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Specters of the Rail General Feedback [Megathread]


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I posted this previously, but I feel it needs to be repeated in this thread.

I play with a controller on the PC, with the Y-Axis inverted.  If I go to any Archwing sequence, either submersible or not, Y-Axis inversion is turned off.  The option itself is not shown as changed, and to fix it, I have to toggle the option off, save it, then toggle it back on again.  This is especially annoying in missions on Uranus, where you can hop back and forth between Archwing and non-Archwing sections.

Please fix this.

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Welcome to NullifierFrame. 

Seriously. They even spawn on Grineer missions now if a Fissure is present. Because apparently, you hadnt already annoyed your players significantly by putting a large portion of your community in a situation where we will NOT run Corpus unless absolutely necessary. Now, we have to see these tactic killing, fun destroying annoyances EVERYWHERE.

Seriously, why dont you just  take away powers and turn Warframe into a gear checking third person shooter with parkour. Because at this point, thats how we have to play it most of the time in the later game anyway.

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On how to "fix" warframe:

There are a few paths:
- find a compromise that most people can agree with. So nobody is exactly happy, but everybody is kind of ok with it.
- have people vote and see what most people want. So the largest group is happy, but all the rest are screwed up.
- realize that you won't find a solution that will make everybody happy anyway, and instead diversify to cover as many niches as possible. But then people complain because the game has parts they don't like and "why do I have to download XGB for an update that brings nothing good to the game" and "why isn't this just a separate game" (think: Archwing and Lunaro).

No, I don't see an actual solution. But I bring this up because I see a core of people praising the new stuff, and a bunch that hate it... but those that hate it don't always agree on why.

As for me, I'm currently kind of ok with it. I have pointed my suggestions already elsewhere.

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Sorry about the rant, but it’s been 13 hotfixes already and I fail to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Still can't believe Specters of the Rail is real. In a single update, you guys manage to actually make every part of the game much worse than it was before. People complained about the frame nerf update a while back, this is a whole different ballpark. I know you guys have good intentions, that most of this stuff can be fixed, but damn, that's the definition of failing to understand what your fanbase want and offering a great update for us.

You managed to turn a perfectly functional star chart into a confusing pretty mess that's tedious to navigate and hard to understand … no color coding, nodes too small, unable to tell which mission is an alert/syndicate/invasion, etc... But hey, pretty! Worse of all, said new starchart doesn’t even fix the issue of the star chart being too big / having no meaningful rewards / being deserted for new players / giving terrible XP and credits gains all over the universe. You just went from a holo star chart with easy to navigate nodes to a more pretty system where you have to click on every single node to get the info you need,

You added tons of menial tasks to unlock planets, ensuring newcomers feel like quitting instead of progressing and requiring a spreadsheet to keep track of each individual tasks you need to complete. Making vets redo stuff they did hundreds of times because of a new progression system sucks too!

You rendered archwing unplayable due to vomit inducing movement and a camera that's way too close to the player, especially when playing melee...Plus I love how sneakily started charging for archwing slots and archweapon slots, as if we now feel like paying for this game mode somehow ?

You took the void tileset, one of the coolest and most loved in the game and turned in into useless starchart nodes with no more prime part drops, only useful as an argon farm.

Instead, we get a fissure system that offers bland "collect reactant" gameplay that's no longer fun. They also killed endless Void Missions, as you now get a single reward regardless of mission type... Even worse, it now requires 4 keys per mission instead of one per mission, with multiple rewards on endless missions like before...

The new relic system is one step forward and five steps back. Players consume way more keys now, and while it's cool that you get to choose a reward at the end of the mission, it doesn't make up for the fact that keys are being burned way faster than they ever were and that fissure missions are no fun whatsoever. Endless T4 was the endgame, what we vets did in Warframe... Now it doesn't exist anymore... And I find myself not playing anymore... Simple as that… Kill your endgame, watch your player base leave !

Also, some genious decided that new primes would require farming all new relics, meaning old relics are now useless for players that already have all old frames and primes... Add the fact that a bug ensured quite a few keys vanished from our inventories when the key to relic conversion happened, meaning all our past efforts gathering keys is essentially useless asides from ducat farming.

Raid is broken with near constant crash after every phase, yet 13 hotfixes and it's still mostly unplayable. Conclave rewards are now broken too, so that's another great move. Sorties still offer lame rewards and have the same terrible "pray to get what you need" system when they hinted for months they would implement a "sortie token system", which never came.

