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Really DE? we are talking about how we hate nullifiers and you just... BUFF THEM? REALLY?


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7 minutes ago, Melos-mevim said:


ok and you are still forgetting BOWS a weapon family that is fantastic against every other unit in the game but is made worthless because it takes 12 arrows just to knock out the bubble.


yes any weapon can kill the nulifier them self really easy but you have to get in the bubble to do that, if you are using any low health low armor frame that depends on survival powers to well survive you are doomed to die if you go in that bubble, ideally you want to kill them from a far, but the bubbles since they use an object based health are immune to crits making any weapon that does not fire a thousand bullets per second worthless against them from a distance, forcing the player to have no choice but to run in to the bubble and get themselves killed by all the other enemy units when they loose their essential self buffing powers, when a corpus tech just looks in their general direction.


this is the real flaw with nulifiers they limit play styles and they limit weapon choices

Do people like yourself not have secondaries?

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Just now, LunarEdge7 said:

I hope the Hek is not the only shotgun you use then.

I use/have used most weapons in the game by now (shocker ;)). The Hek is my favourite shotgun by far though, probably because it actually does have range ;)


Just now, hazerddex said:

im well aware that you can use a shotgun at range but it still does not change that fact that the best strategy for killing a nulifier is to kill it inside the bubble  also your buffs can come back in seconds   i do it as chroma nezha  zephyr equinox   wukong all the time its really not that big a deal you can just activate your skill again 

You clearly didn't read any of my previous posts: having to rebuff yourself a billion times in a mission is just needlessly annoying (to a greater or lesser extent depending on the frame). They could just disable your buffs while in the bubble without actually taking them off, so they'd just be active again once the nullifier has been turned into crow food.

That would solve like 90% of my issues with nullifiers.

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1 minute ago, hazerddex said:

im well aware that you can use a shotgun at range but it still does not change that fact that the best strategy for killing a nulifier is to kill it inside the bubble  also your buffs can come back in seconds   i do it as chroma nezha  zephyr equinox   wukong all the time its really not that big a deal you can just activate your skill again 

You don't seem to comprehend the issue at all, like most of nulli defenders. 1st most people that dislike nullies are talking about lvl  80+ anything below that leves is trash, 2nd point is that no one on this planet has any difficulties with them, you just take high rof weapon and sortie3 corpus or 2 hour void is no issue. now about the frames you play Chroma first if you enter nulli bubble you get few shot by lvl 100 units, equinox 1 shot, nezha 1 shot, zephyr 1 shot.

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3 minutes ago, Melos-mevim said:


because lets say I am running mesa a low shield low armor medium health warframe against level 40 corpus, now without my shatter shield and shooting gallery buffs any of these corpus can and will kill me in one maybe two shots, I need these abilities up at all times to survive (there are many other frames that work like this) I spot a nulifier, now I like running for my weapons if we want an example, dread, ak magnus, and mios, yes I can run inside that bubble and kill the nulifier with one ht from any of these weapons. however once I step inside that bubble I loose those 2 self buffing powers necessary to survive. and instantly the nearest detron crewman or corpus tech, or hell lets say we are fighting corrupted and its a bombard, shoot at me and I die instantly.


I had to type that all out because you sir were un able to read my prior post that said for frames that need self buffs to survive they can't go in the bubble.


now I know what you are going to say next, "gee why not just use I don't know a more durable frame" and I will then respond that you are then proving me right when I argue the fault with nulifiers is they force players in to specific play styles and that in no way should ever be encouraged in game design

umm no you dont need the buff you survive for the 0.5 seconds it takes you to kill the nullifier  and nezha not a tank and i do it all the time with him same with equinox 

Edited by hazerddex
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Just now, Endgame77 said:

Do people like yourself not have secondaries?

oh yes I do, it so happen I also like my secondary to not be an insanely boring bullet hose, but in all honesty I prefer using melee weapons, I am just for all those who have not put more thought in to this problem beyond "they stop power spam and thats gud fer me" the perspective of other players out there, and its simply the real sin of nulifiers is they limit weapon choices and play styles to efficiently deal with them and as I said before bottle necking player choice in play style is a game design sin, you want to encourage variety and creativity in how a player plays a game, not smash it with a hammer 

