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Kavats Feedback [Megathread]


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6 minutes ago, DioBrandoTheHotVampire said:

actually there might be some tinfoil conspiracy 

like, they made the rates so bad ON PURPOSE so people would waste plat for cats, and when almost everyone did it - they would "fix" it

again, just  a tinfoil

isn't that what happened with kubrows?

frist extremely rare

after time passed drops got buffed

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It took me two days of playing almost excusively OD Captures to get the 10 genetic codes required for the segment. And then I saw you need 10 more. Per kavat. What the hell ? First you need to craft a key to go to a place you have pretty much no other reason to go to when you're a veteran. Then you need to run around trying to find invisible enemies. Then you need to scan them (which makes looting powers useless). And on top of that the chance is really low ? Can we compare with kubrows ? For kubrows, you need 1 egg, which you can get in 20 minutes, and bam, you're done. 20 minutes versus several days. I understand time gating new content, but this is ridiculous.

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Kavats seem to be a direct upgrade to Kubrows.

While the Abilites of these companions are fairly well balanced, there is a clear difference in quality, when it comes to the shared mods.


Kavats can use all the important mods from Kubrows. Even those that don't make sense, like Pack Leader since Cats aren't Pack animals, and 'Loyal Companion' since they literally don't have loyalty.


On top of this, they bring several very strong exclusive mods, like 'Swipe', 'Pounce'

and especially the game changing 'Sharpened Claws'.


On the other hand Kubrow exclusive mods are limited to 'Hastened Deflection' which is hardly worth talking about. Especially in the case of a Raksa Kubrow, who can recharge his shields without that mod.


While people are still discussing which is superior, Sentinels or Kubrows, with valid points on both sides, Kavats snuck into the debate and clearly snatched the victory. Take for example the Helios Sentinel and it's ability to create additional weakpoints on enemies. 'Sharpened Claws' is a clear upgrade to this ability and it's not even exclusive to a certain type of Kavat.

Edited by Walkampf
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My feedback is short and sweet - the Crit Kavat seems OP. My Dex Sybaris now red crits just about every shot. At the very least, it needs to cost much, much more drain. 

Comparing this against abilities like Vacuum or Dig seems a no brainer.

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My only complaint so far is the drop chance for the code. 260+ kavats and I've given up. Not 1 single genetic code. I did testing in the simulacrum and spawned 20 wild kavats at a time. Out of 60 kavats total I spawned I only acquired 3 total gene codes in a simulated environment. The calculation puts it at what, 5% to get that many out of 60? 3 / 60 = .05 which is 5%.

The chance is just too low. It needs to be bumped up somewhere into the double digits at the very least. 10% at minimal would be better than what the current drop chance rate is. The fact we end up needing 20 is a bit ridiculous due to the very low scan chance. You need 10 to build the segment, then another 10 just to breed a kavat. By the numbers gathered by scanning via the simulacrum You'd need to have scanned well over 400+ kavats to possibly get the 20 you need. Of course RNG isn't going to be so nice to everyone. IE: In my case I should've already gotten 12 genetic codes by the logic of 3 out of every 60 scans or so got 1 genetic code each of those scans. But I didn't. RNG for the chance for acquiring the gene code via scans is just making it a bit too out of the way and tedious. Given the fact that kavats uhh, spawn very sparsely too. At best I usually see 2 - 4 on average, 6 - 8 if I"m lucky.

You'd have to have crafted over 100 derelict keys by the math given. Thats a lot of resources and a lot of credits to spend on building the keys for it. 6500 creds per key 5 nav coordinates per key. If the percentage was just upped a bit more, the amount of resources and creds needed to just have a chance at scanning the kavats to get their gene code would be a lot better in the long run, especially for newer players who aren't going to be as stocked on resources and credits as long time players will have..

Edited by Cmdr-A
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1 hour ago, RS219 said:

Perseverance. And get a warframe that has some CC ability so you can pin the feral furballs still. I use Ivara because she's good to sneak around with, her Prowl actually pops out Kavat mods often from the ferals (it makes them aggressive though) and her sleeping arrows also make them stay still for that one scan (which nullifies aforementioned pickpocketing agro). Just keep at it and you'll get it. Vauban's Bastille is another good ability if you don't mind risking being squishy out in the open in a solo.

Indeed on the "perseverence". I myslelf used the likes of Trinity, Volt and Vauban to try and mix things up and not get burned out. I eventually found Vauban more useful in this but still, no DNA codes for me.

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52 minutes ago, Lanieu said:

Scanned 11 Kavats and didn't get 1. Under 10% is something I don't f*** with.


Proudly changed my steam review to negative :heart: 

Oh please, i've done 117 scans and have only recieved 4 gene codes, caved in and bought the rest though ;(

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1 hour ago, voodoo-EGT- said:

please change the way the rng works here.


Instead of a chance to get dna after a scan. please make it 100% and just make the cats super rare.

I'd rather not. The cats are very hard to find as it is to the inexperienced/new player, and if only one spawns per mission? That's practically a game of Where's Waldo there, pal.

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When I first heard about the idea of Kavats(Space Warcats) I was pretty excited(this was before I had seen any concept art of what Kavtas looked like) below is what I envisioned they would look like


Then I saw what they really looked like, as far as design goes they are quite unique and maybe as a collector they would be great to have but me personally I was disappointed, they remind me of a underfed cheetah or some house pet for a Egyptian Queen, not a killer War animal that's going to protect me. They also still suffer from the same braindead attitudes as Kubrows when it comes to attacking. As an example I was on Earth when we came upon a pair of feral kubrows, my kavat stood right next to them and did absolutely nothing when in actuality it should have started attacking them. They may buff you passively but it really is not worth the time of trying to get the genecodes or money to make it worth using, speaking from a practical point of view and not a animal lover. I have already gone back to my Sentinel after maxing my Kavat. There really needs to be a command structure to companions if they are to be the weapons they are suppose to be in my opinion.  

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13 minutes ago, RS219 said:

I'd rather not. The cats are very hard to find as it is to the inexperienced/new player, and if only one spawns per mission? That's practically a game of Where's Waldo there, pal.

Iam ui designer and i think this is just bad design. If i press a button, something has to happen.

A button with a 10% chance of doing something will just infuriate your customers.

Did i do it wrong? I did press it right? Maybe just a little harder? harder? Maybe with  a hammer? aaah with a shotgun :P


For me it feels just wrong. after photographing about 80 cats without recieving a single scan....

If it where rare cats with 100%, the clan could look out for them and call into maps with a spawn.

Maybe thats the reason we have the stupid scanner malefunction in the first place. :(

Edited by voodoo-EGT-
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On July 8, 2016 at 9:51 PM, BeastKing9 said:

sigh, so....

kubrow basic gene masking kit: 100k credits

kavat basic gene masking: 160k credits (and comes with more colors)

kubrow starter pack: 65

kavat starter pack: 95

kubrow egg: 10p

10 kavat genetic code: 50p

i think these prices need a rework already, and they show a real bias towards kavats.

You can use the kavat colors on kubrows.

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1 minute ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Hey all - please note that today's Hotfix will increase the rate at which Genetic Signatures are acquired on scan.

So if the rate for the Genetic Signatures will be increased, would there be any compensation for the people who bought them with platinum?

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