Credit rewards were nerfed to the ground, so was Draco, the most popular node for all players in Warframe... Now we have to level slowly in other nodes, which sucks. Us vets that loved to put forma on our gear now have to work so much longer for the same XP yield, making thing even more tedious than before. The so called “Mastery gives you mod point” system, which could have alleviated that tedium, is somewhat pointless, as you still have to level up your stuff to your current MR first anyway to start getting mod points.

All in all, quite a success indeed, DE. Killing void, Draco, nerfing credits, breaking our void key collection, breaking archwing, making star chart hard to read and tedious to clear, charging us more for previously free stuff. What's left on the back burner? Destroying Ash, the most played frame!... Can't wait for that! Hopefully those 2-3 new non replayable story missions in War Within will make up for the fact that everything that we liked about the game is now in a worse position than it was before the update.

I’m a huge supporter of Warframe, heck, I play on both PS4 and PC… And truth be told, I have no desire whatsoever to play the PC version anymore… I’m only happy that Specters has yet to hurt my enjoyment of the PS4 version.


I still think it’s possible to salvage all this … Make the starchart more readable, credit veterans with tasks they already did for junctions, raise back the amount of credits given as mission rewards, increase XP and Cash rates all over the star chart, distribute mods as end of mission reward all over the star chart to make star chart nodes relevant, reinstate the old void system, which would then coexist with the void fissure system, giving us the best of both worlds, fix arching’s terrible camera, make it so players can convert relics of the same rarity into new relics when new primes come out, make fissure truly endless , giving rewards ever X minutes like in the good old days, fix the raid crashes and implement the sortie token system you keep talking about and Warframe as a game might survive this… But if you guys keep changing stuff just for the sake of changing without thinking of the actual repercussions of said changes, you’re going to lose your die hard fanbase, those that support you and that care the most about the game. Listen to your fanbase instead of trying to fix what actually is working. There’s so much stuff that’s broken in the game, so many gamemodes with no meaninigful rewards, so many fully developed tilesets that are useless because you can’t just give us new carrots to seek in existing content. Good luck DE, hopefully in a couple of months we’ll look back and say “man, they sure turned Specters of The Rails around using player feedback”.


Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

You managed to turn a perfectly functional star chart into a confusing pretty mess that's tedious to navigate and hard to understand … no color coding, nodes too small, unable to tell which mission is an alert/syndicate/invasion, etc... But hey, pretty! Worse of all, said new starchart doesn’t even fix the issue of the star chart being too big / having no meaningful rewards / being deserted for new players / giving terrible XP and credits gains all over the universe.

An actually good suggestion can be extracted from here: http://imgur.com/a/pK0ob

Idk what I would like to be done about credits, but I'll suggesting to include an XP boost to alerts so that we don't have less incentive to turn to XP farms.

30 minutes ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

You added tons of menial tasks to unlock planets, ensuring newcomers feel like quitting instead of progressing and requiring a spreadsheet to keep track of each individual tasks you need to complete. Making vets redo stuff they did hundreds of times because of a new progression system sucks too!

And they went for it! They did so because they wanted experienced players to give them feedback on the system. Hopefully something more specific than it "sucks".

31 minutes ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

You rendered archwing unplayable due to vomit inducing movement and a camera that's way too close to the player, especially when playing melee...Plus I love how sneakily started charging for archwing slots and archweapon slots, as if we now feel like paying for this game mode somehow ?

Shame on DE!

32 minutes ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

You took the void tileset, one of the coolest and most loved in the game and turned in into useless starchart nodes with no more prime part drops, only useful as an argon farm.

Let's be honest here, it is not about how cool it is, but about the rewards. It is a problem! I would like to see void traces drop there, it kind of makes sense. That way you can get the traces to enchance the relic without actually playing the fissure.

34 minutes ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

Instead, we get a fissure system that offers bland "collect reactant" gameplay that's no longer fun. They also killed endless Void Missions, as you now get a single reward regardless of mission type... Even worse, it now requires 4 keys per mission instead of one per mission, with multiple rewards on endless missions like before...

People used to complain that it was an excavation in disguise... they will not make everybody happy -_-

Yes, relics are burn much faster. There is more farming of relics required than there was of keys for the same ducats... although, if they allow traces to be farm separately, you won't really need as meny fissure runs to get the desired gear*. By the way, if they do that, then people will complain that things are too easy to get and that market prices are too low as a consequence... they will not make everybody happy -_-

*: They would have to increase the difficulty of the fissure to compensate.

