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Really DE? we are talking about how we hate nullifiers and you just... BUFF THEM? REALLY?


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2 minutes ago, TyrannRedeagle said:

If I am facing high level enemies, they are not coming to amuse me. They are coming to kill me unless I plan accordingly. I don't think a lvl 150 nulifier needs to be designed such a way that it can be easily disposed of by spamming a power key. So I am not bothered by this change.


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Just now, hazerddex said:

your not suppose to be able to do endless defense -.- you supose to leave or be forced to leave

How could we take someone seriously who defends Nullifiers and can't get the difference between your and you're? Who says that we are not supposed to do endless missions? It's in the game so we do it. If DE really wouldn't want us to do it then they would implement a definitive END to these missions. "We are supposed to leave" no, that's not how it works.

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Just now, Momo93 said:

How could we take someone seriously who defends Nullifiers and can't get the difference between your and you're? Who says that we are not supposed to do endless missions? It's in the game so we do it. If DE really wouldn't want us to do it then they would implement a definitive END to these missions. "We are supposed to leave" no, that's not how it works.

why do you think they endlessly scale and we have a stopping point? because we are suppose to get out of the tower honestly nuilifiers are not a problem unless your wasting your time trying to do a 24 hour survival 

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1 hour ago, SJunior said:

I think these new changes or, 'buffs' are a good thing. The game is way too easy as is. It's too simple to just spam abilities to win. Nullifiers are a good counter to it IMO.

And you can always flippin' use your gun or melee to kill them. Novel Concept but, it's indeed possible. The whole game's mastery system revolves around you being a master of tons of different weapons. Use a weapon.

And make sure to play a frame that's not dependent on powers to stay alive such as mag, limbo, nyx, banshee, nova, etc.

You're assuming everyone is tanky enough to run inside the bubble despite the bombards/gunners/techs inside, or to shoot the bubble down without dying. Even trying to shoot the bubble as mag is suicide, she needs her powers to survive, and she can't shoot out of her bubble like frost can.

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  • Abilities that exist independent of their creator will not be deactivated if the Warframe enters a nullifier, but will be destroyed if touched by the bubble itself. For example, Frost’s Snowglobe will not disappear when Frost enters the bubble, but will be destroyed if the bubble comes into contact with the Snowglobe sphere. 

Thank you!

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1 minute ago, hazerddex said:

why do you think they endlessly scale and we have a stopping point? because we are suppose to get out of the tower honestly nuilifiers are not a problem unless your wasting your time trying to do a 24 hour survival 

Uh, what? They show up quite early in T4 missions. Besides, they're all over the place in corpus missions. Is your answer really to just not play missions where they show up?

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3 minutes ago, Momo93 said:

I equipped something full auto, SO MUCH THINKING WAS DONE! SUCH CHALLENGE WOWS!

(hope you get my irony xD)

Oh yes, I get the irony. Its a lot of what I'm saying


5 minutes ago, Railgun_Alter said:

If your fun relies solely on being able to nuke your way through hordes of enemies unchallenged, then you should be elsewhere.

We are at a point where some player CAN and totally WILL chew through lvl100 enemies like it's child play. 
So having 1 single unit being able to disable only our powers suddenly breaks the game? 

You people just want the easy way out of it by erasing Nullifiers from the game. It's not going to happen in the near future, and hopefully, it won't be ever happening.


Some players. Not all players. I know I forone can't just 'chew through' level 50 enemies let alone 100 'like its childs play'

Actually, one single unit? Let me count the enemies! You've got those Cromba fellows that glide waround on space skates. They also disable your powers, with no idea of how far they are from you and disabling you. But notice how no one is complaining about them really?
There are a few complaints about the enemies that suck the crap out of your energy effectively disabling your powers. But no where near the point of nullifers. 
There are enemies that are specifically immune to powers. Typically bosses
There are those sentient fellas, But no one really complaining about them either, other than a post here or there. 