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1 minute ago, hazerddex said:

umm no you dont need the buff you survive for the 0.5 seconds it takes you to kill the nullifier  and nezha not a tank and i do it all the time with him same with equinox 

really I would beg to differ the many times I have run non tanky frames and I'm doing a corpus sortie or high level void mission and I was killed instantly by corpus techs and other annoying units because of nulifiers

Edited by Melos-mevim
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1 minute ago, (PS4)bonateIIo said:

You don't seem to comprehend the issue at all, like most of nulli defenders. 1st most people that dislike nullies are talking about lvl  80+ anything below that leves is trash, 2nd point is that no one on this planet has any difficulties with them, you just take high rof weapon and sortie3 corpus or 2 hour void is no issue. now about the frames you play Chroma first if you enter nulli bubble you get few shot by lvl 100 units, equinox 1 shot, nezha 1 shot, zephyr 1 shot.

i am talking about level 80+ also i rarely if ever get 1 shotted nezha moves to fast any squishy frame will get one shotted if you stand still wich i do not

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14 minutes ago, Dimensi0nal said:

build pls

Can't post builds from mobile, at least not as a screenshot. But it's basically pressure point, fury, whirlwind, power throw, quick return, two toxin mods (pure and dual stat), and either spoiled strike or buzz kill or jagged edge. I use spoiled strike for high level, or buzz kill for lower levels. It helps to use primed pressure point and primed fury, but those aren't required. The important thing is to do pure toxin and use the combination of quick return, power throw, and whirlwind.

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Those who can accept this change never play high-level corpus mission I suppose. The spawn rate of nullifiers is way too high is these missions and most of your weapons are ineffective to deal with them because of the crappy bullet-blocking mechanism. If you try to get into the bubble it's almost instant death in endgame, in the worst case they may rush to you in a 3-4 nullifiers squad. And don't forget you may have to face the bursas and sapping drones at the same time. 

Edited by Marvelous_A
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Can I please one-shot their globes with bows and snipers now? I think it's a good trade off now that they can destroy a Snow Globe I spent 40 waves stacking.

1 minute ago, (XB1)CowardlyZebraV2 said:

Does anybody happen to know if Mesa's peacemakers goes through or not?

Last time I checked you can't even target nullfier bubbles to shrink it.

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10 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

Can't post builds from mobile, at least not as a screenshot. But it's basically pressure point, fury, whirlwind, power throw, quick return, two toxin mods (pure and dual stat), and either spoiled strike or buzz kill or jagged edge. I use spoiled strike for high level, or buzz kill for lower levels. It helps to use primed pressure point and primed fury, but those aren't required. The important thing is to do pure toxin and use the combination of quick return, power throw, and whirlwind.


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10 minutes ago, TotallyLagging said:

Can I please one-shot their globes with bows and snipers now? I think it's a good trade off now that they can destroy a Snow Globe I spent 40 waves stacking.

Last time I checked you can't even target nullfier bubbles to shrink it.

Actually the interaction prior to this is that Mesa would shoot at the nullifier inside the bubble but do no damage. So you wound up infinitely gun-posing angrily at the nullifier and burning energy for no reason.

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1 hour ago, NeithanDiniem said:

1: opinions. Everyone has them. They are not fact. Clearly you can see it is not a universally accepted thing.

2: The only high levels that would be a problem are sorties, which are intended to be hard, and high wave endless missions, which are supposed to be hard. Stop expecting the game to be easy forever in every mission.

3: Inside the bubble, Oh, we have multi-target melee attacks and timed grenades? Gee if only I used them...

4: Nulls reduce damage output to targets with the inconvenience of requiring you to take out an obstacle or go around the obstacle to kill them.

5: If you want to use a shotgun and Lex, you go inside the bubble and shoot them. Also do elaborate oh now the bubble shrinking is deceptive to what it tells the player.

As long as there are people like myself and plenty of them are in this thread now, people will be playing this game for a long time to come. You are not the majority.

1: Plays both ways, sir...