38 minutes ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

The new relic system is one step forward and five steps back. Players consume way more keys now, and while it's cool that you get to choose a reward at the end of the mission, it doesn't make up for the fact that keys are being burned way faster than they ever were and that fissure missions are no fun whatsoever. Endless T4 was the endgame, what we vets did in Warframe... Now it doesn't exist anymore... And I find myself not playing anymore... Simple as that… Kill your endgame, watch your player base leave !


38 minutes ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

Also, some generous decides that new primes would require farming all new relics, meaning old relics are now useless for players that already have all old frames and primes... Add the fact that a bug ensured quite a few keys vanished from our inventories when the key to relic conversion happened, meaning all our past efforts gathering keys is essentially useless asides from ducat farming.

This means that people who still have the relics may get the gear after the fact, this provides an steady supply of gear to market that prevents prices to raise*... It also means that we are better to change strategy to only farm relics when we are close to gear being vaulted.

*: On the other hand prices will start high because nobody has relics to star with, so now it is race to market to sell before prices drop.

Btw, they have been reworking ducats... let's see how it goes when Baro comes around again.


42 minutes ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

Raid is broken with near constant crash after every phase, yet 13 hotfixes and it's still mostly unplayable. Sorties still offer lame rewards and have the same terrible "pray to get what you need" system when they hinted for months they would implement a "sortie token system", which never came.

I liked to scort players to sortie to help then get credits... but that was nerfed... haven't tried again. Raid? That hardly ever worked for me, always connection problems, I gave up months ago.

44 minutes ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

Credit rewards were nerfed to the ground, so was Draco, the most popular node for all players in Warframe... Now we have to level slowly in other nodes, which sucks. Us vets that loved to put forma on our gear now have to work so much longer for the same XP yield, making thing even more tedious than before. The so called “Mastery gives you mod point” system, which could have alleviated that tedium, is somewhat pointless, as you still have to level up your stuff to your current MR first anyway to start getting mod points.

Agreed. Leveling stuff up to my mastery rank doesn't feel right because it has no reward, and the leveling isn't any faster either. Note: XP farms are now on Sedna.

49 minutes ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

All in all, quite a success indeed, DE. Killing void, Draco, nerfing credits, breaking our void key collection, breaking archwing, making star chart hard to read and tedious to clear, charging us more for previously free stuff. What's left on the back burner? Destroying Ash, the most played frame!... Can't wait for that! Hopefully those 2-3 new non replayable story missions in War Within will make up for the fact that everything that we liked about the game is now in a worse position than it was before the update.

Wait and see...

50 minutes ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

I still think it’s possible to salvage all this … Make the starchart more readable, credit veterans with tasks they already did for junctions, raise back the amount of credits given as mission rewards, increase XP and Cash rates all over the star chart, distribute mods as end of mission reward all over the star chart to make star chart nodes relevant, reinstate the old void system, which would then coexist with the void fissure system, giving us the best of both worlds, fix arching’s terrible camera, make it so players can convert relics of the same rarity into new relics when new primes come out, make fissure truly endless , giving rewards ever X minutes like in the good old days, fix the raid crashes and implement the sortie token system you keep talking about and Warframe as a game might survive this… But if you guys keep changing stuff just for the sake of changing without thinking of the actual repercussions of said changes, you’re going to lose your die hard fanbase, those that support you and that care the most about the game. Listen to your fanbase instead of trying to fix what actually is working. There’s so much stuff that’s broken in the game, so many gamemodes with no meaninigful rewards, so many fully developed tilesets that are useless because you can’t just give us new carrots to seek in existing content. Good luck DE, hopefully in a couple of months we’ll look back and say “man, they sure turned Specters of The Rails around using player feedback”.

Do the junctions for the heck of it, and come here and tell them how much you hate it. I understand you think they don't listen, I do think they only see the suggestions that are repeated enough times - they have said they run frequency analysis on the forums.

I like your idea of redistributing mods as end of mission rewards across the starchart. As long as we know where what drop where.

I don't think old void can come back. But a possible compromise is to allow to open relics by doing void missions at any time (regardless of fissure locations) and by doing so also allow for endless missions. It is said that we can't tell what is inside a relic until we crack it open... what if it had multiple times? We could choose reward each 5 rounds of defense, and each 4 of intersection. I don’t know how that may work with survival.

