the frames or make sure they work together anymore, nothing is hard at all.

Going to 40 when you miss your 20 minute reward cause you are low on keys. Pushing it to 60 when you miss your 40 minute reward and desperately battling from 55-60 and sneaking out by the skin of your teeth.

All this is GONE.

No words spoken more true then this the game complete went form trying to get a good team with frames that worked together well and making sure everyone had the right build aura and then in some games the team would go in with a plan that they hoped would let them go as far as possible. Now its just Go Tank or DIe Because that is how the new void thing works. 

And yeah I remember going on my first void mission I sow someone hosting a t3s and I was like o man what is that. And then getting creamed the first 5 min so it made me try and get better and get better gear and then i ran t4s for 60 min with a team and does last five min were the best because you had so much loot and affinity and the game just cranked the difficulty to over 9000 and the team had to struggle to survive and make it out.

Now its just for anyone who is mid game or higher and if you do not have any keys because your new or just fresh out of the one you need well to bad because you are not getting anything and are just going to lower the chance of other players getting what they want so they took a soma prime to keyshareing and team(frame) dynamics and pulled the trigger tell the clip was dry. 

And yep I have noting to do now, only thing left are raids and sorties and when your done left with noting fun to do so you just log off and do the same thing tomorrow run the raids then the sortie and log off and then again. And I am not a big fan of the raids so I only do a sortie and then log off. So as a long time player I have not left to do so once i get the second kevat I need/want, I will have run out of stuff to do.

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Starchart and regular missions are core feature of Warframe, we hope of course for some more regular mission types.

Void is just one tileset.

It benefits game when player have reason to use core feature.

Before update 80% of my runs was in Void, now it is more like 5%. This is much better since Void is just a tileset.

The look of Fissures could be improved. Maybe 1 central Monolith and 3 tiers in some distance which spawn mobs. That would make it less packed. Or maybe make it look it more like they teleport in squads (waves)

There is a problem with picking relic. Sometimes screen of choice is not visible (in group), often with marchmaking we need to select again our relic. There is no feedback if i have my relic selected. Dragon Key aproach is better.

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On 7/8/2016 at 8:00 PM, ra9una said:

Okay, first impressions: Slightly worst than the previous system. More of a side-grade really.


Having played a little more, I can now add a little bit to my first impressions.

The void trace system, while still a good idea, is even more flawed than I initially thought. First, the fact that the cap is 100 allows for very little "banking", you can literally only hold onto enough traces to fully upgrade one single key, which isn't something new, but something that's jump out at me over time. Second, the fact that the max upgrade is at the trace cap means that if you want to max upgrade key you're going to loose out on traces, (have 95 traces, get 15, you lost 10). This wouldn't be a huge issue if each and every trace wasn't so valuable. Void traces aren't as hard to get as I originally though, so that's a positive note. necros + slash weapons and knowing when the eximus spawn make it possible to take away a respectable sum of traces, they aren't however easy to get and you need a lot.

What has became much more bothersome to me, is the way keysharing works. Just like I mentioned in the first post, keysharing is easier and takes less time, but at the cost of being vastly less rewarding, even if it gives better chance at the part you were looking for, if being the key word. My main issue with this new system is that in the previous system you had four chances at a reward you wanted, but regardless, got four rewards, in the new system, you get four chances at the reward you want, but only get one, regardless of what shows up. Before, in a four run series, you got all four rewards meaning that it didn't matter if you got to pick, if at any time a key generated a reward you wanted, you would get it. Now, that isn't how it works. This appears as a flaw, at first, but can be contested by the fact that since you get to choose your reward, a four run series wouldn't give you four chances at a given reward, but sixteen! Nice! Sort of. The issue is that in a sixteen loot option run, where you do four missions and get four rewards, you also burn four relics, meaning that you don't really save time, since the time saved in running fewer fissure missions is burned farming relics. Let not forget that while each mission still gives one rewards, this will lower not only the number of mission we need to play to get one part, but the number we can! Since relics are no longer shareable, once your own stock is out, you can ask to run with friends or clannies. If a vault is coming and you've run all your keys? Tough. Let's not forget there are no more endless void missions, there are but not that give prime parts, which further lowers our income of primes. In consequence, this will require lower ducat prices.

What I have is still a very qualitative look at the system, however, I still feel it's reasonable to say the new system has made it reasonably easier to get a single part, while slightly neglecting the fact that we don't need just a single part, we each theoretically need one of every part. Additionally, if it is faster to get a part (if), that doesn't account for the farming of relics. The new system was implemented to alleviate void fatigue, since U8 I haven't had any void fatigue and in the past five days I'm already a little tired of this system. I don't think it's a total wash, but me personally, I don't like it. Which is a shame because the fundamental gameplay changes are fun.

I think a great deal of the issues would be assuaged if each player got a copy of every reward at the end of the mission. The constant repetition of tilesets would still be addressed. RNG would still be addressed by traces. It would address leeching. And the time saved in running the missions would make it reasonable enough to go farm relics for a change of pace in the gameplay. After that all I feel would be nice is to get endless missions back. I don;t think it's an ideal solution, but without drastically changing the system (again), I think it would make everything feel a little better.