2: Since when did I say I expected this game to be easy? There is a difference between wanting to curb BS like the crap nullies get away with, and wanting this game to be cakewalk simulator. Don't go straw man on what was a productive argument.

3: Again, without abilities, you can be easily butchered by enemies in the bubble. If you want to roll the dice with your life by diving a nullie bubble, be my guest.

4: The main point is that they are too many eggs in one basket. They provide power immunity, buff purging, enemy defense, fire support, and charge protection all in one. Enemies inside are still at full strength while you are unable to kill them until you wait for the agonizingly slow shrinking to finish. 

This is assuming you are using rifles, of course. If you're using anything else, you might as well suicide dive the bubble for all the good it does you. Your team certainly won't miss you.

The bubble shrink rate is deceptive because the bubble will still be shrinking even if it took enough damage to die. Until it goes through the shrink animation, you don't actually know how much to shoot it, leading either to wasted ammo on a dying bubble, or not enough shots and a very much alive bubble. While you could claim that people should just "git gud" (God I hate that term), for a shield with a shrinking animation, the width of the bubble should more closely, if not exactly mirror the bubble's health.

But sure, just continue to continue to ignore how ridiculous the shield is.


Its infuriating that a single enemy makes around half the decent weapons in the game worthless. But that doesn't matter as long as you get to keep your damned soma and Boltor prime on top, does it?

Explained bubble's deceptive ness above. If you read this, you should have already read that.


And I'm sure the 30 tops people in this thread can support the game. NEVER assume you are in the majority opinion. I certainly haven't. If it's going to get to the point where we either accept the bullS#&$ that is nullifiers or leave this game, well... It won't be a hard decision, to say the least.

Thank you for continuing to kill the game,


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20 minutes ago, Dimensi0nal said:


Uh, just in case you aren't aware, there's kind of a special strategy with it. The idea is to aim at the floor *just* behind his feet. The glaive will hit his feet, hit the floor, explode, then hit him again, then return. If you miss you can still get the kill, but the higher level you go the more important your aim is. The reason you want whirlwind is that it not only increases the flight speed, it also increases the range. Reach has no effect. Power throw and quick return are what make it explode. Fury increases the speed of the throw animation, and spoiled strike decreases it, so don't use spoiled strike on low level missions. It takes a little practice to get right, but once you do you can one-shot him without taking the bubble down. This also works from inside magnetize bubbles.

And be careful when you throw it! If it hits something close to you and explodes, it can kill you easily.

Also, I use the glaive prime, but the regular glaive actually does the same damage. The difference is the flight speed is higher for the prime one. Hope this helps!

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2 hours ago, Ikusias said:

No Nullifiers aren't properly working as they are the MOST broken unit in the whole game, please go re-read the tons of post about them to understand why

no I read them.  I also fought them.  And they work as DE intended them to work - I'm ok with that.  In fact, I'm happy about that - as annoying as they may be, they create a slight raise in difficulty and awareness in the team setting, something that the game has been missing for the last three years.  

Instead of complaining, try finding solo and team strategies to taking them out before they cause too much "damage".  You might be surprised at what productivity can do for you instead of complaining.

Edited by Firefly0037
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41 minutes ago, Zoracraft said:

And I'm sure the 30 tops people in this thread can support the game. NEVER assume you are in the majority opinion. I certainly haven't. If it's going to get to the point where we either accept the bullS#&$ that is nullifiers or leave this game, well... It won't be a hard decision, to say the least.

Thank you for continuing to kill the game,


Also let's keep in mind that there's a difference between playing a game and supporting the game. I think it's pretty obvious that for the "support" to continue flowing people need to enjoy the gameplay enough to consider it. And looking at the overall mixed (at best) reaction Nullies are certainly not helping.

If the words would fall on deaf ears, I am afraid the wallets will do the talking.

Edited by EvilChaosKnight
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Something tells me I should go into the trade chat and ask for a Synoid Gammacor so I can have a null popper while still gaining energy from syndicate procs since I don't think the Rakta Ballistica is gonna cut it even though it can take out a null bubble with a full magazine worth of burst shots.

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