Archwing not only need to have the camera fixed (note: I don't get motion sickness) it also needs to have the minimap adapted to the new movement and orientation mechanics (it is confusing, in particular in open tilesets).

Relic transmutation is an interesting idea, I wonder how that would be done.

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9 minutes ago, theraot said:

they have said they run frequency analysis on the forums.















How many more threads should I post this in, do you think?

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1 minute ago, BlackCoMerc said:




1 minute ago, BlackCoMerc said:

How many more threads should I post this in, do you think?

For they to notice it? Idk

For they to take action? hmm... I guess at some point they will take action, doing something like banning you for spam.

I see there is a camp that says that just killing enemies is too boring and that they want tricky enemies that make them engage in the combat, on the other hand nullifiers - which would fill that description - get a lot of hate. Similary some people used complain that some warframe were overpowered (and in high demand, and that people expected them to play them in a particular way), and even more did complain when those warframes got nerfed.

They aren't going to make everybody happy.

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2 hours ago, theraot said:


For they to notice it? Idk

For they to take action? hmm... I guess at some point they will take action, doing something like banning you for spam.

I see there is a camp that says that just killing enemies is too boring and that they want tricky enemies that make them engage in the combat, on the other hand nullifiers - which would fill that description - get a lot of hate. Similary some people used complain that some warframe were overpowered (and in high demand, and that people expected them to play them in a particular way), and even more did complain when those warframes got nerfed.

They aren't going to make everybody happy.

Except banning for spam has the possible reaction of turning disenchanted paying customers into angry excustomers that migrate the paying customers to other games.

And in most ftp games the ratio of paying customers is small versus freeloaders sooooo a big no no of ftp games is never anger the whales that spend a lot on '' free'' games .

As long as the paying  whales are Happy then all is good since its only when the cash stops that theres a problem i.E. Firefall failure .

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2 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:














How many more threads should I post this in, do you think?


I prefer the Following for feedback 

Place prime access in cart and take picture , remove prime access from cart and take picture , purchase other AAA games and take picture and send pictures in a support ticket feedback for your spectors rail update .



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For the love of all that is Holy put 'Archwing' in the title of Archwing alerts!

I'm sick joining straight into an alert only to discover it is Archwing and having to quit out again. Tricking me into Archwing missions won't make me play that horrible game mode.

Also, glad you made endless (survival & excavation) fissures a thing... now just have to wait for a survial fissure misison to appear on a Neo/Axi Tier. In the mean time I'll just sit at the navigation menu and wait :(

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Endless Fissures is a great addition (hotfix 13), however there seems to be a very small chance of that game mode appearing and at a decent tier. This is an issue I have with the Void Fissures 'alert' system. Before there were something like 24 Tower missions that were all available at the same time, to pick and choose at our leasure. Now there are upto 12 available missions with upto 3 missions in each tier.

Lets say I wanted to play a Axi Survival, and let's assume that the full 12 fissure alerts are available (something I've not seen happen).
Rough maths (correct me if I am wrong);
Axi = 3 out of 12 alerts = 25%
Survival = 1 out of 8 game modes (Exterminate, Mobile Defense, Excavation, Defense, Survival, Capture, Rescue, Sabotage) = 12.5%
Chance of an Axi Survival being an alert = 25% x 12.5%) = ~3%

Every rotation there is a 3% chance (at best) of a game mode I want to play occuring at a difficulty I would be willing to play at.

Maths explained a different way;
Each Tier has 3 alerts with 8 possible mission types = 24 possible alerts per tier
4 tiers = 96 possible alerts
Therefore Chance per possible alert = 1.04%
3 alerts at desired Tier = 3 times chance = ~3%

There are actually more than 8 mission types so the chances are even lower. In addition, as of now there are 9 alerts, all are Mobile Defense, Capture, Exterminate, Spy, Sabotage and Crossfire so I would not be surpised if there is some sort of weighting to the game modes.

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8 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:














How many more threads should I post this in, do you think?

And nerf Corpus Techs and Shield Osprys. It's as if DE don't playtest their own @(*()&#036; game.

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Update: Finally got into a survival fissure. WTF!? There is no incentive to stay any longer than 5minutes, arguably it is a disadvantage to stay since you are effectivly wasting time when you could be running another relic, or farming for more relics. Honestly I hoped you had fixed that in the update. Sure endless is there, but nobody will stay longer than 5mins, especially in a public match with randoms. Seriously, I don't care if it just continuously burns any/every one of my relics per rotation as long as I can stay in and constantly get prime rewards. I miss the old rotation system, it may have been RNG hell but at least there was a steady flow of rewards that would justify staying longer.