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Just now, Lord_Azrael said:

Uh, what? They show up quite early in T4 missions. Besides, they're all over the place in corpus missions. Is your answer really to just not play missions where they show up?

no im saying they don't get tanky unless your doing a stupidly long 12 hour survival or 100 wave defense 

you can easily kill them just man up dive in hit them then get out 

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Yeah... Nullifiers spawning on top of you along with several bombards is where I draw the line folks.

If you rely on self-buffs to stay alive it was already annoying having to switch weapon every time Nullifier gets even close, but them spawning ON TOP of you and immediately killing all your buffs/defenses in those void tear missions is just taking the piss. You fight one bombard meanwhile one nullifier spawns in instantly stripping your defenses and then the bombard that spawned next to him uses this lovely opportunity to murder you.

The spawning of tears better be tweaked HEAVILY.

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20 minutes ago, Railgun_Alter said:

Trinity's Link N' Bless joins the tea party



Pretty much this.


If your fun relies solely on being able to nuke your way through hordes of enemies unchallenged, then you should be elsewhere.

We are at a point where some player CAN and totally WILL chew through lvl100 enemies like it's child play. 
So having 1 single unit being able to disable only our powers suddenly breaks the game? 

You people just want the easy way out of it by erasing Nullifiers from the game. It's not going to happen in the near future, and hopefully, it won't be ever happening.

If they would just "disable ONLY our powers" nobody would complain about them......The problem is having that super aura which stops our weapons and renders anything not full auto useless. They are broken.

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1 minute ago, Momo93 said:

If they would just "disable ONLY our powers" nobody would complain about them......The problem is having that super aura which stops our weapons and renders anything not full auto useless. They are broken.

No they're not. You just can't seem to find a way of disposing of them and survive, that's what....

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1 minute ago, Railgun_Alter said:

No they're not. You just can't seem to find a way of disposing of them and survive, that's what....

Good job not even admitting that they do more than just disabling our powers and making it like I am the noob who can't deal with them. Legit.

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1 hour ago, BaIthazar said:

I just came across this thread and started reading... (so much salt, so much fun to read)
but I kinda lost interest in all the crybabies by the time I reached page 7..
I have seen a lot of good Pro Nuller feedback, but Anti-Nullers can't seem to be able to accept anything good that's said about nullifiers

I do think my favorite comment here has to be

"DE should be gratefull for the money I pay them, and they should do what I say"


It's so easy to call anyone who opposes you "crybabies", isn't it?

Why the Hell are you on the forums if you can't handle what people who disagree with you say. You say that "Anti-nullifiers can't seem to be able to accept anything good that's said about nullifiers.". OF COURSE we don't "accept" the "good" that's said about nullifiers, because we don't think the "good" is actually good. Saying what basically equates to "you don't agree with my viewpoint, so you're wrong and a crybaby" makes you seem childish and takes credit from your argument.

To counter your incompetence at arguing, I will add even more reasons why nullifiers are a detriment to the game, and don't actually add any actual difficulty to the game.

6: Enemies are programmed to shelter in Nullifier bubbles. While a Nullifier by itself isn't a terrible threat until sortie levels, the enemies that can hide within the bubble make the combo oh so infuriating.

-techs add a close ranged defense to the bubble, making it harder to do the slide attack without being dissected

-Moas and other trash mobs add fire support, and make it harder to hit the nullie even with the bubble down

-Scrambuses and Combas take the infuriation of being nullified to outside the bubble.

-Bursas basically get the all clear to rape your entire team as they go to revive your a$& when they step into the nullie sphere.

And you think the corpus nullies are bad with combos?!? What about corrupted nullies?

- Ancients take any hope you had of slide-one shotting the nullie with a slide attack and, ahem, nullifies it

- Heavy gunners provide immediate retribution for getting within the bubble with their knockdown and bullet hoses

-bombards allow for long range, nigh-unmissable target removal, have the slam heavy gunners have, and have health that makes them alone exceptionally hard to kill. When in a nullie bubble, they basically get to aimbot you whenever they see you.