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It's such a shame that they completely missed the mark with these changes.

Why not have a true numerical display of the actual odds of obtaining the item instead of some line graph?  Are the actual drop rates so abysmal that you are afraid of making players more angry?

You could have done something groundbreaking by including the actual drop rates.  Try to think outside of the box.  Give players what they want.

Making the endless survival and defenses into farming resources was a terrible idea.  You really should have done something interesting.  You could have kept the endless missions and allowed players to sacrifice the earned awards for increased chances at greater loot.  For example:  Let's say you're doing a Void defense.  You complete 5 waves and there's a reward.  At the completion of wave 10 there's another reward.  Your team is presented the option of sacrificing all of the earned rewards in return for a 10-20% increased chance at higher level rewards.

Not showing which relics players have equipped in the squad is terrible.

The omission of ducat values and display of how many of those items the player owns is alarming.

It is remarkable that DE developers stated that one of their goals was to make Warframe less grinding (bourbon List) and then DE proceeded to change the game in this manner. 

I really hope that you fix these problems that people have so eloquently detailed above.

Edited by (XB1)Zoltan6201
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Now that I've had some time to play more than just a couple of these and do them on a couple of different tilesets across different tiers, I'm ready to post some feedback specifically on topic in here too.

Solo void: I concur that there is an issue with the enemy not dropping reactants fast enough while solo. When playing grouped with four players, there is an abundance of reactant and we can sit around and decide whether to farm the tear for traces or close it within the first minute or so even with Axi relics. When playing solo, I got the tear to 40% in the entire timer (including the extra time granted from adding reactant). The enemies just didn't drop more than 4 total. I don't know if this is an issue with the drop rate or modifier or just an issue with the scope of how many enemies one player kills vs. four in the same timespan, but this is a concern. Failing should be caused by something we can control - i.e. we just aren't good enough. There's no way in hell I could have won this attempt. I didn't lose by a few seconds, or a couple of reactants... it just plain didn't drop half of what was required to finish.

Relic system and refinement: Overall, I am adjusting to the system and I think it's innovative and has some pretty good potential. It does need some tweaking, in my opinion, but I'm good with the concept now that I've had some more face time with it. It definitely needs to be more thoroughly explained in game though - this is something that can be added over time, but it has to be added. 

I think the overall drop rate for relics should be increased slightly if we are only going to get a single reward at a time, ever. I'd really like to see the ability to get multiple rewards from running a single mission return in some form or fashion, but I don't personally have a good suggestion on how to implement that. If we aren't going to get multiple rewards, then we need more relics coming in to offset the fact that we are principally consuming them four times faster by eating up four relics in the economy for four rewards when we used to get sixteen or more rewards for the same four keys in some circumstances. I know this change was made partially to cut down on that, and I'm not suggesting that it return fully to previous levels, but I definitely think that a happy medium should be struck, especially since there are now more relics than there were keys at all tiers except T4. 

Void traces: I think the cap should be slightly higher than whatever the maximum required for the highest refinement is, especially since these are a crafting component for the dragon keys as well. It's not good that trying to save up to refine a relic to the highest tier means losing out on traces in a mission if you cap in the middle of it. 

Overall, the system we were given and the system I had imagined from what had been described are definitely not the same. There is a lot of room for improving the fissure fight beyond one type of encounter, and I hope that you actually have plans to do so. I had the impression we would still have access to every mission type all of the time so we could still run the missions we liked to run while trying to obtain the loot we want. That is definitely not the case, as the loot is still locked to tiers and still in most cases to one specific relic, which means if I want to get that part at a given moment, I have to run the mission type that's active for that tier or wait until it expires and switches to something else. In my opinion, that's not conducive to a good player experience, especially for those with limited playtime, when some of these prime parts are only available in rotations for certain time periods as well. There are just some types of missions that certain people prefer over others. The new system definitely increased the chance to get what you want, but it's still merely granting the illusion of player agency over the process as we now have little pokeballs of fixed loot tables we carry into a random mission type on a random node instead of picking the mission type and getting a fixed loot table.

One final note, but it's more UI feedback than directly void feedback: It would really be nice to see how many of each part we own, and preferably the ducat value, on the relic screen and especially the reward screen. Additionally, the odds of each loot dropping per relic is nice to see on there, but graphs without units or any frame of reference are fairly meaningless. I know you won't put the actual numbers in, but coming up with some way of labeling the bars or designating a fixed scale that is constant across all of the relics and known to the player would be very helpful. As I saw one player refer to it on another thread, it's "Mass Effect 3" style statistics now: "81 Accuracy". Well, what does that mean? That's great if the scale is 1 to 100, perhaps, but what if the scale was 75 to 90? 81 isn't great at all anymore. It's a great step forward to have this info inside the game at all, please don't get me wrong on that note. I was delighted to see that you wanted to do that in the first place, and what's there is a great start. It just needs to have some further meaning and ensure that it stays relative to itself and meaningful across the board. 