THIS is a problem. The crux of the issue is 1 relic = 1 reward. As the system stands we spend a huge amount of our time farming relics then spend 5mins (or less) doing a fissure mission in which the enemies don't even have time to ramp up to challenging levels. There are many solutions that could be implimented here, but something needs to be done.

The corruption throughout the mission is nice and definatly an improvement on the old spawn camp.

Overall the Void rework is half complete;

  • Good - It's gotten players out of the Orokin void and onto other tilesets.
  • Good - It's made prime rewards and game mode independant from each other. Arguably this is not good. Why do a 40minute survival when you can just do a 2minute capture for the same reward? It removes time investment and skill.
  • Bad - Endless missions for prime gear/ducat farming doesn't exist. 1 relic = 1 reward, regardless of time spent.
  • Bad - Severely disadvantages solo play

Looking forward to hotfix 14.

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18 minutes ago, Lazarus-Fox said:

- “Endless” Void Fissure missions are now truly endless with the exception of Defense and Interception.
"Yet we forgot to make it rewarding to stay more than 5 minutes into it. Oops. We basically just removed the countdown-timer."

There are so many and easy ways to make endless missions rewarding again - without going back to the "Prime part every 5 minutes".
So many players suggested things that could be easy implemented:

- Void Traces for every additional reactant that you pick up, or scaling with time played in the mission.
- Resources for every additional reactant that you pick up, or scaling with time played in the mission.
- Increased chance for Deathsquads for every additional reactant that you pick up, or scaling with time played in the mission.
- Credits for every additional reactant that you pick up, or scaling with time played in the mission.
(2k Credit Caches for lvl 40-60 survivals as a reward ? Same with common mods like Vitality. Do you really think they feel rewarding?)
- Increased reputation for every additional reactant that you pick up, or scaling with time played in the mission.
- ...

You know where this is heading - there are so many currencies and resources in this game - rewards scaling with time on endless missions is a simple solution to provide content for players who enjoy missions longer than a 2 minute rush to the objective.

One last question to you, DE:
Why make fissures alerts and force them on specific missions and tilesets in the first place ? With Fissures 2.0 this seems simply - unnecessary.
Let us pick a mission - and let us decide if we want to add fissures in it by using/not using a relic ?
(The lowest "Tier" Relic "Lith" would be for Mercury, Venus, Earth - for example. Just split the Eras among the planets.)
Stop putting prime farming into niche missions, and make USE of your StarChart !


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Hi all, i don't know if it has already been reported (i guess yes) but i noticed a bug in pole arms holster.

I mean, Tipedo, Lesion, etc : my warframes carry them in a very weird way. They are like floating near the left shoulder, head to the ground. Think it happened in the Sotr update, but i havn't used these kind of weapons for several months.


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10 hours ago, Lazarus-Fox said:

One last question to you, DE:
Why make fissures alerts and force them on specific missions and tilesets in the first place ? With Fissures 2.0 this seems simply - unnecessary.
Let us pick a mission - and let us decide if we want to add fissures in it by using/not using a relic ?

They can't do that. Since people do not care about the missions and only about the loot. It would just be "Capture" missions all the time since that is the fastest available mission type in Warframe.

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11 hours ago, Lazarus-Fox said:

You know where this is heading - there are so many currencies and resources in this game - rewards scaling with time on endless missions is a simple solution to provide content for players who enjoy missions longer than a 2 minute rush to the objective.

One last question to you, DE:
Why make fissures alerts and force them on specific missions and tilesets in the first place ? With Fissures 2.0 this seems simply - unnecessary.
Let us pick a mission - and let us decide if we want to add fissures in it by using/not using a relic ?
(The lowest "Tier" Relic "Lith" would be for Mercury, Venus, Earth - for example. Just split the Eras among the planets.)
Stop putting prime farming into niche missions, and make USE of your StarChart !

I have made a similar suggestion. However I think that relics need to have a mission type associated with them to prevent (as ----Fenrir---- points out) players simply choosing the quickest and easiest mission.