7: Nullifies make the corpus a chore to fight.

Despite the fact that the grineer have the lion's share of the content made in game, the corpus are the ones that feel too built, thanks to DE's recent fetish with power nullification. Even Manics are seen as preferable to nullies, as they have a reasonably low spawn rate, don't nullify ALL powers, aren't immune to ALL powers, and have mechanics that, while difficult and perfectly capable of wrecking you, feel much more fair to fight. Nullies just feel like the enemy is cheating, magically removing all Tenno powers despite supposedly still not being masters of orokin tech, and then blasting you from your defensive position when you turn to face them. Any weakness found in them is swiftly patched out, and they combo to absurd levels with other enemies. All in all, they make it seem like the developers are on their side, not ours, which really gives the wrong vibe when the well being of a made-up entity takes precedence over concern for the players. Although we are just moneybags in the end: who gives a f@&$.

8: Nullifiers are balanced around the easiest methods to kill them.

This is easily the most infuriating attribute of nullifiers. This plays into the "nullifies are a gear check, not difficult enemy" statement I said to Mr. Bunny above. Assault rifles and some semi auto rifles are the best at killing nullifiers, while any other weapons (snipers, launchers, etc.) just feel wasted on them. Let me make something clear: a player should NEVER feel like their efforts are wasted in a video game. When people feel like their effort is wasted, they leave. It's as simple as that. Therefore, when the Nullifier bubbles take a chunk of time to take out in the best case scenario, it feels like you are being punished for not using weapons specifically designed to counter nullies. The max shrink rate, bullet damage cap, and regeneration of the shield practically forces people to use rifles, and, apparently, anyone who doesn't feel like using those weapons can go to Hell as far as DE is concerned. But, if you do use a auto-rifle, suddenly nullies become just a standard enemy. As such, they aren't actually any harder (or "difficult", to quote the thing you crave so much), but simply make any non rifle options simply non-viable in practice.

So there, those are the reasons we still refuse to "accept" nullifiers. Feel free to continue with your difficulty worship now..


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If my veykor hek worked on bubbles I wouldn't really care about them, but when I run chroma or inaros( which I usually do) I am pretty much forced to use my akstiletto prime the whole mission, I am not going to enter the bubble to melee (losing my buffs) and my shotgun takes so much ammo that I need to reload before I can dispatch 1 single unit.

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4 minutes ago, Momo93 said:

If they would just "disable ONLY our powers" nobody would complain about them......The problem is having that super aura which stops our weapons and renders anything not full auto useless. They are broken.

So they stop your one-shot powers which you are fine about, but you draw the line at them stopping your one-shot bullets? Double standard much? Did you know you can still shoot them INSIDE the bubble?

Edited by NeithanDiniem
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Why do you call challenging enemies 'annoying'?

Oh that's right, you're too used to killing everything within 2 seconds or so.

I'm happy with this nullifier buff, they already have very weak health anyway, by the time you slide in his bubble and press E once, he's dead.

Besides, it's the first thing we should watch out and panic for when we see it. (Love getting freaked out by a nullifier xD)

Almost all the other Corpus enemies (except Scrambus and Bursas) are a bore.

Heck, they're more fun than Grineer since those guys are just more of bulletsponges.

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2 hours ago, Slaviar said:

I think they're just as bad if not worst than nullifiers. With nullis you at least see damn ability disabling field

But it doesn't disable all of your abilities, just a type. It encourages you to vary your ability usage by taking away what could be your personal favorites.

Not to mention, Combas you can actually focus on and kill efficiently with most weapons, instead of hiding behind that ridiculous damage soaking shield that can also protect other corpus.

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2 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

1: the entire point of a nullifier.

2: If you arent running/gliding at the null to kill them inside the bubble, you are doing it wrong.

3: No, it makes bows and snipers useless against nullifier bubbles.

4: So you would rather every enemy use low-damage weapons while you one-two shot everything with your tonkor? double standard yourself much?