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Yeah, ya'll screwed the pooch on this one.

For one, enemies don't spawn quickly enough in solo play, or enemies are spawning SO far from the fissure they're no where in sight.

Reactants just disappear on drop, sometimes, not to mention they're nearly invisible on Mars, or anywhere with sand, and having SO many fissures at the top of hills, is another whole level of BS.

A time limit to this is sort of thing is, just, .... c'mon you guys are better than this artificial difficulty nonsense.

Frankly, this has pretty much killed all the fun of the game for me, I'm down for tougher enemies, and more in depth missions, but this is sheer crap.

 I wouldn't be as pissed, if I didn't keep failing the mission, because the VERY last enemy spawns out of sight from the fissure, with less than 10 seconds on the timer.

If I had any power in DE, I would SERIOUSLY be watching whoever came up with this idea, ESPECIALLY if this is the same individual responsible for that BS Tennocon alert, they're alienating a LOT of players, new and old.

I'm not sure i'll be coming back, kinda feeling ripped off, for all the money I've spent on this, right now. I'll check out the next hotfix, but if this doesn't change, or at the VERY LEAST, get some additional time to seal the fissures, I'm done with Warframe, and my money will go elsewhere.

Not gonna lie, I'm legitimately kinda angry about this one, feels like ya'll are trolling us, and it ain't funny, not when players like myself have loved, and defended this game to the end, and given as much money as we can afford, to show our support.

EDIT: Don't go and prove a certain youtuber (whom shall remain nameless) correct. We'd all be disappointed with that.

EDIT2: It's been said, and I didn't notice earlier (I was already pissed enough), but I'm not happy about how many relics I have, compared to how many keys, I had. Straight up, d**k move, there, DE, now instead of JUST feeling trolled, and ripped off, I'm feeling like my 1000+ hours has been partially invalidated.

Edited by Azathoth0013
typos, and one more thing, and one more
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10 minutes ago, Azathoth0013 said:

Not gonna lie, I'm legitimately kinda angry about this one, feels like ya'll are trolling us, and it ain't funny, not when players like myself have loved, and defended this game to the end, and given as much money as we can afford, to show our support.

I couldn't agree more.  One of my clan mates said the same thing last night when I was briefing them on the upcoming changes.

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If the Fissures worked like Void Sabotage but in reverse it would make it a lot more immersive.

My first instinct was to jump through the fissure into the Void, but alas that was not the case. Maybe instead of using the Relic to seal the Fissure, you jump through the Fissure and it takes you to a special Void arena where in the center there is a Void Rift Machine creating the Fissure because the Corrupted are trying to save the Tower. The Tenno would need to shut down the Void Rift Machine by overloading it and the Relic would absorb the energy. Once the Relic(s) absorbed the energy the Void would start to collapse and you were given a timer where you could choose to stay and raid the room for rare loot, or you could escape. 

Also I think it would be cool to utilize the old void by having the Orokin Vaults reward you with Relics like the Derelict Vaults. It would make a lot more sense to get Relics from awesome loot rooms instead of low level mods and useless resources. It would give the old void a purpose instead of just Argon Farm. You could still get Relics from endless missions, and you could even have the Derelict Vaults reward Relics along with the Corrupt mod.

These are just some ideas that I think would be cool and would reward the players for playing in the void and also would reward the skill of players.



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30 minutes ago, DariusMcSwag said:

If the Fissures worked like Void Sabotage but in reverse it would make it a lot more immersive.

My first instinct was to jump through the fissure into the Void, but alas that was not the case. Maybe instead of using the Relic to seal the Fissure, you jump through the Fissure and it takes you to a special Void arena where in the center there is a Void Rift Machine creating the Fissure because the Corrupted are trying to save the Tower. The Tenno would need to shut down the Void Rift Machine by overloading it and the Relic would absorb the energy. Once the Relic(s) absorbed the energy the Void would start to collapse and you were given a timer where you could choose to stay and raid the room for rare loot, or you could escape. 

Also I think it would be cool to utilize the old void by having the Orokin Vaults reward you with Relics like the Derelict Vaults. It would make a lot more sense to get Relics from awesome loot rooms instead of low level mods and useless resources. It would give the old void a purpose instead of just Argon Farm. You could still get Relics from endless missions, and you could even have the Derelict Vaults reward Relics along with the Corrupt mod.

These are just some ideas that I think would be cool and would reward the players for playing in the void and also would reward the skill of players.




I can get behind this idea. Make the fissures, their own self-contained alternate mission, yeah, I like it. As long as we get this drop rate BS sorted out, for reactants.

Frankly, I don't care, either spawn more enemies, increase the drops for reactants, or increase the time limit, if one of these don't occur soon, WF is gonna loose a LOT of players.

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If nothing else is done with this current relic system, realize this:

There is no point to having three tiers of quality in relics. No one is going to spend just 25 or 50 void traces if they can spend 100 for the best odds they can get.

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