The gist of it;

  • Tower keys can be used anywhere as long as both;
    • The tier matches the target level eg Tier 1 = level 10-20, Tier 4 = 45-60 or some such
    • The mission type matches eg survival, defense etc
  • Taking in a void key will make void fissures appear in the mission (insert some sort of lore about Void keys atract void fissures). Squad has no void key equipped = standard mission without fissures.

Loot Table weighting 2.0: Combine Rotation ABC into one loot table. At each checkpoint (5waves/5mins) a choice of 4 rewards is provided (regardless of squad size), the option is given to forgo the reward entirely, which in turn weights the loot table in the next rotation. If that were to stack 4 times (like relic refinement I believe) then 'best' rewards would reach highest drop chance at ~25waves/25mins. RNG might give you what you want on the first drop, but the longer you play and the more rewards you forgo, the better your chances. It would reduce the chances of the crap dropping at the higher levels, and still provide the option for ducat farming.

I would add that relic refinement using void traces can still be implimented but only on the capture/exterminate/sabotage (ie non-endless) missions. This allows the loot table to be weighted in endless via duration and forgoing rewards, and in non-endless via relic refinement. This balances out the amount of time for all game modes.

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2 hours ago, ----Fenrir---- said:

They can't do that. Since people do not care about the missions and only about the loot. It would just be "Capture" missions all the time since that is the fastest available mission type in Warframe.

Same with the current system - why would I choose a MD Fissure mission if I can simply rush to the capture target? You're right, this should be adressed.
Anyway - if we want to get into detail into a suggested system - ill post mine from a few weeks ago:

Relics can be used on ANY planet/location (including Void / Derelict)

Relics are not distinguished by Tiers, Letters, colors - they are by mission type / time.

  • "Alpha" Relics: Capture, Assassination, Deception, Rescue (and other "fast" mission types)
  • "Beta" Relics: Exterminate, Hijack, Mobile Defense, Sabotage, (and other "medium" ones)
  • "Gamma" Relics: Defense, Interception, Survival, Excavation ("endless" mission types)

They could also be set by Difficulty/Planet/Missionlevel - to prevent low level exploiting.
- just a rough idea - there could be "stealth" relics for Spy / Rescue and alike, etc..

Overall, very similar to @SoulOfTheHunter's suggestion - both are adressing Capture and low lvl exploiting, aswell as encouraging playing different mission types on different planets. I'd also like to point out that both give endless missions a purpose back ! - which was a very popular and enjoyed content, also because of the challenge it provided.

Not sure if the previous rotations or "primes every 5 minutes" needs to come back, there are other ways of adding meaningful rewards, like I've stated in my previous post. (Add lenses to that - we need another way of acquiring them - and getting them as a sortie reward is ..worse than cores)


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I don't know if this has already been reported or not, but I just noticed something with the new Archwing flight system.  When you're fighting enemies and you're flying either left or right while firing forwards, it becomes blatantly obvious (I was using the Fluctus when I noticed this, if that helps reproduction of the issue) that the projectiles don't originate from the gun, but from somewhere around the reticle.  There's also the issue that the animation has your gun pointed in the direction that you're flying (i.e. left or right), but shots are going forward.

I don't mind the new Archwing flight system (I didn't mind the old one either), but if you intend to keep it this way, you might want to have the animation team work on adding some "strafing" animations for shooting while not traveling in the direction of fire (i.e. firing forward while traveling left or right).


Also, on a completely unrelated note, please give us the ability to edit our default melee weapon holsters and allow us to move weapons in the Z axis.

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On 24/7/2016 at 7:13 PM, Rizilliant said:

We have 100 clan mates, and since update 19, NO MORE THAN THREE players are logged online... Thats on a GOOD day! Prior to the patch, we had 15-25 online at all times... It was an extremely active clan, and now, i have no one to play with.. Friends list, same thing.. A dozen or so, now sits COMPLETELY empty!  Anyone saying this update is not effecting the community negatively, is lying to us, and themselves!


Please DE, roll back this update! It doesnt even need fine tuning, its fundamentally bad, from the ground up...


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can i ask smth.why did you change the classic saturated colour's scale. When i wantto paint my warframe to black do i have to take uselless smoke colour pack,or saturated red, dark blue.it was good when red blue and the others colour was more saturated. the game has too many stupid bug and you are changing colour saturation?why? since you changed saturation of classic saturated colour pack,you should create a new pack which including these classic colours more saturated versions.or reduce the other pack's plat cost at least. maybe you think its insignificant thing but it s the part of big picture and it s important for our ingame enjoyment ty for listenin'

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