5: You have secondaries for a reason.

They do not limit what weapons you use, only the range of weapons you use. You have three weapons to equip, utilize them. If you are relying on your buff to stay alive, you aren't doing it right. Energy gain is a triviality in this game anymore, recasting a low-energy, high efficiency buff is nothing.

Everyone who don't like them is bad, we get it, I guess. You even defend the flawed enemy scaling design while jumping to conclusions about someone's preferences.

The bubble shrinking mechanic is bad design. You should be able to utilise any weapon against the bubble if necessary to a certain extent. Please stop with your bogus argument you never have to do so since there are very well situations whenever several of them overlap their bubbles in a way where even your lovely slide attacks won't do anything since you literally can't hit anything. Besides, I really want to see you to re-cast Vex Armor at 60+ minutes of a solo T4S after going in there with multiple Crewmen or even Bombards around you. Absolutes aren't always a good way to argue.

The changes made them more consistent in their own little world. Sadly, the rest of Warframe doesn't follow those rules. I like them and anyone who has ever done a longer T1 or 2 Void Survival should admit how dull it actually is without them. Still, there's no reason (other than their usual habit of doing things) to fix said inconsistencies without addressing the same problems on our end (like Snow Globe plus Bombard rockets or their AoE in general). It should be easily possible to make the shrinking more dynamic; hell, for some weapons even flat out scaled bubble health without the damage cap per shot would be better than it is right now (yes, I really wrote that).


18 minutes ago, rockscl said:

i cant understand how people really has a problem with nullies, they only demand from the player to have 2 working brain cells

Since you're so into denouncing other players: it really shouldn't take more than those two to see their design could be better.


5 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

Jat Kittag + ground slam = easy target. Use the right weapon for the job and stop using a screwdriver as a saw.

You really have to show me how you do all those awesome things or how you mod for it. It must be my bad config since I'm barely scratching a level 130 Nullifier in the Simulacrum. So please, tell me about that build to get rid of them at those levels instantly.

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3 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

So they stop your one-shot powers which you are fine about, but you draw the line at them stopping your one-shot bullets? Double standard much?

Yes, because they are supposed to only stop our powers, not our weapons yet they do it anyway. Really now, who has double standards here? Do Scrambus make your weapons useless? No. Does anyone complain about them? Hardly. Because they are actually balanced and would just need a bit of touch up to know their aura range...

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3 minutes ago, Momo93 said:

Good job not even admitting that they do more than just disabling your powers and making it like I am the noob who can't deal with them. Legit.

Excuse me, what? You don't even have an argument here and you're trying to say I'm saying crap, is that it?


Just now, Momo93 said:

Yes, because they are supposed to only stop our powers, not our weapons yet they do it anyway. Really now, who has double standards here? Do Scrambus make your weapons useless? No. Does anyone complain about them? Hardly. Because they are actually balanced and would just neet a bit of touch up to know their aura range...

The bubble barely delays them being butchered by a fraction of seconds. Also, you can outright kill them point blank and be done wth it.
You're just not willing to accept it. You only want them gone because you can't straight-up shoot at them.

Hint : They're hard for a reason. We, Tenno, are unstopable killing machines, so in turn, they have something that can hinder us. Deal with it

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You can always tell the people who have not yet done Void Fissures: They are the ones still defending Nullifiers.

You people must still be at work, I guess (its my day off). I am not. Try having FIVE Nullifiers spawn RIGHT NEXT TO YOU, AND all at once. That's what happens on Void Fissures now. As soon as you activate this glorified copy/paste Excavation mission, a small platoon of Nullifiers spawns RIGHT NEXT TO YOU, immediately eliminating your Frost Dome AND your power use. 

Its so poorly designed I cannot believe it was allowed into production like this. It HAS to be the product of a lack of sleep and crunch time that would have been better spend getting some rest and clearing your head. Because as the Fissures are now, they are barely playable and absolutely NO fun.

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